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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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eww that doesn't sound too good. what should I be buying instead? coconut oil?

yeah, or if you want to avoid saturated oils macademia oil also works for higher temperatures.

Coconut oil also can be used as lubricant. But it destroys condoms.

Pure/unrefined shea butter is actually the best lube imo. It's edible/food grade, which all internal lubes probably should be imo.

And both are fine to use with polyurethane condoms.


It's exhausting to explain things, but ok:

'Processed foods' used as a blanket statement is both a shallow tautology and a sometimes useful heuristic. It's exactly the same as the whole 'raw foodist' thing. A lot of it is unfounded bullshit, but they happen to coincidentally get some things right, almost out of what could be considered common sense. One is that if you're eating more raw food, you're going to get a shitload less AGEs. A lot of the processes we apply to food increase AGEs. So putting that into a more sane context, maybe don't overcook stuff, don't eat tonnes or weird cured meats or stuff from the deli counter, try to buy more organic fresh produce and cook more of your own meals, or just generally try to eat more stuff that would have traditionally still been around prior to the year 1980.

Nutrition is a pretty nascent science all things considered, and to understand it involves a lot of understanding of science. That's why I emphasized intuition. Justify less of your decisions to yourself, and use more actual intuition about what is probably good for you. If you are interested there's probably some stuff you could find and read. It's probably a lot of people attacking each other via their nutritional opinions, which again is why you use intuition and try to level with yourself about what is probably actually good, and not just shit you can maybe get away with.


Hunky Nostradamus
yeah, or if you want to avoid saturated oils macademia oil also works for higher temperatures.

$20 for 5oz

Is "you have a really nice coq" the best compliment you can give to a gay guy?

It certainly seems like it lol.



eww that doesn't sound too good. what should I be buying instead? coconut oil?

Yeah, as said previously, coconut oils are a good replacement with relatively neutral flavor profiles but if you're wanting something with a high smoke point, look no further than avocado oil.

That sounds sensible. Also, I just ate some spinach so I should be good, right?

I have an unhealthy obsession with spinach. I remember my first impulse very clearly being me as a pre-adolescent in a Disneyland hotel watching Popeye chug a can of spinach for strength and ever since, I use spinach in everything I can add it to. Spinach is probably one of the best leafy greens you can eat. Spinach in tomato sauce and ground turkey <3


Hunky Nostradamus
Yeah, as said previously, coconut oils are a good replacement with relatively neutral flavor profiles but if you're wanting something with a high smoke point, look no further than avocado oil.

Thanks for the info!

I have an unhealthy obsession with spinach. I remember my first impulse very clearly being me as a pre-adolescent in a Disneyland hotel watching Popeye chug a can of spinach for strength and ever since, I use spinach in everything I can add it to. Spinach is probably one of the best leafy greens you can eat. Spinach in tomato sauce and ground turkey <3

Me too, actually. I try to eat it as often as I can. It's great in salads, on burgers/tacos, pizza, pasta (as pesto!) - it's super versatile.
I'm fine with it as long as he's not whiny or annoying. Make him an emotionless psycho who has no qualms killing things to reach his goal. The setting seems darker anyway so why not. Would team up nicely with a werebear who unintentionally kills people when she gets angry. Make all the characters have flaws, add some dark humor to it. Could be cool for a Tales game.
I'm just tired of it at this point. 9 times out of 10 they're annoying little shits that probably suck in battle and that you'll never use. They're just there because they're another check mark.
Well, according to this article from siliconera:

If the protagonist Velvet is considered the “shadow” then he is made to be the “light” in the story, and is expected to play a big role in the story.

Hope he's not some goody two shoes to an annoying degree.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Well, according to this article from siliconera:

Hope he's not some goody two shoes to an annoying degree.

Sounds like he might play the role of representing within the party whatever religious/holy/pure organization that is fighting the beast threat (I know nothing about the plot, so this might be completely off-base). Or maybe he's just as you said, a goody two-shoes who isn't a "bad person" like beasty, pirate Velvet.
Anyone else delete all dating apps after being active for a while?

