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I get surprisingly little hate for it :p
Oh gawd.

No but really, GAF hates Sticker Star so much. The game is not perfect, but not being a RPG is not a flaw. Not being like the first two games is not a flaw. I accept legit criticism about what Sticker Star is, but not about what it's not.

About The Order: I'm basically a reverse graphics whore, I can play fancy stuff on my PC and then go back to WonderSwan or NES, or PS1 since some people think it aged badly. And to say I'm a gameplay-first gamer would be an understatement - I don't care one bit about narrative in games (it's okay if it's there and I might enjoy it, but I don't need it and very often it gets in the way). On top of that, the only shooters I play are shmups :p So basically you'd have to pay me to play The Order. I feel like I'd enjoy it as much as I enjoyed Heavy Rain 🙊
What good is amazing graphics if the overall presentation sucks?.
The Order has terrible presentation across the board it looks good but leaves much to be desired.

Witcher 3 is a overall good game and even with the "downgrade" it still looks impressive.
At the end of the day I will take a fun game with an immersive experience over AAA visuals.
What good is amazing graphics if the overall presentation sucks?.
The Order has terrible presentation across the board it looks good but leaves much to be desired.

Witcher 3 is a overall good game and even with the "downgrade" it still looks impressive.
At the end of the day I will take a fun game with an immersive experience over AAA visuals.

It's annoying when blatant lies and outright misinformation has hundreds of upvotes on a reddit thread.

Witcher 3 is a overall good game and even with the "downgrade" it still looks impressive.
At the end of the day I will take a fun game with an immersive experience over AAA visuals.

Are we really saying that Witcher 3 doesn't have AAA visuals?


Shoutout to BioShock Infinite. I put it at number 2 for 2013 (it was 3, but now I count GTA V 2014 as a different year). Burial at Sea is my favorite DLC I've ever played and I'd love to see them add some new polish with a remaster.
I think you just need to let it go. You're far too aggressive about your stance on the game on gaming side and in here, we get it, you don't really like the game. Some people do, it's really not something to overthink and stress about.

You can be baffled why people would be attached to such a game, but it makes sense. Regardless of how you feel about the quality, it obviously resonates with people to give it such claim. One of my favorite games of all time is Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon on N64. Sure, it's janky as hell and even when it was released it wasn't that impressive looking, but it doesn't matter. Game is stellar because of what I got out of it and that's enough for me.

I actually understand people liking a game with acknowledgeable flaws, but I can't get away from the Witcher 3 even if I were done playing it and was ready to, and I find many willing to debate any given flaw brought up. It comes back up here, it
comes up in the best graphics thread (which is a thread MADE for me), and I still need to know stuff about it in its OT while I work through it.

I love Enter the Matrix, but know it is flawed and wouldn't make claims trying to dispute mention of them. Witcher 3 somehow is not just loved, but has the largest deflective following I've seen who make claims of its status and achievement I can't comprehend (thankfully I am not alone). I also just plain enjoy expressing my disagreement with particular praises about it. Launch times aren't that great to me when it becomes a string of crowning praise. I love Fury Road and I also love when the OT for it stops being a string of "WOW. This movie. Unbelievable guys." My number of W3 posts dwindles in proportion to the launch fanfare of the game, so I'll have moved along soon.


Speaking of reddit, every single time there's a thread related to Kung Jin being gay on /r/MortalKombat, some people will go all "who cares, let's not talk about this! It's not important, it's like making a big deal about Kano being Australian!". But seeing the actually sensible comments get more upvotes, on a subreddit about freaking Mortal Kombat, will never cease being incredible to me, lol. Who would have thought this fanbase would be progressive? Especially on reddit.


Just want to comment on Dark Souls 2, I'm currently playing it on PS4 and it's fantastic. I'm enjoying it more than the first game so far, probably because of the lack of framerate issues that the first one had. The Witcher 3 has been set aside until more of the kinks get worked out of the game.

I preordered Elder Scrolls Online since it has no monthly fee. Think I can get my sporadic online gaming fix addressed with it.

