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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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irresponsible vagina leak
I'm sorry.

I know how it feels for people to tell you the same things over and over about depression. I struggled with depression for over a decade. I lost many, if not all, of my friends. Strangely, now that I have no one, I feel the happiest I ever have in my life.

I'm assuming you are the type of person that thrives off of other people's energy? You need other people to feel energized and happy? I don't want to assume so that's why I ask.

As I became more and more isolated I started to learn a lot about myself. Perhaps this is an opportunity for you to do that? Perhaps you should not find sadness in being alone, but happiness in solitude. I don't know if I'm taking this from the wrong perspective, and I'm sorry if I am.

In regards to employment, have you looked into online opportunities? There are lots of things one can do online to earn a substantial amount of income.

Sorry if my post was of no help. I can only try to relate to your pain with my own experiences.

I don't think that I need others energy to feel energized and happy but since my life seems to be stuck in terms of progression I would like to feel that maybe friends could help bringing some happiness or stability to things. I'm stuck at my house 24/7 without a job since January 8th and you can't do a lot of things when you're broke.

As for employment every place I have gone they tell me to fill their application online so I've been mostly doing that with the occasions I go out to new places to check if I can apply by giving my resume.

And it's fine I'm talking about most of the issues here so I'm venting a bit from the situation which does help.


Hi Gaygaf, I need some dating advice.

There's this guy I regularly see while studying. I don't have any classes with him or anything, but I see him as he walks to his tutoring job. We haven't said any words to each other, butI get the feeling he's interested. Every time he walks by, I see him catching a glimpse of me while I study. There was a particularly noticeable time when he walked unusually slow and did a double take in my direction. Now, I actually know some really basic info about him (his name and the fact that he is gay) since we were both a part of the same summer abroad program; I just don't really know how to initiate any kind of conversation since the window of opportunity is literally three or four seconds long.

On top of this, I overheard some classmates talking, and I think that he might already be involved with someone. I mean, there's always the chance they were talking about someone else with the same name, but I don't think it's likely.

I guess, I just want to know if I should bother trying to start up anything or if it's better to just let go of this little crush.
It couldn't hurt to start a conversation. Comment on how you see him a lot, or compliment his clothing or something. Try to find out if you're involved in any of the same school activities. If there's an upcoming event, ask him if he'll be there and maybe try to meet up. See if you can get his gamertag, lol. Anything works. All you're doing is showing your interest and giving him the opportunity to reciprocate. If he really is interested, he'll probably take you up on any invitation to do something social.

Or: take out your dick and stare him down.

Sorry if it seems that I'm treating you like some sort of socially inept person. I'm just suggesting stuff I would try myself. (Well, maybe not the dick thing. That can be your adventure.)

English phrase (maybe only American English?) that's encouraging someone to continue doing something and showing support for their success. For example, someone might say, "My boss told me today that I did a fantastic job on my last assignment and that I might get a promotion as a result." A person might say "Get it!" in response to say, "You're awesome! Congratulations! I know you want this, and I support you. Best of luck in achieving that!"

Basically, these people are telling you "Congratulations!" while also encouraging you to continue with what makes you happy. In this particular case, a more joking usage might also simply be suggesting "Go get that D!" (like Bladenic said).

At least, that's my understanding of the phrase.
In this thread, "get it" definitely always means "Get that dick!"
Can't believe it's already October! Halloween is less than a month away and I'm having issues trying to come up with a costume this year. What are you guys doing for costumes this year?

I've gotta come up with something kid friendly since I work at a school, so it can't really be too scary or revealing. I was thinking of doing Clark Kent, since it's an easy costume to put together but it's sorta my last resort. Trying to do something video gamey or cartoonish, that the kids would recognize. Also, trying to not go the route of getting one of those lame Halloween store costumes that look cheap as fuck. I like putting together my own costume if possible, but I can't sew, so creating one with my own fabric is out of the question.

One other idea I had was being Aladdin, but I'd have to go barefoot or at least find some booties that were skin tone, otherwise it would look silly as hell.


irresponsible vagina leak
Sorry for the late response.

Have friends been able to bring you happiness or stability before in your life when you have been feeling depressed?

It sounds like you need a mission. A goal to aspire to achieve. What was your bachelors degree in? Also, do you want to work outside of your house? My intense depression began declining once I realized what I wanted in life. Do you know what you want in life? Is life about achieving material goals (job, house, friends) or about inner personal growth and self-discovery for you? I'm just wondering. Sorry if I'm getting weird here.

