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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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That's one thing I love about here in NOLA. I can look out my window and watch the tops of cruise ships (and other boats) go up and down the river. Swamp to the south and west, river to the south, lake to the north.. we're just one little island.

And the beach in Mississippi is a 45-minute ride away. Not bad.

It's shorts weather today. Beautiful day for 5 parades. :)

Yankees to the right of ya' Doodles to the left!

edit: damn. top of page twice in a row.


Southeast Asia.

okay that's a really extreme move to get the things he likes about Florida lol

also who even reads celsius?

I love 24/7 warmth. I'm in love with the ocean, beaches and want to be somewhere within driving proximity to cruise ports (in contrast to having to fly and spend more on the flight than the actual cruise).

I've never been on a cruise and I am not that tempted, but that's one thing I thought looked awesome about Miami. The huge cruise ships on a breezy day and all the taller buildings on the water are a pretty appealing. Fort Lauderdale is a strong port (and gay) city too. I am in the Palm Beach area part of the time and there's more of a nice resort scene there, with only a couple of smaller cruises in the area.


also who even reads celsius?

I've never been on a cruise and I am not that tempted, but that's one thing I thought looked awesome about Miami. The huge cruise ships on a breezy day and all the taller buildings on the water are a pretty appealing. Fort Lauderdale is a strong port (and gay) city too. I am in the Palm Beach area part of the time and there's more of a nice resort scene there, with only a couple of smaller cruises in the area.

Canadian here! Grade 10 math taught us all Fahrenheit and Imperial Units...not that I remember any of it.

And yeah - I've been to Orlando (and Cocoa Beach), Miami and Panama City Beach. Definitely loved Miami the best (Although PCB feels like a second home, seeing as I'm there once a year).


lol please don't guys, I wasn't serious about it. I know the US is pretty alone in its chosen measurement systems.

I wish we said aluminium instead of aluminum.

I add unnecessary u's to my words. My 10th grade English teacher didn't care for this, but my Junior year English teacher - a rather extreme Anglophile - adored me for this (along with my double entendre-laden references to Are You Being Served?).


I add unnecessary u's to my words. My 10th grade English teacher didn't care for this, but my Junior year English teacher - a rather extreme Anglophile - adored me for this (along with my double entendre-laden references to Are You Being Served?).

I also tend to use the British spelling for many words.
Sometimes I catch myself and replace it with the American version, other times I don't... and other times I catch myself, and say to heck with it, and just go with it anyway >.>


Okay but in all serious I can't read celsius even though I know lots of you internationals can

This chart means nothing to me.

0 is freezing, 4 is when water has the highest density (common water temp in the winter),16 is wine temp/cellar temp, 20-24 is room temp, ~25 is the coldest water you can survive in, 30 is typical pool temp, 37,5 is body temp, 40+ is high fever (above 42ish you're dead I think), 50 is hot desert while 58 is the record temp on earth.

For fahrenheit -40 is when they cross, 32 is 0C, 50 is 10C, 70 is 22C, 80 is 28C, 100 is 38C.


I think I went to the wrong place to air what's in my chest. I don't even know what to say over here, please accept me as friend guys. And if any of my words hurt anybody over here, I sincerely apologize.


I think I went to the wrong place to air what's in my chest. I don't even know what to say over here, please accept me as friend guys. And if any of my words hurt anybody over here, I sincerely apologize.

What are you talking about?

edit: this? http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=987557

0 is freezing, 4 is when water has the highest density (common water temp in the winter),16 is wine temp/cellar temp, 20-24 is room temp, ~25 is the coldest water you can survive in, 30 is typical pool temp, 37,5 is body temp, 40+ is high fever (above 42ish you're dead I think), 50 is hot desert while 58 is the record temp on earth.

For fahrenheit -40 is when they cross, 32 is 0C, 50 is 10C, 70 is 22C, 80 is 28C, 100 is 38C.

I'll try to get the hang of it, thanks actually


I'll try to get the hang of it, thanks actually

It's best to think of it that way like "brrr, this 9C weather is cold" instead of thinking what it is in fahrenheit. That's how fahrenheit and mph function inside my head at the very least :p

Apart from feet in aviation it's still the metric stuff that makes the most sense to me even though I consume mostly American media.


I saw that thread and wasn't very offended at all. Some straight guys are fabulous and/or extroverts, some gay guys are schlubs and/or introverts. It takes all types!

Parade time!
I saw that thread and wasn't very offended at all. Some straight guys are fabulous and/or extroverts, some gay guys are schlubs and/or introverts. It takes all types!

Parade time!
Have a good time out there man. :)

Yo, I just watched Chef on Netflix. That film is food porn. Such a good film.


I think I went to the wrong place to air what's in my chest. I don't even know what to say over here, please accept me as friend guys. And if any of my words hurt anybody over here, I sincerely apologize.

Just keep being the awesome version of you.

That thread you created really went places. I'm surprised people started to question your sexuality just because you said you buy underwear for your friend. Yes, that's a very personal thing and it requires a good relationship, but in the long run, how's that different from buying a shirt or a tie that would suit him?


I think I went to the wrong place to air what's in my chest. I don't even know what to say over here, please accept me as friend guys. And if any of my words hurt anybody over here, I sincerely apologize.

Unless I missed something, that thread was perfectly fine; I can't see how you would've offended anyone.

