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LGBTQIA+ |OT9| The Return of the Queen


Yoga in kilts.



Hunky Nostradamus
Yeah, I know. I appreciate it. Things have taken a bit of a turn for the better in the prospects of love, but not much else.

See, things are looking up already!

If there's one thing I'm completely tired of, it's this feeling of being forgotten. I always feel forgotten by people, whether those people be friends, exes, and anything in between. And that feeling in turn makes me feel so inadequate, as if there's nothing about me that warrants memorability.

Maybe I am just that unmemorable or dislikable though. Deeper self-reflection is probably necessary.

:( i remember you

Maybe I shouldn't care, just annoying they say they'll show up then cancel last minute. Especially after I go to the restaurant and hold a table for them, I was so embarrassed. The server gave me a free shot. Felt like a pity drink/gesture.

people can be so shitty. sorry man

this is something i didn't know i needed in my life


On the topic of shitty birthdays: I remember throwing a party for my fourteenth birthday at a bowling alley and inviting a bunch of friends.

Only my family showed up.

People suck. Haven't had a birthday party since.


If there's one thing I'm completely tired of, it's this feeling of being forgotten. I always feel forgotten by people, whether those people be friends, exes, and anything in between. And that feeling in turn makes me feel so inadequate, as if there's nothing about me that warrants memorability.

Maybe I am just that unmemorable or dislikable though. Deeper self-reflection is probably necessary.

It's just the lack of self-confidence and depression talking. Funny thing is, when one manages to raise their confidence levels, it's usually then that other people want to hang out with you or contact you.
I hate when that kind of thing is called "law of attraction" because I'm always reminded of The Secret and other similar shameless money-grabbing-psychology stuff I dislike, like Vortex by the Hickses.

Excellent decision. Have you finished What Belongs to You?

I know the question wasn't aimed at me, but I did and loved it. At first Mitko felt like an enigma, although as I kept reading, I realized the author drip-fed enough information about him that in the end I was able to understand him fully. But honestly, I was a bit confused by the "fiction" tag since the whole thing read more like a slighty embellished autobiography, even down to the protagonists' name which wasn't mentioned iirc, but was described as monosyllabic (author's name - Garth).

Anyway, hope Bladenic finishes reading it soon because I'm curious to hear what he thought of it.

p.s. Although I knew Bulgarian was somewhat similar to my native language (Croatian), it was still quite interesting to see the similarities peppered throughout the book.
Part of my job is asking to check people's bags as they leave where I work. There are signs at the entrance saying offering one's bags for inspection upon exiting is a condition of entry.

Today, I asked one woman to show her bag. A man she was with took her bag and told me "It's a woman's bag". To which I responded "yes". He said it again and was hostile, and said that a female worker had to check it. I said okay, stood back while one approached to check. The man was hostile that I was still facing them, so I faced away and he said that he's a muslim and men don't check women's bags. He was muttering angrily about me and glaring as he left.

The area is 45% Muslim and I ask to see many Muslim women's bags. If he said "I want a woman to check it" up front it would have been clear what he meant but saying "it's a woman's bag" doesn't mean much. 90% of the bags I check are women's bags!


If there's one thing I'm completely tired of, it's this feeling of being forgotten. I always feel forgotten by people, whether those people be friends, exes, and anything in between. And that feeling in turn makes me feel so inadequate, as if there's nothing about me that warrants memorability.

Maybe I am just that unmemorable or dislikable though. Deeper self-reflection is probably necessary.

Not yet. I've had a hard time really getting back into reading recently, and I can't quite pinpoint why. I'll try to finish it before Call arrives.

Same tbh. I don't really have many friends these days and I don't get invited to anything, which is a contrast to just a few years ago.

I want a real boyfriend so bad... :(

I just want to know what it's like to cuddle with someone you like for real.


Same tbh. I don't really have many friends these days and I don't get invited to anything, which is a contrast to just a few years ago.

I just want to know what it's like to cuddle with someone you like for real.

