Hey LGBTQIA+ Gaf, I'm not much of a poster here (I've been mostly lurking the past few years) but I was wondering if you guys could give me some advice.
There's this cute guy in one of my college classes, and I really want to get to know him. He's kinda semi-jocky and really smart/quirky, and I really dig that. The problem is I don't know if he's into men or not. I've never been in a relationship (I'm 21), so I'm not used to this stuff, and I'm left really confused ;_;
I've been trying to show signs that I'm "available", and I think I've seen some kind of response from him, but I don't know if that's just my lust for him making things seem what they're not. I feel like there's hesitation on both sides. Hesitation from me because I don't know his sexuality, and from him because he hasn't shown any explicit indication of interest in me. Aside from staring at me when he thinks I'm not looking, his "body language", and laughing at my jokes, there hasn't really been anything. I mean, to be honest, it might be that I haven't been as obvious with my interest as I think I'm being either. I haven't been forthcoming with my desire to hang out with him or get to know him, so maybe I'm giving mixed signals.
But how do I make it more obvious without pushing boundaries? How do I know if he's interested in me or not? Is the simplest way just asking him out for drinks and seeing his response? Or is it too early for that? Is there a window of opportunity that I have to make the first move before he gets bored or tired of waiting?
Only known the guy for two weeks, but we've already introduced ourselves to each other and are on acquaintance terms
I'm always really bad with this. There was a guy just like this that would always sit next to me in my Political Science class back in my uni days. He initially sat far away and out of the blue two weeks into class, started sitting next to me and would constantly stare. I wasn't out and hadn't experienced anything at all so needless to say, I was pretty desperate for any affection.
Anyway, I was so taken by him that I eventually mustered up the courage to pass him a note (I know, in college, right?) that gave him an easy way to talk to me without a) feeling like I was putting him on the spot and b) without outing and embarrassing myself either. So I wrote, "Have I seen you before? You look familiar and I noticed you staring."
To my surprise, he actually responded with "I don't think so, but you look familiar too." Stupid thing was afterward, we'd always end up leaving class almost side by side and we never actually continued conversation. Occasionally in class, he'd ask to see my score for my exams (I'd always score in the high 90s and him in the high 80s) but it wouldn't lead to anything. When we'd walk down the hallway, we'd always walk about 30-40 feet before he'd head down the stairs and I'd turn down another hallway.
A few weeks before the class final, we ended up literally shoulder to shoulder again but this time, he deliberately bumped into me. I was nervous as hell but figured I had one last shot and started chatting him up and got his email. His first email was asking me about the final exam preparation questions that prof had given us so, of course, bent over backwards answering every single one of them.
Never responded after that. Ignored me in class and worse, moved to a seat in the opposite end of the room. I swear, every Asian guy I saw after that was him and my heart would stop in panic. I'd check my email over and over but didn't receive anything from him after my last reply.
TL;DR: Be up front and don't play games. That's what I learned. You get it over with and if it doesn't work out, there are other always other guys. Life's too short for B.S.