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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Doesn't have my fav sound, the
ringing of a cash register collecting that paper.
That's a sound I definitely need to hear more often. Anyone that says money doesn't buy happiness can feel free to donate their current bank account to myself.

Edit: What a shallow top of the page comment!
I think I'll use this to sleep tonight. I've been stressing myself out a lot lately, so it should help me calm down and sleep. The fact that it has a timer built in is a nice bonus too. ^_^
Yeah, it's a good site. The rain track is nice consistent sound, not something that gets all weak towards the end.

You should relax by playing some Suikoden also. @_@




¡Gracias, bebé!
Yeah, it's a good site. The rain track is nice consistent sound, not something that gets all weak towards the end.

You should relax by playing some Suikoden also. @_@

Haha, I have been! I'm five hours in (out of ~20, according to HLTB.)

I like it, but it seems... I dunno, there are weird things about it. Like the character portraits are too detailed for the pixel density, so you end up losing a lot of detail and they look funky; the leveling up doesn't take any time to show you what stats went up; and the magic system is pretty confusing so far.

But I like how quick the battles are, the battle animation and, most notably, the music is great! It's quite a good soundtrack, which I wasn't really expecting.
That's a sound I definitely need to hear more often. Anyone that says money doesn't buy happiness can feel free to donate their current bank account to myself.

Edit: What a shallow top of the page comment!

Only one way to offset that shallow comment...Pics of hot guys!
On a side note, does anyone else get sick of their feelings? They're like the one thing you can't just think away! xD

In fact, doing so can have the opposite effect, which is sorta counter-intuitive. It can be quite frustrating sometimes.

Then again, I was bitching a few months ago about not feeling for things much at all because of my depression. Damned if I do, damned if I don't, it seems. :S
ohhh man, i just remembered i have to beat this game lmao

ot but the sound of waves + fire >>>>> everything else
Yes, you do. O__________________________O

(Waves & fire is a hot combo.)

Haha, I have been! I'm five hours in (out of ~20, according to HLTB.)

I like it, but it seems... I dunno, there are weird things about it. Like the character portraits looks too detailed for the pixel density, leveling up doesn't take any time to show you what went up, and the magic system is pretty confusing so far.

But I like how quick the battles are, the battle animation and, most notably, the music is great! It's quite a good soundtrack, which I wasn't really expecting.
The first game does have a few archaic bits, but it's never a big hinderence. And pretty much all of this is addressed in Suikoden II, which is pretty much one of the best games of all time ever.

As for the magic system, there's no MP cost per spell, but instead you get an allotment of uses for the different levels of magic each rune gives you. (Unless it's a skill based one.) These will increase as your characters level up, but different characters have different levels of magic proficiency.

This is a really excellent Suikoden site that has guides for pretty much all aspects of every game, and you can ask me any questions you have too. I could talk about Suikoden until I'm blue in the face.

On a side note, does anyone else get sick of their feelings? They're like the one thing you can't just think away! xD

In fact, doing so can have the opposite effect, which is sorta counter-intuitive. It can be quite frustrating sometimes.

Then again, I was bitching a few months ago about not feeling for things much at all because of my depression. Damned if I do, damned if I don't, it seems. :S
Your personal feelings can be your best ally and your worst enemy all at the same time. The trick is learning to identify them and process how they affect your actions and well-being without letting them stifle you into doing things that are not in your best interest. This is easier said than done of course, but you've got support. :)
The first game does have a few archaic bits, but it's never a big hinderence. And pretty much all of this is addressed in Suikoden II, which is pretty much one of the best games of all time ever.

As for the magic system, there's no MP cost per spell, but instead you get an allotment of uses for the different levels of magic each rune gives you. (Unless it's a skill based one.) These will increase as your characters level up, but different characters have different levels of magic proficiency.

This is a really excellent Suikoden site that has guides for pretty much all aspects of every game, and you can ask me any questions you have too. I could talk about Suikoden until I'm blue in the face.

I'll look into it, thanks! :)


Your personal feelings can be your best ally and your worst enemy all at the same time. The trick is learning to identify them and process how they affect your actions and well-being without letting them stifle you into doing things that are not in your best interest. This is easier said than done of course, but you've got support. :)
One of the best ways to learn how to identify them is giving them a description, like when you are,let's say angry, take some time to try and identify "where" do you feel the anger, for example, muscles tense up, you feel something in the stomach, then imagine that something how would it feel if you try to touch it, if it has a color, texture, form ,etc. Do that whenever you feel something. Then next time you feel that, your mind will try to focus on it (the it you tried to imagine) and it will be easier to control or know why you are feeling that way. Sometimes it can take you a few seconds other times it will be minutes and some days you will not even be able to do it, but we all start somewhere.


Happy Superbowl Sunday y'all. :)

(Yeah, why not.. Yay!)

I'm oddly unenthused this year. I'm more interested in seeing if Betty White will be in any commercials than the game itself. I willingly took call today in exchange for having Mardi Gras Day off.

