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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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Fine, I'll give her a try. After all you did turn me on to Carly Rae. Its not like I've got anything else to do this weekend.

Just go in with an open mind. It's pretty experimental and totally the opposite of what she's done before, and it might be a little long, but there are some good bops in there.


Okay I tried to give Carly Rae Jensen a try. Her music is not bad, but definitely not my type.

After spending my afternoon listening to her music, it's not bad... It's okay.


- Simplistic lyrics with almost no substance or meaning.
- Songs are super cliché
- Feels like the teen gum pop music. It gives me kids bop music vibes.
- Her vocal range is annoying at times, hard on the ears.

Pros: Has a music video staring Tom Hanks.

I realize the cons are not really cons if you like her music but definitely not my type.

Her music is not bad at all, but I don't understand her appeal. Maybe her songs are somewhat catchy?

Yet again today's music is just awful when compared to music from the early 2000's, 90's and 80's.

Today's music is more trendy and simplistic rather than deep meaningful rich lyrics that convey art and complexity. Not something a 14 year old girl could have written scribbling in her diary.

Kids today and their music.


But this is just how I feel about today's music in general.

Please don't hate me D:

Miley announced she's doing a tour with Flaming Lips for Her Dead Petz and a vinyl will be sold at the shows. FUCKING PERCHED.




Okay I tried to give Carly Rae Jensen a try. Her music is not bad, but definitely not my type.

After spending my afternoon listening to her music, it's not bad... It's okay.


- Simplistic lyrics with almost no substance or meaning.
- Songs are super cliché
- Feels like the teen gum pop music. It gives me kids bop music vibes.
- Her vocal range is annoying at times, hard on the ears.

Pros: Has a music video staring Tom Hanks.

I realize the cons are not really cons if you like her music but definitely not my type.

Her music is not bad at all, but I don't understand her appeal. Maybe her songs are somewhat catchy?

Yet again today's music is just awful when compared to music from the early 2000's, 90's and 80's.

Today's music is more trendy and simplistic rather than deep meaningful rich lyrics that convey art and complexity. Not something a 14 year old girl could have written scribbling in her diary.

Kids today and their music.


But this is just how I feel about today's music in general.

Please don't hate me D:

Truly the deepest lyrics to define a generation.

In all seriousness, I don't think anything is more or less complex. You'll find music that is 'lacking in complexity' going back as far as you want, it just depends on who and what you listen to. I for one don't really look for deep lyrics most of the time when listening to music. I just want to lose myself for a few minutes. Different strokes for different folks.
Okay I tried to give Carly Rae Jensen a try. Her music is not bad, but definitely not my type.

After spending my afternoon listening to her music, it's not bad... It's okay.


- Simplistic lyrics with almost no substance or meaning.
- Songs are super cliché
- Feels like the teen gum pop music. It gives me kids bop music vibes.
- Her vocal range is annoying at times, hard on the ears.

Pros: Has a music video staring Tom Hanks.

I realize the cons are not really cons if you like her music but definitely not my type.

Her music is not bad at all, but I don't understand her appeal. Maybe her songs are somewhat catchy?

Yet again today's music is just awful when compared to music from the early 2000's, 90's and 80's.

Today's music is more trendy and simplistic rather than deep meaningful rich lyrics that convey art and complexity. Not something a 14 year old girl could have written scribbling in her diary.

Kids today and their music.


But this is just how I feel about today's music in general.

Please don't hate me D:

Which album did you listen to? Or just songs on Spotify?

E•MO•TION harkens back to the classic pop of the 80s and 90s, and pulls it off effortlessly, especially compared to the other big 80s pop-inspired album that came out last year.
What's up LGBTQIA+ GAF ?

I'm feeling lazy nowadays. There are a lot of things I need to get done, promised myself to do it over the weekend, but barely made any progress since.



Which album did you listen to? Or just songs on Spotify?

