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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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Its HIV test day! Anyone else still get nervous waiting? I asked my doctor what he thought of PreP but gave me the "The best prevention is a monogamous relationship..." answer but said hed prescribe it if I wanted to try it. Apparently liver or kidney damage can occur so Id have to get checked out in 6 months.
Its HIV test day! Anyone else still get nervous waiting? I asked my doctor what he thought of PreP but gave me the "The best prevention is a monogamous relationship..." answer but said hed prescribe it if I wanted to try it. Apparently liver or kidney damage can occur so Id have to get checked out in 6 months.
Don't you mean Caprine Immunodeficiency Virus test day?
Its HIV test day! Anyone else still get nervous waiting? I asked my doctor what he thought of PreP but gave me the "The best prevention is a monogamous relationship..." answer but said hed prescribe it if I wanted to try it. Apparently liver or kidney damage can occur so Id have to get checked out in 6 months.
Why didn't you get a quick test?
im the gas cap



There's this government run HIV prevention clinic in my city where tests are free, you get your results in less than 40 minutes, and they give you a ton of (also free) condoms. Yet most people don't know it even exists, smh.
When I needed to check I just went to the usual GP clinic which has blood tests and stuff. I needed to check since this guy started not using a condom and I was nope nope nope and he removed himself. What he said suggested the issue was a tightness to size issue, as opposed to hey I didn't consent to no condom.

I went to the sexual health clinic which was meant to be excellent, but they told me to put in my info on a computer there in the waiting room and there was no privacy and I didn't want to get the information mailed to me but I think they said that's the only way they do it? That can't be right. I just walked off.

The bad situation of something mailed to me? I was kinda outed to my family (I had a semi
-plausible deniability, that the book was meant to be funny, as it is
) by being sent something in the mail when I asked to be called on my mobile instead. It was a message saying the title of a book I ordered from Borders had arrived in store, but it was on a postcard rather than in an envelope. When I went in to complain to the manager, the manager clearly saw they made a mistake when she sa on her computer the name of the book I had ordered. I didn't get an apology.

I didn't expect to get my results on a postcard but still... :)
I always find that the rapid finger-prick HIV test hurts way more than the normal blood test needle X_X. it bruises my finger every single time.

I get both tests done every time though, of course.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
I always find that the rapid finger-prick HIV test hurts way more than the normal blood test needle X_X. it bruises my finger every single time.

I get both tests done every time though, of course.

Is there a difference between these tests or reason why you do both?
Is there a difference between these tests or reason why you do both?

Yeah I do both because the detectable window periods are different.

You get the results of the finger-prick test right away when you're there, but it generally only detects the virus antibodies 3-4 weeks after infection. The actual blood tests now (or at least some of them) detect the virus itself and can detect it in your system as early as a week after infection.

So really the blood test is still the better method. But I'm someone who gets anxiety waiting that long so I get the rapid finger test for peace of mind. Mind you, I'm in a monogamous relationship now, always use a condom, and have always gone to get tested every 3 months.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah I do both because the detectable window periods are different.

You get the results of the finger-prick test right away when you're there, but it generally only detects the virus antibodies 3-4 weeks after infection. The actual blood tests now (or at least some of them) detect the virus itself and can detect it in your system as early as a week after infection.

So really the blood test is still the better method. But I'm someone who gets anxiety waiting that long so I get the rapid finger test for peace of mind. Mind you, I'm in a monogamous relationship now, always use a condom, and have always gone to get tested every 3 months.

I think I'd be like you and want the immediate results, but the blood test sounds like the better option in the long run. We'll see how the American healthcare system treats me and what options they offer when I finally go in to be tested. I've been meaning to for a while, just out of curiosity and to get in that habit.


Its HIV test day! Anyone else still get nervous waiting? I asked my doctor what he thought of PreP but gave me the "The best prevention is a monogamous relationship..." answer but said hed prescribe it if I wanted to try it. Apparently liver or kidney damage can occur so Id have to get checked out in 6 months.
I would punch That doctor in the throat if they told me that.
I always find that the rapid finger-prick HIV test hurts way more than the normal blood test needle X_X. it bruises my finger every single time.

