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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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Cars. I pay so little attention to them that the general shape and colour are enough for me to climb inside a stranger's completely unintentionally. Last week it happened when there was a stranger inside at the time.

True story...
Happened to me as a kid. There was some strange guy sitting in there. As he turned around I realized I was in the wrong car and I opened the door and ran back to the other car with my grandpa in it as if I am being hunted by demon hounds.

I still dream about that sometimes. :D


Gold Member
Where are you going in 2 months? People have asked me if Im Italian but I dont know how they think that.
South Korea. Going to be visiting much of east Asia while I'm living there. It's going to be awesome. Korean food is my favorite. I will eat all the kimbop.

The drawback is that I have to get my house ready to rent out since I'm leaving. Pain in the ass, but what can you do.

Also, new hot guy, Jan Hojer... dude's a fucking beast at climbing:



Maybe I should take up climbing.


I'm 5'11" close to 200 pounds (I think, you people should really get on with the metric system :p) so I'm obviously overweight, but I honestly don't feel like it. I started swimming like three months ago every weekday because I did zero physical activity and I realize that was not doing me any good, and I hate gyms and anything else that is not swimming, so there was that. For sure I started to feel better, however I did not lose any weight at all, and even then people keep telling me I look thinner. Weight is weird.


I'm 5'11" close to 200 pounds (I think, you people should really get on with the metric system :p) so I'm obviously overweight, but I honestly don't feel like it. I started swimming like three months ago every weekday because I did zero physical activity and I realize that was not doing me any good, and I hate gyms and anything else that is not swimming, so there was that. For sure I started to feel better, however I did not lose any weight at all, and even then people keep telling me I look thinner. Weight is weird.

eh, my home is my gym. grab shit that has some weight and push it up or sideways or whatever. those resistance rubberband thingies help too and aren't too expensive or take too much room. that way I avoid the gym, its horrible music, horrible people and that horrible feeling of being laughed at by dudebros.
I'm 5'11" close to 200 pounds (I think, you people should really get on with the metric system :p) so I'm obviously overweight, but I honestly don't feel like it. I started swimming like three months ago every weekday because I did zero physical activity and I realize that was not doing me any good, and I hate gyms and anything else that is not swimming, so there was that. For sure I started to feel better, however I did not lose any weight at all, and even then people keep telling me I look thinner. Weight is weird.
I'm around that stat too. (Y)
eh, my home is my gym. grab shit that has some weight and push it up or sideways or whatever. those resistance rubberband thingies help too and aren't too expensive or take too much room. that way I avoid the gym, its horrible music, horrible people and that horrible feeling of being laughed at by dudebros.

What kind of horrible people?


What kind of horrible people?

people who go to the gym to chat with other people while sitting on machines that they don't seem to use. people who don't put the weights away after they're done or leave their puddle of sweat on the seat.

or running into people you know and wish you wouldn't.

edit: my ex used to hoard items he found abandoned in the locker room. from half empty shampoo bottles to gym gloves and sometimes even shoes or jackets. but sometimes I wondered if he found those or "found" those. I worry now somebody would "find" my shoes if I came back to the locker room after a workout. :/


Gold Member
So sad the Mei-Down never happened. :(

I totally ship the two of you.
Heh, he's hot. But he's in the middle of going to school with career aspirations. Being military, I can't just move where I wish, and a long distance relationship is extremely trying. With both parties being immobile, I didn't think it would have been a feasible relationship and so I didn't pursue. He seems to have found someone anyhow (good on him).

At this point, I'm just ready to be out of Bible Belt territory.
people who go to the gym to chat with other people while sitting on machines that they don't seem to use. people who don't put the weights away after they're done or leave their puddle of sweat on the seat.

or running into people you know and wish you wouldn't.

edit: my ex used to hoard items he found abandoned in the locker room. from half empty shampoo bottles to gym gloves and sometimes even shoes or jackets. but sometimes I wondered if he found those or "found" those. I worry now somebody would "find" my shoes if I came back to the locker room after a workout. :/

Sounds like you need to find a new gym.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
After a relaxed couple of weeks, I had gotten used to playing an hour or two of video games each night before bed. Now my research work and travel schedule are picking up again to the point where it seems I will have to forego that routine for a while. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted. Life + video games is a combination that rarely seems to mix well.


Speaking of, I'm playing the Legend of Legacy demo instead of sleeping right now. It's worth it, tomorrow I won't have time until rather late 😛
South Korea. Going to be visiting much of east Asia while I'm living there. It's going to be awesome. Korean food is my favorite. I will eat all the kimbop.

The drawback is that I have to get my house ready to rent out since I'm leaving. Pain in the ass, but what can you do.

Also, new hot guy, Jan Hojer... dude's a fucking beast at climbing:



Maybe I should take up climbing.

I can't tell if I'd genuinely find rock climbing fun or if it's just cause it's presented in these images with this hot mofo. It's like I'm caught in the most basic trick of print-advertising.

