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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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This is my schedule:

Monday: Running
Tuesday: Walking
Wendesday: Eating
Thursday: Eating even more
Friday: Eating like a pig
Saturday: Eating like a pig and maybe getting drunk
Sunday: Eatig even more than a pig


I also quit my job last year to focus on my entrepreneurship, which has been one of the best decisions of my life.

"Think about what you're good at, and turn that into a career" is the best advice I can give the children. Now that the stressful patch of actually establishing my business passed, I rarely even see what I do as a "job" anymore.

touchdown da bo$$


YAS!!, It was tough too because I had some negative people in my life who said it wasn't a good idea but I spread my wings and fly...

so now I'm my own boss making my own hours. It's a lot of work but worth it

My favorite track at the gym for doing my cardio right now has to be Does It Offend You, Yeah? - Battle Royale, otherwise if I'm just lifting, I'll put on Shamir's newest joint, Ratchet.

3 days of hiit cardio? What do you do on those days

I start with treadmill. Jog at 6 for 5 minutes then sprint at 10. Rest at 3. This is 1 min work and 1 min rest. Then I do stairs. Warm and then go level 12 and rest At 1 because the other time like 5 just goes slow enough where I'm not resting lol idk. Hard to explain

Then elliptical. Pretty much level 15 and level 1 but keep constant speed on both or at least try to. But right now I'm still adjusting it since I only went in for treadmill lol

I did do the bike but I was on it to keep a steady heart rate basically cool down mode for me.

Two things. Working out and checking our guys (y) and lately I check out girls too. Halp.

When I do rowing, it's 3 minute warm up, 60 seconds max intensity, 60 seconds moderate pace. I repeat the 60 second sets until I hit 20 minutes, then I have a 3 minute cool down.

Sprinting is a little different because I go by the length of a loop on the track at my gym. 3 minute warm up, 1 max intensity loop, 2 light jogging loops, repeat for 15 or 20 minutes - depends on my energy level, then a 3 minute cool down.

I'm gonna try to mix it up once I feel this routine is becoming too easy, don't want my body to become too good at doing HIIT, you should always be pushing yourself once your routine feels like clockwork.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Although I recognize that my high anxiety/stress personality is almost entirely responsible for any academic and professional success I've had (which isn't to say there's much), more and more often I find myself wishing I could just rip that part of my brain out. *sigh*

Something more relevant to many of your interests might be Charlie Hunnam. I would say that people that look like Charlie Hunnam typically aren't the most appealing to me, but I recall him being a pleasant surprise in Pacific Rim. I don't see him get mentioned very often, so I figured I'd put him here as a salute to him for making me enjoy Pacific Rim just a little bit more.

Fake edit: Whoa, I just saw that he was in Queer as Folk (UK). One of these days, I'll see that show.



Let me just interject that The Witcher 3 is fucking terrible. Video games were a mistake. I don't wanna go in that thread those nerds might yell at me and I can't handle that right now.


Rowing fucks up my knees. Which really sucks, because it's one of the few forms of exercise I could literally just do forever.

edit: axwell x ingrosso are shit let it be known

im an edm snob

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
See, he was hot then, like 'yowza' hot. Now he's just another blonde beefcake. :)


Yeah, generally, I don't really like blonde (probably because living with it makes it boring). I looked up some pictures of him from the QaF era. I thought some of them looked good and some kind of scared me. Then I saw that his character was supposed to be 15 years old and I just felt weird and stopped looking.


Huh, general praise seemed to have suggested that Witcher 3 is a pretty game. What are your top three games with the best visuals of this generation?
The best graphics make me weep


The finest room ever in gaming mmmm




I've only played the first part of Witcher 3 on my PC (since I was finishing Witcher 2 at the time) just to test how it ran, and I think the game looks absolutely gorgeous. I guess it's not as amazing graphically as something like The Order, but it's not a fair comparison anyways since that game is linear as hell and Witcher 3 isn't. Besides, the art style of W3 appeals more to me than The Order. That's a shame to hear about the dated design (although I haven't really heard that from anyone else playing lol), but if I can make it through Witcher 2 (which felt INCREDIBLY dated gameplay wise), I'll probably still enjoy W3 when I start it.
I think the game is sub par visually, dated mechanically, and bloated in just about every way from the menus and HUD to the script and references. Nice writing and art generally, but not the best which makes it baffling to me that those good elements among so many mediocre ones and a poor presentation for this gen have netted it such a defensive following on GAF. It's not that great.


