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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
I just had to listen to my girlfriend tell me that she will not call her "she" because "she" biologically is a "he" and that is just science. I'm literally dropping in here just to vent about it, and also look for advice. I know I should just drop it...who cares. But there is a part of me that is trying to formulate a logical explanation for someone who is generally a logical person.

While I understand that people get hung up on labels, I'd try to get her to figure out why she feels the need to police (harsh word, but it's true) someone else. I imagine she doesn't tell complete strangers how they should dress, so perhaps you can start a conversation around that. Has she seen the Bruce Jenner interview? That might be a good place to start, too. She seems to be getting caught up on the confusion between sex and gender (as well as the idea that science is infallible). Has she heard of intersex people? I believe that can be a pretty mindblowing fact of life for people who think biological forms are cleanly divided between sexes and that most science education doesn't sweep some people under the rug. Understanding how gender is a social construction (and a limiting one at that) is pretty important for grasping how trans identities fit into mainstream culture, but on the very basic and individual level, I see using someone's preferred gender pronouns as a sign of respect. To not use them is to actively disrespect them. It's like telling someone "My name is Suzy, and I would rather you didn't call me Suzanne" and then that person just says, "Nope, sorry, I will call you Suzanne because I want to." Most people would see this as rude, right? Gender pronouns are even perhaps more personal than a name.

I'm sure your girlfriend is very nice and, like you said, logical; however, it sounds like she could use some more information and empathy on this issue.

Dan Savage actually touched on this in his most recent article:

Thanks for sharing this quote/study. It makes me think.

I don't know actually. Let's go around the room and see? Haha

What are y'alls beliefs in regards to religion/spirituality?

Still figuring stuff out. I don't identify with any religion or actively believe in any kind of larger spiritual force. However, I respect religious people and find I often get along best with people of faith. I live my life with the basic mission of being as kind to others as possible and figure that if there were any kind of larger force judging us, that'd be enough for that force. If it's not, then I'm not sure I would want to be in that thing's cool kids club.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I was pretty confused about Asexuality too, and one thing that really enlightened me on it was Tofu, a documentary about sex. This particular episode deals with virginity, celibacy and what it means to be Asexual (and it is explained in a very good way, I think)

It's only 10 minutes long, give it a shot :p (it's kinda NSFW obviously, being about sex)

Pretty much, though doesn't mean it doesn't matter who it is with. There could be a romantic attraction or a trust element or any other things.

Hi Laughing Banana,

I partially identify as asexual. To be honest, I'm still trying to figure myself out, so perhaps I can't provide the best answers, but here's my try. Asexuality can mean that one doesn't feel any sort of attraction to anyone. In its most "pure" form, I would say that asexuality means that one does not have any desire to have sex. However, asexuality and sexuality exist on two ends of a spectrum, so there are many shades inbetween; people may sometimes call themselves graysexual if they exist in this space. For these inbetween people, this may mean that sexual attraction (and a desire for sex) only arises after developing serious romantic feelings towards a person. For others, it describes just a reduced sex drive. Note that homo/heterosexuality and homo/heteroromanticism are two different things, so just because someone identifies as partially or fully asexual doesn't mean they can't develop romantic feelings for someone. Something that I think people sometimes find confusing is that asexual people might masturbate. I've heard some explain this as being a sort of purely biological process (like a needed routine), while others have said they do it because it's pleasurable but they have no desire to have sexual intercourse with others. Also, just like how a person's sexuality can change over time, so can a person's asexuality. So someone who identifies as asexual may not always identify in that way, and the same goes for someone who identifies as sexual.

For me, I don't really have any desire to have sex with others. However, as someone who identifies as gay, I still find myself physically attracted to men. My natural desire or drive though when I see someone attractive doesn't involve sex. For me, typically, it stays very PG, with maybe the occasional PG-13 desire. If using the classic baseball metaphor for sex, I probably feel most at home at first base, maaaaybe second, but I'm also typically just as comfortable in the dugout. However, I also believe that I could perhaps see myself doing sexual things with the right person. As is though, apart from recognizing people as attractive as I encounter them, there is very rarely anything sexual in my daily life.