It's a great game. Currently have 110 hours, level 232, 8 million soul memory, it's been the only game I've played.

Yesterday I was pretty much farming for Twinkling titanites to upgrade equipment. The DLC feels like an afterthought though, especially when they love throwing hords of strong enemies at you.
Shoutout to BioShock Infinite. I put it at number 2 for 2013 (it was 3, but now I count GTA V 2014 as a different year). Burial at Sea is my favorite DLC I've ever played and I'd love to see them add some new polish with a remaster.

I actually understand people liking a game with acknowledgeable flaws, but I can't get away from the Witcher 3 even if I were done playing it and was ready to, and I find many willing to debate any given flaw brought up. It comes back up here, it
comes up in the best graphics thread (which is a thread MADE for me), and I still need to know stuff about it in its OT while I work through it.

I love Enter the Matrix, but know it is flawed and wouldn't make claims trying to dispute mention of them. Witcher 3 somehow is not just loved, but has the largest deflective following I've seen who make claims of its status and achievement I can't comprehend (thankfully I am not alone). I also just plain enjoy expressing my disagreement with particular praises about it. Launch times aren't that great to me when it becomes a string of crowning praise. I love Fury Road and I also love when the OT for it stops being a string of "WOW. This movie. Unbelievable guys." My number of W3 posts dwindles in proportion to the launch fanfare of the game, so I'll have moved along soon.

Burial at Sea is amazing.

I didn't understand all the hype behind the Witcher before 3 came out. But now having played through some of 3 and getting to know the lore, backstory and why people love this franchise because of it's roots, I get it. It's easy to defend and stan something that is tied in other forms of media, especially when it's a building franchise.
Speaking of reddit, every single time there's a thread related to Kung Jin being gay on /r/MortalKombat, some people will go all "who cares, let's not talk about this! It's not important, it's like making a big deal about Kano being Australian!". But seeing the actually sensible comments get more upvotes, on a subreddit about freaking Mortal Kombat, will never cease being incredible to me, lol. Who would have thought this fanbase would be progressive? Especially on reddit.

Yeah I think people try to play off wanting a DADT policy as them being progressive. A characters sexuality I suppose shouldn't be a big deal, but just because you don't give a fuck doesn't mean actual gay people shouldn't get excited at having some media representation.

Edit: and yes, gays do have a lot of media representation already. However, I still like seeing a gay character in a specific work that I enjoy. Bonus points if they are playable. Wanting to play as a character with similar traits is human.


Troy Baker is looking amazing. To think he's 39, but the more he ages the better he looks!! :3


He'll be voicing Nate's brother in U4.


Oh gawd.

No but really, GAF hates Sticker Star so much. The game is not perfect, but not being a RPG is not a flaw. Not being like the first two games is not a flaw. I accept legit criticism about what Sticker Star is, but not about what it's not.
I think it's because it's a 'bad' Nintendo game. Those who wanted something else are up in arms and those who hate Nintendo get ammunition. Bad Sonic game is like water is wet, let's discuss if his eyes are green.

Similarly The Order was supposed to be a big PS4 exclusive and gets the same treatment Ryse, Killzone 2 etc. got.
In so far as gameplay and presentation goes (and the clear amount of work and love they put into making it), Burial at Sea is amazing. But from a story perspective, I fucking hated it. I pretend it doesn't exist as canon to the story personally. I like the ending of Infinite far more as a way to conclude the game.
Turning Infinite into a prequel to the first Bioshock didn't sit right with me at all.


I definitely sort of have a thing for Troy Baker...


Troy Baker is looking amazing. To think he's 39, but the more he ages the better he looks!! :3
He'll be voicing Nate's brother in U4.
I actually disagree, I think he's gotten less handsome, and the weird white trash backwoods beard thing he's got going on doesn't suit his face at all.
Also he voices anyone and everyone, and despite how much I liked his voice acting at first i'm frankly quite bored of hearing him in every game with a male protagonist.

I'm usually really attracted to the look he is TRYING to go for, but it doesn't work for him, at all.
I don't know actually. Let's go around the room and see? Haha

What are y'alls beliefs in regards to religion/spirituality?