Assassin's Creed, for all its faults throughout the entire series, has some of the best graphics in gaming. As awful as AC3 was, the frontier sure did look pretty. And sailing the seven seas in Black Flag is awesome, anyway, but Ubisoft have made it look just as good as it plays. Yet to play Unity but I've seen some beautiful screens of that, too. The new AC game looks promising.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
The best graphics make me weep

-snipping the beautiful images-

My circa 2010 laptop's fans started blowing when I looked at those screenshots/gifs. I think PS4 scares it.

All three of those games are stunning. It's like I'm lurking in the console screenshot thread again. I've heard too many negative things about Unity to get it, and I'm not big on shooters (sorry Order), but I'll probably think about getting Driveclub (or a sequel) if I get a PS4.
Assassin's Creed, for all its faults throughout the entire series, has some of the best graphics in gaming. As awful as AC3 was, the frontier sure did look pretty. And sailing the seven seas in Black Flag is awesome, anyway, but Ubisoft have made it look just as good as it plays. Yet to play Unity but I've seen some beautiful screens of that, too. The new AC game looks promising.

well it helps they got like 500 out of 1000 people working on art probably


How is it this fucking cold and miserable outside? It actually made my nose hurt and it's June. JUNE. Get it together weather.

I hate this stupid country. I wanna move some place where they have summer.
I think the game is sub par visually, dated mechanically, and bloated in just about every way from the menus and HUD to the script and references. Nice writing and art generally, but not the best which makes it baffling to me that those good elements among so many mediocre ones and a poor presentation for this gen have netted it such a defensive following on GAF. It's not that great.

I've seen you trying it on gaming side when it comes to The Witcher 3. I understand the complaints, it does have some interesting mechanic choices but then again, this is a PC developer who made a highly ambitious project. It's a huge open world RPG and it's obvious a lot of work went into every little detail, but sometimes there needs to be a few things cut back rather than throwing it all in.

The complain about the graphics tho, you're playing on PS4. While I don't think it's "sub par visually" on PS4, it doesn't look anywhere as good as the PC version. The game is stunning and just because other games might look as good or better doesn't invalidate this. Also, the comparisons to Unity is fine, but The Order? It's a corridor shooter that's focus IS the graphics. You can't really compare the two technically as The Witcher 3's scope is a lot bigger. Also, talk about dated mechanics, or rather, no mechanics at all. The Order is a mess tbqh.

The Witcher 3 does have down sides, it's not the best game ever. The indoor lighting system is pretty crappy, and the developer does have a lot to learn as far as some design choices. But it does have a fanbase and as someone who has come into the franchise without playing 1 or 2, I totally understand why. It's written well and has a lot of history/lore, which most games try but never quite succeed in crafting.


Was supposed to get up early to go to the gym today, but I stayed up last night playing Splatoon and I slept in until like 10:30 haha.

I always feel bad when I miss the gym.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I've heard many topics discussing LGBT but not asexuality.

It is when a person doesn't feel any attraction towards any member of sex/gender, right? Forgive me for asking, but does that mean that they don't feel any sexual feelings at all? I mean Wikipedia said that Asexual person may commit in sexual intercourse regardless for various reasons, such as procreation, but they don't find any pleasure in doing so?

Wikipedia stated that one of the reason is "to pleasure themselves", so I suppose the sense of pleasure from sexual activities are divorced entirely from asexuality itself? So the "pleasure" is simply a base kind of "pleasure" that has no element of "attracted to other person" involved in it?

Sorry, it may be confusing for anyone reading this post. I am sorry to ask since this maybe a very personal question, and I understand if no one replies, but is there anyone here with asexuality? If possible, can I have an explanation or your thoughts? Sorry if this bothersome, but I can't possibly comb this thread page per page considering it's more than 300 pages already.


Edit: reading this page it seems like it's a thread where people just post their daily life and having fun with each other. Sorry if my post disrupt the general atmosphere here :(


I've heard many topics discussing LGBT but not asexuality.

It is when a person doesn't feel any attraction towards any member of sex/gender, right? Forgive me for asking, but does that mean that they don't feel any sexual feelings at all? I mean Wikipedia said that Asexual person may commit in sexual intercourse regardless for various reasons, such as procreation, but they don't find any pleasure in doing so?

Wikipedia stated that one of the reason is "to pleasure themselves", so I suppose the sense of pleasure from sexual activities are divorced entirely from asexuality itself? So the "pleasure" is simply a base kind of "pleasure" that has no element of "attracted to other person" involved in it?

Sorry, it may be confusing for anyone reading this post. I am sorry to ask since this maybe a very personal question, and I understand if no one replies, but is there anyone here with asexuality? If possible, can I have an explanation or your thoughts? Sorry if this bothersome, but I can't possibly comb this thread page per page considering it's more than 300 pages already.


