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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Am I too late?
Here comes a new challenger!

It's McDonald's vs Qdoba.

Everyone should choose a fast food chain restaurant and post a selfie endorsing said corporation. (y)

I'm glad this is becoming a thing. LettersGaf drink corporation endorsement selfies.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
If I was still eating fast food id sport CFA


Just booked my flight to Los Angeles. So excited to go back home, even if only for 10 days. Woo! Time to pig out on Yoshinoya, Korean BBQ, and real Thai food.


Let me just join in with the product placement whoring.

Panera bread <3

Dat Smartwatch though.

Let me in on the product placement!

You look so adorable Del :3

Queen is my favorite band

Though the comparison isn't apt since Mariah/Beyonce etc.. are individuals and Queen was a group. Madonna would be a better comparison

How would Queen compare to Madonna? Madonna is an individual singer, or am I missing something?

I don't know if most people in here would know him, but a lot of musicians ain't got nothing on Tom Jenkinson/Squarepusher. Some people might not know him by face or name, but his impact can only be matched by one other person in the same genre of music.


I agree, he's amazing. He's very underrated, but most people of his calibre are, it's kind of a shame.

Am I too late?


So we got McDonald's, Popeyes, Panera Bread, Qdoba. Almost all the major fast food chains represented.

The only valid comparison for Queen would be the dumpster, since they are trash.

What kind of music do you like?


Yes. Trash. That's just my opinion though.

Lol at you thinking the respective voices of their generations not having talent. Like having careers spanning 20+ years is not indicative of talent. You've seen Igloo Asutralia? That's what you're wanting to put down.

It's rather impressive how you maintain that flawless record of terrible opinions.
It's official, I just wasted my 4 last years (and a few thousand dollars) getting a bachelor and a post-grad degree. I'm starting a second bachelor in September.



irresponsible vagina leak
It's official, I just wasted my 4 last years (and a few thousand dollars) getting a bachelor and a post-grad degree. I'm starting a second bachelor in September.


I feel the same but I cant afford another degree atm. Work on whatever pops up -_-


Less than 13 hours till we get the Bethesda conference. DOOM, Fallout 4, and Dishonored 2 confirmed.

Huge post time because I slept though some events
Bo Roberts
I'd like to meet his tailor.
got a mcchicken mcdouble fry and the amazing rush of sugar and syrup that is strawberry sweet tea from mcdonalds

down's impact

I'm also getting a McDonald's

I hope down senpai notices me ~*~*
Congrats on delicious classics guys
Grimace doesn't have anything on Down tbh. Imo

Edit: I mean the guy who is the Hamburglar
He can probably do the belly button challenge, but I appreciate that it doesn't take me out of the running
Max Payne 3 might be one of the worst games I've played in a while
It's the best controlling TPS around and Max is rad
There's no McDonald's within walking distance from me, thankfully. Although the urge is strong. I decided to go to Qdoba
I only got something to drink. Damn this intermittent fasting!

*Does his best DOWN impression* Qdoba, anyone?

I had Qdoba 2 days ago. Like clockwork every week, I go to McDonald's and then on Friday I go to Qdoba and get that queso fix (and then I probably go to mcdonalds again due to lack of self control)
I'd do unspeakable things to the Burger Mayor, even of his meat was drier than the Desert Gobi.
Wich comes pretty close to McD's patties in terms of dryness and hostility to any lifeforms
Let me just join in with the product placement whoring.
The watch envy has arrived
Let me in on the product placement!
In all seriousness that is a good stash
Am I too late?
I've never had Popeyes but it's on my list

Good work everyone. Embrace American brand capitalism. It feels like love.


Looks like that threesome isn't happening. the guy was supposed to message me when he was free but he hasn't.

I relayed this to my regular hookup and he said "haha, I'm pretty happy meeting just you ;)"
I might have blushed, maybe.

Anyway, just got back from watching Jurassic World, I absolutely LOVED it.
Didn't really care for Chris Pratt but I thought Bryce-Dallas Howard was very good, and she looked fabulous and kicked ass in heels the entire movie, so good.


This is blasphemous to say. How dare you.

<3 Chris Pratt <3

I do think the woman was pretty great, too though. I did like the movie overall even if parts of it were a little "dumb". Was very fun/entertaining movie.
I dunno, I didn't like him in Guardians of the Galaxy, but I blamed that on the film being awful.

I think he's just a "meh" actor all around though, seems like a genuinely nice guy, and he's easy on the eyes (but I'm not as attracted to him as some other people are), but nothing about him really stands out to me, acting wise.

I think his personality makes him more attractive than he actually is, which is a good thing. I find it hard to consider him a sex symbol or an attractive leading man though.


