Well it's not like there's a line of guys waiting to date me so there's not much difference.
I think we like each other on instamessage when we were both still in Venezuela, early last year. We followed each other on twitter and started talking through DMs for a while, one day he was hungry and I bought him dinner and went to his house to give it to him, that was the first time we met. He got into the car I gave him what I bought him, he gave me money and that was it.
We liked each other and would have probably dated or something but I kind of freaked out because he talked about stuff like separating sex from feelings and was a bit open about sex sometimes so I thought he just wanted a good fuck (also he had a naked pic on his twitter, just covering his bits with his hands). I sort of avoided meeting him again because I started dating this other guy and then after like a month I had to move to Mexico. He moved to Colombia not too long after that.
I kept talking to him a lot for months, texting each other, I consider
him my best friend but he sort of stopped texting me for a few months now, don't know if something happened. We've chatted but it's always like straight to the point. I just wrote him yesterday that I missed him. Maybe he got tired of hearing about boys and feelings from me, since he was the one I always talked to about pretty much everything.
Oh fuck, now I'm sad