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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I stopped playing the main series after/because of VII, so my "old man yells at cloud" ranking would be


The original Gameboy ones (Legend series, FF Adventure) were fun but I don't exactly remember anything specific about them.


I only like Final Fantasy Tactics, to be honest. I don't enjoy the mainline stuff. Well, Chocobo's Dungeon was fun too :p But the first Tactics game is really one of my favorite games ever.
Final Fantasy 9 is my favorite too for sure. What an incredible game. Followed by 10, then it gets a little bit harder to rank them.

A man after my own heart. <3

My order probably goes like this:


I'm not ranking XI and XIV with them because they are such different types of games... Hard to compare them. I did play XI for several years and I played XIV for a total of about a year (combined, some sub lapses and such).

Final Fantasy IX is everything I want in a game - charming and likable cast (Vivi = THE BEST SRSLY GUYS), entertaining story/world with some nice twists, amazing OST and graphics (for the time), and while I freely admit the battle system is a bit slow, I still had fun. The ability learning system was also pretty addicting to me.

Srsly tho, Vivi > all. if you disagree, we are enemies.

I stopped playing the main series after/because of VII, so my "old man yells at cloud" ranking would be

Oh yea the other day got into it sorta with a woman on G+ that said gays were anatomically different from straight people and that she was glad to be an independent instead a dirty liberal like me

I don't even know where she got that from


Well, I think XIII deserves a lot of hate for what it did wrong, but It needs more love for what it did right. I blame upper management entirely for the XIII and original XIV fiasco, both of these teams needed more time to finish their games.

XIII's battle system, especially when going into XIII-2 is superb.

Well, believe me when I say that for 14, everyone and their moms knew it was unfinished but the head honcho of development was the one who insisted that it was ready for release.


But Freya is the best character in IX. Vivi is my second favorite though.

Amarant is the
worst character in the series.

That mopey rat is not the best character by far lmao

Vivi, Dagger/Garnet, Zidane, and Steiner are great. Eiko is okay. The rat, the mutant frog eater, and the ginger are cool sometimes but otherwise disposable.


PS4 version is amazing.

At first I really disliked the bat mobile but I am starting to get really into it. Everything is so fluid and dense. Loving it sofar.
PS4 version is amazing.

At first I really disliked the bat mobile but I am starting to get really into it. Everything is so fluid and dense. Loving it sofar.

That's good to hear because I felt very meh about the bat mobile when I first saw it. Why drive when I can fucking fly! I know it's used for other things enough.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Hillary Clinton's campaign released a video called 'Equal' featuring same-sex marriages:


I don't like falling for political videos, but I got goosebumps midway through from the sheer emotional power of the footage. So many adorable couples! Thanks for sharing!

Depending on how this Supreme Court decision goes, I'm very curious how the different presidential candidates and political parties will approach same-sex marriage and LGBT rights in the upcoming election.


Oh the character who had her people slaughtered is mopey? I can't for the life of me figure out why that would be.

Girl, if people give Tidus a hard time for being a little whiny over the fact that HIS ENTIRE LIFE AND WORLD were destroyed and he was transplanted to a completely foreign land, then Freya can stand to get some shit over being one of the last remaining rats and that her rat lover doesn't give a fuck about her.


irresponsible vagina leak
Break ups are hard. I havent slept well since it happened and its being so hard to stay away from contacting him. (Ive been making a fool out of myself these days) I feel like I lost my good parts as soon as we broke up and I regret telling him that we should split up. I feel so lost and his responses feel like knives on my chest. I wish I could handle things better and I wish I didnt had to post here but I got no one right now to talk to and I need to let things out. It's hurting so much and I dont know how I will keep on dealing with things if I cant control myself. I got so used to spend many hours chatting with him and doing things together and now I just feel alone.

This has been the hardest break up for me and I wish I didnt have to deal with this because god it hurts so much to have him in my mind all the time. I really wish I could turn back time and not said anything about breaking up and control myself better. Everyday that passes feels worse and I feel like Im losing him with each passing day. I really need to get myself together and I wish I knew how but I cant stop crying every single day.

Everything around my room reminds me of him and the things that he gifted me make me feel worse more when some are things I used to wear everyday. I want to get better but everyday seems worse and worse. Crying in silence in the night so I dont alarm anyone in the house then sleeping most of the day or being in terrible mood. I hope I can control my emotions better soon cause I just keep feeling worse everyday. I miss everything so much.
Break ups are hard. I havent slept well since it happened and its being so hard to stay away from contacting him. (Ive been making a fool out of myself these days) I feel like I lost my good parts as soon as we broke up and I regret telling him that we should split up. I feel so lost and his responses feel like knives on my chest. I wish I could handle things better and I wish I didnt had to post here but I got no one right now to talk to and I need to let things out. It's hurting so much and I dont know how I will keep on dealing with things if I cant control myself. I got so used to spend many hours chatting with him and doing things together and now I just feel alone.

