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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Hunky Nostradamus
why is mumei not a mod anymore? :eek:

RIP Mumei



I probably won;t be posting much, if at all, anymore. I mistakenly thought this site was one of the places I could actually be myself.
I've often felt the same, but when it comes down to it it's not going to get any better wherever you run to. This battle is everywhere. Take your stand at least alongside the rest of us.


I've often felt the same, but when it comes down to it it's not going to get any better wherever you run to. This battle is everywhere. Take your stand at least alongside the rest of us.

I generally like to/try to assume the best in people - that we're all here to have fun, have a good time, and be happy. As I often say, the world sucks enough on its own, without having to go seek out more stuff.

Before my most recent ban (which was like my 4th one here I think, after never having gotten banned anywhere else in nearly 20 years of message board usage), I didn't have anyone on my Ignore list (and hadn't ever in the past anywhere else either).

Since then, though, I've kind of decided that I don't have the energy to deal with people who are just going to be jerks/mean/mean-spirited, and have just started putting a bunch of people on ignore.

GAF makes it easy enough to manage ignore, while still reading posts from people if you want to. And there is a script to even hide the message that someone posted who was on ignore, and have it just pass right over them completely, if one would prefer as well.

I have enough depressing stuff in my life already. I'm just trying to have fun here, and not think about stuff/distract myself from stuff as much as I can >.>


I know the feeling. I thought Gaf was a very open-minded place but this doesn't seem to be the case. Some users are really great and nice, others not so much. I also don't feel like posting anymore. I don't feel comfortable about being open about myself anymore.
But... You, this thread...

Do you realize how many YEARS of my life I've been searching for a safe space among queers?

Please don't let this thread die...

You have no obligation, but please. I came out online, here, and I don't feel like I have to act a certain way or double-check myself; I can just be me.


Hunky Nostradamus
I just want their happiness. I just want friends who want to hang out sometimes. I know, life's not fair like that but damnit I want it to be.



Right there with you. If we lived in the same city I'd go see Kingsman with you. :(

Agreed. As soon as I start comparing myself to almost anyone else, it basically just leads to deep depression >.>

Yeah, like at this point I can even spot these tendencies creeping up on me, warn myself against them, but still fall for em hook line and sinker. :/

where's umop with his meditation zen mind over matter shit when you need him


But... You, this thread...

Do you realize how many YEARS of my life I've been searching for a safe space among queers?

Please don't let this thread die...

You have no obligation, but please. I came out online, here, and I don't feel like I have to act a certain way or double-check myself; I can just be me.

Sorry... I was just, it's all just too sad. But it's my fault. Anyways it's hard to explain.

I'm glad you're able to be yourself. Your post made me smile, and I'm so happy for you! :) This thread won't die (unless we get locked) without me. All the members in this community are amazing, each and everyone of them. But yeah unless I get banned, this Hobo won't go anywhere. I'll be here until the day I die or get banned (whichever one happens first) :p

It's just that I was getting too emotional about the events that happened. I:

I've often felt the same, but when it comes down to it it's not going to get any better wherever you run to. This battle is everywhere. Take your stand at least alongside the rest of us.

This is true. I don't like to see the whole situation as a battle but it certainly feels like it. I guess it's our job to hang on and educate others about this issues.
I feel like I missed out on some big drama in that thread. I gave up on it after a few pages and didn't want to go back.

Are we allowed to ask what happened to Mumei exactly? If not, then just ignore this.


I changed Siri's language to Japanese, it recognizes my speaking flawlessly :3 So proud. Then I change it to English... It took several tries to input "cold" instead of "called". Yeah, back to Spanish, lol, my spoken English is awful.


This is true. I don't like to see the whole situation as a battle but it certainly feels like it. I guess it's our job to hang on and educate others about this issues.
And that isn't to say that everyone is a blood-and-guts fighter in this battle (lawd knows it's not me). But those that are... absolutely need love, support, and solidarity.


For what is worth, I chose UK English because I think I have an easier time understanding it. And now I'm learning "cold" is pronounced differently between US and UK according to Wiktionary :( English gonna English.


I know it's kinda early in the year to ask, but...

Any of you March in a pride parade? It was on my mind today because someone here brought it up; preparation for pride in my town begins next mon (so about 6 months in advance, then it kicks into high gear 3 months prior). Pros/cons/etc.
I know it's kinda early in the year to ask, but...

Any of you March in a pride parade? It was on my mind today because someone here brought it up; preparation for pride in my town begins next mon (so about 6 months in advance, then it kicks into high gear 3 months prior). Pros/cons/etc.
I did two weeks ago.

Use sun protection! Also some abuse was shouted, which is a possibility to be prepared for.


