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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Ah, thank you for the thorough response! That's really cool what you're doing with your company. If you don't mind me asking, what motivated you to become involved with your company's LGBT employee resource group? Maybe I'll check one of those cities out (or at least not be scared of it) next time I head east.

As for Andrew Luck...I'll take your word for it. :p Based on what I've heard from friends and friends of friends and the little I've personally seen of him, he seems like a really nice guy who's also great at football. I'm glad he has fans.
It's funny, but there's no "one thing" that got me motivated to do it. It's more like a collective of different things.

- Easy Answer: One of the people starting up the group asked if I'd like to be part of it, and he's a great guy so I said, "Of course!"
- More Answer: I am super privileged where I am, but I did spend 6 months studying abroad in Japan, so I have a small taste of what it feels like to be someone "outside the norm". I'm in no way comparing my experience (which was a blessing) to what the LGBT+ community goes through with intolerance or shunning (which is awful), but it creates an awareness that it isn't fun to feel that way for a long period of time. I want to do my best to take away that feeling of not belonging or having to hide something at work.
- Corporate Answer: I love working at my job, and I love living and working in Indiana. I want both my company and my state to be as successful as possible. To do that, we need to attract the best talent, and there is a lot of talent in the LGBT+ community! I want LGBT+ Hoosiers to love this state as much as I do and I want LGBT+ colleagues who can help us be successful in the future.

So that's what got me to join up, but what kept me in it is different. I was part of the early foundation of the group at our site. About six months after we started it up, I had a guy I worked with years ago (still in the company but we work on different stuff) come over to my desk and let me know that he and his husband had gotten married after marriage equality was cemented in Indiana (Supreme Court better leave it that way!). I just got married myself last year, so I have a better perspective on the institution. I got to see the smile on his face when we talked about it, and the fact that he made the effort to come all the way to my desk made me smile about it afterwards. That is what keeps me motivated to keep going to meetings, walk in the Pride Parades, represent our group at Diversity Fairs, etc.

I didn't think you would remember!
Of course I remember! I always do my best to keep tabs on fellow Hoosiers here!


Interesting, thanks for the heads up.

Hopefully Persona 5 will have an actual gay romance social link to pursue. Poor Kanji. :(
OK, I've been playing more and I've updated my opinion. It's fantastic.
I wouldn't have anything against them being sadists if it wasn't such a common stereotype when it comes to gay characters.

Oh gee, a lesbian/bi woman that's also a stalker where have I seen that before? http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PsychoLesbian
Hmm, I normally disagree with you on FE stuff, but today we're on the same side. I mean, it's cool they're trying, but they could've at least put one of each in each version so we coould ll be happy. And not have horribly written cliche stereotypes.

Ah well, baby steps.


I wouldn't have anything against them being sadists if it wasn't such a common stereotype when it comes to gay characters.

Oh gee, a lesbian/bi woman that's also a stalker where have I seen that before? http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.ph.../PsychoLesbian
Tropes are something that weighs down hard on any writing in Japanese media in general and makes characters feel very flat. I'm kinda used to it by now, I guess. Wish it was better and there was better writing in general. :/

Didn't know what Yandere actually means. I think I saw it mentioned before in FE:A's OT when people referred to Tharja.

I will still buy it since I like the artstyle, the music and the gameplay but it's definitely a bummer that the game is still very conservative and unmoving in a time where the medium of video games and the industry behind it try to move into a more open direction when it comes to writing, away from these old tropes that show minorities in a bad light.

Tropes can be fun and all when it's not demeaning but here I can totally see your point.


My eyes are dilated, I'm tripping on new un researched chemicals, and I'm making a mixtape of all the songs that make me think of him.

I'm just a slightly gayer version of the 1960s, my love is transcribed from my heart to sound, to paper and words.

This is emotional nirvana.


One of my best friends' fathers passed away unexpectedly and I'm sort of at a loss for what to do. I offered to bring him lunch today but he declined, so I just told him to text or call me if he needed anything, but I feel like I haven't done enough for him :/
One of my best friends' fathers passed away unexpectedly and I'm sort of at a loss for what to do. I offered to bring him lunch today but he declined, so I just told him to text or call me if he needed anything, but I feel like I haven't done enough for him :/
Sorry to hear that Sai. Maybe he needs a few days alone? Though it might be a good idea to check up on him from time to time.