This has been the hardest break up for me and I wish I didnt have to deal with this because god it hurts so much to have him in my mind all the time. I really wish I could turn back time and not said anything about breaking up and control myself better. Everyday that passes feels worse and I feel like Im losing him with each passing day. I really need to get myself together and I wish I knew how but I cant stop crying every single day.

Everything around my room reminds me of him and the things that he gifted me make me feel worse more when some are things I used to wear everyday. I want to get better but everyday seems worse and worse. Crying in silence in the night so I dont alarm anyone in the house then sleeping most of the day or being in terrible mood. I hope I can control my emotions better soon cause I just keep feeling worse everyday. I miss everything so much.
Cherish those memories and don't feel bad about feeling bad, but at the same time, know that your self-worth isn't tied to who you're with or used to be with.

You'll probably find someone else who makes your days brighter and more fulfilling, and if you don't, you'll eventually remember how to create your own sunshine again.

After all, every human being was once happily single. And you're never alone...not with me here, anyway :p


hang in there brotha

emotions are evil things but luckily they are very flexible things so soon you will stop being sad

in the meantime try to occupy your time with something you enjoy like games etc.
Anyone here watch Looking? I just started the 2nd season and I have mixed feelings about it. I start caring about the characters, but I feel like the show treats relationships so vapidly. Clumsily open relationships, cheating... I dunno maybe that's the point cause it's a drama after all?

Or maybe I'm just too invested, or weirdly uptight or something.
Break ups are hard. I havent slept well since it happened and its being so hard to stay away from contacting him. (Ive been making a fool out of myself these days) I feel like I lost my good parts as soon as we broke up and I regret telling him that we should split up. I feel so lost and his responses feel like knives on my chest. I wish I could handle things better and I wish I didnt had to post here but I got no one right now to talk to and I need to let things out. It's hurting so much and I dont know how I will keep on dealing with things if I cant control myself. I got so used to spend many hours chatting with him and doing things together and now I just feel alone.

This has been the hardest break up for me and I wish I didnt have to deal with this because god it hurts so much to have him in my mind all the time. I really wish I could turn back time and not said anything about breaking up and control myself better. Everyday that passes feels worse and I feel like Im losing him with each passing day. I really need to get myself together and I wish I knew how but I cant stop crying every single day.

Everything around my room reminds me of him and the things that he gifted me make me feel worse more when some are things I used to wear everyday. I want to get better but everyday seems worse and worse. Crying in silence in the night so I dont alarm anyone in the house then sleeping most of the day or being in terrible mood. I hope I can control my emotions better soon cause I just keep feeling worse everyday. I miss everything so much.

You're absolutely not alone. We've all been there.

I'd recommend getting rid of all the stuff around the house that remind you of him. Or at least, put them all in a box and tuck it away somewhere out of sight if you can't bring yourself to let them go yet.

It's easier said than done but this is the time to invest in yourself and care for yourself. Start going to the gym if you don't go already. You'll have a place to let out your frustrations and start looking hotter down the line as a bonus. Pick up a new language or a hobby. Whatever you might enjoy that would also feel rewarding or productive.

Definitely allow yourself to morn and cry, but be sure to go out with friends and have fun too.

Most importantly, genuinely accept that you wanna move on so that you don't keep yourself emotionally tied and invested still. There's no such thing as just one possible soulmate after all. You're bound to meet someone amazing that won't end like this.

BTW, music helped me. Personally Fiona Apple was great for post break up blues.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Break ups are hard. I havent slept well since it happened and its being so hard to stay away from contacting him. (Ive been making a fool out of myself these days) I feel like I lost my good parts as soon as we broke up and I regret telling him that we should split up. I feel so lost and his responses feel like knives on my chest. I wish I could handle things better and I wish I didnt had to post here but I got no one right now to talk to and I need to let things out. It's hurting so much and I dont know how I will keep on dealing with things if I cant control myself. I got so used to spend many hours chatting with him and doing things together and now I just feel alone.

This has been the hardest break up for me and I wish I didnt have to deal with this because god it hurts so much to have him in my mind all the time. I really wish I could turn back time and not said anything about breaking up and control myself better. Everyday that passes feels worse and I feel like Im losing him with each passing day. I really need to get myself together and I wish I knew how but I cant stop crying every single day.