I've often felt the same, but when it comes down to it it's not going to get any better wherever you run to. This battle is everywhere. Take your stand at least alongside the rest of us.

It's just that GAF is the only place I was ever comfortable enough in to come out. To have a bunch of people here calling me a man really got to me (hence all of the insults).

Any of you playing Monster Hunter yet?

I am. I'm currently on the 3 star quests wondering whether or not to make a new armor set. I'm still using level 1 Derring (starter) armor.

Decided to start Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

The show is so 90s lol.

One of the best shows ever made. Make sure you watch Angel alongside it once you start Season 4 http://buffyfest.blogspot.ca/2009/04/buffyangel-episode-watching-guide.html


It truly reflects a special kind of stupidity bashing anyone's sexuality when you're a sexual minority yourself.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I feel like I missed out on some big drama in that thread. I gave up on it after a few pages and didn't want to go back.

You didn't miss much.

Are we allowed to ask what happened to Mumei exactly? If not, then just ignore this.

No. Forum policy is that anything moderation wise questioned = no go. You can ask mods about clarification on rules. But bans/demods = nope.


I did two weeks ago.

Use sun protection! Also some abuse was shouted, which is a possibility to be prepared for.

For some reason this made me laugh. "Get off the fence." That's so stupid, good Lord. Nor is someone else's sexuality about you, especially when you are a sexual minority yourself. Why does that matter at all? I didn't even know this was a thing where lesbians or gays actually were mad at bisexuals, I just knew a lot of people don't believe bisexuals exist.


For some reason this made me laugh. "Get off the fence." That's so stupid, good Lord. Nor is someone else's sexuality about you, especially when you are a sexual minority yourself. Why does that matter at all? I didn't even know this was a thing where lesbians or gays actually were mad at bisexuals, I just knew a lot of people don't believe bisexuals exist.
Yep, I can tell you first hand that intolerance against queers can come from anywhere, even other queers.

It sucks. :(


Hey dudes, I'm bi, but I'm probably not going to post here too often.

Really I just wanted an avenue to express frustration & disappointment at some recent bullshit shutting-down-of-conversation that we're all aware of. So that's what this is. It's not bannable if it's in spoiler tags, right?


I've often felt the same, but when it comes down to it it's not going to get any better wherever you run to. This battle is everywhere. Take your stand at least alongside the rest of us.

Reading through that thread, I don't know how anyone does it. The amount of outright hostility is so demoralizing and I'm not even the one it's directed at. It just brings home the hardships when even Gaf isn't that safe a harbour.

You're all stronger people than I am, that's for certain.


Well that took entirely too long.

You wanna hear somethin' funny?

I wasted three weeks and 30 bucks trying desperately to get free cards in an online game and ended up having to clean up a mess.

-*Playing Mobage* Oooh, that card looks nice!

-Spends over 100$ to try and get the card



-*Researches for over a week*

-I'm getting a prepaid phone to get unlimited SMS verifications and abuse the friend referral program!

2 Days Later

-*Ends up getting a computer virus during additional research*

-*Spends the next 3 days trying to remove the virus*


As you can surmise from me posting here, everything turned out okay though.

Except for the 100 dollars part.

Not one of my brightest ideas.

Happy friday you wonderful people!!! this week was so fucking long jesus

Happy Birthday Caladrius, and Grizzo. Mine was 3 days ago on the 3rd. I'm now 29.

Also dead.

Thanks,. mates


I feel like I missed out on some big drama in that thread. I gave up on it after a few pages and didn't want to go back.
I did the same. It got frustrating to read quickly. Apparently I saw nothing, comparatively.
Decided to start Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

The show is so 90s lol.
Bare with it for a little while, it gets very good very quickly. Never stops being 90s but becomes good 90s rather than 90s 90s. If you do keep going, be sure to share more impressions :)

Also, coincidentally, feeling that general down-with-life vibe you guys are on about. Just kinda lost and displaced lately, don't know if I'm really moving forward, you know? I'm not doing anything new or really achieving anything. Nobody in this thread should feel lonely and unwanted, but it's hard to think of GAF people as friends when the analogue world seems so cold. Let's hang together guys or we'll all fall apart.


happy anna howard shaw valentines anna howard shaw day

you can be your own valentine hot stuff


thats how i do it
I guess I could always ask someone in the OT if they could team up with me and teach me how to play it.

We'll help you out if you have any questions (I'm no MH-pro either, just someone who stumbled his way through MH3 and loved his time with it :p ).
I did two weeks ago.

Use sun protection! Also some abuse was shouted, which is a possibility to be prepared for.

I didn't even know that this is a thing. Thats...disappointing.


I did two weeks ago.

Use sun protection! Also some abuse was shouted, which is a possibility to be prepared for.

