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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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I have a friend's birthday coming up on Saturday so I thought it was the perfect excuse to ask Taylor Swift guy out. Turns out he'll be out of town for the holidays so I'm out of luck, he apologized about it. I told him I'd like to see him before he left on Friday and he replied it would have to be on Wednesday with some stressed out smilies so I told him if it's too complicated, I'm OK with it (not happening). He said there's plenty of 2016 ahead to see each other. Which once again gives me hope that he actually wants to hang out/date?

I'm pretty sure I've made it clear that I'm into him, but I hate that he'll be gone for two weeks and a part of me is screaming: TELL HIM YOU LIKE HIM!!!! but I don't wanna screw up. Is it too soon? As I've said, we've been talking for two months now but only met once. We haven't talked about any dating or what we're looking for so it scares me a bit that maybe he just wants fun. Though there was this moment I was talking to him about the last guy I dated in Venezuela and both of us ended up saying something like: you're the Mexican version of him.

I know it's probably because I'm very insecure (because most of the guys I like turn me down) that I rush to say it ("I like you"). Could any good come out of it or am I just going to scare him off?

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
I have a friend's birthday coming up on Saturday so I thought it was the perfect excuse to ask Taylor Swift guy out. Turns out he'll be out of town for the holidays so I'm out of luck, he apologized about it. I told him I'd like to see him before he left on Friday and he replied it would have to be on Wednesday with some stressed out smilies so I told him if it's too complicated, I'm OK with it (not happening). He said there's plenty of 2016 ahead to see each other. Which once again gives me hope that he actually wants to hang out/date?

I'm pretty sure I've made it clear that I'm into him, but I hate that he'll be gone for two weeks and a part of me is screaming: TELL HIM YOU LIKE HIM!!!! but I don't wanna screw up. Is it too soon? As I've said, we've been talking for two months now but only met once. We haven't talked about any dating or what we're looking for so it scares me a bit that maybe he just wants fun. Though there was this moment I was talking to him about the last guy I dated in Venezuela and both of us ended up saying something like: you're the Mexican version of him.

I know it's probably because I'm very insecure (because most of the guys I like turn me down) that I rush to say it ("I like you"). Could any good come out of it or am I just going to scare him off?

I say relax and take a deep breath. I think expressing that you're looking forward to seeing him in 2016 is enough. It sounds like there's nothing to worry about. He'll come back and you'll see him again. Try to enjoy the next two weeks in the meantime!

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Sometimes I think I might have some bi tendencies (and not be 100% gay), but I think the heterosexual attraction tends to happen so infrequently and rather weakly (to the point that I can't tell if I'm actually attracted or not) that I've never really considered it something worth pursuing. It's like...if I'm 99 or 99.9 or 99.99 percent gay, it seems like it's much easier paying attention to and pursuing the large number of gay men that I find attractive rather than the 10 or 100 women around the world that I might be into. But perhaps I'm just limiting myself for simplicity's sake.
Sometimes I think I might have some bi tendencies (and not be 100% gay), but I think the heterosexual attraction tends to happen so infrequently and rather weakly (to the point that I can't tell if I'm actually attracted or not) that I've never really considered it something worth pursuing. It's like...if I'm 99 or 99.9 or 99.99 percent gay, it seems like it's much easier paying attention to and pursuing the large number of gay men that I find attractive rather than the 10 or 100 women around the world that I might be into. But perhaps I'm just limiting myself for simplicity's sake.
If something wants to happen, go for it. :)
It's not like being a male Kinsey 5.9 means dating only women :)

Maybe there is a similar thing with your asexuality, perhaps heterosexual attractions could develop stronger if homosexual ones developed stronger as it seems might have happened?
I sometimes want to have sex with women but I'm not really romantically attracted to them in any meaningful sense. Best case scenario is we're like BFFs and that's kind of weak for me.
So my aunt must have gone to the woman's house, the one who was looking to set up her gay son with someone. Got a text from my aunt telling me "I met [dude's name]. He is cute and nice."

