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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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It's almost supper time and I'm still in my pajamas. I need to do my work out and clean myself up. XD

I wish I were there.
Everything's just missing us down in Connecticut >.>
I'll trade weather with you. I'll ship you the 15-20cm of snow we got yesterday up in my frosty region of Canada.


I'll trade weather with you. I'll ship you the 15-20cm of snow we got yesterday.

Sounds like a deal!

Quick question. How bad would it have to get for you to feel uncomfortable? Just curious.

I mean, if I'm inside, it doesn't really matter - the colder, the better!

If I'm outside, obviously it depends on a variety of factors - wind, how long I have to be outside, what I'm doing, if it's dark out (darkness makes me depressed which makes me feel cold >.>), etc.

But, I mean, there's snow outside and I'll still go out and walk the dog in pajama bottoms and a t-shirt ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I actually saw some pretty neat pictures of what that kind of weather can do to hair.

What happens if it snaps DDDD:? (sorry for dubs.)

I know that's dangerous and all, but it's really cool. Instant avant-garde hair.

Greetings from 72F degree FL. Had my first weights session...

Sweet! Working out with weights (free weights in particular) makes all the difference. Good luck with it all and can't wait to see before and after pics. :D


This prompts me to ask something I've been curious about:

Do you guys in general get the feeling sometimes that you're attracted too specifically and to way too few people compared to what's available? Or do you consider yourself rather universally flexible as long as there's a penis on it?
Not really only a feeling for me, I'm definitely physically attracted to a really little percentage of the gay population (especially where I live). I would consider myself to be not flexible about this and I'm probably in the minority but I'm way more attracted to the body itself than the penis. I give that for granted, it's there and I know it. Maybe it's because I'm not an expert but a penis is just...a penis, the majority of them are not that different.


I'm hella flexible brah

No offence, but I pretty much expected you to be if anyone ;D

But yeah, I envy you, Gimme some of dem flexibles, man.

Not really only a feeling for me, I'm definitely physically attracted to a really little percentage of the gay population (especially where I live). I would consider myself to be not flexible about this and I'm probably in the minority but I'm way more attracted to the body itself than the penis. I give that for granted, it's there and I know it. Maybe it's because I'm not an expert but a penis is just...a penis, the majority of them are not that different.

Good to hear I'm not alone. Well, I don't actually even know if it's the D alone that does it for some, just because I can't see it myself. I'm with you on this. So GayGaf, I'm interested, can a penis by itself go a long way or is a penis without 'context' just... well a penis and nothing special per se? I personally couldn't fathom lusting for a D without context tbh, so is it a thing?
(Not to be misunderstood, a D with a context that's at least mildly adequate IS interesting to me as well, I'm not indiferrent to the thing itself, but a good face or body is so much more vital to the attraction for me than the promise of a good D which on its own could never be enough for me I think)


This prompts me to ask something I've been curious about:

Do you guys in general get the feeling sometimes that you're attracted too specifically and to way too few people compared to what's available? Or do you consider yourself rather universally flexible as long as there's a penis on it?

Because I certainly do feel like there are a few guys that just blow my mind and then there's the rest to which I would describe my levels of attraction as pretty much asexual. Sure there's the whole thing about too high standards being common within the community and stuff, but it doesn't mean that my bar for objective attractiveness is too high per se, since truly objective attractiveness doesn't exist and I see enough others who don't see the same as I do in those I am attracted to at all (esp this thread frequently shows how vaastly different the preferences and types are). But still I feel... too specific I guess.

[not taking into account that crushes can also develop in the unexpected places and to ppl who would normally not catch my eyes at first, of course. But like I get many messages in response to my profile and within the undeniably superficial framework of online dating, I'm just shocked to find that it's too rare for me to find my (superficial) interests peaked at all.
Also, it often seems in the media as though the majority of straight guys would have sex with anything with boobs on it. Although to be fair, media says the same about gays. So, is it true for you personally? Can the presence of a dick be able to provide enough base attraction for you to consider sex with someone or do you feel as specific and hopelessly unflexible as I?

-and yeah I know that my utter lack of experience with anything gay and gay people in real life doesn't help and that more exposure and stuff might broaden my horizons. But right now the last thing I can risk is ending up with someone I'm not really attracted to because if I wanted sexually unsatisfying relations I could have just stayed with my ex girlfriend and/or girls in general.
Sometimes the only thing keeping me from thinking I'm asexual is the odd super cute guy (to my eyes cute I mean) in a sea of nothingness.

So, to answer your question, yes I do wish I was attracted to people I'm not attracted to / to more people in general.

