Sometimes they do. When you're going to a certain field shit gets expensive. Maybe it's a side thing along with a job. Chaturbate, etc.
I mean, if you can get money that way, I'm not going to tell people to not to do it. Personally, I'd go through basically every avenue (scholarships, grants, jobs, loans) before I did that, and the person/people you're talking about may have. In most cases, I see GoFundMe as excellent for extraordinary or unfair circumstances. I've yet to hear of a GoFundMe that has been a wild succeess that was not of that kind. Typically, college is something you anticipate and plan for and is considered "normal," so I don't know how well most would perceive that ask. But maybe an extra $20 or $50 is good enough, and you don't need a wild success.
I'd be very interested to read an analysis of GoFundMe pages.
I'll understand when I actually go back to school myself haha.