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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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Tried diving for the first time. That was super fun, if I have enough money I'm probably going to try to get a few certifications in the future.
I did a Groupon for this once, it's a hell of a lot of fun. :)
The only thing o didn't like was how dry the air was in the tank. Made me super thirsty.
How long were you in the water?


Hunky Nostradamus
I thought I had gained weight this summer, but I just checked and I lost 12 pounds.

Way to go!

I cheated on my boyfriend and now I feel like complete shit.

why did you cheated on bf

Tried diving for the first time. That was super fun, if I have enough money I'm probably going to try to get a few certifications in the future.

how did you literally not get eaten by a shark tho


Britney Jean.

On the other pervy way
BJ>Anal tbh

Going to respectfully disagree :p

I did a Groupon for this once, it's a hell of a lot of fun. :)
The only thing o didn't like was how dry the air was in the tank. Made me super thirsty.
How long were you in the water?

Well it was a first time dive so it didn't last that long, you do some basic exercises to make sure you know how to use the stuff, don't blow out your eardrum with the pressure and other stuff like that. Then you dive with someone up to 10 meters deep (I don't think you're allowed to go deeper without some certifications here), then you're allowed to free dive for another few minutes then you go back up. All in all it's a 15-20 minutes thing.

Hardest part was getting used to not try to breathe through your nose at first, and yeah I was thirsty as fuck when I got out :p

how did you literally not get eaten by a shark tho

Glad you enjoyed it :). That's a look of pure joy on your face for sure.

I'm way too scared of fish to try something like that X_X. Even snorkeling in Hawaii made me panic LOL

No sharks in Belgium heh. This was in an old quarry that was retooled into a diving center a while ago. You see big fishes like Sturgeons, some carps and rarely pikes. Nothing dangerous.
No sharks in Belgium heh. This was in an old quarry that was retooled into a diving center a while ago. You see big fishes like Sturgeons, some carps and rarely pikes. Nothing dangerous.

Yikes. I still wouldn't be able to do it :(. I know my fear of fish is an irrational one, but I can't seem to kick the fear for whatever reason ;_; LOL


Tried diving for the first time. That was super fun, if I have enough money I'm probably going to try to get a few certifications in the future.
That sounds like so much fun. I've always wanted to but I've never had enough money. I haven't even gone swimming for over four years so maybe I should start trying that before diving into this.

Yikes. I still wouldn't be able to do it :(. I know my fear of fish is an irrational one, but I can't seem to kick the fear for whatever reason ;_; LOL
Is it a fear of all fish or just large fish?


I was drunk when it happened


People getting so bent out of shape over sex with someone who isn't your SO. Mistakes happen, folks, get over it. The urge to be desired and have intimacy is part of human nature. If your SO is away, and those urges rear their heads, and you're intoxicated, then you will do what must be done to fuel those urges.


People getting so bent out of shape over sex with someone who isn't your SO. Mistakes happen, folks, get over it. The urge to be desired and have intimacy is part of human nature. If your SO is away, and those urges rear their heads, and you're intoxicated, then you will do what must be done to fuel those urges.
A lot of people don't cheat though
What do you have against Grimace?
He's my fav but also what is he?


People getting so bent out of shape over sex with someone who isn't your SO. Mistakes happen, folks, get over it. The urge to be desired and have intimacy is part of human nature. If your SO is away, and those urges rear their heads, and you're intoxicated, then you will do what must be done to fuel those urges.

i don't see anyone getting bent out of shape over it

although your paragraph of defense is pretty hilarious tbh

edit: im reading your post again and CACKLING

not you justifying your betrayal of a partner with 'mistakes happen' ajs;lfkja;slkfjasf. you are too fucking much dude. lmaoofsja;lkjsf this is like a quintessential biforce post tbh

'its just cheating'

'its just a gram of coke'

'its just binge drinking'


People getting so bent out of shape over sex with someone who isn't your SO. Mistakes happen, folks, get over it. The urge to be desired and have intimacy is part of human nature. If your SO is away, and those urges rear their heads, and you're intoxicated, then you will do what must be done to fuel those urges.

People getting so bent out of shape over sex with someone who isn't your SO. Mistakes happen, folks, get over it. The urge to be desired and have intimacy is part of human nature. If your SO is away, and those urges rear their heads, and you're intoxicated, then you will do what must be done to fuel those urges.

