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LGBTQIA+ |OT9| The Return of the Queen


Eh, stats are something when they confirm experiences. It may be easy for you to brush it aside since you could be all of those things. At most, I could be 2 of those.

It's also important for gays to be aware of this so "just a preference!!!" can die in a fire one day. Open discrimination in dating app profiles normalizes further open discrimination.

I have a pretty wide midsection. Just doesn't show as much in pictures. I've had guys say I was lying about my weight on apps, had guys block me as soon as I send a shirtless pic (because of the gut), and even had a guy say "do you really think someone like me would talk to you?!"

"Muscular" to the gay community is not the common definition. Muscular in the gay world means broad shoulders, narrow waist, visible biceps, and a flat stomach (abs preferred).
I don't want to brush aside your experiences, could have worded my post better. I apologize for that. I still think that putting too much stock into all these statistics can make one go crazy, I know that it did for me in the past. Don't let the numbers get into the way of you living your life.

Not showing a Disney film because you are peeved that a character in it is gay? Fool.

If he just dismisses all the films based on what his version of the bible might say is foul then he won't be running his cinema for long. 😛


Hunky Nostradamus
It's pretty great! I definitely feel that, in terms of the OS, this is currently the beta stage and that Nintendo is totally planning a second launch this fall with more features. However, that's not to say that the OS isn't serviceable as is, and honestly, I think every console goes through this (e.g. PS4 is likely getting external HDD support this month, 3+ years after launch). The foundation is solid, the hardware is cool, and it's better than Wii U and 3DS in terms of execution so far in pretty much every way. The console is kind of unbelievably small, and everything is ridiculously snappy to use compared to the other current gen systems I have (3DS, Wii U, and PS4). Once some inevitable OS updates come, I'll be very content.

how big are your hands and do the joy cons fit in them

I've only played Zelda so far, and it's quite engrossing. I haven't left the Plateau yet, which is supposed to be the worst part performance-wise and "things to do"-wise, and it was all okay? I noticed some framerate issues visually, but I never really felt it, if that makes sense. Like, I was kind of so absorbed in playing that I barely noticed the framerate issues when they happened, and I never felt them affect the gameplay. They're super random when they do pop up. As for the resolution...I don't notice that either? Maybe something is wrong with me, but I briefly tried looking for resolution issues to complain about and didn't see anything. Perhaps I'm so used to 720p games that this is a relief. One likely reason I'm not noticing is because I have a small-ish TV (24"). The texture work and geometry at points do feel dated (expecially with something like Horizon out), but it's just too fun for me to care much? I just kind of keep smiling as I climb around Hyrule and kill fish by swinging a giant magnetic boulder. The art style is also very appealing to me, so whenever it's just the character models or small environments, it looks great and kind of like a Japanese animated film and I'm happy.

I almost feel like I don't belong on GAF because these things don't bother me more. All the GAF talk of performance had me really worried about playing, but then I started and was like, "Oh yeah, now I remember: videogames are fun."

How does the beginning stack up against Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword? Is there a boring-awful-hand-holdy-babies-first-game 3 hour tutorial? Obnoxious helper character?

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
how big are your hands and do the joy cons fit in them

I've been playing with a Pro Controller. The brief time I used the Joy-Cons was with them separated. As with any new controller, you have to get used to the button layout and whatnot. What struck me is that the controllers and everything on them (face buttons) are small, but nothing on the controller felt like a problem. I'd need to put more time into the Joy-Cons before I pass a verdict. My first impression was that it felt like I was playing on a handheld when using them. Since I have a Pro Controller, I'll probably use that 99% of the time since I plan to always use the console docked and the controller is great; the exception would be if I buy games designed with the Joy-Cons in mind (like ARMS). Also, I have no idea how big my hands are.

How does the beginning stack up against Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword? Is there a boring-awful-hand-holdy-babies-first-game 3 hour tutorial? Obnoxious helper character?

There is literally almost zero handholding. You get started within 5 minutes (it's maybe more like 1-2 minutes, but I like to take my time and meander) and then you have the entire Plateau to explore. You can completely ignore the first objective they give you and just start doing whatever you want. There is no companion so far. The closest thing is the Old Man you meet in the Plateau who will give you tips if you talk to him and kind of informs you of the structure of the game (he was in all of the E3 footage as part of the opening minutes and talked about in interviews; I hope I'm not spoiling anything for people by mentioning him). But it's done super briefly, occasionally, and organically, and I get the impression that that stage of the game is already over. Plus, it's not like he follows you around in your sword, in your shadow, or above your head. It doesn't really feel like a tutorial, even though I knew the Plateau was designed with that in mind. I've already died a few times. The only thing the game does is force you to get a few items before they'll let you leave the Plateau, likely so that you have enough tools to have fun in the game world and complete the dungeons.

