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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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That's exciting! Don't overdo it though, there's like a curve where at a certain point doing more (even though it seems like a good idea) will just make your next morning more terrible. And enjoy the bass.

Then go to after party and toke yourself into a coma because sleeping is rlly hard.

preach it! molly owns if you do it to a certain extent

It's great but man does that make me feel down for quite a few days after every time :(

I know it's because of the excess release of serotonin though. Makes it easier to cope with once you know what's going on.

yeah, my first post-mdma comedown was a huge fucking bummer, but somehow i manage it a bit more each time. also the quality of the stuff you take/if it's cut with anything else can definitely affect how mild/awful your comedown is. i once took a pill that was cut with speed and the comedown was just the fucking worst X_X i also couldn't sleep for like 5 hours after getting home from where i was.

Exactly. I don't really do it much anymore, or if I do I take a very conservative dose, otherwise I'm so emotionally drained the next day.

i really wanna do it again, but i'm on more of an lsd kick lately. I want to try out acid + going to the same show danny is going to... but all my lsd experiences have been so chill that i'm not sure that i'd vibe with the show.

Ha! Funny you should say that because that's exactly what happened the first (and only) time I tried it: I spent the whole night sitting on a couch. Didn't feel like standing up or something. I didn't really like it, it just made me feel lazy.

K is more for mentally flying through outer-space while getting past-life flashbacks and thinking you suddenly understand the secrets of the universe. I'm only exaggerating a little bit, but that happens more on the higher doses (the elusive 'k hole'). It's a really weird drug, and dangerous for someone like me, since that's exactly the sort of experience that I could easily get addicted to. But I think I'm a bit odd, coke or opiates never held any real appeal to me, just mindless enjoyment, but k binges would make me feel like I was being initiated into some kind of secret/mystical knowledge, and that sort of thing is like poison to me.

yeah, my first post-mdma comedown was a huge fucking bummer, but somehow i manage it a bit more each time. also the quality of the stuff you take/if it's cut with anything else can definitely affect how mild/awful your comedown is. i once took a pill that was cut with speed and the comedown was just the fucking worst X_X i also couldn't sleep for like 5 hours after getting home from where i was.

i really wanna do it again, but i'm on more of an lsd kick lately. I want to try out acid + going to the same show danny is going to... but all my lsd experiences have been so chill that i'm not sure that i'd vibe with the show.


Speed/coke comedowns are the worst. With depleted serotonin I just feel on edge, like if I dropped my pen and had to bend over to pick it up the shock of it might send me into a sad-angry crying fit, lol. But with depleted dopamine (from speed or coke) I hate everything, like almost amoral sociopath territory.

LSD is great. I think it would be fun if you can handle that persistent low level anxiety/butterflies in your chest feeling that you tend to get from psychedelics. If the show isn't too expensive and you have an escape plan prepared if it gets to be too much, then I'm sure it could be fun. I'd just take like two hits max, though, but it depends on how comfortable you are in that setting to begin with. That's what I'd do because shows can kind of put me on edge sober, so taking much more than a threshold dose would probably make it all be a little too much.


Just remember that regardless as to whether or not a government may call your experience a rape or assault or even nothing at all, at the end of the day this experience has clearly (from what I see) left you affected (which is why I responded to your post the way I did earlier). I mean, if it hasn't then you wouldn't have asked us about it, right? So having said that, finding your way to peace and moving forward, whatever that way is, is something that you should do. Professional help definitely is something to strongly consider.

I'm sorry that you experienced what you did, and I hope things get better for you someday.

You're so sweet, thank you :)

I'll do that, I think after discussing this I'm seeing this in a different way, I'll do some thinking and see how things go. I shall be fine, I always am in the end :D


Speed/coke comedowns are the worst. With depleted serotonin I just feel on edge, like if I dropped my pen and had to bend over to pick it up the shock of it might send me into a sad-angry crying fit, lol. But with depleted dopamine (from speed or coke) I hate everything, like almost amoral sociopath territory.

LSD is great. I think it would be fun if you can handle that persistent low level anxiety/butterflies in your chest feeling that you tend to get from psychedelics. If the show isn't too expensive and you have an escape plan prepared if it gets to be too much, then I'm sure it could be fun. I'd just take like two hits max, though, but it depends on how comfortable you are in that setting to begin with. That's what I'd do because shows can kind of put me on edge sober.

i can almost shamelessly say that i've been in that exact situation, lmfao.