If you really believe this then you should tell your boyfriend all of this, especially the part where you apparently have no will of your own and cheating is just a natural law like an apple falling from a tree.
Mine too! Utena may be the protagonist and hero who drives the show forward, but Anthy's internal progression and journey is equally important to it and her story is the fascinating, multi-faceted heart of the whole thing. Episode 34 is so good - it really turns the show on its head and adds so many thematic and perceptive layers to the experience. What a show, man...

I agree. I actually kind of relate to Anthy, which in some ways is strange, but I think it's because she's such a believable character. Even at her lowest point when she's basically given all of her power away, she finds power in a twisted way, which is exactly what someone would do. At just the right moment she denies those that would use her from really getting what they want, and she uses veiled but not-so-veiled condescension because she won't just be a doormat, all she has is really her wits and her ability to veil her intentions, which is the same thing that makes her 'charming' and a blank slate for people to project their wants onto her. It's not easy making a flawed character like that so believable, or even likable for their flaws, because they not only breathe life into a character but actually highlight a basic and profound paradox in human personality.

That's awesome that it's working for you, even when you came with expectations for it.
The thing I don't really understand is this - NF is basically just having a certain stimulus in a certain frequency no? Like you said, if I wanted to inhibit or excite, I need to use X or Y. Is that what's going on? Because you talked about what you're going through as acquiring a skill, and having a learning curve.

So maybe I mixed some stuff up, or I just didn't understand correctly.

Anyway, thanks for taking you time and typing all that.

Oh, no the stimulus isn't the electrical frequency, the EEG is a neuroimaging technology, the frequency band activity is brain activity being amplified and presented by the instrument and software. The stimulus is usually some visual or auditory cue which is prompted when a certain measure of electrical activity being produced by the brain exceeds a relevant threshold. You're trying to modify the electrical activity of the brain just by being given information in real time about what it's doing.

Umop is back ������������������������������ welcome back bruh

<3 I really feel the love, thanks Sai :D


Oh, we're on cheating again? If it upsets your partner it's terrible. It's not entirely correct to assume that in all relationships at all times your partner would feel betrayed by it; but since that's the case in like 99% of relationships you can treat it as a hard and fast rule until you have proof otherwise.

Personally, I'd be more hurt by my partner having nonsexual romantic entanglement with a third party than by a meaningless one night stand. That's me though, and I'm not dumb enough to assume everyone else is the same and go around cheating on people. Respect your partner's moral framework.
People getting so bent out of shape over sex with someone who isn't your SO. Mistakes happen, folks, get over it. The urge to be desired and have intimacy is part of human nature. If your SO is away, and those urges rear their heads, and you're intoxicated, then you will do what must be done to fuel those urges.
Unless the partner in question is expressly ok with sex outside the relationship, deciding you can violate the boundaries of your relationship whenever the mood strikes you just makes you a selfish asshole at best. Who the fuck would want to be with someone that shows so little regard for their feelings, needs and boundaries that the moment they're out of sight they're out of mind?

And "it's human nature" is maybe a bad defense for this when a lot of the worst shit we can do to one another as people is part of human nature.


To be honest, I no longer care if any of you disagree with my personal life choices, as that's exactly what they are - my life choices. Not yours. Mine. If you want to think I'm a binge-drinking, coke snorting, cheating scumbag then go ahead. I'm done caring what you think. People have judged me my entire life for the choices I made growing up, why should I let any of you get to me?
People getting so bent out of shape over sex with someone who isn't your SO. Mistakes happen, folks, get over it. The urge to be desired and have intimacy is part of human nature. If your SO is away, and those urges rear their heads, and you're intoxicated, then you will do what must be done to fuel those urges.


To be honest, I no longer care if any of you disagree with my personal life choices, as that's exactly what they are - my life choices. Not yours. Mine. If you want to think I'm a binge-drinking, coke snorting, cheating scumbag then go ahead. I'm done caring what you think. People have judged me my entire life for the choices I made growing up, why should I let any of you get to me?

You enjoy hurting yourself so much. You take pride in it at this point, TO BE HONEST.


i dunno i was just pointing out that that was like exactly the kind of post i would expect you to make

also you can snort and drink whatever the fuck you want but when it comes to cheating, you affect other people much more than you do with drug abuse.

i don't think you should care what any of us think, i sure as fuck don't care what you think lol. but don't expect us to not respond to your posts.