Literally same. I've watched all my old "friends" abandon and forget me one by one. I still have a few close people I talk to but I don't doubt the fragility of even those relationships.


Literally same. I've watched all my old "friends" abandon and forget me one by one. I still have a few close people I talk to but I don't doubt the fragility of even those relationships.

What's worse is that the friends I have I see like once or twice a year if I'm lucky due to us all having full time jobs and stuff.

Trying to move to a location where I will be closer to them and hope I can set things up to hang out more.
If anyone needs to talk, I'm here. I get what it feels like to lose friends and feel shitty for being single. And just in general.
also I'm very lonely


Going through some of the ancient gay OTs, screaming at some of the drama and yikes at my old posts. But also noticed how many people no longer post here (but are still active on GAF, I think).


Going through some of the ancient gay OTs, screaming at some of the drama and yikes at my old posts. But also noticed how many people no longer post here (but are still active on GAF, I think).
Lmao I was a thirst bitch in my day.

Noe I'm ancient! 😭😭
I have a lot of stress from what I described earlier. I know that what I did was fine but he didn't think so and was very angry and this is stressful. For him, it was a very culturally inappropriate thing I did, though he didn't communicate that to me well enough. She didn't seem to mind.
I have a lot of stress from what I described earlier. I know that what I did was fine but he didn't think so and was very angry and this is stressful. For him, it was a very culturally inappropriate thing I did, though he didn't communicate that to me well enough. She didn't seem to mind.
I personally think he overreacted. You shouldn't worry too much. You were just doing your job.


Literally same. I've watched all my old "friends" abandon and forget me one by one. I still have a few close people I talk to but I don't doubt the fragility of even those relationships.

You've just reminded me of Mikhail Litvak's "20 tips/pieces of advice to overcome obstacles in life" I had bookmarked as a reminder. I should print them out for myself and stick to them, tbh.

Anyways, I found these interesting and useful:

People don’t reject people – some simply advance, and some fall behind. Those who fall behind feel rejected.

Depression was given to people in order to make them introspect and reevaluate their behavior.

If you want to meet your biggest enemy – look in the mirror. When you are ready to face him/her, you’ll have no problems facing anyone else.


How come?

More like a sudden realization, i used to think more of myself compared to those guys who sleeps with 3-4 different guys each week

Now that i'm kinda doing the same i think it's glorious

I mean not all guys of my weekly routine are strangers but still

I also dropped Grindr and installed PlanetRomeo, wich is a fuckin pot gold (met n fucked a military guy wich i'm losing my mind over)


You mean, how cum


Also your fault tbf :p

Much more freedom now lol


I know the question wasn't aimed at me, but I did and loved it. At first Mitko felt like an enigma, although as I kept reading, I realized the author drip-fed enough information about him that in the end I was able to understand him fully. But honestly, I was a bit confused by the "fiction" tag since the whole thing read more like a slighty embellished autobiography, even down to the protagonists' name which wasn't mentioned iirc, but was described as monosyllabic (author's name - Garth).

Anyway, hope Bladenic finishes reading it soon because I'm curious to hear what he thought of it.

p.s. Although I knew Bulgarian was somewhat similar to my native language (Croatian), it was still quite interesting to see the similarities peppered throughout the book.

There's a really insightful interview with the author at Electric Literature, and you'll see why, I think, some of it comes across as almost autobiographical. This bit was funny:

LP: I want to stay on the topic of language, but also shift gears a little bit. There’s a lot of active translation that happens between the Bulgarian characters and the English-speaking ones. Readers of the novel will encounter English approximations for Bulgarian words, English words with no Bulgarian equivalent, and moments where neither language is sufficient at all. There are also moments were you leave full sentences in Bulgarian intact on the page. Could you talk a little about the decision to place the Bulgarian language in the forefront of the novel?