Thanks for the advice, I think i miiiiight do it if I get the OK from my gf. She doesn't mind that I do it, but since we're going to the show together, I dunno how much she'd care to hang out with an LSD-induced Sai, while sober herself :lol


Neo Member
I found this when looking up Grimace:


Looks awesome and scary.


the most classic meme


yeah, my first post-mdma comedown was a huge fucking bummer, but somehow i manage it a bit more each time. also the quality of the stuff you take/if it's cut with anything else can definitely affect how mild/awful your comedown is. i once took a pill that was cut with speed and the comedown was just the fucking worst X_X i also couldn't sleep for like 5 hours after getting home from where i was.

i really wanna do it again, but i'm on more of an lsd kick lately. I want to try out acid + going to the same show danny is going to... but all my lsd experiences have been so chill that i'm not sure that i'd vibe with the show.


Some friends took LSD on vacation this summer but I said no because I wasn't so sure about it. I'm an anxious guy and I'm afraid of what I would do or see on such a high so... yeah I don't think I'll try it anytime soon.

Speed is the worst though. Can't stand it.

K is more for mentally flying through outer-space while getting past-life flashbacks and thinking you suddenly understand the secrets of the universe. I'm only exaggerating a little bit, but that happens more on the higher doses (the elusive 'k hole'). It's a really weird drug, and dangerous for someone like me, since that's exactly the sort of experience that I could easily get addicted to. But I think I'm a bit odd, coke or opiates never held any real appeal to me, just mindless enjoyment, but k binges would make me feel like I was being initiated into some kind of secret/mystical knowledge, and that sort of thing is like poison to me.

Whoa, yeah that feeling you're describing scares me quite a bit haha. Would you do it another time or have you decided against it?

Coke is awful. I stopped doing that a long time ago, I would occasionnally accept a line or two just to keep myself awake. People who take too much coke just go on and on about their life and won't even listen to what you're saying.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Not bad, but I think you have some misconceptions about what they are/are not and moral issues stemming from how you were raised.

That's not a criticism of your person, by the way, I was the same way for a long time (still kind of am).
I've never tried any drugs. Is that bad? I mean I understand why people do but I don't think I would like the way they make me feel.
Not at all. I haven't touched anything myself, but it's due to my career path (I work in criminal law). They won't even think of hiring you if you even thought about doing it.
Whoa, yeah that feeling you're describing scares me quite a bit haha. Would you do it another time or have you decided against it?

Coke is awful. I stopped doing that a long time ago, I would occasionnally accept a line or two just to keep myself awake. People who take too much coke just go on and on about their life and won't even listen to what you're saying.

I think I'm done with ketamine. I can get a similar effect with meditation ('pratyahara', specifically). Since it's a mental skill I find I vary quite a bit in how successful I am with it, but it at least feels a lot more wholesome and healthy.

Yeah, I've accepted lines of coke here or there, but the appeal of uppers is kind of strange to me. I can understand intellectually why people like them, they sort of give you that feeling like you're a superhero or that you can do anything, but they also feel really hollow. It sort of reminds me of narcissists, it seems like a phony or artificial sort of confidence, and I don't mean phony or artificial in the way that it's being caused by a drug, it's like a specific quality to the 'awesome' feeling that just rings kind of hollow to me.

And people on coke are awful, I think it's kind of for the same reason, it sort of turns people into quasi-narcissists or something.

I've never tried any drugs. Is that bad? I mean I understand why people do but I don't think I would like the way they make me feel.

No. Drugs are crude agents, pretty much all of them have bad sides, or rough sides, that you have to take to accept the good. The cost-benefit analysis of whether they're really worth it or not is extremely personal, and honestly I'm personally finding them less and less worth it the more I develop my meditation practice. Meditation actually has a lot of the same benefits but like none of the downsides, so drugs are practically superfluous for where I am now. The most I do now on any kind of regular basis is maybe vaporize some cannabis once a month or so, because using it really infrequently seems to help me to manage my moods/anxiety in the longer term.
I haven't used illegal drugs or used legal ones improperly. Sometimes in a stressful time I have an interest in some mood altering drug, though not enough to get any if I even knew where to really look.
Not bad, but I think you have some misconceptions about what they are/are not and moral issues stemming from how you were raised.