Everything around my room reminds me of him and the things that he gifted me make me feel worse more when some are things I used to wear everyday. I want to get better but everyday seems worse and worse. Crying in silence in the night so I dont alarm anyone in the house then sleeping most of the day or being in terrible mood. I hope I can control my emotions better soon cause I just keep feeling worse everyday. I miss everything so much.


I assume you must have had a reason or need to break up with him, so I think it's important to remember why you did. The standard pieces of advice are all I can offer&#8212;meet new people, find new hobbies/foci, spend time with your friends and family&#8212;but I think the most important thing is the most frustrating and always worth saying: time is necessary for all forms of healing. Breakups are really painful experiences for everyone, so I hope you're being patient with yourself and self-compassionate.

I'm sure there are other people on this forum you feel more connected to, but my inbox is open if you need a space to just write and have someone listen.

Sorry I can't do more. :/ I hope you feel better soon.


irresponsible vagina leak
hang in there brotha

emotions are evil things but luckily they are very flexible things so soon you will stop being sad

in the meantime try to occupy your time with something you enjoy like games etc.

I wish I could go somewhere to walk or join a gym but when you are unemployed with not many benefits and no money on savings there is not a lot of options. Gaming has been stopped since my laptop screen fucked up and I have to fix that which is more debts for me on the way. My week is not going alright. I wished there were friends near to take me out of the house cause being stucked in here is not helping at all.


I assume you must have had a reason or need to break up with him, so I think it's important to remember why you did. The standard pieces of advice are all I can offer&#8212;meet new people, find new hobbies/foci, spend time with your friends and family&#8212;but I think the most important thing is the most frustrating: time is necessary for all forms of healing. Breakups are really painful experiences for everyone, so I hope you're being patient with yourself and self-compassionate.

I'm sure there are other people on this forum you feel more connected to, but my inbox is open if you need a space to just write and have someone listen.

Sorry I can't do more. :/ I hope you feel better soon.
Me being depressive and him starting to get depression was starting to create some conflicts but we still had fun outside of those small headbutts. I thought it would have been good for him to have space to deal with his own stuff and I didnt held him back to do the things he had to do and I was thinking I would have been able to handle the break up but it ended up with me being a huge emotional wreck. I tried to keep in touch cause we want to still be friends but his responses seem cold and uninterested but at the same time it feels like something. I ended up asking him to block me since I was making a fool out of myself trying to contact him daily to see how he was doing and I feel like everyday I kept pushing him away. I dont know if we will go back together or if this is definitive but all I know right now is that I just wish I didnt have to be an emotional wreck at night and losing sleep cause I know that wont help me to get better. I need to control myself somehow and I need to get things done for myself but right now its all a blur for me.

Im sorry for bringing the mood down guys.
I wish I could go somewhere to walk or join a gym but when you are unemployed with not many benefits and no money on savings there is not a lot of options. Gaming has been stopped since my laptop screen fucked up and I have to fix that which is more debts for me on the way. My week is not going alright. I wished there were friends near to take me out of the house cause being stucked in here is not helping at all.

Me being depressive and him starting to get depression was starting to create some conflicts but we still had fun outside of those small headbutts. I thought it would have been good for him to have space to deal with his own stuff and I didnt held him back to do the things he had to do and I was thinking I would have been able to handle the break up but it ended up with me being a huge emotional wreck. I tried to keep in touch cause we want to still be friends but his responses seem cold and uninterested but at the same time it feels like something. I ended up asking him to block me since I was making a fool out of myself trying to contact him daily to see how he was doing and I feel like everyday I kept pushing him away. I dont know if we will go back together or if this is definitive but all I know right now is that I just wish I didnt have to be an emotional wreck at night and losing sleep cause I know that wont help me to get better. I need to control myself somehow and I need to get things done for myself but right now its all a blur for me.

Im sorry for bringing the mood down guys.

No need to apologize.

You say you don't know if this is definitive or if you might end up back together. Sounds like you initiated the break up, and you need to sit down, think and decide firmly if it's the right call or not, then act accordingly.

You CANNOT stay uncertain as you currently sound though, cause you're basically keeping yourself in emotional limbo. Moving on will be so much more painful this way.