GG: One of the things that I hope happens in this novel is that you see someone learning a language. If I’m going to represent the consciousness of someone going through that process, the other language had to be on the page. In some ways, it was just about verisimilitude: I wanted to get the sound of the place. But I also love that particular space of consciousness where everything is doubled because you’re thinking in two languages at once and engaging in a transaction between them.

LP: And so much of the book is transactional. There are exchanges of money, of sex, of affection — sometimes fair, and sometimes profoundly imbalanced.

GG: Right! And language is a big part of those transactions. We never experience anything in the world that is not mediated through language. That’s true, even, of something like sex, which seems to promise a kind of escape from the constant movement of consciousness, but it doesn’t.

In some way, the constant transactions between Bulgarian and English are a synecdoche for any kind of interaction between two people. You have these moments of contact, and in some ways those moments of contact are everything, and yet they’re also never certain, always imprecise, never fully accurate. So much of the other person is always lost. Translation is just a metaphor for any kind of interaction between people.

LP: Those moments of contact are rare, but when they happen they can shock you. I loved the moment, near the end of the novel, where the narrator is sitting in a crowded waiting room while an English-speaking nurse recites a list of STDs for which he will be tested. As other patients begin staring, the narrator realizes with some horror that the names of the STDs are exactly the same in Bulgarian as they are in English.

GG: Bless your heart for not asking if any of this is autobiographical.


I don't subscribe to the idea that once "old people" die, the world will be a better place because there will be considerably less racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc...

I just don't believe it. I've seen more homophobic/transphobic/racists/sexists individuals who were younger than 30 than older folks (50+). To me this is just a myth.

And then there comes the school essay on black history month from a catholic high school on Louisiana. Or the fact that many of Milo's followers and supporters are young men. In addition to the fact that many in the alt-right are young men.

Sorry, but bigotry will not die off with the older generations... Biggest myth ever told. I:
I don't subscribe to the idea that once "old people" die, the world will be a better place because there will be considerably less racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc...

I just don't believe it. I've seen more homophobic/transphobic/racists/sexists individuals who were younger than 30 than older folks (50+). To me this is just a myth.

And then there comes the school essay on black history month from a catholic high school on Louisiana. Or the fact that many of Milo's followers and supporters are young men.

Sorry, but bigotry will not die off with the older generations... Biggest myth ever told. I:

This is a somewhat valid assessment, but I mean statistically younger generations are more accepting. But the radicalization of young, white men who have been convinced they're the victims in this new ultra diverse American future is a problem that has to be dealt with.


I don't subscribe to the idea that once "old people" die, the world will be a better place because there will be considerably less racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc...

I just don't believe it. I've seen more homophobic/transphobic/racists/sexists individuals who were younger than 30 than older folks (50+). To me this is just a myth.

And then there comes the school essay on black history month from a catholic high school on Louisiana. Or the fact that many of Milo's followers and supporters are young men. In addition to the fact that many in the alt-right are young men.

Sorry, but bigotry will not die off with the older generations... Biggest myth ever told. I:

This is a somewhat valid assessment, but I mean statistically younger generations are more accepting. But the radicalization of young, white men who have been convinced they're the victims in this new ultra diverse American future is a problem that has to be dealt with.
Kinda seems like Seath is right tho. The amount of prejudice out there is dropping way slow https://www.washingtonpost.com/blog...ls-are-just-about-as-racist-as-their-parents/

I am inclined to believe that prejudice and racial prejudice will always exist among communities that lack diversity, education, and personal experience with those outside their race and traits. Seems especially true with the white South.
Kinda seems like Seath is right tho. The amount of prejudice out there is dropping way slow https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs...their-parents/

I am inclined to believe that prejudice and racial prejudice will always exist among communities that lack diversity, education, and personal experience with those outside their race and traits. Seems especially true with the white South.

Definitely true. Racism will be a thing as long as de facto segregation and white flight are things. Most white people know someone who's LGBT because LGBT people can be white and be parts of their community. The same can't be said for them knowing someone who's black, Latinx, Asian, etc.

