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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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irresponsible vagina leak
The "what ever happened to baby jane" gifs are killing me.

And I will make more classics soon. (Hush...hush, Sweet Charlotte is next on my list)
When people talk to me during class and stuff I reply back nicely and help them out and things like that. I think what I wanna do is just not think things like "Well stuff's not that bad because this family member probably supports me" or "Things aren't that bad because I have this many friends" and think something like "Things aren't that bad because I feel good about myself." Even though I always deny it, I think I have become too dependent on other people's approval or opinion about me and I'm going to change that.

Ideally, I wouldn't even have to cut people out from my life but I think I'm going to be alone for a little while I try to make new friends and stuff, thanks for the advice Meycin <3

Some people are naturally inclined to exclude themselves from questions of value. Like if someone asks "how do you know x is right or wrong" you're more inclined to find a kind of consensus across people or different perspectives, and mistrust your own internal feelings about the subject. Some people might dub this 'groupthink', but it's not like you can't be critical about it. I'm one of those people with that kind of 'groupthink' perspective about questions of value, and where I become more individualistic is more in terms of my thinking (what are the premises or definitions at play, are they internally consistent?, stuff like that.)

I think that on a social level this perspective can make a person more inclined to seek approval or validation. I very much want to be validated on things like how other people see me, because it tells me whether I'm 'in agreement' with other people or that we're on the same page, and that is a priority for me. In fact you basically need that if you don't have the most confidence in how you personally feel about it, and not having that strong individualistic feeling about what is 'valuable' or 'right', free of external input, isn't a weakness of character. The world needs to have conversations about 'collective ethics' because whether we want it to be a thing or not, it is real, and the world needs diplomats or people inclined towards diplomacy, which means juggling your feelings and making compromises with respect to another person.

When people grow up I don't think we really fundamentally change at all, we just become more sophisticated and adapted to our lives and our particular strengths and weaknesses. So this isn't necessarily something that needs to change (unless it's a problem), nor is it perhaps realistic to expect it to. But we develop more skills to manage our life and extract meaning and purpose from the particular set of circumstances that we've found ourselves in. And that can be an amazing experience, because we're not fighting with ourselves anymore or trying to rationally cut off the part of our minds that seems like a 'problem', we're accepting that we're inclined to see the world a certain way and acknowledging that allows us to work with that instead of against it.

I hope so :v I'm really interested in meeting new people but I know making new friends isn't gonna happen in one day.

I think once the novelty and initial trepidation wears off you'll realize that meeting people in school is probably one of the easier ways of doing it. You're all there for a somewhat similar purpose (to learn or gain credentials) so you have something in common right off the bat, you're all (presumably) somewhat open minded being in a higher learning institution, and you're all 'in the soup' with everyone else trying to navigate the new social environment. If time goes on and you think there's a problem and you're too socially isolated, I'm sure your campus has free psych counselling (I think most do) which is always great to take advantage of just to get some added insight.


I don't necessarily hate people but I like coming across as cool detached, giving the impression I don't care about people.
I find I like people but I'm also hesitant to open the door to people because I tend to cherish my solitude a lot of the time and I don't want to have to 'reject' anyone. It's pretty neurotic though, I can at least acknowledge that.


Hunky Nostradamus
Your gender?

Your sexual orientation?

Where Are You From?

Where Do You Live?

How Old Are you?

Favorite Type of Music?
Alternative and prog rock, classical and sexy osts.

Career interest?

Favorite video game(s)?
Souls, Journey, Zelda and teh witcher

What are your hobbies (other than gaming)?
Composition and all tings music, the art of flim making and editing, running and eating.

Welcome to the thread!


French is such a nice sounding language <3 I'd try to learn it if I was a gifted polyglot. I just watched some videos of super young people who speak 10+ languages :[ How does that even happen?
French is such a nice sounding language <3 I'd try to learn it if I was a gifted polyglot. I just watched some videos of super young people who speak 10+ languages :[ How does that even happen?
Isn't it because they learned it while they were super young and can grab onto languages super quickly?


Isn't it because they learned it while they were super young and can grab onto languages super quickly?
They learned most of those languages as teenagers, though. I really don't buy that theory, I have learned the most English (speaking and listening) and Japanese as an adult.


They learned most of those languages as teenagers, though. I really don't buy that theory, I have learned the most English (speaking and listening) and Japanese as an adult.

So nobody else does anything different than you? Jlawok.gif


French is such a nice sounding language <3 I'd try to learn it if I was a gifted polyglot. I just watched some videos of super young people who speak 10+ languages :[ How does that even happen?
One of them had a Ted talk and went into a bit of his process.

He mentioned using the classic memorization method where you make the things you want to memorize (words here) into objects in a room or location that you're familiar with. He also mixed similar sounding words because it worked for him. When he had some knowledge with the language he looked for native speakers to talk to

I would just get a bit absorbed first. You have a headstart thanks to knowing English and Spanish so when you learn the basics you can get an idea of what for example a newspaper is saying.

Random headline: "Sarkozy a utilisé un jet privé pour assister à deux meetings"

Every verb and noun is very similar to the English counterpart. "Sarkozy utilized a private jet to assist in two meetings"
"To assist" is not quite right. It should be to attend, but the meaning is similar.


French and Spanish are pretty much different dialects. Conjugation and grammar are the same it all just sounds different.