It's not easy but remember to focus on yourself. Feel free to talk or hmu if you need a listening ear.


irresponsible vagina leak
Thanks everyone I feel somewhat calmer now and I should sleep now since I got a somewhat busy morning to deal with. I'll be sure to post some updates on how things keep going. Goodnight everyone.
Break ups are hard. I havent slept well since it happened and its being so hard to stay away from contacting him. (Ive been making a fool out of myself these days) I feel like I lost my good parts as soon as we broke up and I regret telling him that we should split up. I feel so lost and his responses feel like knives on my chest. I wish I could handle things better and I wish I didnt had to post here but I got no one right now to talk to and I need to let things out. It's hurting so much and I dont know how I will keep on dealing with things if I cant control myself. I got so used to spend many hours chatting with him and doing things together and now I just feel alone.

This has been the hardest break up for me and I wish I didnt have to deal with this because god it hurts so much to have him in my mind all the time. I really wish I could turn back time and not said anything about breaking up and control myself better. Everyday that passes feels worse and I feel like Im losing him with each passing day. I really need to get myself together and I wish I knew how but I cant stop crying every single day.

Everything around my room reminds me of him and the things that he gifted me make me feel worse more when some are things I used to wear everyday. I want to get better but everyday seems worse and worse. Crying in silence in the night so I dont alarm anyone in the house then sleeping most of the day or being in terrible mood. I hope I can control my emotions better soon cause I just keep feeling worse everyday. I miss everything so much.
Sorry to hear you've been going through so much, dude. I think with time you'll start to feel better and look at things in different ways. It sounds like you were thinking about his well being and emotional state when you said what you said. So.. yeah, I say just give it time and find new hobbies and things to distract you and also talk to new people, it might help.


Oh, we're ranking FFs?

FF6, Tactics, FF7, FF4, FF: Crystal Chronicles, FFX, FF11, FF: CC: Ring of Fates...FF13 is a guilty pleasure.

FF12: I tried playing years later but couldn't get into it. Text heavy and I suppose at that time, I was pretty burnt out on video games.
FF9: Attempted to briefly when I bought the J-version to polish my Japanese reading skills (never panned out).
FF8: Love the art/music, hated Rinoa, Guardian Force explanation, and orphanage idea. Checked out last dungeon because I stopped caring. Had a crush on Irvine at the time, though. lol


Bayo: Hang in there. Just think of it as a chemical reaction wherein you're suffering from symptoms of withdrawal. =P Your system will eventually flush it out, but it takes time to recondition yourself into becoming whole again. Whatever impulses you had to breakup you had for a reason.

Personally, anything that reminds me of an ex, I'd just toss if you can. Sometimes it can be healthy to let the emotions out and just let yourself get lest in that moment but at some point it gets excessive and damaging. It's hard to find the right balance but like others have already mentioned, distract yourself by doing other things to channel your emotions.

Writing everything I'm thinking about in one huge paragraph - punctuation be damned - helps a lot. It gives a sort of physical form to my feelings that I can reread and trash or keep. Often times, when I look back on old things I've saved, I realize what a ridiculous, nonsensical mess I was at the time and it can be both embarrassing and hilarious. Don't give up hope and give yourself a huge hug!



A thread full of fairies and not a single one of you mentions the good sis FFX-2 as your favorite game? Are any of you even gay?!


I've never played it tbh. My old coworkers told me it's actually fun. I bought a copy when it was on a massive sale but I left it at home when I moved to Michigan. Perhaps I'll check out the Steam version if it ever goes on a decent sale. I do love that save music, Memory of Light Waves. GOAT save music ever.
I've never played it tbh. My old coworkers told me it's actually fun. I bought a copy when it was on a massive sale but I left it at home when I moved to Michigan. Perhaps I'll check out the Steam version if it ever goes on a decent sale. I do love that save music, Memory of Light Waves. GOAT save music ever.

Where do you think my username comes from sis?

A thread full of fairies and not a single one of you mentions the good sis FFX-2 as your favorite game? Are any of you even gay?!

Great battle system, you can keep the rest of the trash though.

Oh, the music is amazing too.

Edit: Wait it has Paine, shit I actually might like the game, someone help.
A thread full of fairies and not a single one of you mentions the good sis FFX-2 as your favorite game? Are any of you even gay?!


I didn't list it in my ranking because I wouldn't call it a mainline game. I liked FFX-2 mainly for the battle/job system and music, but the rest was pretty shitty. A story that retroactively ruined FFX's perfect ending, and most of the areas were just simple copy/paste from the first one. The whole "girl power" stuff got to be pretty cringeworthy at times (and I'm pretty damn tolerant of cringe in video games; ie: JRPGs in general and even Kingdom Hearts).

But again, it has probably my favorite FF battle system ever, so I do give it big props for that.
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