We might watch bits of it, but mainly to ogle certain Patriots players. :p

(Yeah, why not.. Yay!)

I'm oddly unenthused this year. I'm more interested in seeing if Betty White will be in any commercials than the game itself. I willingly took call today in exchange for having Mardi Gras Day off.

We might watch bits of it, but mainly to ogle certain Patriots players. :p

yeah happy Pats vs Seahawks Superbowl, right.
Trust me I feel about the same as a Falcons fan.
Doesn't mean I can't enjoy the game anyways.


Of course it's a mask, haha. It's a bib. It's Bowser Jr.'s bib!


Never noticed that!

Grizzo, do you have this shirt?


No but it looks cool. Suits that guy really well too!

Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.


awww EG, you deserve nothing but the best <3

Oh hey ;)

And haha it's still relatively early days, not necessarily bf yet but things are looking good. :)
What happens on GAF stays on GAF?
and no worries on the PM!

yes, what happens on GAF stays on GAF :) at least that's what I was thinking

I hope your brand new IRL relationship is gonna work though :D

as long as her lip syncing skills aren't 5 seconds ahead.

Oh I think she'll sing live. But who knows, Madonna did lip-sync a few years back.

Mr. F

At the stroke of midnight I turned back into a Kate Beaton illustration. Happy fake pic February?

yes, what happens on GAF stays on GAF :) at least that's what I was thinking

I hope your brand new IRL relationship is gonna work though :D

Thankya, me too. Got a wedding to go to soon, it'd be nice to have a +1 :3
Actually, I am unshipping you. I'll have to think this through.

Anyways, I would ship the following amazing individuals:

- Delio and Grizzo
- Zenmamutke88 and Vitanimus
- Alvmew and Cornburrito
- Escape Goat and Henchmen
- RatskyWatsky and Rayis
- Via Purifico and Mr. Zombie
- Chronos and Hours Left

That's all for now. This is getting really hard.

Don't hate me if your name is on this list. :p

Is this supposed to be me? You've either butchered my name or somebody here has a similar one to me :p Either way Vitanimus is adorbs so thanks ;) I'm probs an old man to him though.

Haha!! A duet would be so fun! :)

Singing lessons are the best. My voice always feels ten times healthier when I leave that room!

It totally would be fun. What should we sing? I had a great lesson and it was so amazing to hear the difference in my voice after some instruction!


Things aren't going well in my family and I've been feeling sad/anxious about my future, so much that I can't find anything good in the future to hold on to. Everything was going very well in the last two months but now I'm just starting to think that now bad things will happen to me and will remain unhappy and considering how tense is being at home for me (so much that I get tired just by staying there) I don't think I can get through this.

I can't even talk to my father and say what I feel, because he will begin to throw things in my face, things that happened like 3 or 5 years ago and nobody cares about that and will not listen to what I have to say just so that he remains as the good guy. I hate him but I can't kick him out of this house and I'm stuck here as I don't have a job and won't get that because I already have little time for school.

TL;DR: I'm tired of my life.

Specially I'm feeling more pressure from my family to have a girlfriend and kids, they've been hinting that I should hurry up (wtf?)
Oh, he's good!


He's one of the nicest people on GAF, plus that handsomeness! :)

Sagi is here again!

Edit: DARI! :( sorry to hear all this especiall after how it seemed like you've been having it much better a while back. We're here for you if you need us of course. Try to take things steps at a time. *big hugs*


ot but the sound of waves + fire >>>>> everything else

Nothing more relaxing than a Viking funeral barge, I guess.

Actually, provided there aren't screaming corpses throwing themselves off the deck, burning ships do have a sort of calming aura to them, especially on clear nights.

It's fine. My name IRL is so simple and boring I thought I'd make up for it by having an overcomplicated online alias ;)

I'd probably be an inverted case. It'd be interesting to see how strong the correlation is between the length or cultural commonality of a person's actual name and the usernames/aliases/nicknames they choose. For me at least, I don't think it's inconceivable that an unpronounceable surname and genealogical armada of middle names could lead to favouring shorter usernames. Though that could admittedly also be due to a tragic lack of imagination on my part.

Things aren't going well in my family and I've been feeling sad/anxious about my future, so much that I can't find anything good in the future to hold on to. Everything was going very well in the last two months but now I'm just starting to think that now bad things will happen to me and will remain unhappy and considering how tense is being at home for me (so much that I get tired just by staying there) I don't think I can get through this.

I can't even talk to my father and say what I feel, because he will begin to throw things in my face, things that happened like 3 or 5 years ago and nobody cares about that and will not listen to what I have to say just so that he remains as the good guy. I hate him but I can't kick him out of this house and I'm stuck here as I don't have a job and won't get that because I already have little time for school.

TL;DR: I'm tired of my life.

Specially I'm feeling more pressure from my family to have a girlfriend and kids, they've been hinting that I should hurry up (wtf?)