Although I'm still trying to understand myself, feel free to PM if you'd like to ask further or more personal questions and I'll do my best to answer.

EDIT: Reading your response again, I hope I addressed some part of your confusion. I recognize that I didn't address some of your specific questions, since I mostly spoke about what I am most familiar with. I hope some of that was still helpful. Sorry for the excessive length.

Much appreciated guys, and especially you kirby. I'll try to find more reading/watching materials that discusses asexuality; I am really interested in learning more about it.

Thanks a bunch.

Oh, speaking of all the Witcher talk in here, I have the Witcher 3 PS4, sitting there, unplayed, ignored... I am a bad person, huh, hahaha. I haven't played the previous Witchers so I am kind of wary jumping in, but eh, so long as it's there and I bought it anyways so why not.
I believe that God could exist depending on the definition.
I grew up with the background of Buddhism, so my view in God is usually different from others. That said, I'm not a religious person. I have no care about the after life.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Not spiritual but I'm fond of myth and mythology.

If I ever find religion it'll probably be one of the sects of buddhism. They have a neat cosmology and seem like chill dudes all around. My aunt is a practicing buddhist and she's da best.


I'm a naturalist. There's nothing supernatural out there in my opinion.

religion doesn't ruin people, people ruin religion

Not to go in too hard on a heavy topic, but I think this is plainly untrue. Holy texts tell people to do all sorts of awful things, and even benign passages can support disturbing interpretations. Sometimes good people treat others horribly just because their religion labels totally harmless behaviors, attractions, and beliefs as wrong or even evil. I've personally seen and experienced the pernicious effects of religion on otherwise wonderful people. It's terrible when someone is 100% convinced that they have to physically punish their kids for expressing themselves, or make them ashamed of exploring their sexuality and feeling affection, or shun gays as filthy sinners even though experience tells them otherwise, or forbid things like Harry Potter books or Star Wars movies or rock music for nonsensical reasons.

Kids suffer because of religious rules with no basis in reality. I've suffered at the hands of well meaning people who only wanted to do the right thing. The sad fact is that by and large religion doesn't equip people with the tools to do right by others. Humanism, tolerance (or ideally, acceptance), and reason are a vastly better foundation for a fulfilling life and a good character.
Oh well. I really didn't like Arkham Asylum or Origins Blackgate, so sadly I'm done with those games :(

That's my second favorite genre and the one that got me into gaming <3 I mostly play USFIV, SSB4, KOFXIII, MKX, Breakers Revenge, SFEX2 and a bit of DOA5LR these days. Depending on the game, I can be mediocre or pretty decent :p It's the only genre that has made me earn money for what it's worth.
I'm still waiting on the online update for it on Steam. I'm pretty terrible at it, though, but it's just so simple and fun.
I've actually thought about religion a bit, and if I had to bullshit being religious the religion I would choose is one I made up myself. Basically there isn't one god, but four gods. Which is based on the four fundamental forces of nature.


Gravitational force, Electromagnetism, Weak interactions, and Strong interactions. Without these forces the universe wouldn't exist.

This is basically a "nature is god" pantheist type deal.

Honestly it appeals to me a lot. I get kind of upset that people on this forum and elsewhere can assert that a singular god exists without any blowback. But if you assert that no gods exist you get shat on, and since we live in a monotheistic culture nobody seems to give the time of day to the possibility of polytheism. In my opinion a religious person has no business getting pissy with atheists if they are going to themselves shit on polytheistic religions by stating "God exists" as if it were matter of fact.


Jewish, and slightly more religious than average (I don't eat pork or shellfish, I go to services at least once a month, ect).

Feel like religion has mostly been a net positive in my life, and have even attended services in gay-friendly congregations at points in my life.