E•MO•TION harkens back to the classic pop of the 80s and 90s, and pulls it off effortlessly, especially compared to the other big 80s pop-inspired album that came out last year.

Mostly a mix in YouTube. The only one I remember is I really love you which is really catchy.

So, I have a date tomorrow :D

Nice! Best of luck! Is it at a public place or a Netflix and chill type of date?


What's up LGBTQIA+ GAF ?

I'm feeling lazy nowadays. There are a lot of things I need to get done, promised myself to do it over the weekend, but barely made any progress since.

That reminds me that applying for jobs was another thing I should've done this weekend instead of watching Steven Universe.
I decided to have a lazy weekend due to the nonstop rain thats been going on these past two days.
So, I have a date tomorrow :D
Congrats. Hope it goes well.

Also, now you don't need a boyfriend


Mostly a mix in YouTube. The only one I remember is I really love you which is really catchy.

Nice! Best of luck! Is it at a public place or a Netflix and chill type of date?

Thanks, it's in a public place. We're eating hamburgers


Hunky Nostradamus
I think it's getting a bit better. It was a little cold a couple of hours after I did it and today it was a little hard and warm even though I was soft. Hard like boner, but not quite. I think I bent it.

dicks can change their shape/size/texture a lot during the day tho. its probably normal

does it hurt?
So on Friday I went to a local museum with a friend because my school gave out free tickets and I see my crush in there. I haven't seen him in months and didn't expect him to be there. We get to talking and I start to remember what I liked about him in the first place. Anyways, we end up sitting together in the theater. We talked for a bit and stuff and he told me he went to Korea for the summer to study abroad and that's where he's been.
So, we ended up leaving on good terms and I hope to see him again soon.
Feeling pretty good right now. :)


That awkward moment when you're Ronda Rousey and Hillary Clinton appears on SNL and shows up your entire "acting" career.

So, I have a date tomorrow :D

I mean, have fun.

dicks can change their shape/size/texture a lot during the day tho. its probably normal

does it hurt?
I'm working toward my PhD in dick texture. So far I've just been spending a lot of time in bathroom stalls near Republican rallies, with mouthwash and a notepad. You've got to start somewhere.


My partner found out there was a RenFaire here in Michigan and we were able to make it out on the last day. He was adamant that we dress up and so we had a budget of 20 bucks and 5 hours to make a costume. This is where thrift stores and decorative women's belts really come in handy.

Michigan's RenFaire is no joke! Puts the one in Irwindale, California to shame. Doubly so that it's actually situated with trees, shaded areas, and huge built-in structures that make the experience so much more immersive. It's a small town, basically.

This is the third RenFaire I've been to (two in Los Angeles) and I've always avoided the Turkey Leg line because it's - on average - an hour to two-hour wait. We decided to try it this time and I split off into the Breadbowl line when or position matched the end of their line. The Turkey Leg line ran out of Turkey literally 5 feet before he got to the register. Shortly thereafter, my line ran out of soup so we both had to wait about 45 minutes before getting anything.

After having my first Turkey Leg, it's uncanny how it tasted exactly like the best hot dog I've ever had (kosher low-fat, non-cured beef). Couldn't even finish it so we asked for extra foil and napkins and took it home.

If any of you are in Michigan, I'd say it's worth going. It's certainly a one-day thing considering 90% of the lot is devoted to various vendors; you can see all of the actual live events in a few hours and still have time to spare if you don't get distracted by all the wares.


My partner found out there was a RenFaire here in Michigan and we were able to make it out on the last day. He was adamant that we dress up and so we had a budget of 20 bucks and 5 hours to make a costume. This is where thrift stores and decorative women's belts really come in handy.

Michigan's RenFaire is no joke! Puts the one in Irwindale, California to shame. Doubly so that it's actually situated with trees, shaded areas, and huge built-in structures that make the experience so much more immersive. It's a small town, basically.