The local friends only seem to come to me when they need help which doesn't really help at all since when I need help they don't show up or "get busy". My bachelors degree is Videogame Design which is really useless here in the island. I simply want a job so I can be able to pay my stuff, go out and have some fun outside of the house which Im tired of spending all the time in and perhaps be independent I'm tired of the limitations of living at this house. Overall I feel I'm at certain part in my life where things should be more in place than they are with me being an independent person who works his ass off and has his fun on his free days when possible


Can't believe it's already October! Halloween is less than a month away and I'm having issues trying to come up with a costume this year. What are you guys doing for costumes this year?

I've gotta come up with something kid friendly since I work at a school, so it can't really be too scary or revealing. I was thinking of doing Clark Kent, since it's an easy costume to put together but it's sorta my last resort. Trying to do something video gamey or cartoonish, that the kids would recognize. Also, trying to not go the route of getting one of those lame Halloween store costumes that look cheap as fuck. I like putting together my own costume if possible, but I can't sew, so creating one with my own fabric is out of the question.

One other idea I had was being Aladdin, but I'd have to go barefoot or at least find some booties that were skin tone, otherwise it would look silly as hell.

Hm, you could dress up as the default boy in Minecraft.


Kids should be able to tell who that is.

Or maybe as an Inkling? It's not as recognizable as the Minecraft dude but with that character you could dress more freely. Just need the Inkling hat.

I don't have anything planned myself. Maybe I'll go to a cinema and watch a horror film.
Hm, you could dress up as the default boy in Minecraft.


Kids should be able to tell who that is.

Or maybe as an Inkling? It's not as recognizable as the Minecraft dude but with that character you could dress more freely. Just need the Inkling hat.

I don't have anything planned myself. Maybe I'll go to a cinema and watch a horror film.

Dressing up as an Inkling is a great idea!

Absolutely nothing. Haven't celebrated Halloween since I was 14. I personally feel that Halloween should be a children's holiday.

That's rubbish.

Halloween is my favorite holiday, it's a great day to celebrate at work and with friends. I'm not going to deny myself any fun just because I can't go out and trick or treat for candy in the neighborhood.


I got a free copy of The Taken King so I'm back on the Destiny train 😤😾 add me, scrubs. PSN: techn1colors


Can't believe it's already October! Halloween is less than a month away and I'm having issues trying to come up with a costume this year. What are you guys doing for costumes this year?

Absolutely nothing. Haven't celebrated Halloween since I was 14. I personally feel that Halloween should be a children's holiday.


I don't celebrate Halloween either.

It's a 'Murican holiday anyways.


You might:

1. Love it
2. Not care too much due to overhype

But it's fun to see all these actors back in the day, especially Lindsay

It's a fun little movie that's extremely quotable. Don't expect it to change your life though.

Not overhyped, I saw some mentions of it every now and then but nothing besides that so I'm going in fairly neutral, I guess. So the film does get a lot of room to present itself to me and leave a good impression.

It's a 'Murican holiday anyways.
It's celebrated in a lot of countries outside of the US tho. Maybe it originated from somewhere in the US but it became a thing at least here in Europe from what I know. Australia very likely too.

I don't celebrate Halloween either.

It's a 'Murican holiday anyways.

Halloween has become more widespread. It became a thing in Japan because of Disneyland and Universal Studios doing their own celebrations starting in the early 2000s. As it should, it's really one of the best holidays.

And don't you technically live in the US anyway?


Hi Gaygaf, I need some dating advice.

Start with a hello would be nice. Then next time maybe a how are you doing. And after that try some small talk. A simple greeting is enough, if he reciprocates, then you can build on that.

Honestly, unless you are confident enough to just ask someone out, you should treat it like the start of any platonic friendship instead of a potential date, expecting anything more is just setting yourself for possible disappointment and unnecessary anxiety.


Neo Member
Hey guys. I know I've been absent for a long long time, but well I guess that's how it goes with me. Do you guys even remember me? Haha.

I guess I can tell a bit of what happened and how I'm doing.

I had this friend I've known for quite some time now, a bit more than a year now. We talk everyday... well talked, I should say. We had a falling out at the beginning of September, which has been devastating to me because I really cared about him. I won't go into detail of what exactly happened between us, but let's just say he doesn't want to talk to me anymore, or see me, or basically know I exist. It hurts, and I'm just starting to accept how he just stopped being a part of my life now. And yeah, I've tried talking with him, tried to fix our problem and stuff, but he just doesn't care.

Aside from that, which I guess is nothing too bad if I look at it in the most critical sense, my life was doing fine until late September. Really, September just decided to kick me in the nuts and spit in my face while I was down. Now, I don't know how many of you remember I live in Mexico, but I've been having a hard very hard time helping my mom out with her medicines (she suffers from some type of arthritis, I don't remember the name exactly, and from high blood pressure as well) and even though the medicines are not that expensive by themselves, the economical situation, my situation to be specific has not been the best at work. I work Monday to Saturday, and barely make enough to make it through the week, which is pretty much the most common thing here in Mexico what with the low paying jobs and stuff. So I'm feeling kind of depressed and desperate and shitty, basically.