There's no need to worry. And, to be more relevant to your topic, there's no reason to let society tell you to be anybody but you. I'm kind of a brooding/sulky type, so I can understand how other people might feel "drained" around an extreme(ly faboulous) extrovert such as yourself, but the last thing I'd want is for that person to change themselves for my comfort.

Act however you feel comfortable acting.

EDIT: Now that I read the more recent pages, I'm seeing that people are questioning your sexuality. It's incredibly fucked up to deny someone's sexuality. You say you're straight, you're straight; everyone should accept that.

It's a pet peeve of mine when someone claims a person is gay simply because of their mannerisms. You don't have to fit into a nice little stereotypical "straight guy" archtype just because dumbasses can't accept it.

As someone who has heard this a bunch:

"Are you sure you're gay? You don't seem gay, have you even tried girls? I don't think you're gay."

I can empathize. And it sucks. But don't let ignorant people change who you are.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Are you sad the Seahawks lost the Super bowl?

The city's been really gracious and supportive of the team, I've noticed. We gave them a much bigger reception at the airport than Boston did for the Patriots, where hardly anyone showed up to greet their winning team apparently, heh.

I don't even pay attention to sports, but it's tough not to get caught up in the spirit of things here.


I think I went to the wrong place to air what's in my chest. I don't even know what to say over here, please accept me as friend guys. And if any of my words hurt anybody over here, I sincerely apologize.
Screw people who demand you to be "less happy". That's so incredibly ridiculous that I can't believe someone would seriously suggest it.


Act however you feel comfortable acting.

EDIT: Now that I read the more recent pages, I'm seeing that people are questioning your sexuality. It's incredibly fucked up to deny someone's sexuality. You say you're straight, you're straight; everyone should accept that.

It's a pet peeve of mine when someone claims a person is gay simply because of their mannerisms. You don't have to fit into a nice little stereotypical "straight guy" archtype just because dumbasses can't accept it.

As someone who has heard this a bunch:

"Are you sure you're gay? You don't seem gay, have you even tried girls? I don't think you're gay."

I can empathize. And it sucks. But don't let ignorant people change who you are.

this makes my blood fucking boil. i can't stand it. grrrrr. can't post in that thread.


Thank you for your kind words guys, I really don't know how to post in this thread without stepping on someone's toes. I've been going through therapy the last couple of months, trying to get my life back in order. So many things I stopped doing because it's "not the right thing" to do. I'm secured in my sexuality that I could buy my friend underwear without thinking twice about it, I thought GAF would be a good place to share what's on my mind (totally wrong).

Edit: can I join in the vagina talk as well?


I have a lot of tabs open from when we got carried away with hot men pics and I keep accidentally clicking them. Slowly gotta release them into the thread, but I'll have tabs for a while I think. RIP passing exam grades


Thank you for your kind words guys, I really don't know how to post in this thread without stepping on someone's toes. I've been going through therapy the last couple of months, trying to get my life back in order. So many things I stopped doing because it's "not the right thing" to do. I'm secured in my sexuality that I could buy my friend underwear without thinking twice about it, I thought GAF would be a good place to share what's on my mind (totally wrong).

Edit: can I join in the vagina talk as well?

Of course you can.

Also, good luck with the therapy. =)
Some other parts of GAF have been really sour and hostile lately. Not personally, just in general but it's still annoying. There's like this dark cloud hanging over the site currently it seems.


"Are you sure you're gay? You don't seem gay, have you even tried girls? I don't think you're gay."

This came up last night kinda. We were talking and someone asked if x was gay and I said "nah i don't think so" and x replied "well why, I'm not fabulous enough?!"

It was funny :p


Guys, before I meet with someone and there is even the faintest possibly that some form of sexy time may occur, my heart beats thousands of times per minute. I've been called out on it too, lol. How can I not be nervous? :p


All I can think of when I see them is this:



I find vagina odor to be very offensive to me, to the point of avoiding sexual intercourse, but if my girl is turned on, I'll get turned one and I wouldn't mind the smell. if she's not in the mood, that area is a nono for me.


Guys, before I meet with someone and there is even the faintest possibly that some form of sexy time may occur, my heart beats thousands of times per minute. I've been called out on it too, lol. How can I not be nervous? :p

Its the bodys natural reaction to get you ready :D


Hunky Nostradamus
Switch it up


nothing helps

TCM is my obsession. Movies man, movies.

TCM! <3

But she's so real

really over represented in moves, more like!

Ughh... And I had oatmeal and egg whites for breakfast. :(

are the egg whites in the oatmeal or are they separate?

I think I went to the wrong place to air what's in my chest. I don't even know what to say over here, please accept me as friend guys. And if any of my words hurt anybody over here, I sincerely apologize.

you seem like a cool dude in my book

some vaginas look good and some look gross.

all baginas are beautiful, each and every one


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I think dicks look better than vaginas on average.

I'll take both though.


Vagina isn't my thing but I can dig a woman's bod in a Rose/Titanic artfully good way or a way to go, vamp it up way. Not grossed out by 'em.

But I was a c-section so what do I know


Gold Member
Ughh... And I had oatmeal and egg whites for breakfast. :( I've reduced my sweet intake a lot (barely get anything) and that image makes me hungry.
1 overripe banana
2 eggs
1/2 cup of oatmeal

Grind the oatmeal in a blender until it's like flour. Add the banana and eggs. Mix until it resembles batter. Pour onto a skillet like you would pancakes and cook thoroughly.

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