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I don't. How are people getting all riled up at Nintendo but not Sony? They don't really have a 2015 lineup. It's all third party.

We want a new Metroid since there hasn't been a good one since '07!
Nintendo: Here's a 4 player co-op Metroid spin off!

We want a Wii U Animal Crossing!
Nintendo: Here's an Animal Crossing board game that requires amiibo to play!

We want a new Paper Mario since Sticker Star sucked!
Nintendo: Here's Mario and Luigi featuring Paper Mario from the Paper Mario series!


We want Last Guardian!
Sony: Here you go!

We want a FFVII remake!
Sony: Here you go!

We want Shenmue 3!
Sony: Here you go!

A lot of the backlash could have been avoided by simply saying there were main games in development and that the spin offs were to hold people over like Zelda. It is what it is I guess.

This isn't to say there weren't good looking games at Nintendo's conference, just that the bad managed to overshadow the good.
I don't. How are people getting all riled up at Nintendo but not Sony? They don't really have a 2015 lineup. It's all third party.
They see it as a repeat of the Gamecube - a commercial failure whose demise is accelerated by a sudden shift in resources toward a future console (NX).

Their precious investment will be dead by E3 next year, and the company they placed their trust in seems all too eager to pull that plug. I'd bet that Zelda will be a cross-platform release like TP.

PS4, on the other hand, had enough announcements to fill 2016 and even 2017 with back-to-back GOTY contenders, and there are a ton of first parties still to come (QD, Bend, SSM, Polyphony, etc.). Plus, the third party lineup isn't too shabby.


I don't. How are people getting all riled up at Nintendo but not Sony? They don't really have a 2015 lineup. It's all third party.

Because Sony blew 2016 and beyond out of the water, and they aren't hurting on third party exclusive content (partners on Battlefront, HITMAN, Arkham, Call of Duty, Metal Gear Solid) for 2015 on top of their remasters and the general saturation of third party games coming this year. It's hard for anyone to focus on lack of exclusives when there's so many third party games flowing in and three of the biggest mythological gaming wishlist announcements actually happened all together via Sony.


Poor Nintendo is in full charge of WiiU, Sony can rely on third parties like they always do. I know I wouldn't buy Sony systems without third party support :x It's been a while since the days of Tomba and Arc The Lad.

BTW Jurassic World was okay and just okay.


A lot of the backlash could have been avoided by simply saying there were main games in development and that the spin offs were to hold people over like Zelda. It is what it is I guess.

I'm guessing not having any key mainline games to show off is the big deal for most poeple. Moreso than with the other two conferences, I actually want to play most of the games I saw on Nintendo's stream, but I recognize that they had no real heavy hitters. Federation Force looks like it'll be fun, amiibo Festival seems to be a successor to Fortune Street so I'm at least interested, Paper Jam is really just Mario & Luigi 5 and that's fantastic on its own, Tri Force Heroes looks like a hoot, etc.

But for some reason the really vocal groups started eating up the idea that we were absolutely going to see big mainline releases for a bunch of franchises based on nothing but whims and wishes and when nothing new came to fruition it hit hard. Which is of course totally fair, since it's E3 and they really should have big games to show. Of course there's Mario Maker which looks superb and Star Fox Zero looks fun to me (and I'm not really seeing any issue with it graphically which also seems to be a big mark against it for some) but both of these are things we knew about with seemingly nothing else on the horizon. And when you stack that up to Sony showing off three games that were literally mythical status, well...


I'm guessing not having any key mainline games to show off is the big deal for most poeple. Moreso than with the other two conferences, I actually want to play most of the games I saw on Nintendo's stream, but I recognize that they had no real heavy hitters. Federation Force looks like it'll be fun, amiibo Festival seems to be a successor to Fortune Street so I'm at least interested, Paper Jam is really just Mario & Luigi 5 and that's fantastic on its own, Tri Force Heroes looks like a hoot, etc.

But for some reason the really vocal groups started eating up the idea that we were absolutely going to see big mainline releases for a bunch of franchises based on nothing but whims and wishes and when nothing new came to fruition it hit hard. Which is of course totally fair, since it's E3 and they really should have big games to show. Of course there's Mario Maker which looks superb and Star Fox Zero looks fun to me (and I'm not really seeing any issue with it graphically which also seems to be a big mark against it for some) but both of these are things we knew about with seemingly nothing else on the horizon. And when you stack that up to Sony showing off three games that were literally mythical status, well...

I do agree with you on Triforce Heroes, that thing looks like it'll be a blast and it actually has online co-op! Star Fox of course looks amazing.