I definitely have a type and I'm absolutely sure it might limit me in some way. The one sticking point for me is muscles. I really need some muscles. There may be some really skinny guy out there that would be perfect for me but he wouldn't initially catch my eye. There is nothing really wrong with having a type, you just need to be honest with yourself about it. For example, if you weigh 300 pounds and want to date an underwear model, well, you better hit the gym. You might also need to wait longer to find someone. This can wear on you heavily if you're perpetually single and don't want to be (cue my bitching post!). Physical attraction is too important to ignore though, and I wouldn't (nor would I ever advise someone to) settle for someone you don't find attractive in the name of "broadening your horizons." That isn't really fair to you or them.

As to your second point, no, I'm personally not that flexible and I think that the stereotype of men being super horn dogs is bogus for both straight and gay dudes. I think the fact that men are typically seen as those who pursue distorts the perception of how much sex they're actually having. Dating being a numbers game, you kind of have to cast a wide net. I can see that being misinterpreted as men looking to fuck anything that moves.

(I am also in the same boat in that I get hit on by a lot of people—almost exclusively infact!—that I don't find all that attractive lol.)
<3 <3 <3

I hope everyone is having a good Valentine's day, no matter who you're spending it with. I ate too much pizza yesterday so I'll be making out with a bottle of Pepto Bismol.

You too.

i ended up babysitting for my uncle and his girlfriend. It's really awkward when the kid ends up crying because he doesn't want to leave.

Did anyone else spend their Valentine's Day the same way I did?


Personally speaking, I prefer bears but that never stopped me from dating other types of men. I dated muscle guys to average.
The deciding factor for me is that as nice looking a guy can be what can they offer me outside of physical looks?


Do you guys in general get the feeling sometimes that you're attracted too specifically and to way too few people compared to what's available? Or do you consider yourself rather universally flexible as long as there's a penis on it?

When I was looking for someone to date, I would've dated basically any female who wanted to be with me. I practically didn't have any criteria at all that came along with that (aside from actually wanting to be with me - which was more than enough to scare everyone off)

Note that this applies to dating, not having sex - which is something that I wouldn't do, and ended up driving off most of the few people who actually were interested in me >.>

(I am also in the same boat in that I get hit on by a lot of people&#8212;almost exclusively infact!&#8212;that I don't find all that attractive lol.)

This never happened to me - I never got hit on by anyone at all, ever, even once in my life
(well, aside from that guy in my 9th-grade Latin class >.>)

It would've been nice to actually feel wanted and desired by someone at some point in my life =(


Spoke to that fellow a little bit. I'm kind of bad at fishing for subjects so it's mostly been about school though. He's extremely well-mannered, which takes a bit of the edge off
Also just talking to him gives me a boner. There's probably something very wrong with me.

I learned a valuable lesson though; Rob a bank instead!

...The real lesson is not to play to begin with, but I'm too weak willed not to. :[

Boston weather has been death. It's been incredibly hard to get around.

Right? I think we were meant to be.

Buying the ring tomorrow tbh.
The Vita is pretty amazing. Portables in general are totally killing it.

The word is that DanganRonpa: Another Episode is gonna be announced for North America at NISA's presser in a few days. I need that game.
I found another nice way to spend it

I'm kidding that's a joke picture I posted on my Instagram
hahahahaha! I wouldn't have judged you either way :3

I broke up with my Vita and found a new love in the New 3DS XL.
I don't have the new one yet wahh! I can almost guarantee I'll end up buying one for the Xenoblade remake tho X_X!

The Vita is pretty amazing. Portables in general are totally killing it.

The word is that DanganRonpa: Another Episode is gonna be announced for North America at NISA's presser in a few days. I need that game.
I agree! I'm loving my portables the most. With the exception of FFXIV LOL!!

WHAT. WHAT. What about DanganRonpa?!?! <3


I wish I saved a Snapchat from yesterday.

I got to say that them having the massive, intrusive sticker of "ME AND BAE" was the most hilarious thing, some of the stuff folks on my timeline made was hilarious.
I don't have the new one yet wahh! I can almost guarantee I'll end up buying one for the Xenoblade remake tho X_X!
I want a New 3DS too, but I'm gonna wait for the standard size to come to North America. (I'm sure it will eventually.)

I agree! I'm loving my portables the most. With the exception of FFXIV LOL!!

WHAT. WHAT. What about DanganRonpa?!?! <3
The spin-off to DanganRonpa where you play as Makoto's sister and
Genocide Jack
. It's not a VN though, it's action/puzzle.

Rumor is it's getting announced for North America soon. :D


I'm talking solely physical. I was in love with my girl so hard for so long that romantically I know for a fact that I'm very broadly compatible and definitely biromantic.

It's physical compatibility that I'm struggling with. But every guy I DO find interesting physically lets me know for a fact that I'm not asexual by a long shot.
Ah, in that case I can be of less use here. Um, I would say that most attractive dudes I can acknowledge as being attractive. But traditionally attractive people don't really catch my attention as much as skinny pretty boys. In that sense I definitely have a type and I think yeah, I can be kinda picky.