Edit: reading this page it seems like it's a thread where people just post their daily life and having fun with each other. Sorry if my post disrupt the general atmosphere here :(
I was pretty confused about Asexuality too, and one thing that really enlightened me on it was Tofu, a documentary about sex. This particular episode deals with virginity, celibacy and what it means to be Asexual (and it is explained in a very good way, I think)

It's only 10 minutes long, give it a shot :p (it's kinda NSFW obviously, being about sex)

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
I've heard many topics discussing LGBT but not asexuality.

It is when a person doesn't feel any attraction towards any member of sex/gender, right? Forgive me for asking, but does that mean that they don't feel any sexual feelings at all? I mean Wikipedia said that Asexual person may commit in sexual intercourse regardless for various reasons, such as procreation, but they don't find any pleasure in doing so?

Wikipedia stated that one of the reason is "to pleasure themselves", so I suppose the sense of pleasure from sexual activities are divorced entirely from asexuality itself? So the "pleasure" is simply a base kind of "pleasure" that has no element of "attracted to other person" involved in it?

Sorry, it may be confusing for anyone reading this post. I am sorry to ask since this maybe a very personal question, and I understand if no one replies, but is there anyone here with asexuality? If possible, can I have an explanation or your thoughts? Sorry if this bothersome, but I can't possibly comb this thread page per page considering it's more than 300 pages already.


Edit: reading this page it seems like it's a thread where people just post their daily life and having fun with each other. Sorry if my post disrupt the general atmosphere here :(

Hi Laughing Banana,

I partially identify as asexual. To be honest, I'm still trying to figure myself out, so perhaps I can't provide the best answers, but here's my try. Asexuality can mean that one doesn't feel any sort of attraction to anyone. In its most "pure" form, I would say that asexuality means that one does not have any desire to have sex. However, asexuality and sexuality exist on two ends of a spectrum, so there are many shades inbetween; people may sometimes call themselves graysexual if they exist in this space. For these inbetween people, this may mean that sexual attraction (and a desire for sex) only arises after developing serious romantic feelings towards a person. For others, it describes just a reduced sex drive. Note that homo/heterosexuality and homo/heteroromanticism are two different things, so just because someone identifies as partially or fully asexual doesn't mean they can't develop romantic feelings for someone. Something that I think people sometimes find confusing is that asexual people might masturbate. I've heard some explain this as being a sort of purely biological process (like a needed routine), while others have said they do it because it's pleasurable but they have no desire to have sexual intercourse with others. Also, just like how a person's sexuality can change over time, so can a person's asexuality. So someone who identifies as asexual may not always identify in that way, and the same goes for someone who identifies as sexual.

For me, I don't really have any desire to have sex with others. However, as someone who identifies as gay, I still find myself physically attracted to men. My natural desire or drive though when I see someone attractive doesn't involve sex. For me, typically, it stays very PG, with maybe the occasional PG-13 desire. If using the classic baseball metaphor for sex, I probably feel most at home at first base, maaaaybe second, but I'm also typically just as comfortable in the dugout. However, I also believe that I could perhaps see myself doing sexual things with the right person. As is though, apart from recognizing people as attractive as I encounter them, there is very rarely anything sexual in my daily life.

Although I'm still trying to understand myself, feel free to PM if you'd like to ask further or more personal questions and I'll do my best to answer.

EDIT: Reading your response again, I hope I addressed some part of your confusion. I recognize that I didn't address some of your specific questions, since I mostly spoke about what I am most familiar with. I hope some of that was still helpful. Sorry for the excessive length.



Omg it's been so long :D

I'm glad to hear you're doing great! So it's official then? You have a bf now or a special other (so)? Congrats!

A guy kissing another guy, yep that's super gay! It must have been a very sweet thing to see. Gary's first kiss, d'awww :3

I'm so happy for you.

Weird question, how's your hair? Is it difficult to maintain it? Your hairstyle looks somewhat complicated and like it takes a lot of time to get it in the right place. Nonetheless, it looks amazing and you look like a Calvin klain model. :p

Yeah, I guess he's kinda my boyfriend now ;)
I mean, it's only been 3 days, but if nothing comes up to stop us, or one of us runs away from it for some reason, it seems pretty much set.

My hair has never been this easy to maintain. That's actually part of the reason I got a new haircut, because I used to look different in every single pic. Now it's really easy to keep some semblance of consistency. I just use a hair dryer to get them up and put some matte wax in when they're dry. Spray to fix it, and that's it. Takes me about 5 minutes now. I must admit I'm still experimenting with the right wax or combination thereof, but my routine is pretty solid at the moment.