She links to a report that says that 52 % of the American lgbt community is/identifies as bisexual. According to the definition of bisexuality given alongside that table, apparently I'm also bi (had looong time romantic stuff with a girl, but have not once in my life been really sexually attracted to women).

Identifying as gay (not bi) tremendously helped me to make sense of the world. Doesn't mean that I would reject the girl of my life if I one day stumbled upon her (if she existed).

So... I think bisexuality is something that clearly IS a problematic term, especially if you hear such 52% figures, because it is undeniably used (if by no means exclusively) by people on the fence as well. Strictly speaking, people on the fence should be categorized as Questioning, however.
But yeah, nobody does that, so of course you use the term 'bisexuality' instead, which is fine as a practice but it muddles the term even more.
Asexuals can have romantic feelings and relationships so why does romantic attraction towards one of both sexes/genders in addition to your sexually preferred one constitute bisexuality? The term in this case should be biromantic or something along the lines.

So yeah, looking at our ironic mission of taking over the alphabet, labels are inherently problematic anyway, I get that.
But bisexuality probably the most, since there undebiably ARE bisexuals, but their label gets used by non-bisexuals and muddled and misinformation about it is virulent and as a consequence it even leads to the apparently common misconception/myth that it doesn't exist at all.

The same report says that this group of bisexuals have the highest physical and mental health risks and a lot of other problems. I don't know but to me these sound like symptoms of questioning and uncertainty and repression and not being ready to commit to anything other but bisexuality which, again, should not really be muddled in with the term.

So yeah, of course I'm not trying to defend mindless hostility here obv, but I think this term really has a problematic track record so it's entirely plausible to expect bigotry to happen (since all forms of hatred against other groups is not just a case of inter-group dynamic and peer loyalty but also an information issue of misinformation or not enough info/education on in general).

Aside from that, do lgt people feel sort of threatened or... jelly of bisexuals maybe?


Partner and I have never bothered with Val's day, I feel more cynical about it compared to the other "major" days of the year.

Suppose I see things differently working in retail though.


It's just that GAF is the only place I was ever comfortable enough in to come out. To have a bunch of people here calling me a man really got to me (hence all of the insults).

Unless you're willing to completely shield yourself in a safe bubble - away from the whole world, you should understand that, unfortunately, there really is no fully safe place - on the Internet or in real life. The general (and sad) rule is: expect people to be jerks. Even GAF has its dark moments - be it various minorities threads, the whole Gaming Gate affair, fat shaming, various "look how ugly that person is" threads, religion discussions etc. The reason for this is that it's a community of people from all over the world, of different ages, raised in various cultures, with various views on the world; the only thing that keeps things in place, usually preventing discussions from turning really ugly, are forum rules and moderators. To see what happens without them just visit (or better not) the GAF Facebook group, where people don't have to hold their views.

However, there are places here where you can feel comfortable, and LGBT GAF is one of them. So please, even if that thread made you mad, stay here. It's way better to be among people who care about you, even if that means meeting few jerks or listening to few awful things once in a while, than to deal with all your problems alone.

And I find it sad that Mumei was demodded :/

So... I think bisexuality is something that clearly IS a problematic term, especially if you hear such 52% figures, because it is undeniably used (if by no means exclusively) by people on the fence as well. Strictly speaking, people on the fence should be categorized as Questioning, however.
But yeah, nobody does that, so of course you use the term 'bisexuality' instead, which is fine as a practice but it muddles the term even more.

I think the real problem is that those three terms: gay, straight and bisexual require you to choose a side: you're either only sexually attracted to men or women, or are equally attracted to both genders. Nothing in-between, since then, as you suggested, those people should be put into the "questioning" category which means they are simply undecided/unsure - something that I feel is a really harmful concept. And given how bisexuals are pestered by both straight and gays (something that I find really weird - we're already a minority that has to deal with bigotry, we should know better not to oppress a minority within our group), it's easy to see why many feel the need to chose a side and stick to it no matter what.

That's why I prefer the Kinsey scale - it feels much more natural since it's more fluid and gives you more options. It doesn't force you to declare either "I love dicks" or "I love both dicks and vags", it also allows you to say: "Generally I love dicks, but there are few vags that do attract me".
Bare with it for a little while, it gets very good very quickly. Never stops being 90s but becomes good 90s rather than 90s 90s. If you do keep going, be sure to share more impressions :)

Also, coincidentally, feeling that general down-with-life vibe you guys are on about. Just kinda lost and displaced lately, don't know if I'm really moving forward, you know? I'm not doing anything new or really achieving anything. Nobody in this thread should feel lonely and unwanted, but it's hard to think of GAF people as friends when the analogue world seems so cold. Let's hang together guys or we'll all fall apart.

Oh I don't mind the 90's-ness of it. Will definitely stick with it.
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