Sorry I made this post into a sad mess. I just needed to vent a bit.

So what's new with you guys? :)


It's celebrated in a lot of countries outside of the US tho. Maybe it originated from somewhere in the US but it became a thing at least here in Europe from what I know. Australia very likely too.

I like candy. I like the spoopy. so why not celebrate it? I don't do easter or christmas, let me have this one.

mmmmh, candy.



Hey guys. I know I've been absent for a long long time, but well I guess that's how it goes with me. Do you guys even remember me? Haha.

I guess I can tell a bit of what happened and how I'm doing.

I had this friend I've known for quite some time now, a bit more than a year now. We talk everyday... well talked, I should say. We had a falling out at the beginning of September, which has been devastating to me because I really cared about him. I won't go into detail of what exactly happened between us, but let's just say he doesn't want to talk to me anymore, or see me, or basically know I exist. It hurts, and I'm just starting to accept how he just stopped being a part of my life now. And yeah, I've tried talking with him, tried to fix our problem and stuff, but he just doesn't care.

Aside from that, which I guess is nothing too bad if I look at it in the most critical sense, my life was doing fine until late September. Really, September just decided to kick me in the nuts and spit in my face while I was down. Now, I don't know how many of you remember I live in Mexico, but I've been having a hard very hard time helping my mom out with her medicines (she suffers from some type of arthritis, I don't remember the name exactly, and from high blood pressure as well) and even though the medicines are not that expensive by themselves, the economical situation, my situation to be specific has not been the best at work. I work Monday to Saturday, and barely make enough to make it through the week, which is pretty much the most common thing here in Mexico what with the low paying jobs and stuff. So I'm feeling kind of depressed and desperate and shitty, basically.

Sorry I made this post into a sad mess. I just needed to vent a bit.

So what's new with you guys? :)
Hey, I remember you dude. I feel for you, for the fallout with your friend, the people vanishing from your life. It sucks so much. But you have to keep your chin up and walk on. Important part.

I like candy. I like the spoopy. so why not celebrate it? I don't do easter or christmas, let me have this one.

mmmmh, candy.
I'm going to grow twice the size with all the leftover candy I'll get from my parents haha.

Also, don't know if everyone knows that already but Life is Strange will get it's fifth and last episode October 20th. I'm so hyped.

Related, have some cosplay of one of the characters. :3





Halloween has become more widespread. It became a thing in Japan because of Disneyland and Universal Studios doing their own celebrations starting in the early 2000s. As it should, it's really one of the best holidays.

And don't you technically live in the US anyway?

It's a pagan holiday anyways. The devil's work too.

Y'all need Jesus.

Hey guys. I know I've been absent for a long long time, but well I guess that's how it goes with me. Do you guys even remember me? Haha.

I guess I can tell a bit of what happened and how I'm doing.

I had this friend I've known for quite some time now, a bit more than a year now. We talk everyday... well talked, I should say. We had a falling out at the beginning of September, which has been devastating to me because I really cared about him. I won't go into detail of what exactly happened between us, but let's just say he doesn't want to talk to me anymore, or see me, or basically know I exist. It hurts, and I'm just starting to accept how he just stopped being a part of my life now. And yeah, I've tried talking with him, tried to fix our problem and stuff, but he just doesn't care.

Aside from that, which I guess is nothing too bad if I look at it in the most critical sense, my life was doing fine until late September. Really, September just decided to kick me in the nuts and spit in my face while I was down. Now, I don't know how many of you remember I live in Mexico, but I've been having a hard very hard time helping my mom out with her medicines (she suffers from some type of arthritis, I don't remember the name exactly, and from high blood pressure as well) and even though the medicines are not that expensive by themselves, the economical situation, my situation to be specific has not been the best at work. I work Monday to Saturday, and barely make enough to make it through the week, which is pretty much the most common thing here in Mexico what with the low paying jobs and stuff. So I'm feeling kind of depressed and desperate and shitty, basically.

Sorry I made this post into a sad mess. I just needed to vent a bit.

So what's new with you guys? :)

Hi Kaiser!

Didn't know you had a job. Congrats! Though you get paid little so that's not good.

As far as your friend goes, it's unfortunate. I guess it's better to move on.


