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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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I mostly watch Markiplier's FNaF videos and I find them quite funny. I also watched a couple of non-game videos and he seems like suuuuch a nice and cool guy. He's pretty humble, does charity drives and donate money a lot too. I get why some people don't like the whole "I'mma gonna scream at everything and put 'funny' subs to it!" thing but there are way worse people than Markiplier. The thing with him is that he's actually really good at stuff like FNaF too. I would never be able to clear all those mega hard custom nights he does :)

I generally don't like the "scream scream oh I'm so funny" types of YTers but I see what other people see in them. It's no mystery to me why it works well.
I guess it's a fairly common pattern, though I'm not sure how effective or beneficial it is as a coping mechanism in the first place - that oscillation between cloying self-pity and groundless arrogance doesn't really produce much in the way of positive reinforcement.

Yeah I think it might be a strategy in procrastination more than anything.

Let's just say that when I read Steppenwolf at seventeen or so I identified way too much with the protagonist.

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Every single one of them has an ugly face, from the neck down they all look exactly the same, and they look like a bunch of dudebro morons, no thanks.

Also GAF i'm sad because my laptop stopped working last night. :( :(
There seemed to be something wrong with the charger or the battery because it was saying that it was plugged in but not charging, I used it for an hour or so after that and it was working fine and then all of a sudden it went off.

Now when I try and turn it on it gets to the part where I put in my pin, it shows the battery as being completely empty and then it just turns off when it tries to log in.

I'm thinking of buying a replacement charger and hope that it works (the charger cable is splitting and it has given me trouble in the past), but if it is the battery... yikes.

Do you have a Mac or PC?


Gaming Channels are the only reason I visit Youtube in the first place and in my opinion, Let's Players, etc. are at least as entertaining, if not more so in some cases than other forms of entertainment.

Sure, there are the loud and obnoxious ones but eh, you don't have to watch them and wasting your time complaining about them won't bring you anything good either. Just stick to the channels you like.
You know this guy I've talked about before, who I've had a few dates with and had told me two times that he's still not over his 7 year relationship breakup or something like that.

The last time we saw each other was maybe about a month ago, little less than that, we had lunch that day, then we kept texting and I thought maybe he was changing his mind about the whole thing. Something like:

- Come give me a kiss (Me)
- I'd give you anything you ask me
- Don't get me all excited for nothing
- Get excited
- I was already excited anyway
- Then just don't stay excited
- What do I do with this excitement then?
- We have to meet

So we met again that day, kissed, cuddled at his place, and also went out and had dinner.

After that I tried to ask him out a couple of times with no luck. I stopped writing him for about a week or more until he texted me on Friday asking me if I remembered him. So we talked a bit since then, exchanged some pictures (I sent him one with my dad telling him I was with his father in law :p)

He sent me a couple of pics yesterday, told me he was going to the beach. After the second one I told him:

- I want to kiss you so bad
- Nothing else?
- What else do you want?
- I want everything with you
- you're just telling me that cause you know that's what I want to hear
- Really?. I want everything with you since I met you.
- I don't know. Understand my confusion
- I don't understand it
- we've talked about it twice and both times you've told me you're not ready for something more than what we supposedly have
- Oooh. I was talking about sex.
- See? Forget it...
- I thought that was what we were talking about.
- I can't and won't be your friend with benefits
- I didn't ask you that.
- But that's what you always wanted. I think.

So he got offended or something like that and told me he was off to have a good time with his friends. How the fuck does he turn this whole thing around and make it about him????
Ben Cohen is 37 today! Happy birthday, husband!

Birthday selfie!






You know this guy I've talked about before, who I've had a few dates with and had told me two times that he's still not over his 7 year relationship breakup or something like that.

The last time we saw each other was maybe about a month ago, little less than that, we had lunch that day, then we kept texting and I thought maybe he was changing his mind about the whole thing. Something like:

- Come give me a kiss (Me)
- I'd give you anything you ask me
- Don't get me all excited for nothing
- Get excited
- I was already excited anyway
- Then just don't stay excited
- What do I do with this excitement then?
- We have to meet

So we met again that day, kissed, cuddled at his place, and also went out and had dinner.

