Escape Goat
Thanks for tge suggestions everyone. Ill do some further research but it looks like 3DS is my best bet.
Im in the mood for an old school rpg like secret of mana, breath of fire, final fantasy (before it got the KPop treatment). What are my options?
I'd recommend Phantasy Star IV. It's on steam for a couple of bucks. I played it the first time this summer and had a blast. Took me about 15-20 hours to beat, so it's not too long either. Just right for me at least. It's very well paced, has great music, nice humour (!) and neat story presentation.
Sixfortyfive made a great thread about it a few years back.
A friend of mine told me a story of how a relative of his (I think it was his sister, actually) had bareback sex with their boyfriend. Because she trusted him.
Except, he was cheating on her.
She ended up catching HIV, it progressed to AIDS and she ultimately died from it.
I do get that its more intimate. And if you're on PrEP, the risk is certainly lower. And if you're not with a total dick bag, its even lower. But the risk is still there, and you're putting a lot of trust in another person. Lots of people cheat, for various reasons. And I don't think anyone ever expects it will happen to them until it does.
I don't think its worth it.
EDIT: Thinking about it more, I'm not sure my example makes total sense. Based on my logic above, straight couples shouldn't have sex without condoms either, but they actually have to if they want kids.
So... I dunno.
It`s dangerous yes, but at least get it clear that if no matter what end up cheating, at least wear a fucking condom. Other than that, if you are together long enough and are clear about the consequences, I think that there`s no point to in keeping the facade, just do it and live with the risk if you are comfortable enough.Mm yeah there's always scenarios like that. The risk is always there.
But I don't know if I can afford PrEP. I've heard it's expensive. And I'm worried about UTIs because I've had c diff infection before so I have to be more judicious and conservative about antibiotics use against gut bacteria, so I'm inclined to avoid situations that may give me infection. Maybe it's not worth it. Maybe I'll wait until I'm married or living with this person to reconsider that risk. He is absolutely obsessed with me and can't imagine cheating on me but then again, it's just promises, and people break promises all the time.
But anyway, thanks guys for helping me through considering issues like this.
I'm playing Breath of Fire 3 on Vita now. 3DS is best for new JRPGs, Vita is best for the greatest hits of the PS1 and SNES eras.
Phantasy Star IV was my first JRPG and is still one of my favorites to this day. No other game has fused sci-fi elements with old school fantasy in an RPG as well as it did.
I actually really like Phantasy Star Online. Most of the story has to be pieced together, but it's pretty solid... and honestly pretty fucked up. The game was careful to pay full homage to the original series and even fits into the original timeline (takes place 800 years on the dot after Phantasy Star IV). The initial notes of the opening movie's music is straight up from Phantasy Star 2's title screen music. The artbook even had sketches of Wren whom was originally planned to be in the game, but a bunch of stuff got scrapped in the end. The game seemed like it was being rushed to release due to the Dreamcast being slated to be canned, sadly. I played the Japanese launch version and it was buggy as hell.
After PSO though, the series ends up shitting itself, choosing to ape Monster Hunter and D-tier anime instead of retaining its own sense of identity. There's a reason the series is dead in the US. It was never all that large to begin with, but the loyal fanbase that it once did have is long gone.
I actually really like Phantasy Star Online. Most of the story has to be pieced together, but it's pretty solid... and honestly pretty fucked up. The game was careful to pay full homage to the original series and even fits into the original timeline (takes place 800 years on the dot after Phantasy Star IV). The initial notes of the opening movie's music is straight up from Phantasy Star 2's title screen music. The artbook even had sketches of Wren whom was originally planned to be in the game, but a bunch of stuff got scrapped in the end. The game seemed like it was being rushed to release due to the Dreamcast being slated to be canned, sadly. I played the Japanese launch version and it was buggy as hell.
After PSO though, the series ends up shitting itself, choosing to ape Monster Hunter and D-tier anime instead of retaining its own sense of identity. There's a reason the series is dead in the US. It was never all that large to begin with, but the loyal fanbase that it once did have is long gone.
I wouldn't mind a Tales of Vesperia port to PC/PS4. May as well throw Symphonia on there too, I'll buy 'em both.
As for Phantasy Star III, it was the game in the series that needs a remake more than the rest. The concept was fantastic with the ability to play through three different generations of heroes and your final main characters being one of four possibilities depending on who you chose as your bride for each generation. The dialogue was certainly lacking and the combat system was utter shit, but with a bit of polish and maybe a proper upgrading of the soundtrack (the combat music has to fucking go), it could be a solid RPG.
No no, I mean upgrade as in, done through modern synthesizers and/or orchestra. The town theme in the game is excellent, as are lots of other songs.
The combat music though, is shit-tier garbage. No amount of modernization or orchestration can save it.
Just looking at PSO art or listening to PSO music fills me with a warm nostalgia. I adored those games, even episode 3, despite only ever playing them offline. The various versions of PSU didn't do anything for me.
I haven't played enough Fire Emblem but Shining Force is great. Direct movement rather than selecting a square then moving to it is a big deal.Shining Force >>> Fire Emblem
Just looking at PSO art or listening to PSO music fills me with a warm nostalgia. I adored those games, even episode 3, despite only ever playing them offline. The various versions of PSU didn't do anything for me.
I vaguely remember PS0 being somewhat more similar to PSO, but I didn't like the aesthetic or the tone of the game. Though I barely remember anything about it.
If I got a PSP the gaming side would make fun of me!
Goaty you gotta game like nobody's watching! Vita and Wii U are my most played systems this gen lol
Oh are we praising PSO, one of the GOAT RPGs? Shame on sega for not localizing 2 for Vita.
On second thought I see a lot of rpgs in the PS store that Id play.just dont tell the gaming forum guys.
Wrong that game is FreecellPSO is the best game of all time.
idk why you think Showtime are especially suited to make a series about a group of English artists and intellectuals.When you fall down a rabbit hole and wonderful why Showtime hasn't made a tv series based off or most of the and call it "The B word" or some shit
Where seemly everyone you slept with has a Wikipedia page
Afternoon all. How we doing?
Why cant I get a 3DS on Amazon? Are these hard to find everywhere?
As someone who doesn't watch tv except on the internet I forgot the BBC existidk why you think Showtime are especially suited to make a series about a group of English artists and intellectuals.
Especially when the BBC already has made a rather good series about them. Trailer.
PSO is the best game of all time.
What's with the broom?Such a beatiful couple. wish i could have a chance to get married.
What's with the broom?
Everyone send your love to user Dead Prince. He made a thread in OT about losing 90% of his house to flooding. :-(
A Twitch streamer was showing a public domain zombie movie. One of the shittiest movies I've seen. Found out at the end it was Night of the Living Dead by George Romero. Surprised.
"They're coming to get you Barbara"
Never again Coven, never again.they're gay witches