It would be a bad video :(

I don't know actually. Let's go around the room and see? Haha

What are y'alls beliefs in regards to religion/spirituality?

Agnostic theist. I just try to do good and be good. If there is something(s) or someone(s) out there pulling the strings, I should hope that is enough for them. And if not, oh fucking well. .-.
Aaaand we're safe from the images.

Caitlyn Jenner looks damn good after transition am I right? I mean the image is probably pretty photoshopped, but still!
I knew she'd transition well.

All that positive trans representation too, awesome.

She does look stunning. I'm happy for her.
Agnostic theist. I just try to do good and be good. If there is something(s) or someone(s) out there pulling the strings, I should hope that is enough for them. And if not, oh fucking well. .-.

Speaking of doing good and being good, it honestly really gets on my nerves how people today are all "why would God have a problem with X behavior" where X is something innocuous like eating shellfish, having homosexual intercourse, women driving, etc...

Now I appreciate that people today think God is on the side of secular morality, but really why couldn't a deity be against such things? There's no reason a cosmic superbeing would need to conform to modern 21st century secular western morality. It is asinine in a way to assert that he does, and yet that assertion is essentially made all the time.

And in a way that scares me. Because that means people are still doing what they've always done, which is use God to justify and defend their own moral feelings. People (in general) aren't cool with gay marriage or women driving because they think God is cool with it. They are cool with it and then think God must be cool with it. But what happens when morality once again shifts? God's morality will shift with it as it has done throughout the course of history. How flimsy is the progress that we've made? I think that given enough centuries humanity could easily regress.



And no, not joking.
So I injured my right hand at baseball. :(

I hit a solid one out to center-left, but as I was approaching first I ate it and landed on my (already sore) right hand. Now my thumb joint and muscle is sore, and I can't grip things well or open it easily.

It's been a couple of hours, but here's what it looks like now:

It's feeling a bit better as I've iced it and put menthol gel on it, but it's still quite sore and swollen. It's a good thing I was wearing batting gloves though, as the red gravel infield would've ripped my hand up otherwise!

I guess my left hand will be getting some use for the next little while XD

And yes, DOWN, that is a McDonald's cup in the background ^_^


Atheist pretty much. It'd be awful not to have an understanding of the cultural beliefs of other. Irregardless of my profession, being open, aware, accepting and knowing your own bias with regards to religion/spirituality is incredibly important.

Astral Dog

So i began to see a psychiatrist, a family friend as my mom didnt want to take me to anyone else, we talked about depression, family, school problems and a bit of homosexuality, at the end he started to talk about sodomy when my mother was there and he also said i must be a more devout catholic because i lack that and other things i was a bit surprised.

But it was not that bad i guess,just need to adjust a bit.

should stop with these updates, dont i? :p


So i began to see a psychiatrist, a family friend as my mom didnt want to take me to anyone else, we talked about depression, family, school problems and a bit of homosexuality, at the end he started to talk about sodomy when my mother was there and he also said i must be a more devout catholic because i lack that and other things i was a bit surprised.

But it was not that bad i guess,just need to adjust a bit.

should stop with these updates, dont i? :p

Your psychiatrist told you to be a more devout catholic?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
at the end he started to talk about sodomy when my mother was there and he also said i must be a more devout catholic because i lack that and other things i was a bit surprised.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you might want to think twice about continuing therapy with this... "family friend".


Caitlynn Jenner looks amazing.

So i began to see a psychiatrist, a family friend as my mom didnt want to take me to anyone else, we talked about depression, family, school problems and a bit of homosexuality, at the end he started to talk about sodomy when my mother was there and he also said i must be a more devout catholic because i lack that and other things i was a bit surprised.

But it was not that bad i guess,just need to adjust a bit.

should stop with these updates, dont i? :p

That's not what a Psychiatrist do, go see a regular one instead.


