You dont want to get laid? Okay.
Well in some places that would get the other person in trouble
You dont want to get laid? Okay.
*backs up truck full of sausage links*
There's still time! If I got roses I'd probably go for just a small one on a shoulder or something. Like this?
I'd let him use my kitchen.You might think this was a TLC show but nope!
Thanks! Long time no see, umop. How are you these days?
I'd let him use my kitchen.
the hatred against red peppers... this is why we don't have rights
I dont know the difference between red and green peppers. Im color blind towards vegetables.
aparently you win if you get your hand down your opponents shorts and gain control of him!
Since a wrestler is not restricted from placing his hands inside his opponent’s kispet (he may not grab his balls or invade his rectum, however), he can also use the waistband to hold the other man in place. Occasionally the kispet is yanked so far below his hips that the fighter being held cannot rise without exposing himself. Having lost his trunks he also loses the match.
A wrestler may grab his opponent’s kispet in any way which helps him with a throw, or to control or for a pin. Sometime he will thrust his arm down the other’s kispet up to his armpit in order to obtain leverage. Despite this freedom, the intentional fouling of a wrestler is almost unheard of.
Ooh! I love animated films. Mainly Pixar films but I've just started branching out into Ghibli films. I only just watched my first one, Porco Rossi, last year and I liked it.
I also absolutely love comedies.![]()
I'm good! I'd been doing neurotherapy on myself to give me more tools for affect regulation and I found one method that actually works pretty well. This stuff is really fun in a nerdy sort of way.
there's a trend here in Houston (not sure about elsewhere) that more then 1 star behind the ear = gay/queer person
3 stars more then not, in a zig zag order. Just from what i see around middle-west part of town
Oh, you mean tattoos. I thought gays got those star tattoos on their hips. What will they think of next?
I think that's kinda cute D:
Thank you, I appreciate it. I hope it gets better too.I don't think I've posted anything about it, but I've been sorta following your story and I'm really happy it's had this positive uptick lately.Hopefully the news continues to get better and your anxieties can be further allayed.
STDs - well, especially HIV/AIDs for obvious reasons - are some scary shit. Combine that with the threat of pregnancy for hetero sex and it amazes me that anyone manages to have sex at all sometimes.
I think that's kinda cute D:
Yeah!Comedies are great too! I don't buy it when people say it's the least important genre. It can be very important and helpful to people.
Ghibli is my favorite studio of all time, and Pixar is a close second so you're in good company!
It feels so good to actually be making some progress in terms of adapting to a new lifestyle.
We haven't had proper sex yet but lots of fooling around I feel like we're approaching the sex point but we'll see.
Utena, Miki, Nanami, and Saionji? Really Haly, do you even know what you're saying here? At the very least I'd have to get purple for my #1 bae Anthy.
I like it.
Even...even your Steam account? Is nothing sacred?
The end is fabulous.It's the mark of the beast!
The end is nigh.
The end is fabulous.
I think its just really tacky branding yourself with what amounts to a string of numbers. They did that back in WW2 for very different reasons. Even if you just look at it as a barcode youre essentially reducing yourself to a piece of merchandise. Theres no way I can look at it without feeling embarassed for the person.
Ooh! That's a fantastic tattoo :O Love the vibrant colours.
Here's mine. (Right shoulderblade, have to racer-back my bras now)
Ooh! That's a fantastic tattoo :O Love the vibrant colours.
Partner, sisters, and everyone I tell calls me crazy for almost falling asleep during mine. It was pretty soothing.
Here's mine. (Right shoulderblade, have to racer-back my bras now)
Utena, Miki, Nanami, and Saionji? Really Haly, do you even know what you're saying here? At the very least I'd have to get purple for my #1 bae Anthy.
I've read up on neurotherapy a bit and it sounds really perfect for someone as introspective and inquisitive as you.What kind of method are you using, exactly?
I don't know, I've had celery.
My current fave vegetable is eggplant, although I'm usually too lazy to actually cook them and thusly just buy pre-made roasted eggplant spreads or w/e. Wonderful unique flavor, though.
Do you mind elaborating on it?
I'm really curious.
I missed you too Ratsky <3
if you were here i would let you put that brain thing on my head and zap me with it or whatever - for science!
I haven't really got into eggplant. I've used it in a few vegetarian stews but you don't really get a flavour that way, just a texture, so it didn't really leave me with much of an impression. I need to explore it more, I mean I've had some good baba ghanoush once or twice but otherwise I'm basically uninitiated.
i missed u umop <3
If you haven't minded it in the past, you should really try making baba ghanouj sometime, it's incredibly easy.
The last thread had felt noticeably emptier...
Sometimes there's a bit of a learning curve, that's really the main downside, drugs are (sometimes) very immediate and our participation in the process isn't really a factor, while this is more of a learning process, but I'm sure there are a few things you could gain from a session, even if just an intellectual curiosity.