However for me actual physical attraction, like 'I really wanna bang this guy' beyond just 'I acknowledge this guy is bangable and would go for it if he offered' is pretty wrapped up in getting to know them cus it's humour and confidence and vulnerability that attract me to people. So, uh, eitheryou aren't weird or we both are. IDK.
Persona! Finally :).
Dude, P4G is literally one of one of my two all time favourite games so I'ma need you to report back frequently.


Went to an amazing show by Above & Beyond last night with Sarah at an incredible venue, and we had a fucking awesome time. They played for 2 1/2 hours which is awesome, and we were both so worn out by the end but it was worth it! Perfect way to spend a Valentine's day evening :)
Sounds like you had a great time, I know I would have. Such a great coincident that they played in Chicago at valentine's day.
Did anyone else spend their Valentine's Day the same way I did?
Dawww, you look so cute. I should do the same, I'm not done with P3P yet.
I have an old print of my Vita. One of the best looking consoles without a doubt. If you ever come across the starter kit it really suits the leather (not real obv) case.
I'm ready for a legit same-sex romantic Social Link. It's time.

The best character. <3

Totally agree LOLL I love him!

SO AM I! FFXIV just introduced same sex marriage. Keep up, other series <3.

Dawww, you look so cute. I should do the same, I'm not done with P3P yet.
I have an old print of my Vita. One of the best looking consoles without a doubt. If you ever come across the starter kit it really suits the leather (not real obv) case.

Aww ^////^ thank you!! I haven't played P3P yet! I went straight to 4 LOL!

Oooh! I wonder how easy it is to find those starter kits now? :O I just have the clear screen protector and some DanganRonpa keychains on mine! (dunno if you can see them in the pic) LOL


(I am also in the same boat in that I get hit on by a lot of people—almost exclusively infact!—that I don't find all that attractive lol.)

This always makes me feel bad tbh. Constantly being in the supposed position of 'no, apparently I'm too good for this' feels terrible but I mean there's really nothing I can do if there's no attraction, and I mean I wish I wasn't so indifferent to the majority of the minority for my own sake, cause it definitely feels limiting. But even more annoying is the assumption that just because I'm gay, every gay has a basic chance with me which is unfortunately just not true. Often their chance is equally as high as that of girls would be, so the correlation with homosexuality doesn't apply. Makes me feel a bit like I'm surrounded by dangerous animals when surrounded by gays. Not that I've been surrounded by gays too often in my life. But outright saying 'I'm sorry, you will never work with my limited attraction-system' to everyone I meet if it applies, would be cruel and stupid.

Did anyone else spend their Valentine's Day the same way I did?


This is an aweome way to spend a day! (y)


Ah, in that case I can be of less use here. Um, I would say that most attractive dudes I can acknowledge as being attractive. But traditionally attractive people don't really catch my attention as much as skinny pretty boys. In that sense I definitely have a type and I think yeah, I can be kinda picky.

However for me actual physical attraction, like 'I really wanna bang this guy' beyond just 'I acknowledge this guy is bangable and would go for it if he offered' is pretty wrapped up in getting to know them cus it's humour and confidence and vulnerability that attract me to people. So, uh, eitheryou aren't weird or we both are. IDK.

You... basically just described my type and mode of thinking with uncanny 100 % accuracy. Like shit really, are you me or something? :D

Hobo knew all along didn't he
Me too! ;___; I heard about the new Fire Emblem the same day I heard about P5. Must have same-sex in both plz thx ;_;
Both those series have already had same sex relationships in previous games, so it's not like it's some huge leap.

And Dragon Age: Inquisition has really brought it all to the forefront with some legit, dedicated gay relationships in a "AAA" mainstream title, and that game has been wildly successful. It's time for other companies to step it up.
Both those series have already had same sex relationships in previous games, so it's not like it's some huge leap. And either way, it's time.

And Dragon Age: Inquisition has really brought it all to the forefront with some legit, dedicated gay relationships in a "AAA" mainstream title, and that game has been wildly successful. It's time for other companies to step it up.

I played the first Dragon Age, but not Inquisition! I pursued the gay "relationship" in that one, as well :).
I played the first Dragon Age, but not Inquisition! I pursued the gay "relationship" in that one, as well :).
I've never been into the series personally, but I have friends that are. The earlier Dragon Age (and Mass Effect) games had same sex relationships, but they were all characters that could be romanced by any gender. (Which is cool, bisexual representation is just as important.) But even those relationships were on the shallow side because since they had to act as a "catch all", they didn't really get to be very specifically tailored to the differing sexualities.

Inquisition is much more detailed in that respect. They have straight, gay and bi relationships that are much more fleshed out and detailed, and I think that's pretty awesome. :D
You... basically just described my type and mode of thinking with uncanny 100 % accuracy. Like shit really, are you me or something? :D

Hobo knew all along didn't he
I'm the same way too. :)
I mean I can find someone attractive but personality is utmost for me.
I have never been hit on though. :(
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