A CK model *blush* ;D well, that selfie was not photoshopped or something but I wouldn't call it too representative of what I really look like, with the bright flash light and the angle and the weird facial expression, but it was quite good to demonstrate my haircut ;)

That sounds like a really cool whirlwind weekend. That also sounds like some really exciting moments for you. Hope you're having fun!

Also, I don't think we've ever met, so hiiiiiii.

Oh it was, even though I'm still in the process of processing it (and recovering physically).
Also, hi to you, too! I l really like your last post, one of my dominant traits is that state of being continually confused, all the time, about everything. It definitely relates to me as well, so thanks for sharing your perspective.

Sounds like one hell of a weekend!
And yeah, sorry to break it to you, but if you enjoyed it, you are officially a gay. Head down to your local government office and get registered.

I probably should ;)


Speaking of The Witcher 3, I wish it'd appeal to me so I could flex the muscles of my new PC. Actually it applies to any demanding game, my taste in gaming is rather toaster friendly 😛 Let's see if XCOM 2 or Street Fighter V can put it to work.
Yeah, I guess he's kinda my boyfriend now ;)
I mean, it's only been 3 days, but if nothing comes up to stop us, or one of us runs away from it for some reason, it seems pretty much set.

My hair has never been this easy to maintain. That's actually part of the reason I got a new haircut, because I used to look different in every single pic. Now it's really easy to keep some semblance of consistency. I just use a hair dryer to get them up and put some matte wax in when they're dry. Spray to fix it, and that's it. Takes me about 5 minutes now. I must admit I'm still experimenting with the right wax or combination thereof, but my routine is pretty solid at the moment.

A CK model *blush* ;D well, that selfie was not photoshopped or something but I wouldn't call it too representative of what I really look like, with the bright flash light and the angle and the weird facial expression, but it was quite good to demonstrate my haircut ;)

Oh it was, even though I'm still in the process of processing it (and recovering physically).
Also, hi to you, too! I l really like your last post, one of my dominant traits is that state of being continually confused, all the time, about everything. It definitely relates to me as well, so thanks for sharing your perspective.

I probably should ;)
Hey,Just saw your post now.

Congrats. I hope it goes well for you. Sounds like you had a better weekend than me. :p :)


The best graphics make me weep


The finest room ever in gaming mmmm




I think the game is sub par visually, dated mechanically, and bloated in just about every way from the menus and HUD to the script and references. Nice writing and art generally, but not the best which makes it baffling to me that those good elements among so many mediocre ones and a poor presentation for this gen have netted it such a defensive following on GAF. It's not that great.

My poor sub $50 cell could not handle all this images and gifs D:

I agree, but there is very little replay value in the order 1886. Driveclub, well it's a racing game. ACU was pretty but it had its faults.

I'm hoping that the Division can live up to its expectations and Ubi doesn't mess up.

I keep thinking today's Tuesday for some reason.

And there's your pointless and random comment of the day from me.

I thought today was the 29th of May.


My laptop can't handle all those images, never mind a phone.

Quick, lets get onto the next page so we don't have to see them anymore.
Speaking of The Witcher 3, I wish it'd appeal to me so I could flex the muscles of my new PC. Actually it applies to any demanding game, my taste in gaming is rather toaster friendly �� Let's see if XCOM 2 or Street Fighter V can put it to work.

How about Batman? I plan on getting it on PC because PS4 won't run it quite as nice, and I should play more PC games as it is.

Xcom 2, sequel to Xcom Enemy Unknown, announced.

It's a PC exclusive unlike Enemy Unknown.

Yasss PC, get that coin.


Aaaand we're safe from the images.

Caitlyn Jenner looks damn good after transition am I right? I mean the image is probably pretty photoshopped, but still!
I knew she'd transition well.

All that positive trans representation too, awesome.


Speaking of The Witcher 3, I wish it'd appeal to me so I could flex the muscles of my new PC. Actually it applies to any demanding game, my taste in gaming is rather toaster friendly 😛 Let's see if XCOM 2 or Street Fighter V can put it to work.

I don't think that Xcom 2 or SFV will be demanding. Something demanding would be Arkham Knight and pretty much all games coming up.

How about Batman? I plan on getting it on PC because PS4 won't run it quite as nice, and I should play more PC games as it is.

Yasss PC, get that coin.

I still need to finish Arkham origins. But the fact that Arkham Knight is a Nvidia sponsored game is a bit off-putting. Then again, Rocksteady has always done a great job delivering, so I don't think that AMD cards will suffer from optimization issues, at least I hope so.
Do you guys play any fighting games? I have Super SF4, MK 9, Skullgirls, Capcom vs Snk 2, Smash Bros 4, and Injustice: Gods Among Us. I'd like to believe I'm pretty okay at them but I know I'll get destroyed by any intermediate players :v Injustice is probably my favorite, it's just pure fun tbh

anyway yeah fighting games are great


Aaaand we're safe from the images.

