I generally don't understand people who live Trophies on PSN. That said, when adding a guy as a friend on PSN, viewing their trophies is a great way to check if their gaming taste is good or not.
Hi! I've been meaning to post here for a while...
Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Bisexual
Where Are You From? Birmingham, UK
Where Do You Live? Lincoln, UK
How Old Are you? 19
Favorite Type of Music? Dire Straits, Fleetwood Mac, stuff like that.
Career interest? Getting paid to do fiction writing
Favorite video game(s)? Half Life 2, Street Fighter 3 Third Strike
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Listening to music and writing when I feel motivated to do it.
Hi! I've been meaning to post here for a while...
Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Bisexual
Where Are You From? Birmingham, UK
Where Do You Live? Lincoln, UK
How Old Are you? 19
Favorite Type of Music? Dire Straits, Fleetwood Mac, stuff like that.
Career interest? Getting paid to do fiction writing
Favorite video game(s)? Half Life 2, Street Fighter 3 Third Strike
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Listening to music and writing when I feel motivated to do it.
is it normal that my sex drive has been completely dead for months and i cant get boners anymore
Omg twinsies
I also feel like my package has shrunk for some reason RIP
Oh well living life with no regrets
i looked around a bit at the @grindr twitter and found my way to a gays4trump account. a gay trump supporter. a brown, gay, trump supporter.
wtf...how do people do this to themselves
how does this kind of cognitive dissonance manifest within people??? why did i spend 15 minutes going through their instagram account???
Dudley is a amazing world ��
Thanks! I've only been to Dudley once, though. I'm only in Lincoln because of university so I'll be moving back to Birmingham soon. I'm planning to go to Birmingham Pride this year, and it'll be my first Pride, since I only really fully realised that my bisexuality existed late last year.
that sounds more like it could be the result of a physical or mental health issue.
I go through the first part sometimes due to my mental health issues. I just chill and do other things.
Have you been busy or under strenuous physical activity?
That could be it. Or perhaps your testosterone levels are low. Either way, I'd go to the doctor.
But I think I remember you said you don't have insurance, so umm...
Maybe you could work on your sleep schedule if you haven't been sleeping as you should. Or diet?
Omg twinsies
I also feel like my package has shrunk for some reason RIP]
with my luck its probably a combination of the two
i can only chill for so long bro~
i thought it wasnt supposed to happen until your 30s tho...
right-o, hobo. no insurance. unsurance tbh.
my diet and sleep schedule are both shit, so maybe that's it? thanks for the suggestion
literally same. what is. happening to. us. someone send help
How did you feel going to Dudley? The accent is mad ha.
Brummy pride is great, but Brighton is the place to go if you can.
My best friend is bouncing ideas for Valentine's day with his bf off me.
A lot of internet services are kind of scary. The "worst" one for me was when Spotify decided that no only does it know my sexual preferences, it also knows that I'm bit of a twat so it recommended "Alternative Pride" as its top recommended playlist for me. And I haven't connected any social media accounts or anything, it figured it out just based on the music I listen to.Suddenly getting youtube ads for PrEP... google is scary
The entire article is worth a read.About a year after Pole created his pregnancy-prediction model, a man walked into a Target outside Minneapolis and demanded to see the manager. He was clutching coupons that had been sent to his daughter, and he was angry, according to an employee who participated in the conversation.
My daughter got this in the mail! he said. Shes still in high school, and youre sending her coupons for baby clothes and cribs? Are you trying to encourage her to get pregnant?
The manager didnt have any idea what the man was talking about. He looked at the mailer. Sure enough, it was addressed to the mans daughter and contained advertisements for maternity clothing, nursery furniture and pictures of smiling infants. The manager apologized and then called a few days later to apologize again.
On the phone, though, the father was somewhat abashed. I had a talk with my daughter, he said. It turns out theres been some activities in my house I havent been completely aware of. Shes due in August. I owe you an apology.
My best friend is bouncing ideas for Valentine's day with his bf off me.
I would look into diet and sleeping behavior as the possible causes of low sex drive.
Riddle me this Ratsky, if you were to run for over 20 minutes at around 5-7mph, how would you feel afterwards?
I'm only asking because if you feel like you're not in shape (as in constant physical activity would drain you quickly) then that means you gotta exercise more along with a balanced diet and plenty of sleep/rest.
I would work on that.
If I remember correctly you mentioned you were a swimmer?
Ratsky are you eggcited for the final season of Shoshanna Shapiro and Friends
I will! I'll try to go to bed earlier tonight instead of at like 3 or 4~
It depends - how fast is 5-7mph? like on a treadmill? if it's at the 8.0 setting or faster, then I would probably die after 5 minutes. my state would improve the lower the setting.
I go to the gym 6 times a week!
casually. a long time ago.
I dont have access to a pool where im @ though, unfortunately
Guys, guys... guys. I can't take it. This is too good. This is the man Trump picked to be the official voice of the White House. I just can't.
I don't doubt Betsy DeVos will be a historic Secretary of Esigdesigejucation. XD
This is one of those games that's been on my backlog forever. I played it once, enjoyed it, and never picked it back up. One of these days! Doing the last bits of Dragon Quest VIII, either way.
i looked around a bit at the @grindr twitter and found my way to a gays4trump account. a gay trump supporter. a brown, gay, trump supporter.
wtf...how do people do this to themselves
how does this kind of cognitive dissonance manifest within people??? why did i spend 15 minutes going through their instagram account???
Yeah in grade school we gave everyone in class candy and a cardI am gonna give my coworkers some cupcakes along with chocolates for Valentine's day.
I hope they don't think that's weird...
Isn't Valentine's day the day of friendship as well?
Mine did as do my children's school.Yeah in grade school we gave everyone in class candy and a card
Don't know if other schools did that?
i can only chill for so long bro~
Danganronpa is my shit. The ending theme that plays during the credits of DR1 is so good.
Can't wait for 3, though I still need to play Ultra Despair Girls even if it's not as good.
Well dang! 6 times a week is a lot... What do you do at the gym and how much a day?
Shame you can't get help with hos the US is. Hope you get sorted soon.
lift weights and cardio and shit for about 40-60 minutes
Your body must be poppin' papi
Not really? Unless Americans have other traditions than we here.I am gonna give my coworkers some cupcakes along with chocolates for Valentine's day.
I hope they don't think that's weird...
Isn't Valentine's day the day of friendship as well?
I started it a few days ago and got to epsiode 4. Show's a riot.I watched the first episode of Chewing Gum and I'm crying this show is everything
I'd like for you to work on your attitude more tbhfit-ness is mostly diet, im told. my diet is shit so so is my bodeh unforch. you couldn't even tell i work out just by looking at me
Some folks like that more grundgy/dirty lookSome sorta career fair on campus today.
Bunch a cute guys in suits and I'm walking around dressed like a hobo
Some folks like that more grundgy/dirty look![]()