I'm pansexual and atheist, but I can definitely see why religion's a thing and I have a feeling it's not going away anytime soon. That being said, I think future religions (as in, distant future) are going to be more about moving the goalposts and function more as communally-charged ways of life rather than being rooted in attempting to demystify creation or anything similar. I've been meaning to make a thread about it, actually.

I've actually thought about religion a bit, and if I had to bullshit being religious the religion I would choose is one I made up myself. Basically there isn't one god, but four gods. Which is based on the four fundamental forces of nature.


Gravitational force, Electromagnetism, Weak interactions, and Strong interactions. Without these forces the universe wouldn't exist.

This is basically a "nature is god" pantheist type deal.

Honestly it appeals to me a lot. I get kind of upset that people on this forum and elsewhere can assert that a singular god exists without any blowback. But if you assert that no gods exist you get shat on, and since we live in a monotheistic culture nobody seems to give the time of day to the possibility of polytheism. In my opinion a religious person has no business getting pissy with atheists if they are going to themselves shit on polytheistic religions by stating "God exists" as if it were matter of fact.

I've always thought this type of stuff was neat and more the direction it'd go in, adding to my point above - even if those fundamental forces didn't have explicitly laid-out avatars or personalities or whatever, they do still share such quintessential tenets with physics that it's easy to see how someone could consider them to be "gods."

I have a similar point in one of my novels (set incomprehensibly far in the future of a fictitious universe) where a more peaceful / passive take on the "enigmatic precursor race" creates a self-contained, inside-out world that eventually cultivates in various populations of sapient races, and one of the characters is particularly pious. On the other hand, another character is more of a militant atheist type, but the religious character's rationale is essentially "if one [precursor] could give birth to such an efficient, practically flawless sandbox within the world, despite having to operate in such inefficient, entropy-laden mediums that the universe became, is it really so far-fetched to believe that something similar could have created our universe using marginally less effective means?"


I'm pansexual and atheist, but I can definitely see why religion's a thing and I have a feeling it's not going away anytime soon. That being said, I think future religions (as in, distant future) are going to be more about moving the goalposts and function more as communally-charged ways of life rather than being rooted in attempting to demystify creation or anything similar. I've been meaning to make a thread about it, actually.

You're pansexual, I always thought assumed you were straight.

Silly question, what's your guy-type? Some of us are very vocal about the kinds of guys of like, post pictures, etc... But since you don't do any of that, I am curious as to what kind of guys you like. :p
You're pansexual, I always thought assumed you were straight.

Silly question, what's your guy-type? Some of us are very vocal about the kinds of guys of like, post pictures, etc... But since you don't do any of that, I am curious as to what kind of guys you like. :p

Uhhh, well, one of the things that's nice about being pansexual is that I'm not strictly attracted to given builds, traits, etc. exclusively tied to one gender or the other, which lets me go a little more broad with my tastes. My taste in men / women are generally:

- Has their shit together, sustainable job, has a place of their own, can drive, etc. Can't tell you how many times I've met up with people only to find out they don't have a way to actually get around and then I'm stuck driving 25-30 miles out of town because of where I live. As a result, I usually end up having relationships with people in the military because, well, having your shit together is basically a requirement.

- I generally prefer people a couple years older than me because I have issues finding common ground with people my age or younger.

- I'm not some masc4masc fratboy or anything, but my partners are generally the more feminine one in the relationship; I'm attracted to femininity in men and women, but it doesn't have to define them.

- I tend to attract crazy and it tends to attract me.

Other than that, I don't have many specific requirements or checkboxes, and I'm not specifically attracted / unattracted to any given race / nationality because frankly that's really dumb. I've been in a relationship with a guy for a little over a year now. If we're talking porn, I find myself going back to watch Armond Rizzo, Johnny Rapid and Christopher Daniels' stuff pretty often.