Día de Muertos is cool, except for the chocolate skulls, those are gross and I have to dispose of them when they're given to me :x


Neo Member
Hey, I remember you dude. I feel for you, for the fallout with your friend, the people vanishing from your life. It sucks so much. But you have to keep your chin up and walk on. Important part.

Thanks, it sucks so much. I still can't believe this happened. I guess it's gonna take some time until the pain goes completely away.


Hi Kaiser!

Didn't know you had a job. Congrats! Though you get paid little so that's not good.

As far as your friend goes, it's unfortunate. I guess it's better to move on.

Hi! Well of course I have a job haha! Need to pay stuff afterall. :)

And yeah, I know it's better to move on but it is just so hard. It really hurts.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Hey guys. I know I've been absent for a long long time, but well I guess that's how it goes with me. Do you guys even remember me? Haha.

I guess I can tell a bit of what happened and how I'm doing.

I had this friend I've known for quite some time now, a bit more than a year now. We talk everyday... well talked, I should say. We had a falling out at the beginning of September, which has been devastating to me because I really cared about him. I won't go into detail of what exactly happened between us, but let's just say he doesn't want to talk to me anymore, or see me, or basically know I exist. It hurts, and I'm just starting to accept how he just stopped being a part of my life now. And yeah, I've tried talking with him, tried to fix our problem and stuff, but he just doesn't care.

Aside from that, which I guess is nothing too bad if I look at it in the most critical sense, my life was doing fine until late September. Really, September just decided to kick me in the nuts and spit in my face while I was down. Now, I don't know how many of you remember I live in Mexico, but I've been having a hard very hard time helping my mom out with her medicines (she suffers from some type of arthritis, I don't remember the name exactly, and from high blood pressure as well) and even though the medicines are not that expensive by themselves, the economical situation, my situation to be specific has not been the best at work. I work Monday to Saturday, and barely make enough to make it through the week, which is pretty much the most common thing here in Mexico what with the low paying jobs and stuff. So I'm feeling kind of depressed and desperate and shitty, basically.

Sorry I made this post into a sad mess. I just needed to vent a bit.

So what's new with you guys? :)

I remember you!

Regarding the friend stuff...I had something similar happen about 4 years ago. It really hurts. What helped me was time and sharing how I felt with people (both through conversation and creative writing). Of course, you probably have to be careful about who you talk to so you don't make things worse (since you may have overlapping social circles like I did), but it does help to have people tell you that you're not a terrible person and that you're not insane (at least it helped me). Eventually, I was able to accept that they would not be part of my life anymore, even if I still wish the best for them, and moved on. From my experience, I learned that sometimes it's possible to hurt people without intending to and then not be forgiven for it, but that you have to forgive yourself and move on with whatever lessons you learned. Even if you still regret what happened (like I do), I hope you'll find a way to grow from the experience with time.


Neo Member
I remember you!

Regarding the friend stuff...I had something similar happen about 4 years ago. It really hurts. What helped me was time and sharing how I felt with people (both through conversation and creative writing). Of course, you probably have to be careful about who you talk to so you don't make things worse (since you may have overlapping social circles like I did), but it does help to have people tell you that you're not a terrible person and that you're not insane (at least it helped me). Eventually, I was able to accept that they would not be part of my life anymore, even if I still wish the best for them, and moved on. From my experience, I learned that sometimes it's possible to hurt people without intending to and then not be forgiven for it, but that you have to forgive yourself and move on with whatever lessons you learned. Even if you still regret what happened (like I do), I hope you'll find a way to grow from the experience with time.

Oh man, I totally identify myself with everything you just said. That's exactly how I feel right now and what happened. A big misunderstanding that got blown up, but I guess I will forgive myself eventually.

It helps me to work on videos and stuff on YouTube, it helps me distract myself and makes me feel a bit better.

Thanks, and thanks for remembering me as well, haha. :)


Do what I normally do. Recommend them a ophthalmologist.
Further investigation (OK, I clicked their profile) reveals that they're straight and looking for a girlfriend. Yet he messaged me and called me cute. So, either he's bisexual or he thinks I'm a girl.


Maybe he thinks you make for a cute girl.

I'd take that as a compliment. :3

It gets awkward once you get into bed with each other tho...
Further investigation (OK, I clicked their profile) reveals that they're straight and looking for a girlfriend. Yet he messaged me and called me cute. So, either he's bisexual or he thinks I'm a girl.
Or both. I have done this once, except the opposite way around. When I realised, I checked and saw I didn't use any gendered words so crisis avoided.
I just got called pretty on OKC.

Unsure how to feel.

I feel good at being called pretty. Do people usually mean that to imply feminine features? I just thought it was a slightly more interesting version of "handsome" or like a less threatening version of "you're hot." At least I've used it that way :/
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