I don't believe in supernatural stuff, so because of that I'm an atheist.

I'm still waiting on the online update for it on Steam. I'm pretty terrible at it, though, but it's just so simple and fun.
Yeah! Finding it very fun too - but since I can't play against "real" opponents (my friends don't count because they're also DOA-illiterate, lol), I get the feeling that I'm just bashing buttons. So yeah, can't wait for the online update! :p


Humanist, I think.


I don't subscribe to a religion, but definitely believe in a higher/greater power, although I wouldn't/don't necessarily refer to it as 'god'. I consider myself more spiritual than anything.

So i began to see a psychiatrist, a family friend as my mom didnt want to take me to anyone else, we talked about depression, family, school problems and a bit of homosexuality, at the end he started to talk about sodomy when my mother was there and he also said i must be a more devout catholic because i lack that and other things i was a bit surprised.

But it was not that bad i guess,just need to adjust a bit.

should stop with these updates, dont i? :p

this does not sound like a real psychiatrist


So i began to see a psychiatrist, a family friend as my mom didnt want to take me to anyone else, we talked about depression, family, school problems and a bit of homosexuality, at the end he started to talk about sodomy when my mother was there and he also said i must be a more devout catholic because i lack that and other things i was a bit surprised.

But it was not that bad i guess,just need to adjust a bit.

should stop with these updates, dont i? :p

that's not a real psychiatrist

speaking of psychiatrist, i just decided a few minutes ago to seeing one. I'm going tomorrow
So i began to see a psychiatrist, a family friend as my mom didnt want to take me to anyone else, we talked about depression, family, school problems and a bit of homosexuality, at the end he started to talk about sodomy when my mother was there and he also said i must be a more devout catholic because i lack that and other things i was a bit surprised.

But it was not that bad i guess,just need to adjust a bit.

should stop with these updates, dont i? :p

please see a real psychiatrist

Astral Dog

he seems like a nice person that wants to help and has experience, its not like i have many options anyway just some of the words he said were weird , certainly i was not expecting to be told to go to the church and stop "sodomizing myself"


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
He probably is a nice person, but he's also acting as a mouthpiece for your mother who, unless I miss my guess, probably has a fundamentalist view of gays and is totally not okay with your homosexuality even if she doesn't show it.

Generally speaking, your therapist shouldn't be involved with your family because how else can you make sure they will treat you objectively and without bias? Him being a "family friend" already raises all kinds of alarms... and a therapist shouldn't be accusing you of sodomy.

That's a deacon's job.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
So i began to see a psychiatrist, a family friend as my mom didnt want to take me to anyone else, we talked about depression, family, school problems and a bit of homosexuality, at the end he started to talk about sodomy when my mother was there and he also said i must be a more devout catholic because i lack that and other things i was a bit surprised.

But it was not that bad i guess,just need to adjust a bit.

should stop with these updates, dont i? :p

Like everyone else said, that doesn't sound like a psychiatrist at all. Did they use the word "sodomy"? (EDIT: Sounds like they did.) That strikes me as incredibly odd, given its biblical roots and (in the US) history of unconstitutional law. Also, your mother was with you? Was this family counseling? If not, then I'm 99.99999% certain that's not how a psychiatrist should ever seek to establish a relationship with a new patient. Even with legal minors, I've never really heard of that. What's discussed between a doctor and a patient is supposed to be confidential, and to mention sex while your mom is there is just not how this should happen unless they're actively trying to put you on the spot. To be honest, it sounds like this psychiatrist was pushing an agenda on you and perhaps doing your mom a favor, like an "intervention" backed by the authority of their degree. Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself, but if that's the case, that sounds incredibly unprofessional and potentially even an abuse of their position as a doctor. I'm not the most informed about this, but I'm pretty certain a psychiatrist should first meet with the patient until they have a solid understanding of the patient's situation and then, once that has been achieved, assist the patient in meeting the needs the patient identified him/herself with the help of the psychiatrist. (In the case of severe or dangerous mental health issues, I believe there may be exceptions at first that seek to ensure the safety of the patient and those around them.) Maybe I'm confusing this with a clinical psychologist, but I don't think they could be that different...