It sounds like an exhausting, oppressive situation to be in, and it's awful that you have to live under that pressure. Things will eventually get better, there's no celestial law that states the last two months are the final moments of happiness permitted for the rest of your life, but that doesn't mitigate how difficult it must be to deal with that daily. If venting helps you cope in the slightest, absolutely continue.


My mother-in-law has now been living with us for three weeks. I really don't mind, as she and I get along famously and I love her to bits.. but the lack of, umm, alone time is really putting a drag on our usual festivities. That's my only qualm.


Things aren't going well in my family and I've been feeling sad/anxious about my future, so much that I can't find anything good in the future to hold on to. Everything was going very well in the last two months but now I'm just starting to think that now bad things will happen to me and will remain unhappy and considering how tense is being at home for me (so much that I get tired just by staying there) I don't think I can get through this.

I can't even talk to my father and say what I feel, because he will begin to throw things in my face, things that happened like 3 or 5 years ago and nobody cares about that and will not listen to what I have to say just so that he remains as the good guy. I hate him but I can't kick him out of this house and I'm stuck here as I don't have a job and won't get that because I already have little time for school.

TL;DR: I'm tired of my life.

Specially I'm feeling more pressure from my family to have a girlfriend and kids, they've been hinting that I should hurry up (wtf?)
You definitely should get out of there, that doesn't sound like a good place to live and to bloom.

And as for the last part, about what your family suggested to you, you can tell them to stop such talk. Just say them that that is none of their business.

No more McD advertisements. :p

I dislike McD
, don't hate me, people. :(
My mother-in-law has now been living with us for three weeks. I really don't mind, as she and I get along famously and I love her to bits.. but the lack of, umm, alone time is really putting a drag on our usual festivities. That's my only qualm.

get her some headphones.
Fuckit, I can't be friends with this dude any longer. Gonna just have to avoid him after class now. Not gonna let myself lust over a dude I won't have and I'm not content settling for friendship.

Oh my no... do I look like a Bob? :/

I'd probably be an inverted case. It'd be interesting to see how strong the correlation is between the length or cultural commonality of a person's actual name and the usernames/aliases/nicknames they choose. For me at least, I don't think it's inconceivable that an unpronounceable surname and genealogical armada of middle names could lead to favouring shorter usernames. Though that could admittedly also be due to a tragic lack of imagination on my part.

You may be onto something there, although admittedly the real - or rather conscious - reasoning behind my nickname stems from my obsession with Odin in Final Fantasy.

Also... guiz... please.... I can't handle too much cute rn ok?


Neo Member
Things aren't going well in my family and I've been feeling sad/anxious about my future, so much that I can't find anything good in the future to hold on to. Everything was going very well in the last two months but now I'm just starting to think that now bad things will happen to me and will remain unhappy and considering how tense is being at home for me (so much that I get tired just by staying there) I don't think I can get through this.

I can't even talk to my father and say what I feel, because he will begin to throw things in my face, things that happened like 3 or 5 years ago and nobody cares about that and will not listen to what I have to say just so that he remains as the good guy. I hate him but I can't kick him out of this house and I'm stuck here as I don't have a job and won't get that because I already have little time for school.

TL;DR: I'm tired of my life.

Specially I'm feeling more pressure from my family to have a girlfriend and kids, they've been hinting that I should hurry up (wtf?)

Man, Daripad I know how a situation like that can be, but I know moving out is not a realistic option for you right now, all I can tell you is that you can try and not pay any real attention to the situation, I know it's pretty much impossible to do so when things get as tough as they are for you right now, but sometimes all we can do is just try and let things don't get us down as much. I know your situation way too much though, and here in Mexico it can be more difficult to deal with family issues and moving out and stuff like that sometimes, but just remember there's always light at the end of the tunnel, as dark as it seem to you right now.

Also, the pressure about the girlfriend stuff, haha well all I do when my family asks me about that sort of stuff is I smile and make a witty comment like " oh yeah... any day now!". Again, it's better to just take it as nothing of importance and maybe play along just for the sake of living at peace for a bit more, until you're comfortable coming out or moving out, whichever comes first. Don't worry though, things will get better.
Bruce Jenner is apparently transitioning into a woman. Coming out as gay is hard enough. Its becoming more socially acceptable. But changing your sex is still a bridge too far for a lot of people. Definitely takes a lot of courage. At least he has the added benefit of being wealthy. I'm sure things are harder when you have to work with people every day who may not agree with your decision.

When asked about Jenner on ET, his stepdaughter Kim Kardashian simply said, "I think everyone goes through things in life, and I think that story and what Bruce is going through, I think he'll share whenever the time is right." And when reached by PEOPLE, son Burt would only say his father is "doing awesome."

"The family is really giving this space and time to Bruce. This is his story and they want him to tell the world the way he wants," the source close to the family says. "They really want to empower him to tell his story so that hopefully he can help other people too. That's the goal."

Now it appears that Jenner, finally happy in his own skin, will soon be ready to live life out in the open. "He has come out to those closest to him," says the family source. "He's so happy and excited. He gets to lay down a huge bag of bricks. He's been through a dark period and is coming out on the other side."
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