Pls... why bother telling me.
I sometimes want to have sex with women but I'm not really romantically attracted to them in any meaningful sense. Best case scenario is we're like BFFs and that's kind of weak for me.
Romantic and sexual and aesthetic attractions etc not aligning totally is something people don't talk about much. :)


Neo Member
I sometimes want to have sex with women but I'm not really romantically attracted to them in any meaningful sense. Best case scenario is we're like BFFs and that's kind of weak for me.

I'm actually the same way. While I'm open to the possibility, I don't really see myself as being romantically involved with women. I'm mostly just sexually attracted to them, honestly more than I'm sexually attracted to men, and prefer the hook ups with no emotional commitment.

I'm in a serious committed relationship with my boyfriend right now but because of my lack of emotional attraction to women, he doesn't have a problem with me hooking up with women.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I'm going to get a job and be a full time student this semester RIP to my gay ass

RIP is when you have two full-time jobs while being a FT student. I went almost two months without a single free moment, just a loop of sleep>class>work>study>sleep. Gets really isolating.

I sometimes want to have sex with women but I'm not really romantically attracted to them in any meaningful sense. Best case scenario is we're like BFFs and that's kind of weak for me.

There was a time where I kept having sex dreams about three of my ladyfriends, and a fourth friend got offended that I didn't have any about her. I told her that after hearing all the tumultuous stories about guys she'd been with, my psyche apparently decided she'd be too demanding for me. Sorry, chica.



Neo Member
RIP is when you have two full-time jobs while being a FT student. I went almost two months without a single free moment, just a loop of sleep>class>work>study>sleep. Gets really isolating.

There was a time where I kept having sex dreams about three of my ladyfriends, and a fourth friend got offended that I didn't have any about her. I told her that after hearing all the tumultuous stories about guys she'd been with, my psyche apparently decided she'd be too demanding for me. Sorry, chica.


That was my life last year :( I had two full time jobs while going to school full time. I'm pretty sure the fact that I live with my boyfriend kept me sane because then at least I had some human interaction.


How do you have two full time jobs and full time school?

That's insane. I know there are situations in which you need to have two jobs and school but I don't think I would be able to do that.

I had a full time job and I was full time student two years ago. Eventually I had to drop some classes and study part time because it was too much.
That was my life last year :( I had two full time jobs while going to school full time. I'm pretty sure the fact that I live with my boyfriend kept me sane because then at least I had some human interaction.

Two full time jobs is 80/week. Full time student is 16 credit hours?

168 hours in a week. 96 hours of work/school?


Neo Member
Two full time jobs is 80/week. Full time student is 16 credit hours?

168 hours in a week. 96 hours of work/school?

Mistype. Meant to say full time job, part time job, and full time student. I had four credit hours, worked on the weekends at my part time job usually 16 hours, and worked during the week fulltime at my main job. Usually around 32 hours in the office and then the rest was at home work. It was rough, don't recommend it at all.

Now I'm lucky because my boyfriend got a salary position which has let me focus on my last two quarters at school. I graduate in June :)


Neo Member
A friend talks about this site and this page a lot so I've come to hang. I haven't been on a message board since Neopets probably 10 years ago so I might be rusty.

Your gender? Female

Your sexual orientation? Heteroromantic Asexual (i think the distinction is important since lots of people tell me I'm straight and just haven't found the right guy)

Where Do You Live? Houston, Texass

How Old Are you? 23

Favorite Type of Music? I am all about instrumental right now

Profession or Career interest? Starting my Masters in Counseling in January

Favorite video game(s)? Okami

What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? talking shit

And here is my best selfie of the year so uh?

This already feels too long and weird sorry gang
A friend talks about this site and this page a lot so I've come to hang. I haven't been on a message board since Neopets probably 10 years ago so I might be rusty.

Your gender? Female

Your sexual orientation? Heteroromantic Asexual (i think the distinction is important since lots of people tell me I'm straight and just haven't found the right guy)

Where Do You Live? Houston, Texass

How Old Are you? 23

Favorite Type of Music? I am all about instrumental right now

Profession or Career interest? Starting my Masters in Counseling in January

Favorite video game(s)? Okami

What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? talking shit

And here is my best selfie of the year so uh?

This already feels too long and weird sorry gang
Hey, Welcome. :)
Nice selfie. :D

What kind of video games have you liked this year?
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