Oh, I guess I should take the IBQ! I sort of just posted here without so much as an introduction. I'm a bit brash, I guess.
Your gender?
100% Male.
Your sexual orientation?
Gay, but I'll have sex with stylish women.
Where Are You From?
Jersey Shore. I was born of the ocean, emerging like the goddess Venus.
Where Do You Live?
Jersey Shore, sometimes NYC. Or your bed if you have a better offer. (Kidding!)
How Old Are you?
One year more than a quarter decade.
Favorite Type of Music?
Electronica. But I love all indie,new wave, folk... Non-mainstream pop!
Profession or Career interest?
Writer/ Novelist
. Making money freelancing. Gunning for big pub.
Favorite video game(s)?
Phantasy Star Online 3: CARD Revolution. ALL Castlevania. Earthbound series. Super Mario RPG. Banjo Tooie. Metroid Prime. Child of Light. Yoshi's Island. Chrono Trigger. Xenoblade. Legend of Zelda: Majora's mask. Fallout: New Vegas. Tactics Ogre: Knight of Lodis. Super Robot Wars Series. All things Shin Megumi Tensei-- especially Devil Survivor. Mega man Battle Network, X and Legends... I love too many to keep listing.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)?
Writing, reading. Political involvement and LGBT rights. Love animals nature, diet and being active.