Uhhh, well, one of the things that's nice about being pansexual is that I'm not strictly attracted to given builds, traits, etc. exclusively tied to one gender or the other, which lets me go a little more broad with my tastes. My taste in men / women are generally:

- Has their shit together, sustainable job, has a place of their own, can drive, etc. Can't tell you how many times I've met up with people only to find out they don't have a way to actually get around and then I'm stuck driving 25-30 miles out of town because of where I live. As a result, I usually end up having relationships with people in the military because, well, having your shit together is basically a requirement.

- I generally prefer people a couple years older than me because I have issues finding common ground with people my age or younger.

- I'm not some masc4masc fratboy or anything, but my partners are generally the more feminine one in the relationship; I'm attracted to femininity in men and women, but it doesn't have to define them.

- I tend to attract crazy and it tends to attract me.

Other than that, I don't have many specific requirements or checkboxes, and I'm not specifically attracted / unattracted to any given race / nationality because frankly that's really dumb. I've been in a relationship with a guy for a little over a year now. If we're talking porn, I find myself going back to watch Armond Rizzo, Johnny Rapid and Christopher Daniels' stuff pretty often.

That makes sense. The first point especially.

I was watching Armond Rizzo yesterday, and I couldn't stop laughing. I find him funny.
He moans a lot and I find it funny the way he moans. :p

Johnny Rapid was one of my favorites but not anymore since this.

Edit: And he's gay-for-pay... ;_;

Congrats in your relationship! Is your guy on the military?
Johnny Rapid was one of my favorites but not anymore since this.

Congrats in your relationship! Is your guy on the military?

Yeah, Johnny Rapid has had a whole slew of suspect shit going on in the past couple years. And yeah, he's Navy. I was an Air Force kid myself, but Navy bases are sooo much better. They're a lot more open, for one - it feels like a college campus compared to a high school one.
You play Bethesda's games for their graphics? :|

I wouldn't say that, but I feel too many people downplay the effect of a game's graphical design in creating a believable, immersive and interesting world. It can even effect how I play a game. If the world is full of interesting design, I'll slow down and absorb different scenery more. And creepy/scary areas can be even more so.

Plus, improved hardware adds the ability for more than just graphical prowess -- like better AI, larger areas (and maybe the ability to enter a building without a load!), more enemies etc.


You play Bethesda's games for their graphics? :|

They need all the help they can get with their engines, which is why being both a Bethesda game and cross gen at the same time is only disappointing. Cross gen Bethesda game is a really, really low bar tech wise. And cross gen hurts more than graphics.


I can't wait for last-gen consoles to die out, so devs can focus purely on creating engines for PS4 and Xbone. I'm tired of devs being restricted due to console limitations.
I wouldn't say that, but I feel too many people downplay the effect of a game's graphical design in creating a believable, immersive and interesting world. It can even effect how I play a game. If the world is full of interesting design, I'll slow down and absorb different scenery more. And creepy/scary areas can be even more so.

Plus, improved hardware adds the ability for more than just graphical prowess -- like better AI, larger areas (and maybe the ability to enter a building without a load!), more enemies etc.

Speaking of graphical design and immersion. I bought Alan Wake on PC and wow the facial animations are so awful. Took me right out of the game. The game isn't very good even ignoring that though. I really need to stop buying into "artsy" bullshit story games. I realize that the most fun I've had with gaming has been stuff with actually fun gameplay. Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines, Risen, New Vegas, Guacamelee, Recettear, Crypt of the Necrodancer, TWEWY, Paper Mario TTYD, Mass Effect 2. Most of those are RPGs with an interesting enough story, but the combat and leveling systems and such are really what make those game fun for me. Alan Wake was just boring boring combat.

I'm also wary on getting Witcher 3 ever because people hyped up Witcher 1 and that game was a snoozefest. Ugly art, boring combat, ugly main character, uninteresting story.
When it comes to the whole graphics versus gameplay debacle, I'm definitely a middle-of-the-road kind of guy in that I need a well-rounded game with a decent balance. On one hand, The Order 1886 doesn't interest me in the slightest, but on the other something like Dwarf Fortress would just hurt my brain. I think minimalism never hurts, though.