This is the third RenFaire I've been to (two in Los Angeles) and I've always avoided the Turkey Leg line because it's - on average - an hour to two-hour wait. We decided to try it this time and I split off into the Breadbowl line when or position matched the end of their line. The Turkey Leg line ran out of Turkey literally 5 feet before he got to the register. Shortly thereafter, my line ran out of soup so we both had to wait about 45 minutes before getting anything.

After having my first Turkey Leg, it's uncanny how it tasted exactly like the best hot dog I've ever had (kosher low-fat, non-cured beef). Couldn't even finish it so we asked for extra foil and napkins and took it home.

If any of you are in Michigan, I'd say it's worth going. It's certainly a one-day thing considering 90% of the lot is devoted to various vendors; you can see all of the actual live events in a few hours and still have time to spare if you don't get distracted by all the wares.

My god... that turkey leg looks delicious.
My heart just broke a little bit. I saw a picture of that guy I dated for a while in Venezuela with another guy. I've talked about him before, we stopped talking once because of some bullshit he pulled off (when I was willing to travel to Vegas to spend a few hours with him). We have this kind of platonic thing, still say I love you and stuff, he's told me a few times that he will never love anyone else like he loved me, etc (he's younger too).

We've discussed other guys sometimes and I mean we've both had to move on with out lives but I felt like shit seeing him happy with another guy.


I think he told me not too long ago about this guy, they hadn't met until now because they live in different cities, but he has family there). Pic says "An amazing weekend", the other guy commented "You think?" and he replied "Heck yeah!". Also the guy is pretty hot/cute


Hunky Nostradamus
I'm working toward my PhD in dick texture. So far I've just been spending a lot of time in bathroom stalls near Republican rallies, with mouthwash and a notepad. You've got to start somewhere.

why the mouthwash though

I tried jerking off and it does hurt a bit. Specially if I pull it to one side. It also feels a lot looser (it's hard for me to explain). A little numb too.

It's not as bad as in the morning though.

Yeah, you need to get that checked out asap. Avoid playing with yourself (and others) until then.


Had movie night with the group. We watched HalloweenTown and ate cookies. Then I watched the host try to steam his face with a Lush toner thing and it was incredible.

Oh also I just remembered I heard one guy at Universal call the couple in our group holding hands faggots (well he said "let's get away from these faggots" to his friend as he shuffled away from our group in the crowd). Then this other guy said a disapproving "Wooow" when they kissed on a ride we were on. Then plenty of different point-and-stare, tell-your-friends-you-spot-a-wild-gay moments.

I never told the couple though because I'm too scared to hold hands in public and such and I love that they do it so I decided it was better to let the negativity die with the weak souls putting it out there. It is awesome when they walk by bitter people having sour moments at a theme park while the couple is as happy as ever, unfazed by that attention.


Had movie night with the group. We watched HalloweenTown and ate cookies. Then I watched the host try to steam his face with a Lush toner thing and it was incredible.

Oh also I just remembered I heard one guy at Universal call the couple in our group holding hands faggots (well he said "let's get away from these faggots" to his friend as he shuffled away from our group in the crowd). Then this other guy said a disapproving "Wooow" when they kissed on a ride we were on. Then plenty of different point-and-stare, tell-your-friends-you-spot-a-wild-gay moments.

I never told the couple though because I'm too scared to hold hands in public and such and I love that they do it so I decided it was better to let the negativity die with the weak souls putting it out there. It is awesome when they walk by bitter people having sour moments at a theme park while the couple is as happy as ever, unfazed by that attention.

I used to be afraid of that as well but I quickly came into the mindset of letting people fume if they get bothered by it.


Do you guys use poppers?

I tried it with the previous partner a few times and stopped. One time it gave me the most incredible sort of warm great headrush that I don't think I'll ever forget, but the other 4 or 5 occasions just made me feel like I had done a headstand. Nothing great, just too much blood rushing to my skull which felt risky.