I get both tests done every time though, of course.
Weird I got the finger prick test for the first time back in December. Didn't hurt at all!! No bruises or anything.
This woman started tapping my window and startled me at the intersection and I looked at the bitch and yelled "No!" Then she smiled and she yelled "your gas cap is open" and I rolled down the window saying "sorry sorry sorry"

ayy she save your life homey, give her some dollas
I think I'd be like you and want the immediate results, but the blood test sounds like the better option in the long run. We'll see how the American healthcare system treats me and what options they offer when I finally go in to be tested. I've been meaning to for a while, just out of curiosity and to get in that habit.
I would definitely opt to get both if you can :) where i live, there's this great clinic called HIM (Health Initiatives for Men), and that's where I get all my regular testing done. It's a great habit to get into, regardless of how often or responsible you are when you have sex :).

Weird I got the finger prick test for the first time back in December. Didn't hurt at all!! No bruises or anything.

It could have maybe been my fault. maybe i didn't press down with the cotton ball hard enough X_X

but also when they press down on your finger to actually get all the blood they need. it makes me wince and gag LOL!
This constant testing thing sounds like an exclusively gay problem. I don't recall hearing my straight friends getting tested regularly, or after every single sexual encounter.
I would punch That doctor in the throat if they told me that.

Doctor ain't wrong though. It kind of goes for all STDs.

He did add the caveat that the problem with monogamy is that it only works as long as the other person is always faithful. Which is all true but it sounded a little more sermon than medical consultation with a patient for my liking. No matter. He still gave me the option of pursuing it if I wanted to. And while PreP is a huge help it isnt 100% nor does it help with other diseases so condoms are your first best line of defense (after waiting for marriage).



Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
This constant testing thing sounds like an exclusively gay problem. I don't recall hearing my straight friends getting tested regularly, or after every single sexual encounter.

I don't know if there are many people who get tested after every encounter unless it was unprotected or they have reason to believe they might have contracted something.

As far as I know, certain STIs are more common among gay men and because some gay men don't use protection (due to no risk of pregnancy), transmission can be higher. However, I also think that gay men are taught to be self-aware and conscientious about STI transmission after the AIDS epidemic, so testing every three or six months is part of what many people do. I think straight people would benefit from being more aware of transmission, as I know some people who rely on birth control during their hookups or the early stages of their relationship rather than a condom, which obviously isn't protecting anyone and is exactly how STIs get transmitted.

I think gay culture is more open about STIs and sex in general. In my limited (purely anecdotal!) experience, gay men in the US share sex stories and reference sex more commonly than other populations. As a result, you'll also hear about testing more frequently.

The sex positivity of mainstream gay culture manifests in many ways, and I think discussion and frequency of testing is part of it.


This constant testing thing sounds like an exclusively gay problem. I don't recall hearing my straight friends getting tested regularly, or after every single sexual encounter.

Gay people being portrayed as the most at risk group for a bunch of STDs probably does that to people.

Doctor ain't wrong though. It kind of goes for all STDs.

In all honesty the best protection against STDs is abstinence. What guarantees your monogamous relationship is actually monogamous? (I'm only half serious).

As far as I know, certain STIs are more common among gay men and because some gay men don't use protection (due to no risk of pregnancy), transmission can be higher.
Well protection is part of it but the other main thing is that anal sex tends to carry greater risk too. (because there's more friction, micro cuts happen more often and those allow for blood contact.

And while PreP is a huge help it isnt 100% nor does it help with other diseases so condoms are your first best line of defense (after waiting for marriage).

It's indeed the best way but it should be noted that a condom isn't a perfect protection against contact transmitted STDs like HPV (getting vaccinated isn't a bad idea in that regard), herpes and so. It does help but it's not 100% (but at this point if you're that afraid, I would just not have sex at all).
This constant testing thing sounds like an exclusively gay problem. I don't recall hearing my straight friends getting tested regularly, or after every single sexual encounter.
It seems strange to me. If you aren't doing anal, which is a high number of gays, then it shouldn't be that big of an issue. STDs will always be a problem, but for those who don't do anal, I don't see why they would get HIV tested. I have a serious phobia of blood drawing. I've fainted twice during it, so thank God I'm not at risk for it.


