Mine too! Utena may be the protagonist and hero who drives the show forward, but Anthy's internal progression and journey is equally important to it and her story is the fascinating, multi-faceted heart of the whole thing. Episode 34 is so good - it really turns the show on its head and adds so many thematic and perceptive layers to the experience. What a show, man...
I agree. I actually kind of relate to Anthy, which in some ways is strange, but I think it's because she's such a believable character. Even at her lowest point when she's basically given all of her power away, she finds power in a twisted way, which is exactly what someone would do. At just the right moment she denies those that would use her from really getting what they want, and she uses veiled but not-so-veiled condescension because she won't just be a doormat, all she has is really her wits and her ability to veil her intentions, which is the same thing that makes her 'charming' and a blank slate for people to project their wants onto her. It's not easy making a flawed character like that so believable, or even likable
for their flaws, because they not only breathe life into a character but actually highlight a basic and profound paradox in human personality.
That's awesome that it's working for you, even when you came with expectations for it.
The thing I don't really understand is this - NF is basically just having a certain stimulus in a certain frequency no? Like you said, if I wanted to inhibit or excite, I need to use X or Y. Is that what's going on? Because you talked about what you're going through as acquiring a skill, and having a learning curve.
So maybe I mixed some stuff up, or I just didn't understand correctly.
Anyway, thanks for taking you time and typing all that.
Oh, no the stimulus isn't the electrical frequency, the EEG is a neuroimaging technology, the frequency band activity is brain activity being amplified and presented by the instrument and software. The stimulus is usually some visual or auditory cue which is prompted when a certain measure of electrical activity being produced by the brain exceeds a relevant threshold. You're trying to modify the electrical activity of the brain just by being given information in real time about what it's doing.
Umop is back ������������������������������ welcome back bruh
<3 I really feel the love, thanks Sai