Where are my 20 year olds at? 1994 here.
Some born in 1994 are 21 already.
Luckily I don't really have that issue, possibly because I still fit in just fine with the younger crowd. I do get weirded out by hot 17-year-olds though. It's like, can you please just stay at home or drape your body in a heavy burlap sack until it's appropriate to acknowledge you? These kids and their tank tops and muscles, I tell you...
I can only hope I develop a thing for daddies or at least athletic 30-somethings and well preserved 40-year-olds as I age. My taste in guys has been firmly locked on the late teens and early 20s crowd for as long as I can remember. The struggle is real.
Yeah, I mean nothing wrong with that obviously. Thing is that I guess LGBT+ men and even straight men are self conscious about the age thing. Even women, and I imagine it must be even more difficult for women. Mostly because anything perceived as negative is usually blamed on the older individual (i.e. being accused of corrupting the younger one's mind - or sucking the life out of them). My grandma, who's close to being 60, has gotten some backlash from my family because she's into guys in their 20's. She's a cougar.

I guess that's more an extreme example, but my point being that the larger the age gap, the harsher some people are and the nasty attitudes from those who judge.
I can definitely see myself being in my 50's and being into 20 something year olds. It's going to happen.
But as for Theo, well we're in the same age range so I guess it's fine for me to lust after him. \o/
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