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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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Hunky Nostradamus
I feel like Beyond Good and Evil is climbing it's way into my "Best games I've ever played" list. Shit's way ahead of it's time.


So you've had this happened to you before?



So I've been playing some Dangenronpa finally. Holy shit I did not realize this game straddles genres between VN, mystery solving, court-sim and a freaking rhythm/music game. Kind of amazing.

Only finished two cases so far. I feel really bad for
the baseball star. Sayaka was grating as fuck and took the initiative to raise the stakes and attack him. He reacted back in self defense. Even if she fleed to the restroom, I think it was pretty obvious she would have found some other way to get back at him once she recovered. Killing him for "murder" was fucked up. Especially since he was killed by what he hated.

Also, holy shit Chihiro.



AND ALSO (don't read this until after you finish)
I wonder what LGBT gaf is up to .... loool I'm glad I clicked and experienced cucumbers jizz, what a time to be alive.

I think I'm becoming one of those weirdos who collects pictures of random men on tumblr, it's just a whole world of hairy guys out there, ready to be explored. My penis can only take so much.

Safe pics of the day.
Those eyes, those eyebrows. Uguu ~


I laughed hard for a minute on this pic

Tomorrow I'm seeing my boyfriend and we are playing netrunner and hugging all day.

Oh man! What a time to be alive.
hi happypuppy welcome back!

Thanks :). Always liked your name, it's cute and rhymes.

How do you guys/gals deal with playing competitive games with your partner or someone you care about?

I feel bad stomping on my boyfriend (when it happens) but I also enjoy it. We usually have no issues but there was this one time a few weeks ago where he became really frustrated with my playstyle and a certain card. He kept rolling his eyes and sighing, He wasn't having fun ... I on the other hand was laughing hard at the situation. My boyfriend is usually calm so I was surprised.
I started to feel bad so I cooled it with the laughing and said I'm sorry, I caressed his hand. While typing this, I was laughing hard remembering that moment, I'm evil. He knows it.
The combo was Datasucker + Parasite from netrunner. Delicious.


Thanks :). Always liked your name, it's cute and rhymes.

How do you guys/gals deal with playing competitive games with your partner or someone you care about?

I feel bad stomping on my boyfriend (when it happens) but I also enjoy it. We usually have no issues but there was this one time a few weeks ago where he became really frustrated with my playstyle and a certain card. He kept rolling his eyes and sighing, He wasn't having fun ... I on the other hand was laughing hard at the situation. My boyfriend is usually calm so I was surprised.
I started to feel bad so I cooled it with the laughing and said I'm sorry, I caressed his hand. While typing this, I was laughing hard remembering that moment, I'm evil. He knows it.
The combo was Datasucker + Parasite from netrunner. Delicious.

My partner and I play Magic: The Gathering, Minecraft, Trove, Cube World, and few others. For competitive games, it helps if there's at least some semblance of balance. Otherwise, it's not fun getting beaten all the time. He kicks my ass at Mortal Kombat, I own him at Mario Kart - so those games are off limits.

For Minecraft, Trove, and Cube World, they're more collaborative games and those tend to last the longest. We'll sit for hours helping each other build a house or work together developing strategy for a dungeon boss.

My recommendation would be choose games that require communication and team building.

I do enjoy destroying people in Mario Kart, though but I save that for coworkers. I still crack up over that time our translator was having back-to-back bad luck runs during the final lap on Rainbow Road. He went from first to 4th and I came up from behind him during the loop and waited to shoot my shell at just the right moment so he'd fall back and eventually ended up last. Everyone was in tears.


I played Path of Exile, Aura Kingdom, and Tera with my boyfriend.

Oh god was Path of Exile addicting

Same for Aura Kingdom,

We literally became house rats, we stopped communicating with our friends and family for weeks LOL!

We've since vowed never to play MMOS together hahaa
My recommendation would be choose games that require communication and team building.

It's all fun and games, we can take the heat. Besides coop games offer a different experience, it's nice to mix and match.
You play MTG, man that game is great. Wish it was cheaper to get into and wasn't a TCG. Wish Wizards would make a decent videogame with online, they try and I'm always disappointed. Blue <3


Yikes. Poor girl and guy. But I don't know... Stuff like this shouldn't matter when you're in a healthy loving relationship.