After that I tried to ask him out a couple of times with no luck. I stopped writing him for about a week or more until he texted me on Friday asking me if I remembered him. So we talked a bit since then, exchanged some pictures (I sent him one with my dad telling him I was with his father in law :p)

He sent me a couple of pics yesterday, told me he was going to the beach. After the second one I told him:

- I want to kiss you so bad
- Nothing else?
- What else do you want?
- I want everything with you
- you're just telling me that cause you know that's what I want to hear
- Really?. I want everything with you since I met you.
- I don't know. Understand my confusion
- I don't understand it
- we've talked about it twice and both times you've told me you're not ready for something more than what we supposedly have
- Oooh. I was talking about sex.
- See? Forget it...
- I thought that was what we were talking about.
- I can't and won't be your friend with benefits
- I didn't ask you that.
- But that's what you always wanted. I think.

So he got offended or something like that and told me he was off to have a good time with his friends. How the fuck does he turn this whole thing around and make it about him????

So he thought you were just talking about sex?

I was going to say something but this is all very confusing.

What do you want and what do you think he wants?
So he thought you were just talking about sex?

I was going to say something but this is all very confusing.

What do you want and what do you think he wants?
I'd like to date him but not just whenever he needs an ego boost. I mean I consider him my friend, but at the same time we've kissed, cuddled, held hands at the movies. Isn't it natural to want something more?

I don't know if I'm expected to just suck it up until eventually he decides he wants something more, which may never happen and that seems really selfish to me.

We fooled around the first time we met, 4 months ago, but we haven't done anything sexual since then.


I'd like to date him but not just whenever he needs an ego boost. I mean I consider him my friend, but at the same time we've kissed, cuddled, held hands at the movies. Isn't it natural to want something more?

I don't know if I'm expected to just suck it up until eventually he decides he wants something more, which may never happen and that seems really selfish to me.

We fooled around the first time we met, 4 months ago, but we haven't done anything sexual since then.

wait so you don't even know if he really likes you back in a more-than-friendly way?

dont waste your time


i'm not trying to be down on you, but there are a lot of people who i would fuck and hang out with but not date.

also since you seem to be really into him, i don't know if i would settle for assuming someone likes me. clarification is good, important, and i think it would be good for you, given the stress this seems to be causing you.
i'm not trying to be down on you, but there are a lot of people who i would fuck and hang out with but not date.

also since you seem to be really into him, i don't know if i would settle for assuming someone likes me. clarification is good, important, and i think it would be good for you, given the stress this seems to be causing you.
Yeah, I'm really into him. And that's why I stopped texting him because I don't like the way this makes me feel. It just pisses me off that he acted all offended when I told him I didn't want to be his fuck buddy as if I got the wrong idea when both times I thought he was talking about liking me he was just talking about sex.

The last time I talked to him about it it went like this:
- I've been thinking a lot about you since Wednesday
- What have you thought?
- I don't know. About "us". It may be foolish, but well, I like you and you know it
- I know that and I like you too, but you know I'm not ready for a relationship, I'm still hurt about my 7 year break up
- Don't worry, I can't force you
- But we have to see each other more. There's love (between us) and that's what's important.

That was over a month ago. The first conversation I posted where I thought he might be changing his mind was a couple of weeks after that (but now it's obvious he was just talking about sex too).

I just don't buy the whole "I'm still not over my breakup" thing, it sounds just like an excuse to me.


irresponsible vagina leak
I wish she and her husband weren't nasty shits so I could fawn over her style.


Lol you only know her because of that event. She is usually nice and she talked that the show was scripted and she was written to go like that. The way they gave her following out of nowhere was kinda obvious too considering the show was irrelevant (and her) until that event happened.



Lol you only know her because of that event. She is usually nice and she talked that the show was scripted and she was written to go like that. The way they gave her following out of nowhere was kinda obvious too considering the show was irrelevant (and her) until that event happened.
I discovered her through her Mirrors and Wonderland videos, and then totally forgot she existed until the X Factor thing happened. If that really was scripted, shame on everyone who was in the know. Bullying isn't cool.


irresponsible vagina leak

I discovered her through her Mirrors and Wonderland videos, and then totally forgot she existed until the X Factor thing happened. If that really was scripted, shame on everyone who was in the know. Bullying isn't cool.

Another tidbit Natalia was a teen actress in some shows on UK so that kinda might add more to the whole thing.
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