They need all the help they can get with their engines, which is why being both a Bethesda game and cross gen at the same time is only disappointing. Cross gen Bethesda game is a really, really low bar tech wise. And cross gen hurts more than graphics.

And I think it might be crossgen:

I think it might be crossgen



Went through the CSS and it also mentions PS4, Xbox One and Steam which to me means that this is definitely not an old CSS; and yeah, it has 460 and PS3 in it as well.
When it comes to the whole graphics versus gameplay debacle, I'm definitely a middle-of-the-road kind of guy in that I need a well-rounded game with a decent balance. On one hand, The Order 1886 doesn't interest me in the slightest, but on the other something like Dwarf Fortress would just hurt my brain. I think minimalism never hurts, though.

There's certainly a point where graphics can be a detriment. But I honestly think that even older graphics and "unimpressive" stuff like 16bit sprite stuff can look visually appealing. In the end it is more about art style than "wow look at how photorealistic these tree textures are!! 10/10 A+++ PC GAMING DA BEST"


There's hope, but it wouldn't be the first game to only market pre-orders for current gen and still be cross gen

I'm pretty sure that Fallout 4 is cross-gen and here's why: I think that fallout 4 has been in development for a long time, meaning that it was originally gonna be a 360/ps3/pc title, but as the PS4 and Xbox One were announced and released, development was carried to next gen as well. Similar to what happen with Ryse for the Xbox One.

There was a rumor from a while back that Fallout 4 was in development, and I'm thinking that development began with the 360/ps3 in mind, but Bethesda was aware that the PS4 and next Xbox would arrive soon. Cross-gen Fallout 4 incoming.


There's certainly a point where graphics can be a detriment. But I honestly think that even older graphics and "unimpressive" stuff like 16bit sprite stuff can look visually appealing. In the end it is more about art style than "wow look at how photorealistic these tree textures are!! 10/10 A+++ PC GAMING DA BEST"

I still like the grimy PC games from the late 90's early 2000's (Deus Ex, Unreal Gold/Tournament, System Shock 2, Thief 2). Something about that aesthetic clicks with me.

It helps that the gameplay was top-notch, too.
I still like the grimy PC games from the late 90's early 2000's (Deus Ex, Unreal Gold/Tournament, System Shock 2, Thief 2). Something about that aesthetic clicks with me.

It helps that the gameplay was top-notch, too.

This reminds me, is it impossible to mod Deus EX HR? Because I wanted to do something about those atrocious boss battles, but when I look up mods nothing ever comes up.


This reminds me, is it impossible to mod Deus EX HR? Because I wanted to do something about those atrocious boss battles, but when I look up mods nothing ever comes up.

I don't think it's impossible, but it seems like there's a very small community for it. No boss battle mods.

I know the Director's Cut version changed the boss battles to have multiple options for completion, but the frame rate chugged on my machine, whereas vanilla ran fine. I'd at least give the DC a look to see if anything has improved.
I don't think it's impossible, but it seems like there's a very small community for it. No boss battle mods.

I know the Director's Cut version changed the boss battles to have multiple options for completion, but the frame rate chugged on my machine, whereas vanilla ran fine. I'd at least give the DC a look to see if anything has improved.

Eh. I might see if I can at least enable console commands. Then I'll just turn on God Mode for the boss battles.
There's certainly a point where graphics can be a detriment. But I honestly think that even older graphics and "unimpressive" stuff like 16bit sprite stuff can look visually appealing. In the end it is more about art style than "wow look at how photorealistic these tree textures are!! 10/10 A+++ PC GAMING DA BEST"

Oh no, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean it like that. I expect graphics to be as effective as the hardware allows them to be when it comes to games; realism is never really a priority for me. There's certain elements of graphics that affect gameplay in significant ways (feedback, silhouettes, evidence of hitboxes, enemy type differentiation, etc.) that were done extremely effectively in the older gens because of said hardware limitations. I just don't get reeled into games that look unbelievable at the cost of other engine resources that significantly hamper the game or otherwise stunted development: see Halo 4 (360), The Order 1886, etc.
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