I guess a question to all of lettersgaf, would you break up with your significant other (husband/wife boyfriend/girlfriend etc...) if something similar to this happened?

LOL. Wut. Dude. Sex is messy. These things can and will happen and you just have to deal with it. Don't worry, you can shower if anything messy happens.
Yikes. Poor girl and guy. But I don't know... Stuff like this shouldn't matter when you're in a healthy loving relationship.

I guess a question to all of lettersgaf, would you break up with your significant other (husband/wife boyfriend/girlfriend etc...) if something similar to this happened?

Amazing. Sublime. Awe inspiring.

has it stopped you? (y)


I wonder what LGBT gaf is up to .... loool I'm glad I clicked and experienced cucumbers jizz, what a time to be alive.

I think I'm becoming one of those weirdos who collects pictures of random men on tumblr, it's just a whole world of hairy guys out there, ready to be explored. My penis can only take so much.

Safe pics of the day.
Those eyes, those eyebrows. Uguu ~


I laughed hard for a minute on this pic

Tomorrow I'm seeing my boyfriend and we are playing netrunner and hugging all day.

Oh man! What a time to be alive.

That last one had me chocking on my cereal from laughter, what a time to be alive!

Thanks :). Always liked your name, it's cute and rhymes.

How do you guys/gals deal with playing competitive games with your partner or someone you care about?

I feel bad stomping on my boyfriend (when it happens) but I also enjoy it. We usually have no issues but there was this one time a few weeks ago where he became really frustrated with my playstyle and a certain card. He kept rolling his eyes and sighing, He wasn't having fun ... I on the other hand was laughing hard at the situation. My boyfriend is usually calm so I was surprised.
I started to feel bad so I cooled it with the laughing and said I'm sorry, I caressed his hand. While typing this, I was laughing hard remembering that moment, I'm evil. He knows it.
The combo was Datasucker + Parasite from netrunner. Delicious.

Beat him, crush him! Make him look like a complete noob that he cries from how bad he is. That's always my strategy...

has it stopped you? (y)

Never had this happened so far, thank the gods... and no it wouldn't stop me.


last several weeks have been hard, my dad was in a induced coma for a week, now he's transferred to an acute rehab facility. It all happened because he fell hit his head on the basement floor with a blood alcohol of 3.2. I really havn't told many of my friends because I hate being asked about it, and telling the friends I did tell about it. It's frustrating I can't be home because of work/school. He is delirious, doesn't recognize anyone, doesn't follow commands and is completely dependent on other people for his self care. it's awful and i hate this


I'm so sorry Dany :( I hope things get better.

Edit: something that has helped me with family problems and substance abuse is to detach myself a little and see everything with a cool head. It's difficult depending on the person of course, but I try to focus my energy in the practical side of things, I read about it, I research current treatments, I try to get some professional advice. Well you are in the field so you should know better than me about it.


It's all fun and games, we can take the heat. Besides coop games offer a different experience, it's nice to mix and match.
You play MTG, man that game is great. Wish it was cheaper to get into and wasn't a TCG. Wish Wizards would make a decent videogame with online, they try and I'm always disappointed. Blue <3

He taught me how to play and I have barely any understanding of strategy. It would be nice to have some digital version of it since it's always such a hassle to shuffle, redo the deck, and just generally having space to place the cards. I always use the Swamp deck with either pure vampires or zombies with a lot of sorcery and enchantments. It's fun even though I usually get beaten.

last several weeks have been hard, my dad was in a induced coma for a week, now he's transferred to an acute rehab facility. It all happened because he fell hit his head on the basement floor with a blood alcohol of 3.2. I really havn't told many of my friends because I hate being asked about it, and telling the friends I did tell about it. It's frustrating I can't be home because of work/school. He is delirious, doesn't recognize anyone, doesn't follow commands and is completely dependent on other people for his self care. it's awful and i hate this
I hope things get better for you. :/


last several weeks have been hard, my dad was in a induced coma for a week, now he's transferred to an acute rehab facility. It all happened because he fell hit his head on the basement floor with a blood alcohol of 3.2. I really havn't told many of my friends because I hate being asked about it, and telling the friends I did tell about it. It's frustrating I can't be home because of work/school. He is delirious, doesn't recognize anyone, doesn't follow commands and is completely dependent on other people for his self care. it's awful and i hate this

Sorry that you're going through that. Might I interest you in a hopefully funny video?