Guardians of the Galaxy was trash, it barely had a plot, but Chris Pratt was great in it and it was a fun ride. In Jurassic World however, he spends half of the movie with very wooden delivery (although I guess the script is abysmal at times) but he redeems himself in the second half. Howard was great but again some of their scenes together felt to me almost like that terribad acting you get when an actor is talking to a CGI character and their eyes are not quite focused on the right part of the face. The scene at the waterfall in particular stood out for me regarding this, but perhaps this was the directors fault and not the actors with how some of the scenes were composed.

Overall JW is worth seeing though, but Chris Pratt is no Sam Neill, Jell Goldblum or even Bob Peck in it due to the weak script. I can't think of any 'quotable' stand-out line that he has in the movie. Howard on the other hand, has some funny or memorable lines.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
If it hadn't been for the leaks, that Smash Direct would have been insane. Still a few details that weren't leaked though, so that's nice. I'm ready to be reunited with my friend Lucas again.

Went to a rooftop party and drank from 2pm to 2am with some of my faves


These photos are cute! Having never lived in a city, seeing a pool that is level with a city skyline is kind of trippy. How long have you been with your bf for?


Thanks! :) 7 months and it's been great. I wish I took a better photo of the skyline but it was 30 stories high and we had a gorgeous view of lake Michigan and downtown chicago
I dunno, I didn't like him in Guardians of the Galaxy, but I blamed that on the film being awful.

He is the perfect actor to play Star Lord and Guardians of the Galaxy was a great comic book movie, my favorite Marvel Cinematic Universe film by far. Even if you weren't a fan of the movie, calling it awful is a bit of a stretch and just dramatic.


irresponsible vagina leak
He is the perfect actor to play Star Lord and Guardians of the Galaxy was a great comic book movie, my favorite Marvel Cinematic Universe film by far. Even if you weren't a fan of the movie, calling it awful is a bit of a stretch and just dramatic.



I didn't like GotG but I thought it was pretty good and one of Marvel's post-Iron Man formula best thanks specifically to ignoring a lot of the formula universe. Wouldn't see the sequel but it didn't feel like a waste of time.
I didn't like GotG but I thought it was pretty good and one of Marvel's post-Iron Man formula best thanks specifically to ignoring a lot of the formula universe. Wouldn't see the sequel but it didn't feel like a waste of time.

Excactly, it didn't follow the typical formula for the MCU and set things up for the future films that take place away from Earth. Not a fan, I get that, but your comment is spot on. It wasn't a waste of time because of what it accomplished.


He is the perfect actor to play Star Lord and Guardians of the Galaxy was a great comic book movie, my favorite Marvel Cinematic Universe film by far. Even if you weren't a fan of the movie, calling it awful is a bit of a stretch and just dramatic.
Love how your opinion is seemingly worth more than mine.
Love how your opinion is seemingly worth more than mine.

I never said that, I said you calling it terrible was a bit of a stretch and dramatic, as is your response.

I get people aren't a fan of the movie, but GotG is important in the MCU and did a good job of getting people to love characters that didn't exist on film or in the minds of the general public.


I didn't like GotG but I thought it was pretty good and one of Marvel's post-Iron Man formula best thanks specifically to ignoring a lot of the formula universe. Wouldn't see the sequel but it didn't feel like a waste of time.

It was one of the better ones sure. I get so bored watching those marvel movies, they're so many and just so safe and boring.
It was one of the better ones sure. I get so bored watching those marvel movies, they're so many and just so safe and boring.

And this is what I loved about GotG, from the first trailer that made everyone think, what the hell?, you could tell they weren't playing it safe or by the Marvel Cinematic Universe playbook. Iron Man 2 and 3 are two of the biggest victims of this.


I never said that, I said you calling it terrible was a bit of a stretch and dramatic, as is your response.

I get people aren't a fan of the movie, but GotG is important in the MCU and did a good job of getting people to love characters that didn't exist on film or in the minds of the general public.
Hmm, I am feeling a bit ill and just woke up from a nap so my post might have been a bit snappy, but i'm a bit annoyed that I posted my opinion and then it's just "Your opinion is wrong! *circlejerking about how amazing the film is without actually saying what's good about it*"

I also don't care how important it is to the MCU in space (and was it really, outside of mentioning Thanos?)

The film WAS terrible, it was cliche upon cliche, it tried way too hard to be comedic (and fell flat most of the time), there was a stupid half baked romance plot that came out of nowhere, the friendship between the characters also seemed to come out of nowhere, they went from not knowing each other to "we'd die for each other!" in like 10 minutes, the action sequences were probably the least interesting in the MCU, the villain was boring as hell (and had a terrible design). The last minute "You are not completely human after all!" plot device which came out of nowhere and wasn't even hinted at. and don't even get me started on the dancing.

I find it really hard to find anything I like about that movie at all, and I've yet to understand the hype behind it, or have anyone actually give me a convincing reason why they like it other than "It's just awesome, right?!" so much circlejerking goes on with people discussing it.
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