Speaking of, I'm playing the Legend of Legacy demo instead of sleeping right now. It's worth it, tomorrow I won't have time until rather late ��

Recieved a pre-order of the game as a gift. So psyched for it to come out. Heard the story's nothing to write home about, but the world and art-style seem like their oozing charm.
Yikes. My friend told me that the guy she's being trying to date since Sophomore Year and one of her best friends she's known since Middle School (a guy) have been hooking up and stuff. She told me she felt really stupid and selfish (for feeling hurt) but I told her not to feel that way, like the guy had been flirting with her and leading her on and shit for months, so okay maybe he's bisexual and stuff but that doesn't mean my friend doesn't have the right to feel hurt right? That's kind of what I told her... that her reaction was 100% understandable and shit and to not call herself stupid or selfish for something she couldn't have seen coming. idk i hope i didn't give bad advice

not my gaydar being accurate about those two...mess..
Happy Bi-Visibility-Day gang!!

Is it girl crush time again?

Regardless, Bi posters represent so we know y'all exist!
Happy Compulsory Bisexuality Day! It's almost over in my time zone with little done today, but last night there was a Bi Day Eve dinner with the group I go to. :)

We've had a few banned recently. :(

Oh, Bi-Visibility-Day? New thing?
Celebrate Bisexuality Day (September 23rd) has been around since 1999. It has been celebrated by various places in recent years including the White House since 2013 with bi specific meetings with bi activists.



Good Art™
I've seen this Jonas guy a lot lately. Should not be long until he has a full naked scene in some european movie.

(Talking about that what did happen of the Gus Van Sant movie with Taylor Lautner :( ?)


Happy Bi-Visibility-Day gang!!

Is it girl crush time again?

Regardless, Bi posters represent so we know y'all exist!

Bi guy here to represent!

Also, I know I don't post here much, but I have to get it out of my system that I have a new job!

The story: I've been working in Toronto in IT for a bank since I graduated for nearly six years now, not quite doing what I want to do, since I went to school specifically for Computer Security. The GF and I had a talk during the summer and decided we wanted to move back to Ottawa where we both went to university, and as soon as one of us got work out there, we'd move back. A friend of mine working for a computer security company told me to apply to his company, and he'd mention me to his manager. Fast forward a couple of months and I've gone through 3 interviews and got my offer yesterday morning!

I get to work in the field I'm passionate about, move to the city I love, and even make more money than my current job.

So now I have to do my final two weeks here in my Toronto job and then quickly move to Ottawa to start my new one on Oct 19th. So excited!


No laptop for over a week now. :(

on a completely unrelated note, did you guys know that the Wii U is fantastic for watching porn? You can watch it on tv in HD, or on the game pad. and you can watch it on the TV with headphones in the game pad.

You can also hide what is on the screen by pressing a single button. and you can leave the video running on your tv while you look for other, better porn on the gamepad.

I bookmarked Youporn and renamed it to UPorn for the lulz
It's also good for watching anime, but eh


Recieved a pre-order of the game as a gift. So psyched for it to come out. Heard the story's nothing to write home about, but the world and art-style seem like their oozing charm.
In a dark world where JRPGs are plagued by fanservice, social links, or Cinematic Experiences™, Legend of Legacy arrives to single-handedly save the genre. Plus Filmia is the best JRPG hero ever.


You alter the name of a porn site for safekeeping in your bookmarks, but the word you alter is "You" instead of "Porn"?

Why would I hide it? Im the only one using it. the only other person who ever uses my Wii U is my friend and he A: Never uses the browser and B: Would probably laugh at the name change

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
No laptop for over a week now. :(

Is it still the charging issue? If you have a Mac, you should check out resetting the SMC. If you don't have a Mac, I wish I had a similar recommendation. I hope it improves soon!

I had the same problem the other day, too.

I had multiple orgasms through sex and masturbation and it still kept coming back.


But in all seriousness, I can see how that would be annoying for you and B-Dex. :(


Scream Queens was a damn mess but watchable and entertaining at times. That's higher praise than I can give Freak Shit or Glee post season 1. I don't expect it to last since as all RM patented productions, any promise shown at first is quickly eroded to Hell.


I'm stuck in Melodifestivalen-playlists on Spotify. Don't like most of the songs much but it's just too much nostalgia and sillyness. Can't. stop. listening.

Related bi-crush: Loreen. Love this performance. Video might be a bit NSFW for some tho. She doesn't have a shirt on but her hair (and tape) covers up the stuff :p Bonus: Sexy men without shirts too!

Edit: Oh, top of the page. Uuuh.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Related bi-crush: Loreen. Love this performance. Video might be a bit NSFW for some tho. She doesn't have a shirt on but her hair (and tape) covers up the stuff :p Bonus: Sexy men without shirts too!

I see Kazaky switched up their members.
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