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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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I wanted to learn them to love life and people.


But they shoo'ed me away. Since then I gave up on them and concentrate on other, important things.

Bert's Eyebrow goes down way too quickly in that gif. Whomever was puppetting him needs to practice more.


Checking out the rest of the selfies posted here and I'm liking what I'm seeing, tbh


Thx for the comments, guys :*


I find it greatly amusing that your course of action was to get me to post a selfie so that you could show it to your lesbian friend. You could really just give me her number next time and skip over the middleman tbh. ;p

(I am kidding don't do that)


I landed on the same subreddit. I don't mind anymore. I don't pay them dust no more.

They don't even have their petty little hatehole anymore.

Isn't it tragic, how modern hypersensitivity has stifled free speech? Losing a public platform for their even-handed, reasonable and constructive critique has deprived the world of so much.


Why would you think they would leave you?

We don't know each other too well yet I guess and a lot of times friendships fizzle out over breaks. Plus, some of them make me nervous since I don't know them well yet so I know I'm quiet when they're in the group and thus leaving a poor impression.
I don't do my hair that often because I'm lazy. Also, that's more like a good skin day.

My hair is a mess. This is what it looks like 90% of the time, oh and the acne too: http://i.imgur.com/QbFkUlih.jpg

So do you like the cut but only when you have time to work on it? Looks fine to me in both pics


English is not my first language but aren't they kind of the same? I know is different when you say that a "baby is cute" for instance but when talking about the oppositesame sex they are close in meaning, I always thought that.

I consider cute to be sort of like "adorable" in that sense. And there are people out there who meet that description.


Figured oot a workaround. Quote for selfie (quality is potato cam, sorry).

Thread needs more queer girls!

Looking fresh girl! :3

So do you like the cut but only when you have time to work on it? Looks fine to me in both pics

I do like the cut but I don't like my hair.

It doesn't exist anymore, but it used to be called r/NeoFAG.


However, they have a new website and it's pretty much the same.


Gold Member
Neofag is endless comedy, I read it pretty regularly.

I'm surprised some of you allow it to affect your behavior here, though. I've had my images on there as well, but so what?
Neofag is endless comedy, I read it pretty regularly.

I'm surprised some of you allow it to affect your behavior here, though. I've had my images on there as well, but so what?

The thing is, anyone anywhere can take images from here and post them on Tumblr, Reddit, and so on. I think if you're not comfortable with that, I wouldn't post any photos that you don't want out there.


Sigh. On the train yesterday I overheard a convo. This was in ATL BTW. College freshman or sophomore, seemed like a smart kid. She was talking to a friend of hers about how she's working at a mall food court counter and not making much money. Her friend asked her why she doesn't dye her hair something with a bit more color, this girl says she's "gotten hell" for that before. Indicated it was from her parents. Talked about how she's on a waiting list for some kind of LGBT homeless shelter. Just sad to hear.
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