I'm about to get a job at a clinic place where we give out free HIV testing by cotton swabs and other forms I really don't know yet.

Anyone is welcome to come and get tested! (If you're in DC or nearby).

We also go to places to give out free HIV testing on a van that's super awesome and cool looking because its like a mini clinic on the move.

I'm so excited and I can't wait to start!

I'm about to get a job at a clinic place where we give out free HIV testing by cotton swabs and other forms I really don't know yet.

Anyone is welcome to come and get tested! (If you're in DC or nearby).

We also go to places to give out free HIV testing on a van that's super awesome and cool looking because its like a mini clinic on the move.

I'm so excited and I can't wait to start!


I should note my office is in a windowless van down by the river.


Neo Member
You can get tested by mouth swab

I hope you get tested you fuck or i am flying to florida to kick your ass (aka kiss you and take you to the doctor and cry)

This constant testing thing sounds like an exclusively gay problem. I don't recall hearing my straight friends getting tested regularly, or after every single sexual encounter.

I think it might be a gay thing too? I know lots of my female friends (I wrote girl friends but I hate when heteros say that) don't even regularly go get pap smears and stuff which is for cancer, these are also for sexually active girls. I am not sexually active at all and get mine every year or two whichever they say you need. Also this one girl my friends know always never used a condom and used the pull out method but also didnt take birth control and she said she never gets tested cause it's all good ;) and then recently she had to get an abortion so I mean.....I think heteros are like NOT IN MY BACKYARD but yes in their backyard.


I hope you get tested you fuck or i am flying to florida to kick your ass (aka kiss you and take you to the doctor and cry)

I think it might be a gay thing too? I know lots of my female friends (I wrote girl friends but I hate when heteros say that) don't even regularly go get pap smears and stuff which is for cancer, these are also for sexually active girls. I am not sexually active at all and get mine every year or two whichever they say you need. Also this one girl my friends know always never used a condom and used the pull out method but also didnt take birth control and she said she never gets tested cause it's all good ;) and then recently she had to get an abortion so I mean.....I think heteros are like NOT IN MY BACKYARD but yes in their backyard.
We do 👍 and yeah it's just like a smart and trustworthy thing to do regularly. Confidently put your health in your hands and don't just leave it to someone else's word that they are staying safe while theyre with you
Gay people being portrayed as the most at risk group for a bunch of STDs probably does that to people.

In all honesty the best protection against STDs is abstinence. What guarantees your monogamous relationship is actually monogamous? (I'm only half serious).

The doctor said a monogamous relationship protects against STDs. Which is true. If the other person cheats, it ceases to be a monogamous relationship. Just one (or two) people are potentially unaware of that.

Y'know... I hate getting blood drawn. I probably wouldn't bother with regular testing.


I think Im one of the few people Ive met who doesnt or hasnt smoked weed. The smell is nauseating to me. Cigarette smoke smells bad enough but this is a whole other level.

You're not the only one!

I have never smoked weed nor plan to (Yay me!!).

If you ever used public transportation in DC, you would know how some of the buses and the trains would smell like weed... It's so annoying and nauseating.

I always hated when I used to work downtown I would come to work almost smelling like I was smelling like weed because the smell attaches itself to the clothes. You know, your clothes start to smell like whatever it is you were around, especially those dressing cotton shirts and ties.

With that said. I really hate public transportation in DC for that matter sometimes.

Anyone else in here like YouTube Poop? because i freakin love Youtube Poops

Never heard of that.

Lol, YouTube poop.


I don't understand these cotton swab or prick finger tests. I don't see how that is very accurate. When I got my blood tested and found out I was +, it took them 2 fucking weeks to tell me because they said that's how long it takes.

You guys do not want HPV or HIV, trust me. HPV you get anal warts and they will eventually bleed and take a year to go away (my cleared up) but it's possible for it to return sometimes though that hasn't happened to me.

So please guys, be safe! I know condoms suck but would you rather deal with blood test that cost $1000 every 3 months, and medication that cost $2500 a month for the rest of your life? (those are ofcourse if you didn't have insurance...)
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