I know I went a bit "worst case scenario" interpretation up there, so hopefully it's not as bad as I read it to be.

Please keep posting updates. Can't speak for everyone, but I care about your situation.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I took the liberty of looking through your posts here and found out that you are college age. If this is correct, it means you're legally an adult and under the HIPAA, you have almost complete legal control over the information that goes between you and your therapist. Unless you signed some kind of consent form, your mother is likely breaking the law by physically attending your therapy session, and so is this therapist for allowing her to attend.


Top 'o the page hawtness! #hardwork #dedication #feministagenda





What does it involve, exactly? :O
In the present? Not too much beyond my delving deep into the experiences of others, sating my curiosity, deepening my spiritual exploration through things such as meditation, and celebrating as much of the lived experience and history as I can through the written word.

In the future? Meaningful rituals for myself and others (libations, offerings, and so on), even if I'm baseline skeptical about any power involved in them :). If nature is actually subtly animate and wishes to honor me by ... I would be the first to rejoice and accept that. But I don't pray in expectance of answer. I pray and venerate and ritualize because it represents a more authentic and vibrant me who's in love with life and the universe she finds herself in.

Astral Dog

I took the liberty of looking through your posts here and found out that you are college age. If this is correct, it means you're legally an adult and under the HIPAA, you have almost complete legal control over the information that goes between you and your therapist. Unless you signed some kind of consent form, your mother is likely breaking the law by physically attending your therapy session, and so is this therapist for allowing her to attend.

thanks, i will be more careful, cant completely trust this person yet


Hunky Nostradamus
In the present? Not too much beyond my delving deep into the experiences of others, sating my curiosity, deepening my spiritual exploration through things such as meditation, and celebrating as much of the lived experience and history as I can through the written word.

In the future? Meaningful rituals for myself and others (libations, offerings, and so on), even if I'm baseline skeptical about any power involved in them :). If nature is actually subtly animate and wishes to honor me by ... I would be the first to rejoice and accept that. But I don't pray in expectance of answer. I pray and venerate and ritualize because it represents a more authentic and vibrant me who's in love with life and the universe she finds herself in.

Whoa, sounds cool! Do you see yourself ever graduating to spells and the like?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I'm still waiting on the online update for it on Steam. I'm pretty terrible at it, though, but it's just so simple and fun.

Netcodes going to be horrible anyway if the console versions repeat themselves. Just start playing now.

Though it seems my title getting has been broken since I've "played" longer than 50 days and still don't have the 50 days check-in/played title.


Whoa, sounds cool! Do you see yourself ever graduating to spells and the like?
As with any of the other rituals I have no expectation of there being something gleaned from it beyond personal significance... but I would love to participate in that. Maybe even pen and forage some of my own :)
Top 'o the page hawtness! #hardwork #dedication #feministagenda

Last edited by Bo; Today at 12:05 AM. Reason: Partner had a bunch of cute lesbeans to post! (totes put her up to it)

She's such a slave driver...

Whoa, sounds cool! Do you see yourself ever graduating to spells and the like?

Spells and rituals are just different forms of prayer. Think less Harry Potter and more of a plea.


Hunky Nostradamus
As with any of the other rituals I have no expectation of there being something gleaned from it beyond personal significance... but I would love to participate in that. Maybe even pen and forage some of my own :)

That's an interesting way of approaching it. I hope it works out for you. :3


She's such a slave driver...
I know, right? I was so pure and angelic before I met her.

That's an interesting way of approaching it. I hope it works out for you. :D
I'm totes nudging at my partner to share her experiences with it too (vaguely similar place in the present, though her beginnings in witchcraft very much don't mirror my own). She's a lot more practical experience than I :)
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