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Unconfirmed Member
Had movie night with the group. We watched HalloweenTown and ate cookies. Then I watched the host try to steam his face with a Lush toner thing and it was incredible.

I'm glad things continue to go well with the group, despite the other stuff.

Oh also I just remembered I heard one guy at Universal call the couple in our group holding hands faggots (well he said "let's get away from these faggots" to his friend as he shuffled away from our group in the crowd). Then this other guy said a disapproving "Wooow" when they kissed on a ride we were on. Then plenty of different point-and-stare, tell-your-friends-you-spot-a-wild-gay moments.

I never told the couple though because I'm too scared to hold hands in public and such and I love that they do it so I decided it was better to let the negativity die with the weak souls putting it out there. It is awesome when they walk by bitter people having sour moments at a theme park while the couple is as happy as ever, unfazed by that attention.

I say you made a good choice.

I don't know how to handle PDAs in my own life. In general, I find PDAs to not really be my style, and from where I grew up, I'm used to negative reactions (or just reactions) to gay couples. I don't want attention. Not everyone thinks like me, though, and I know I've disappointed some people in the past because of it. It's just hard to do it casually when it's never been treated that way in my life (cue the Panti TEDx Talk).


I love it when the days are shorter.
Yes, me too. I'm a night owl anyway and it's odd but my brain works better after sundown.

Had movie night with the group. We watched HalloweenTown and ate cookies. Then I watched the host try to steam his face with a Lush toner thing and it was incredible.

Oh also I just remembered I heard one guy at Universal call the couple in our group holding hands faggots (well he said "let's get away from these faggots" to his friend as he shuffled away from our group in the crowd). Then this other guy said a disapproving "Wooow" when they kissed on a ride we were on. Then plenty of different point-and-stare, tell-your-friends-you-spot-a-wild-gay moments.

I never told the couple though because I'm too scared to hold hands in public and such and I love that they do it so I decided it was better to let the negativity die with the weak souls putting it out there. It is awesome when they walk by bitter people having sour moments at a theme park while the couple is as happy as ever, unfazed by that attention.
People are horrible :/

I'm not a PDA person but if someone wants to hold my hand or kiss me I'm surely going to reciprocate appropriately. To hell with what people think.


Do you guys use poppers?

I tried it with the previous partner a few times and stopped. One time it gave me the most incredible sort of warm great headrush that I don't think I'll ever forget, but the other 4 or 5 occasions just made me feel like I had done a headstand. Nothing great, just too much blood rushing to my skull which felt risky.

don't mix it with viagra!


Do you guys use poppers?

I tried it with the previous partner a few times and stopped. One time it gave me the most incredible sort of warm great headrush that I don't think I'll ever forget, but the other 4 or 5 occasions just made me feel like I had done a headstand. Nothing great, just too much blood rushing to my skull which felt risky.

Won't use it anymore :/


Do you guys use poppers?

I tried it with the previous partner a few times and stopped. One time it gave me the most incredible sort of warm great headrush that I don't think I'll ever forget, but the other 4 or 5 occasions just made me feel like I had done a headstand. Nothing great, just too much blood rushing to my skull which felt risky.

I tried them once with a previous partner and got nothing out of it. Just a weird fuzzy feeling in my stomach moreso than my head.


Do you guys use poppers?

I tried it with the previous partner a few times and stopped. One time it gave me the most incredible sort of warm great headrush that I don't think I'll ever forget, but the other 4 or 5 occasions just made me feel like I had done a headstand. Nothing great, just too much blood rushing to my skull which felt risky.

People still use Poppers for the meh high it gives for like a minute at best? I thought all it was used for these days is to release your sphincter.
Mostly a mix in YouTube. The only one I remember is I really love you which is really catchy.

Well here's your problem right there, YouTube is a terrible way to listen to music and for an album like E•MO•TION, giving it a fair chance and listening to the way it was meant to be heard is the only way. The mix probably contained mostly old songs, which aren't as mature or highlight Carly Rae's growth as an artist.
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