While it's true people were getting hyped up for big announcements, can you really blame them? Nintendo decided to show off all of their Smash stuff Sunday and got what a lot of people saw as smaller titles such as Mystery Dungeon and Chibi-Robo out of the way last week and it makes sense that they'd have unrealistic expectations. That combined with the fact that you kinda need to be hyperbolic when talking about games on message boards (Or at least I do, seriously go check out some of my posts on gaming side, they're embarrassing) to be heard really amped the disappointment up to 1000.



@danym @eosos


right opinions, i've been trying to grow out my facial hair for a couple of weeks now and i've gotten to the point where its super itchy all the time, especially at night when my face is squished up against a pillow...does this ever end???
right opinions, i've been trying to grow out my facial hair for a couple of weeks now and i've gotten to the point where its super itchy all the time, especially at night when my face is squished up against a pillow...does this ever end???

It does. There's like a threshold, if it makes sense.. Once it grows a little longer, it sorta softens a bit and doesn't itch nearly as much! At least, that's my experience :)


those two kids were the worst fucking cliches, i wanted them dead within a minute of seeing them. other than that it was alright

I honestly didn't mind them. Also finding out the actor for the older brother was 20 flipped me out a bit. But then I remembered they love to use 20 year olds as teens or 30 year olds if they have the look.


This guy looks familiar... ;)

hooooly shit that's hot.

seriously those pecs though

Also damn I always miss the best stuff in LettersGAF when i'm sleeping, damn it.


And yet, to think that Darth/Spirit Weaver still has trouble finding dates...

Going back to E3, I thought Nintendo's conference opener was incredibly cute but when they focused on overlapping developer commentary with those abysmal game presentations, I sighed and skipped ahead for something more interesting and there wasn't any. Super disappointed.


I'm alright. Eagerly awaiting Friday.

That's when the expansion for FF14 releases.

The difference between the old FF14 and the new is staggering. I remembering setting up my account the first time and it was all a huge mess. I was confused and had no idea what I was doing, let alone the battle system. When I got onto RR, it was like a completely new game.
My sub ran out last week for XIV and I didn't resub. Honestly, my reason is mainly because of the expansion. I don't mean that in that the expansion looks bad or anything - far from it. It's just, before.. I would only log in occasionally to do some Coils with my FC and that was it - it was pretty casual for me. But with the expansion coming out, I *know* I would get sucked in and play way too much (leveling my jobs to 60, the new jobs as well, etc), and I don't want to do that, lol. And part of it is I was just really bored of the game in general by the end.

I do think FFXIV ARR is a great MMO, but I think I've just grown a bit tired of them (and their need to suck up all my free time - I'd rather play new games that I've never played before).


Ow I missed the drama :(

Why does everyone have to use gifs though? I really don't understand what most of them mean and they load way too slow to comprehend what people are trying to say :/


Ow I missed the drama :(

Why does everyone have to use gifs though? I really don't understand what most of them mean and they load way too slow to comprehend what people are trying to say :/

Their shade-game is so weak they need to include gifs so people can know what response they were trying to evoke.


I played FFXIV for a while, fun game but WoW burned me out hard on MMOs. My character was a human (the muscular ones, highlander I think) Pugilist, he was hot.
I played FFXIV for a while, fun game but WoW burned me out hard on MMOs. My character was a human (the muscular ones, highlander I think) Pugilist, he was hot.

Yep that's a highlander :). I'm pretty sure I'm going to make the switch to Au'Ra in the expansion. Their look has really grown on me, and I'm tired of being a kitty :p


those two kids were the worst fucking cliches, i wanted them dead within a minute of seeing them. other than that it was alright

I didn't understand the purpose of those two kids. I was hoping they would get eaten by the hybrid dinosaur. They were very cliche and annoying.


I didn't understand the purpose of those two kids. I was hoping they would get eaten by the hybrid dinosaur. They were very cliche and annoying.

It comes down to the writing. I think they thought they would give the audience someone to root and hope for their survival. But judging by some opinions in this thread, the opposite is true..

In the first Jurassic Park movie I pretty much loved all the characters since they were developed as the movie went along. In this one though I really didn't care what happened to any of them.


Yeah, I'm the opposite of a snobby film critic, but the movie wasn't very well written even for a pure action film.


This is truly fanboys at their worst.

The more I think about it the more I dislike it. The treatment of women in the movie is pretty gross.

I hated the movie because of its dumb premise but you have brought to light that, I didn't notice it but you are absolutely right.


It's the best JP sequel ever!
Wich doesn't mean much. Jurassic Park is still the best and should've never gotten a sequel.

No, the book was the best. :p

The films always focused too much on the action and less on the ethics behind what inGen was doing.
Also, Hammond survived and didn't get mauled to death by a pack of Procompsognathus' which was the ending that character deserved.
(Book Spoilers)
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