To be honest, I no longer care if any of you disagree with my personal life choices, as that's exactly what they are - my life choices. Not yours. Mine. If you want to think I'm a binge-drinking, coke snorting, cheating scumbag then go ahead. I'm done caring what you think. People have judged me my entire life for the choices I made growing up, why should I let any of you get to me?

To be honest, I no longer care if any of you disagree with my personal life choices, as that's exactly what they are - my life choices. Not yours. Mine. If you want to think I'm a binge-drinking, coke snorting, cheating scumbag then go ahead. I'm done caring what you think. People have judged me my entire life for the choices I made growing up, why should I let any of you get to me?

I don't care about judging your character. Thinking that people are just looking to brand you as a 'bad' person is just a convenient escape from having to think about your shitty behaviours. This isn't about 'bad people' and 'good people'. Just stop being a coward and take some personal responsibility for what you do, stop thinking we're trying to make some permanent mark on your character.
To be honest, I no longer care if any of you disagree with my personal life choices, as that's exactly what they are - my life choices. Not yours. Mine. If you want to think I'm a binge-drinking, coke snorting, cheating scumbag then go ahead. I'm done caring what you think. People have judged me my entire life for the choices I made growing up, why should I let any of you get to me?

arent you a brave little soldier.


Holy fuck this thread

Three fucking people defending him. Humanity is utter shite.

Carry on
It's funny, there's a post you made in that thread...

At least now I know that if I ever become an utterly irredeemable piece of shit, there'll be at least 13,000 people who have my back.

So, apparently, NeoGAF condones rape (or at least the idea that rape should be legal) yet cheating on someone and hurting their feelings is the moral limit. This forum reeks of idiocy at times. Not aimed at you or anyone in particular, by the way. I just find it laughable.


It's funny, there's a post you made in that thread...

So, apparently, NeoGAF condones rape (or at least the idea that rape should be legal) yet cheating on someone and hurting their feelings is the moral limit. This forum reeks of idiocy at times. Not aimed at you or anyone in particular, by the way. I just find it laughable.

I was referring to his twitter followers. And I seriously doubt most of neogaf agrees with them as the majority of posts in that thread are bashing him or bashing his three fans.


It's funny, there's a post you made in that thread...

So, apparently, NeoGAF condones rape (or at least the idea that rape should be legal) yet cheating on someone and hurting their feelings is the moral limit. This forum reeks of idiocy at times. Not aimed at you or anyone in particular, by the way. I just find it laughable.

Yes the unholy NeoGAF monolith wholly and fully condones rape (unless done by Biforce Of Power obv.) and fully and wholly condemns cheating (especially when done by Biforce Of Power).
Well at least you're right about the forum reeking of idiocy at times, though I'm not so sure that you're capable of realising where the stink comes from.
Yes the unholy NeoGAF monolith wholly and fully condones rape (unless done by Biforce Of Power obv.) and fully and wholly condemns cheating (especially when done by Biforce Of Power).
Well at least you're right about the forum reeking of idiocy at times, though I'm not so sure that you're capable of realising where the stink comes from.



Holy fuck this thread

Three fucking people defending him. Humanity is utter shite.

Carry on

Oh no. I saw that thread earlier and ducked out since I thought everything that had been said had been said. But I guess that's the way things go. There is going to be a defence force for everything since awful behavior doesn't appear in a vacuum.

Fish in general really :(.

Last time I was at a lake there was a carp swimming around my ankles and I ran out screaming X_X Kind of embarrassing I know..

Ah that sucks, and I somewhat feel your pain. I have a huge fear of wasps, bees, yellow jackets, etc and every spring/summer I make an ass of my self at least once every other week because one happened to fly near me.
Ah that sucks, and I somewhat feel your pain. I have a huge fear of wasps, bees, yellow jackets, etc and every spring/summer I make an ass of my self at least once every other week because one happened to fly near me.

I'm kinda the same with bees/wasps etc :(. I end up looking absolutely ridiculous when one is nearby LOLL! I totally feel you.


Yes the unholy NeoGAF monolith wholly and fully condones rape (unless done by Biforce Of Power obv.) and fully and wholly condemns cheating (especially when done by Biforce Of Power).
Well at least you're right about the forum reeking of idiocy at times, though I'm not so sure that you're capable of realising where the stink comes from.

So, apparently, NeoGAF condones rape (or at least the idea that rape should be legal) yet cheating on someone and hurting their feelings is the moral limit. This forum reeks of idiocy at times. Not aimed at you or anyone in particular, by the way. I just find it laughable.

This kind of moral indignation is too big of a fit for you.
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