I'm on the verge of doing this. Just came back from a hook-up, and it was really fun,
hands down the most well endowed dude I've ever physically been with
(hurray for teh sex and all that) but I really think I ultimately wanna go steady with a nice guy rather than hoe around. And...uh, I'm finding I can't trust myself when in the moment.

It's not like I'm swimming in peen or anything kick ass like that.
I just...want to focus more on genuine connections for a bit. Why can't the universe be more romantic. Where the fuck is serendipity? :/
Anyone else delete all dating apps after being active for a while?

I'm on the verge of doing this. Just came back from a hook-up, and it was really fun,
hands down the most well endowed dude I've ever physically been with
(hurray for teh sex and all that) but I really think I ultimately wanna go steady with a nice guy rather than hoe around. And...uh, I'm finding I can't trust myself when in the moment.

It's not like I'm swimming in peen or anything kick ass like that.
I just...want to focus more on genuine connections for a bit. Why can't the universe be more romantic. Where the fuck is serendipity? :/

What's to stop you from just reinstalling the app or just cheating the old fashioned way?
What's to stop you from just reinstalling the app or just cheating the old fashioned way?

Regarding the apps,re-installing, re-registering and all that would be more hurdles in the process.

As for old fashioned way, my awkwardness has yet to fail me when it comes to being the ultimate cock-blocker when first meeting cute guys in person, so lol, yeah.
Anyone else delete all dating apps after being active for a while?

I'm on the verge of doing this. Just came back from a hook-up, and it was really fun,
hands down the most well endowed dude I've ever physically been with
(hurray for teh sex and all that) but I really think I ultimately wanna go steady with a nice guy rather than hoe around. And...uh, I'm finding I can't trust myself when in the moment.

It's not like I'm swimming in peen or anything kick ass like that.
I just...want to focus more on genuine connections for a bit. Why can't the universe be more romantic. Where the fuck is serendipity? :/
You can still find a nice guy on the apps while having fun as well. However, if you're finding yourself gunning for sex before something more romantic, it's understandable wanting to get rid of apps. I think aiming for balance or self-control would be better. That way you're not cutting off options for meeting people.

Which apps anyway? Try OKCupid. I've been using it for a while and have yet to have a sexually driven conversation on there.

That said, I rid myself of the apps all the time. Gets old fast.
I'm horribly bored at work and am waiting for my meeting to start so in the meantime here are some random pics:

Here is me being tipsy

Me with the bf and our friend (fun fact: I was actually in the middle of a sneeze here and it just so happens to look like I'm severely feeling my oats. Apologies all around)

Me with new friends

Also I highly encourage everyone to have a Lion King moment like this as a way to intimidate your peers and get respect

That about sums up my essence. Your turn!


Anti-climax is probably the best possible situation. As was mentioned in a TED talk that Razmos posted, I can't wait for the day where the simple act of holding hands means nothing. Where it's neither a statement of politics or even recognized by a passerby, even if it's a positive.

Yeah, I agree - good situation really. Luckily people who were shocked weren't in a negative way.

I'll check out that Ted talk.
Actually your comment about the political statement got me thinking. I was more worried about concerned about making a drama out of it than the consequences (I'm lucky I know). I think it was partly that I'd wanted to make it clear that I WASN'T making a political statement - I just want people to know who I am.

What's the next step? (I feel like there should be one lol)


Neo Member
Hi, I'm new and an IRL friend of Sai-kun. I personally identify as bisexual, but I'm also attracted to people outside of the gender binary so some could call me a pansexual...

Yeah, I agree - good situation really. Luckily people who were shocked weren't in a negative way.
Yeah it was that same way, when i came out to my gay friend he just" oh ok cool" and when i came out to my other friend she was kinda the same way but a bit more curious about it and asked me stuff like "when did you find out" but over all they were nice and supporting.

Oh yeah one make sure you dont double post, i saw you do it a couple of times.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Hi, I'm new and an IRL friend of Sai-kun. I personally identify as bisexual, but I'm also attracted to people outside of the gender binary so some could call me a pansexual...

Welcome! There's a questionnaire called the IBQ in the first post that you could fill out to introduce yourself further, if you'd like. Or you can leave it as is. :)

Where's your avatar from? The style reminds me of Paper Mario? (I've only played SPM) They're so cute!
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