That's not what I was saying either. It was just one explanation is all.
Yeah, I just get overly defensive when people use that excuse - not that you were doing it, lol.

French and Spanish are pretty much different dialects. Conjugation and grammar are the same it all just sounds different.
This is why I don't rule it out, really. But I'll give it a try in a couple of years when I'm 100% done with my current languages. Or at least considerably closer to 100%, since one never really stops learning :p

One of them had a Ted talk and went into a bit of his process.

He mentioned using the classic memorization method where you make the things you want to memorize (words here) into objects in a room or location that you're familiar with. He also mixed similar sounding words because it worked for him. When he had some knowledge with the language he looked for native speakers to talk to

I would just get a bit absorbed first. You have a headstart thanks to knowing English and Spanish so when you learn the basics you can get an idea of what for example a newspaper is saying.

Random headline: "Sarkozy a utilisé un jet privé pour assister à deux meetings"

Every verb and noun is very similar to the English counterpart. "Sarkozy utilized a private jet to assist in two meetings"
"To assist" is not quite right. It should be to attend, but the meaning is similar.
This stuff is so fascinating. I think I mostly stick to repetition and mnemonics. Also, "asistir" is actually Spanish for "attend", so it indeed makes sense to me :p
One of them had a Ted talk and went into a bit of his process.

He mentioned using the classic memorization method where you make the things you want to memorize (words here) into objects in a room or location that you're familiar with. He also mixed similar sounding words because it worked for him. When he had some knowledge with the language he looked for native speakers to talk to

I would just get a bit absorbed first. You have a headstart thanks to knowing English and Spanish so when you learn the basics you can get an idea of what for example a newspaper is saying.

Random headline: "Sarkozy a utilisé un jet privé pour assister à deux meetings"

Every verb and noun is very similar to the English counterpart. "Sarkozy utilized a private jet to assist in two meetings"
"To assist" is not quite right. It should be to attend, but the meaning is similar.

Immersion helps. Do things you enjoy in the language you wanna learn. I've played Tomb Raider, Sly Cooper, Beyond Two Souls, Uncharted games all in French. (You can always fall back on subtitles if you get stuck.)
One of them had a Ted talk and went into a bit of his process.

He mentioned using the classic memorization method where you make the things you want to memorize (words here) into objects in a room or location that you're familiar with. He also mixed similar sounding words because it worked for him. When he had some knowledge with the language he looked for native speakers to talk to

I would just get a bit absorbed first. You have a headstart thanks to knowing English and Spanish so when you learn the basics you can get an idea of what for example a newspaper is saying.

Random headline: "Sarkozy a utilisé un jet privé pour assister à deux meetings"

Every verb and noun is very similar to the English counterpart. "Sarkozy utilized a private jet to assist in two meetings"
"To assist" is not quite right. It should be to attend, but the meaning is similar.

That's a memory palace (or method of loci), I've wanted to try it out for a while but I'm too invested in other cultivation practices.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Immersion helps. Do things you enjoy in the language you wanna learn. I've played Tomb Raider, Sly Cooper, Beyond Two Souls, Uncharted games all in French. (You can always fall back on subtitles if you get stuck.)

I've thought about doing this before, but I find that I want to play video games in either my native language (English) or the developers' native language. It's pretty rare that French (the only other language I have some proficiency in) is the language of the original audio or script for a game, so generally I want to play the game in English first. But then I don't want to play a second time for the language experience. I guess it's kind of the opposite of what you said: I'm not committed enough to learning the language to give up the things I enjoy. :p
So I've been training heart rate variability (interbeat interval standard deviation) because I think it loosely correlates to the Brahmaviharas (Loving Kindness, Gratitude, Compassion, and Equanimity) and it opened the emotional floodgates, I spent the whole day noticing how anxious ordinary circumstances make me, and consciously attenuating my anxiety response by cultivating one of the above, and now I'm exhausted. I mean it was actually really fun and engaging and I felt great all day, but holy shit emotions are exhausting, no wonder I thought it was a good idea to shut them off when I turned ten or whatever.


I can't play games in Spanish, period. It feels weird, I grew up in a time when games didn't get translated to Spanish (at least in Mexico, I think they did get translated for PAL regions?) and it's probably why so many gamers from my generation became half decent at English - we really had no other option. And the translations are usually so awful :[




irresponsible vagina leak
Why did you change yours? Multiple times.

Username in a videogame forum doesn't matter. A videogame character doesn't need to change their name just cause they need to fit the language they are being translated to. I changed mine cause I get bored of them with time and I can change it.

Why don't you tone down your constant bitchiness towards me for a change?


Username in a videogame forum doesn't matter. A videogame character doesn't need to change their name just cause they need to fit the language they are being translated to. I changed mine cause I get bored of them with time and I can change it.

Why don't you tone down your constant bitchiness towards me for a change?

Excuse me. I am bitchy to everyone. You're not special.


The guy I made out with this weekend just asked me out so he's taking me to an art and wine street fair thing. This will be my first date in my life.

HOWEVER, I don't want the chance of it not going well turning things sour with me and the new friends since he's close with them and hangs with the group too. Personally, I'm pretty good at not getting hung up over much and think I'd be just fine if we ended up friends only but still hung out. We'll see, but he's really nice and handsome so I'm looking forward to it.
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