Am I pretty, guys?
Why not call a dude pretty if they are?
You look fine, Biforce.
Why not call a dude pretty if they are?
You look fine, Biforce.
Something interesting happened at the gay geek social tonight. The bar we go to isn't a gay bar, it's just a geek-themed bar.
So I was a bit surprised when a hunky bearded bartender took off his shirt and started serving people, carrying heavy crates and collecting glasses in a black tank top.
He was hot as fuck. I was practically drooling, and when he came to collect the glasses from our table the conversation literally stopped dead in it's tracks. He was wearing a beany cap, had a short beard, tanned skin, awesome muscles and was wearing a black tank top and black skinny jeans.
Just.. hnngghhh. We made eye contact at one point too, but he probably isn't gay haha
Absolutely nothing. Haven't celebrated Halloween since I was 14. I personally feel that Halloween should be a children's holiday.
Some guys are pretty af though.Yes, but not a fan of the angle.
Well I don't know about pretty. It feels off to call a guy pretty.
nofunallowed.jpgTerrible service. Just because it's a gay geek doesn't mean he has to do all of that.
I would have been the guy that asks what the point of taking his shirt off is.
Some guys are pretty af though.
Need real blood
1. I'm pretty sure I saved the unedited version of that picture on Tumblr.
They're that too.Handsome and cute for me.
Cockteases! I wish their clothes would disappear forever! Not their ripped bodies and hot faces, just their clothes. That'll learn 'em.I would have said that we are strong independent gay men who do not need validation from straight men catering to us.
I definitely do not like it when straight guys take off their shirt seeking attention from gay/bi/Pan guys. I definitely don't like it. Nope. Not their chiseled chins, drop dead gorgeous looks or muscles, fancy mustaches or beards, I definitely don't like it.
He's a cutie but I can't get over the other bro's jawline. And that 24/7 smize.I know a lot of gay gaf likes the other twin but damn it i love this one's lips.
He's a cutie but I can't get over the other bro's jawline. And that 24/7 smize.
I will say that last pic is doing a lot for me right now.
I know a lot of gay gaf likes the other twin but damn it i love this one's lips.
He looks like he had plastic surgery.
I know a lot of gay gaf likes the other twin but damn it i love this one's lips.
unfortunate scenario snip
You can just tell from the angle and the way he doesn't put his lips together all the way how hot he thinks that pout is
and it's not my thing at all tbh
You can just tell from the angle and the way he doesn't put his lips together all the way how hot he thinks that pout is
and it's not my thing at all tbh
You can just tell from the angle and the way he doesn't put his lips together all the way how hot he thinks that pout is
and it's not my thing at all tbh
Go awf.
Friends are overrated.on the one hand i had a great 24 hours with the guy, but also i had an anxiety attack in front of him RIP/ This is the second time it's happened this year. Never happened before January. So i think I'm gonna schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist.
Basically, what happened was, I met this guy I'm seeing through my group of friends that I've been going out with since summer. The guy I'm seeing is best friends with the group "leader's" boyfriend. Until yesterday when my guy basically had it and torched the friendship.
My head basically went to level 10 because I'm suddenly now attached to a guy that just exiled himself from my only group of friends in Orlando. So now there's good reason that either they won't be inviting me and him around, or, when they invite me, I can't bring my guy. And for me, not being invited around anymore is a big deal. It's kind of hell to not get called by friends to go out. It's no big deal at all to not go out when it's your choice and you have plenty of friends. But for me, I have one group and I like them a lot and can't handle going back to zero invitations like I had for years. Isolating gets too depressing.
So I tried not to say anything and i stopped thinking about it but I guess it was too late and my adrenaline was up because then i started hyperventilating and then tears were flowing and it was just like me shivering and breathing not really knowing what the heck was physically happening.
I asked him to try and resolve it but we'll see. The tricky part is, tomorrow I go to Universal with the group and my guy has disinvited himself which sucks, but hopefully i'll get a chance to have a nice time with the group and see how torched the other guy feels.
Why the hell is Christ Rae Jepsen not coming to Chicago for her tour?
This is the most tragic gif I've seen in recent memory:
The general public is trash.
I'm continually amused by the new and exciting ways that hot guys who know they're hot try to pretend they don't know what they're working with.
"Oh, I didn't see you there!" *uploads shirtless selfie to Instagram*
I'm certainly not complaining, lol. Post way, bros.Well atleast they are trying. Even if it's kind of lazy lol
I'm certainly not complaining, lol.
I've lived both ways and I prefer having friendsFriends are overrated.
Wait where is this from? lmao
The first time was stupid too. My professor has an event and told us to wear suits. Had my dad send over one of my suits. It arrived the evening before the event, and it was actually the wrong suit. It was my dad's so it didn't fit and I couldnt wear it. So I changed out of the suit and then got stuck standing still crying and not able to move and breathing quick for about a minute and then it was over. Went in the next day nervously wearing a vneck and tie, and I was the most well dressed. Everyone ignored the dress code anyway.It sounds like your plan is solid and the best I could think of given your circumstances. Enjoy Universal tomorrow and don't worry about what's happening, since that's currently something for your guy and the boyfriend to be sorting out. In the meantime, have fun with your friends.
May I ask what triggered the first anxiety attack? Or, at least, was it triggered by similar fears or circumstances?
It's the general facial expression for me (including the eyes), but yes, agreed.
From the little I know, I think I would get along better with the brother.
I played mini golf with my guy tonight and they played Run Away With Me by Carly Rae and I told him and he said "who?"
Poor thing deserves more notoriety
The first time was stupid too. My professor has an event and told us to wear suits. Had my dad send over one of my suits. It arrived the evening before the event, and it was actually the wrong suit. It was my dad's so it didn't fit and I could wear it. So I changed out of the suit and then got stuck standing still crying and not able to move and breathing quick for about a minute and then it was over. Went in the next day nervously wearing a vneck and tie, and I was the most well dressed. Everyone ignored the dress code anyway.
have him listen to Emotion and Warm Blood tbhI played mini golf with my guy tonight and they played Run Away With Me by Carly Rae and I told him and he said "who?"
Poor thing deserves more notoriety
This is the most tragic gif I've seen in recent memory:
The general public is trash.
You're saying that like it's a bad thing.
Fun fact: Rob McElhenney was raised by two moms and is a staunch supporter of gay rights.
Whats going on here?
It's a shame he's not your type. Hopefully you both dont get upset when I post more of him later.
Friends are overrated.