Caitlyn Jenner looks damn good after transition am I right? I mean the image is probably pretty photoshopped, but still!
I knew she'd transition well.

All that positive trans representation too, awesome.

Yup, lots of positive Trans representation recently, it's a great thing.

ABC's new upcoming show "Becoming Us" comes to mind:

"Becoming Us" follows Ben, an ordinary Midwestern teenager, going through a unique situation. After his parents’ recent divorce, Ben learned that his dad is transitioning into a woman, Carly. In the series’ opener, “#WelcomeToMyWorld,” Ben is struggling in school, and his parents, Suzy and Carly, are not happy about it. Ben’s girlfriend, Danielle, would like to introduce Carly to her father, who is also transgender, leading to an awkward shopping trip for the four of them. And Ben’s sister, Sutton, returns home to Evanston to plan her upcoming wedding.

“Becoming Us” is produced by Ryan Seacrest, Eugene Young, Rabih Gholam, and George Moll for Ryan Seacrest Productions, as well as Paul Barosse.

Premiers Monday June 8th. I just heard about this show yesterday. Seems to be ABC's answer to Transparent, maybe? I dunno.

Do you guys play any fighting games? I have Super SF4, MK 9, Skullgirls, Capcom vs Snk 2, Smash Bros 4, and Injustice: Gods Among Us. I'd like to believe I'm pretty okay at them but I know I'll get destroyed by any intermediate players :v Injustice is probably my favorite, it's just pure fun tbh

anyway yeah fighting games are great

I play MK9, Skullgirls, UMVC3, Injustice gods Among us, SSFIV AE, Tekken, SFxT, and I think that's it. I no longer play umvc3, skullgirls or Street Fighter because I don't have a PS3 anymore. Most of my fighting games are all now on PC.

I was finally starting to get good with Fei Long on SSFIV. ;_;
Do you guys play any fighting games? I have Super SF4, MK 9, Skullgirls, Capcom vs Snk 2, Smash Bros 4, and Injustice: Gods Among Us. I'd like to believe I'm pretty okay at them but I know I'll get destroyed by any intermediate players :v Injustice is probably my favorite, it's just pure fun tbh

anyway yeah fighting games are great

I used to be really into fighting games, but don't care for a lot of the newer ones. Perched for Street Fighter tho, of course. And I loved the new Guilty Gear.
Yup, lots of positive Trans representation recently, it's a great thing.

ABC's new upcoming show "Becoming Us" comes to mind:

Premiers Monday June 8th. I just heard about this show yesterday. Seems to be ABC's answer to Transparent, maybe? I dunno.

I play MK9, Skullgirls, UMVC3, Injustice gods Among us, SSFIV AE, Tekken, SFxT, and I think that's it. I no longer play umvc3, skullgirls or Street Fighter because I don't have a PS3 anymore. Most of my fighting games are all now on PC.

I was finally starting to get good with Fei Long on SSFIV. ;_;
Is Street Fighter x Tekken any good? I heard about the whole DLC thing so I stayed away from it but I've always wanted to play it.

I used to be really into fighting games, but don't care for a lot of the newer ones. Perched for Street Fighter tho, of course. And I loved the new Guilty Gear.
I'm not super into Anime fighting games since ArcSys fighter always have like 3 different systems going on in a single match.

Also, SFV looks great. Ryu looks way better than the mess that is SF4 Ryu.


I don't think that Xcom 2 or SFV will be demanding. Something demanding would be Arkham Knight and pretty much all games coming up.
Oh well. I really didn't like Arkham Asylum or Origins Blackgate, so sadly I'm done with those games :(

Do you guys play any fighting games? I have Super SF4, MK 9, Skullgirls, Capcom vs Snk 2, Smash Bros 4, and Injustice: Gods Among Us. I'd like to believe I'm pretty okay at them but I know I'll get destroyed by any intermediate players :v Injustice is probably my favorite, it's just pure fun tbh

anyway yeah fighting games are great
That's my second favorite genre and the one that got me into gaming <3 I mostly play USFIV, SSB4, KOFXIII, MKX, Breakers Revenge, SFEX2 and a bit of DOA5LR these days. Depending on the game, I can be mediocre or pretty decent :p It's the only genre that has made me earn money for what it's worth.

And no, I personally didn't like SFxT even if you ignore the greedy DLC. It's just an inferior version of SF4 IMO.
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