So, what's everyone's age and what's the oldest and youngest you'd date? Taking a survey for *cough* a friend.


28 and oldest i'd consider dating is 36 and youngest? maybe 25

I have a lot of stress from what I described earlier. I know that what I did was fine but he didn't think so and was very angry and this is stressful. For him, it was a very culturally inappropriate thing I did, though he didn't communicate that to me well enough. She didn't seem to mind.

That guy was being a dick, don't even let it bother you.


There's a really insightful interview with the author at Electric Literature, and you'll see why, I think, some of it comes across as almost autobiographical. This bit was funny:

Thanks for posting, that bit made me laugh :)

Also surprised to find out he was an opera singer, especially the influence of that on his writing, i.e. the way he feels language. Impressive.


35-70 would be my ideal range.

I love older guys, especially guys in their late thirties/early forties.

Also, something weird happened to me. There was a guy in a car with a heavy accent that stopped next to me as I was walking home. It was a middle eastern guy in a suit with a heavy accent asking for money. He said he lost his wallet and needed some money to get to Florida for gas and such. He told me to get inside his car and we would go to the nearest ATM since I only had my debit card with me and he gave me his ring which he said was very expensive 14k something gold ring, and he said he would also give me his necklace which was also gold and I could give him my number and he would contact me and deposit me money. He said he was a businessman from Dubai.

It all sounded very sketchy to me until he showed he had his wife with a baby in the back and another toddler in a baby chair thing in the back of his car, and he said he could give me as much money as I wanted to if I helped him out. So I agreed, if anything because of the children and wife lady. I got into his car, we drove to the nearest ATM and I gave him 60 dollars and told him he could keep his ring (he wanted me to have it) and said I was okay, I didn't need his money. I really didn't want to give him any of my contact information just in case. However he said he was going to New York. He changed the narrative saying he was going to New York, when he first told me he was going to Florida. I found that fishy. Or I'm wondering if this is some sort of scam. Anyways, I just helped him because of the children and lady wife.

I dunno....

Edit: He originally asked for 50 dollars but the ATM dispenses in 20's so I gave him 60.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
So, what's everyone's age and what's the oldest and youngest you'd date? Taking a survey for *cough* a friend.

19 (18 still has the stench of high school on them and literally no life experience) - 24.

At least at the moment, once I have kids I would be opened to at least 50.
That guy was being a dick, don't even let it bother you.

I personally think he overreacted. You shouldn't worry too much. You were just doing your job.
Thanks. Sharing what happened and a bit of time passing has helped.

35-70 would be my ideal range.

I love older guys, especially guys in their late thirties/early forties.

Also, something weird happened to me. There was a guy in a car with a heavy accent that stopped next to me as I was walking home. It was a middle eastern guy in a suit with a heavy accent asking for money. He said he lost his wallet and needed some money to get to Florida for gas and such. He told me to get inside his car and we would go to the nearest ATM since I only had my debit card with me and he gave me his ring which he said was very expensive 14k something gold ring, and he said he would also give me his necklace which was also gold and I could give him my number and he would contact me and deposit me money. He said he was a businessman from Dubai.

It all sounded very sketchy to me until he showed he had his wife with a baby in the back and another toddler in a baby chair thing in the back of his car, and he said he could give me as much money as I wanted to if I helped him out. So I agreed, if anything because of the children and wife lady. I got into his car, we drove to the nearest ATM and I gave him 60 dollars and told him he could keep his ring (he wanted me to have it) and said I was okay, I didn't need his money. I really didn't want to give him any of my contact information just in case. However he said he was going to New York. He changed the narrative saying he was going to New York, when he first told me he was going to Florida. I found that fishy. Or I'm wondering if this is some sort of scam. Anyways, I just helped him because of the children and lady wife.

I dunno....

Edit: He originally asked for 50 dollars but the ATM dispenses in 20's so I gave him 60.
Maybe tell the police what you remember like the story and the description of the people and their car. Or maybe there is a scam reporting phoneline where you are.
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