That's not a criticism of your person, by the way, I was the same way for a long time (still kind of am).
Ah, It has nothing to do with whether I think they're good things for me or not. I guess I just like to see the world at an unaltered state most of the time. I guess that's sorta boring but whatever.
I haven't used illegal drugs or used legal ones improperly. Sometimes in a stressful time I have an interest in some mood altering drug, though not enough to get any if I even knew where to really look.

IMO the really interesting ones ('entheogens') can't be used to medicate stress, they'd make you confront some awful stuff.

And medicating stress in general is counter-productive in this really specific way, which you only kind of figure out from trying to use a failing strategy over and over again. Basically what happens is you have a good time for a few hours, but then you wake up to your alarm clock and the worries you were trying to avoid, and you realize that last night was a blur. You end up closer to the shit you were trying to avoid, like it snuck up on you, because the time you were trying to fill flew away from you, and now you're just that much closer to the thing you were dreading. It's kind of hard to explain, but you end up feeling cheated.

Ah, It has nothing to do with whether I think they're good things for me or not. I guess I just like to see the world at an unaltered state most of the time. I guess that's sorta boring but whatever.

Altered states are an inherent part of 'sobriety', though, so just viewing it in terms of altered states of consciousness is kind of strange to me. There are a lot of valid reasons to not take drugs, but sobriety isn't this fixed continuous state, it has a lot of weirdness inherently built into it, or it almost should otherwise your consensus reality might be a little too rigid.


Neo Member
I am definitely scared to mess with illegal drugs. I take so much anxiety medicine to calm myself that I'm sure anything else to chill other people out is just going to kill me or something. Also I have to be in control of myself so that feeling wears off and I get super stressed after the fact. The only 'drug' I guess I use is prescription sleeping pills and fast acting anxiety medicine.

My suite mates in college however would smoke weed quite frequently and did cocaine cause whatever.

The only drug I will 100% NEVER DO UNLESS A GUN WAS HELD ON ME is LSD since it lives in your spinal cord and it can reactivate itself if you get your back cracked or move and your spinal cord releases it and that is terrifying to me.
The only drug I will 100% NEVER DO UNLESS A GUN WAS HELD ON ME is LSD since it lives in your spinal cord and it can reactivate itself if you get your back cracked or move and your spinal cord releases it and that is terrifying to me.

That is a myth born from moral panic at the hippie counterculture. LSD is physiologically one of the safest substances there is (psychologically is another matter), it is entirely metabolized and processed through your system in a couple of days.


Neo Member
That is a myth born from moral panic at the hippie counterculture. LSD is physiologically one of the safest substances there is (psychologically is another matter), it is entirely metabolized and processed through your system in a couple of days.

Oh! It's sad I learned this in college as fact. In that case have fun kids!


It's tough, but time and greener pastures will heal you.

I'm still a fan of the new art for Zero Time Dilemma.
He's likely a 60+ year old Sigma in a college age Sigma's body, but I don't seem to care. What does that say about me?
He looks fine! 👀 👌

A friend talks about this site and this page a lot so I've come to hang. I haven't been on a message board since Neopets probably 10 years ago so I might be rusty.

Your gender? Female

Your sexual orientation? Heteroromantic Asexual (i think the distinction is important since lots of people tell me I'm straight and just haven't found the right guy)

Where Do You Live? Houston, Texass

How Old Are you? 23

Favorite Type of Music? I am all about instrumental right now

Profession or Career interest? Starting my Masters in Counseling in January

Favorite video game(s)? Okami

What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? talking shit

And here is my best selfie of the year so uh?

This already feels too long and weird sorry gang
Hoi, welcome on board!

should eat less mcdonalds though


Sound advice.


Neo Member
I feel so bad cause I tried playing Bayonetta recently and I found it kind of whatever. it felt like a button masher game but maybe its cause I wasn't playing on a really high difficulty.
It's been a good few months for a JRPG nerd like me :cry:

God is so good

Yeah it's definitely been/going to be a good year for JRPGs and visual novels, which are my two favourite genres hands down.

Beat Zestiria, moving on to Xenoblade soon.. Playing Code Realize and Norn9 on my Vita.

Pratyahara feels so fucking good you guys. It kind of feels like your body has been cleaned from the inside out, just like really refreshed and pristine feeling.


I feel so bad cause I tried playing Bayonetta recently and I found it kind of whatever. it felt like a button masher game but maybe its cause I wasn't playing on a really high difficulty.
Bayonetta is definitely no button masher on Normal or above. Look up Saur on Youtube. He's started an in-depth tutorial series called Umbran Arts that covers the combat system's nuances.
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