Remember, life tosses you a bunch of sht, but in the end its about turning those sht into fertilizer and planting a nice big forest with beautiful lakes and rainbows.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
How do you guys/gals deal with playing competitive games with your partner or someone you care about?

I'll find out soon! We got a PS4 last weekend and only have one controller for now. The bf is a true button masher playing Injustice (which is a really fun fighting game, fwiw.. We have DoA5 too but it's kind of boring in comparison) so I'm sure he'll beat me most of the time.

It's fun enough just to watch the other person play Uncharted, actually. He wants a Resident Evil game too, but I dunno of I can handle that much of his screaming and shrieking &#128552;


Hunky Nostradamus
last several weeks have been hard, my dad was in a induced coma for a week, now he's transferred to an acute rehab facility. It all happened because he fell hit his head on the basement floor with a blood alcohol of 3.2. I really havn't told many of my friends because I hate being asked about it, and telling the friends I did tell about it. It's frustrating I can't be home because of work/school. He is delirious, doesn't recognize anyone, doesn't follow commands and is completely dependent on other people for his self care. it's awful and i hate this

I'm so sorry to hear that Danny. I can't imagine what you're going through. Sending good vibes your way <3


I'll find out soon! We got a PS4 last weekend and only have one controller for now. The bf is a true button masher playing Injustice (which is a really fun fighting game, fwiw.. We have DoA5 too but it's kind of boring in comparison) so I'm sure he'll beat me most of the time.

It's fun enough just to watch the other person play Uncharted, actually. He wants a Resident Evil game too, but I dunno of I can handle that much of his screaming and shrieking &#128552;

I avoid it like the fucking plague. In MMO's I'm usually the healer and when we join a random pvp match for some reason, matchmaking always pits us against he each other, and he gets so mad when I heal my teammates and keep them a live I'm like WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO DO LOL! -continues healing teammates-
last several weeks have been hard, my dad was in a induced coma for a week, now he's transferred to an acute rehab facility. It all happened because he fell hit his head on the basement floor with a blood alcohol of 3.2. I really havn't told many of my friends because I hate being asked about it, and telling the friends I did tell about it. It's frustrating I can't be home because of work/school. He is delirious, doesn't recognize anyone, doesn't follow commands and is completely dependent on other people for his self care. it's awful and i hate this
Wow, I'm sorry to hear you're going through a situation like that. I really hope your Dad recovers and things start getting better for you bb <3
last several weeks have been hard, my dad was in a induced coma for a week, now he's transferred to an acute rehab facility. It all happened because he fell hit his head on the basement floor with a blood alcohol of 3.2. I really havn't told many of my friends because I hate being asked about it, and telling the friends I did tell about it. It's frustrating I can't be home because of work/school. He is delirious, doesn't recognize anyone, doesn't follow commands and is completely dependent on other people for his self care. it's awful and i hate this

I was going to come in here and bitch about what a sucky day at work I had but after reading your post I should be thankful work, this temporary thing, is whats bringing me down. I really hope things improve for both you and your dad. Be sure to word vomit in this thread to help make your anxieties "real". I find that writing about my troubles is cathartic even if nobody is there to respond.



nah, let's continue!

fish squirts jelly to suffocate their predator.


I'll find out soon! We got a PS4 last weekend and only have one controller for now. The bf is a true button masher playing Injustice (which is a really fun fighting game, fwiw.. We have DoA5 too but it's kind of boring in comparison) so I'm sure he'll beat me most of the time.

It's fun enough just to watch the other person play Uncharted, actually. He wants a Resident Evil game too, but I dunno of I can handle that much of his screaming and shrieking &#128552;

That reminds me. There are some game I'm perfectly content watching my partner play, like God of War or DMC. I'll occasionally pick up the controller if he's having a tough time but for some reason I just enjoy looking at the artwork and cinematics.

true Gek

Hi folks! I was wondering the other day: do you think that in the new Star Wars Trilogy there will be a LGBT character? It would be awesome in my opinion *__*
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