PM Kater or Sai-kun and they'll let you in.

*bow* Thank you sir, I shall do this.

One of my best friends' fathers passed away unexpectedly and I'm sort of at a loss for what to do. I offered to bring him lunch today but he declined, so I just told him to text or call me if he needed anything, but I feel like I haven't done enough for him :/

Regarding this, I've also had to deal with a similar situation lately, a friend's ex BF killed himself. You need to be there for them when you can, but you should also give them space. Accept that you can't stop them from hurting right now, nobody can, but you CAN be there and be supportive. You should give him some time then try visiting.
One of my best friends' fathers passed away unexpectedly and I'm sort of at a loss for what to do. I offered to bring him lunch today but he declined, so I just told him to text or call me if he needed anything, but I feel like I haven't done enough for him :/

It's tough trying to support a friend who lost someone close to them. A lifelong friend of mine recently lost his other major lifelong friend unexpectedly, and I know he was hurting even though he kept trying to downplay it. It was hard to provide support, especially since he's in the military overseas so it's not like I could drop in and say hello. In the end, I let him know that I was there for him and he had an ear with me. I suppose in these situations its all you can do, along with following up when the time actually comes.


Surprised at the amount of FFXIV players here. One of my friends convinced me to get it after hyping Heavensward for weeks. PC version, but don't PC/PS4/PS3 share the same servers?


Gold Member
Surprised at the amount of FFXIV players here. One of my friends convinced me to get it after hyping Heavensward for weeks. PC version, but don't PC/PS4/PS3 share the same servers?
Yep, same servers. Two of us in here play on Gilgamesh. It's the unofficial LGBT server. I'm in a free company (guild) called The Sacred Band. Most of GAF plays on Ultros.

I play on my PS4.
What's this $12.99 for 180 days I see on their website?

monthly, quarterly, yearly, the higher the tier you pick the lesser the monthly fee will be. you just have to pay all at once for each tier

so it would be $12.99 x 3 ($38.97) and they'll bill you every 3 months of $38.97) or whatever price they have.
I came so close to buying Arkham Knight today, but decided to hold off. It might drop in price in a month or so like most games nowadays. or maybe even wait for the GOTY edition with all the DLC. I really do wanna play it though. :( :(


Hunky Nostradamus
So what makes Arkham Knight so good? I played the first two games and enjoyed them, but couldn't get through Origins because it felt too similar to the other games.
So what makes Arkham Knight so good? I played the first two games and enjoyed them, but couldn't get through Origins because it felt too similar to the other games.

I felt like Origins had better boss encounters than the previous Arkham games at least. Decent enough story, too but... it WAS very same-y (especially with regards to Arkham City).


@Razmos - saw your tattoo in the gaming tats thread - looks nice. :) I've considered a l'cie tattoo myself, but if I got one, it'd probably be an incredibly boring triforce one. :p Are you a big fan of the XIII series or you just like how the l'cie mark looks?


@Razmos - saw your tattoo in the gaming tats thread - looks nice. :) I've considered a l'cie tattoo myself, but if I got one, it'd probably be an incredibly boring triforce one. :p Are you a big fan of the XIII series or you just like how the l'cie mark looks?
Though I imagine my opinion of the series is an unpopular one.
Though I imagine my opinion of the series is an unpopular one.

While they aren't my favorites in the series or anything, I did enjoy my time with them (got platinum trophies for XIII, XIII-2, and Lightning Returns!). Definitely enjoyed the battle systems in all 3 games. The stories were... eh, entertaining (if a bit silly), but yeah, I'm with you on that (very unpopular) opinion lol.

What's your favorite FF game? Mine is FFIX. Vivi <3


Though I imagine my opinion of the series is an unpopular one.

I haven't play LR yet but I do think XIII and XIII-2 get more hate than they deserve. They're actually really fun to play.

While they aren't my favorites in the series or anything, I did enjoy my time with them (got platinum trophies for XIII, XIII-2, and Lightning Returns!). Definitely enjoyed the battle systems in all 3 games. The stories were... eh, entertaining (if a bit silly), but yeah, I'm with you on that (very unpopular) opinion lol.

What's your favorite FF game? Mine is FFIX. Vivi <3

Same here. V is a close second.


While they aren't my favorites in the series or anything, I did enjoy my time with them (got platinum trophies for XIII, XIII-2, and Lightning Returns!). Definitely enjoyed the battle systems in all 3 games. The stories were... eh, entertaining (if a bit silly), but yeah, I'm with you on that (very unpopular) opinion lol.

What's your favorite FF game? Mine is FFIX. Vivi <3

Final Fantasy 9 is my favorite too for sure. What an incredible game. Followed by 10, then it gets a little bit harder to rank them.
I haven't play LR yet but I do think XIII and XIII-2 get more hate than they deserve. They're actually really fun to play.

Well, I think XIII deserves a lot of hate for what it did wrong, but It needs more love for what it did right. I blame upper management entirely for the XIII and original XIV fiasco, both of these teams needed more time to finish their games.

XIII's battle system, especially when going into XIII-2 is superb.


While they aren't my favorites in the series or anything, I did enjoy my time with them (got platinum trophies for XIII, XIII-2, and Lightning Returns!). Definitely enjoyed the battle systems in all 3 games. The stories were... eh, entertaining (if a bit silly), but yeah, I'm with you on that (very unpopular) opinion lol.

What's your favorite FF game? Mine is FFIX. Vivi <3
I think my ranking (of the ones that I've played) goes:


8 doesn't get enough love at all. I think people should go in suspending their disbelief and let the story get as silly and ridiculous as it gets, and just enjoy the ride. They'd then maybe connect with the game's beautiful world, soundtrack, and atmosphere.

God I love Esthar and Balamb Garden at the beginning. It's like a beautiful, chill campus.


Hunky Nostradamus

I really like all of them though. 1 is really underrated, I think. I'm playing through 5 right now but I'm not far enough to rank it. I'll get to 6 eventually.

It kills me that I never got to play 11 - I really wish they hadn't made the MMOs part of the mainline series. They should have branded them Final Fantasy Online or something.



I really like all of them though. 1 is really underrated, I think. I'm playing through 5 right now but I'm not far enough to rank it. I'll get to 6 eventually.

It kills me that I never got to play 11 - I really wish they hadn't made the MMOs part of the mainline series. They should have branded them Final Fantasy Online or something.

lol "1 is really underrated" but it is dead last in your ranking

I've only played 10 really, and it was great.


Hunky Nostradamus
lol "1 is really underrated" but it is dead last in your ranking

I've only played 10 really, and it was great.


It's the weakest mainline FF game that I've played, but it's still a really good game. It's underrated in that I never hear anyone talk about it or saying anything positive about it.
I feel like V is the most underrated in the series.

It doesn't have the massive cast of IV and VI, but it has depth those two games could never dream of and I absolutely adore the story.


8 doesn't get enough love at all. I think people should go in suspending their disbelief and let the story get as silly and ridiculous as it gets, and just enjoy the ride. They'd then maybe connect with the game's beautiful world, soundtrack, and atmosphere.

God I love Esthar and Balamb Garden at the beginning. It's like a beautiful, chill campus.

I absolutely abhor Esthar. Worst city in the FF series imo. All i remember is that it was huge and confusing as fuck to traverse, every path looked the same and yeah, terrible. In fact I recall a good amount of locations being confusing as fuck to navigate. The sewers anyone?

I'm a VIII hater though. Nothing about that game resonated with me besides the gameplay being fun, though I abhor Triple Triad and all the bullshit around it and the cards. Also the main team is the most woefully underdeveloped main cast in the entire FF series bar the ones like 1/3 or 2 since it was so early. VIII's cast pretty much stop mattering after Disc 1 and it's all about Squall and Rinoa. I actually liked Rinoa well enough, strangely, but I hate the romance and everything surrounding it. The Laguna stuff was cool though, and his romance was way better than Squall/Rinoa.

FF9 sort of has the problem of half the cast doesn't matter (Freya post Cleyra, Amarant, Quina) but at least those characters had enough quirks and personality and had their days in the limelight. Selphie, Quistis, Irvine, and Zell truly have no purpose beside the ridiculous twist.
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