I just beat TPHD a few weeks ago, and it is nothing like that at all. The Plateau is way too big to feel like you're being contained (as it was in Ordon Village), and there's too much to see and do (which you can do in almost any order after you do the first thing!) to feel like you're being controlled. No NPC mundane task sidequests acting as progress gates, and very little has been scripted. Rather than the game's progression feeling sequential like 1-2-3-4-n, it's more like 1-whateveryouwant. I don't remember SS's opening as well, but there's nothing like being told to go here, talk to this person, do this pointless quest, get trained on the sword controls, etc. I didn't try it, but I'm pretty sure you could start the game, ignore the quest, and stumble upon a mini-boss with literally zero equipment and the game would not stop you. At this point, just now leaving the Plateau, I'm pretty sure I can technically already go face the final boss if I wanted to try. I was literally only told that it's not recommended. That really sums it up: the game suggests things, but you're required to do very little of it.
The new Zelda is fucking dope, it makes Skyward Sword seem like a game for babbies. I've even died a few times already and I don't think that happened even once with the past two console Zeldas.

In one of the shrines I spent a few extra minutes trying to figure out the puzzle to get to the optional chest. I figured I'd just get a generic sword or something but I ended up getting (outside plateau)
a bandana that makes you climb faster
and I experienced a bit of joy at the discovery because I hadn't even considered something like that. It seems like the number and variety of rewards in this game is going to be insane. And even just walking from place to place, the environment is really well designed. I don't really play video games much anymore and I was worried that I just wouldn't have the patience for an exploration heavy game now, but the way you're thrown into the world and the way the world is designed makes you actually want to explore it. I mean I'm not turning over every rock and I'm sure I never will play it that way, but I'm getting sidetracked constantly and I'm loving it.
I've been playing with a Pro Controller. The brief time I used the Joy-Cons was with them separated. As with any new controller, you have to get used to the button layout and whatnot. What struck me is that the controllers and everything on them (face buttons) are small, but nothing on the controller felt like a problem. I'd need to put more time into the Joy-Cons before I pass a verdict. My first impression was that it felt like I was playing on a handheld when using them. Since I have a Pro Controller, I'll probably use that 99% of the time since I plan to always use the console docked and the controller is great; the exception would be if I buy games designed with the Joy-Cons in mind (like ARMS). Also, I have no idea how big my hands are.

There is literally almost zero handholding. You get started within 5 minutes (it's maybe more like 1-2 minutes, but I like to take my time and meander) and then you have the entire Plateau to explore. You can completely ignore the first objective they give you and just start doing whatever you want. There is no companion so far. The closest thing is the Old Man you meet at the beginning who will give you tips if you talk to him and kind of informs you of the structure of the game. But it's done super briefly and organically, and I get the impression that that stage of the game is already over. It doesn't really feel like a tutorial. The only thing the game does is force you to get a few items before they'll let you leave the Plateau, likely so that you have enough tools to have fun in the game world and complete the dungeons.

I just beat TPHD a few weeks ago, and it is nothing like that at all. The Plateau is way too big to feel like you're being contained (as it was in Ordon Village), and there's too much to see and do (which you can do in almost any order after you do the first thing!) to feel like you're being controlled. No NPC mundane task sidequests acting as progress gates, and very little has been scripted. Rather than the game's progression feeling sequential like 1-2-3-4-n, it's more like 1-whateveryouwant. I don't remember SS's opening as well, but there's nothing like being told to go here, talk to this person, do this pointless quest, get trained on the sword controls, etc. I didn't try it, but I'm pretty sure you could start the game, ignore the quest, and stumble upon a mini-boss with literally zero equipment and the game would not stop you. At this point, just now leaving the Plateau, I'm pretty sure I can technically already go face the final boss if I wanted to try. I was literally only told that it's not recommended. That really sums it up: the game suggests things, but you're required to do very little of it.

Oh yes, that's what Brawly wants to hear!
I'm back from my ban. Personally feel like I didn't deserve it. Never replying to a Trump supporter ever again. I got my copy of Breath of the Wild tonight. Not liking breakable weapons but otherwise good.
So while doing some ... browsing... I discovered that YouPorn changed its logo for the Nintendo Switch launch. Kinda cute, actually.

I should not have read that article. Shit was good but I'm left wondering if I should just mentally prepare myself for a life alone. I'm too unattractive for those fucking cancer hookup apps and live in a small town. Sigh.
Nah, the Wii U version will get everything the Switch version will. I mainly bought it to support YCG and because I've told myself this will finally be the version I play and beat.
Thank you.

I am up to the last or second last level of the main game on Wii U. I try again once in a while to continue with it but not for long each time, though it is an excellent game.


well, i'm still fat and that's more than enough for me to have a hard time on grindr and shit. Also thank you for that comment <3

Don't use grindr and shit then. You're in college right? Find a cutie and talk to the cutie and
then fuck the cutie.

also don't let your opinion of your appearance be the reason why you won't try. Negative reinforcement is easier to believe than positive; but that doesn't make it true.


I hung out with this guy and watched him play BotW. It looks dope but the combat looks kinda meh although Zelda was never about combat really.


I hung out with this guy and watched him play BotW. It looks dope but the combat looks kinda meh although Zelda was never about combat really.

Simplifying it lets you turn encounters into more puzzly experiences anyway. Instead of just rushing head on because that's all you can do with your toolkit, you get to use the world around you to your benefit.

So far I've dropped trees on them, got a swarm of bees to attack and then picked them off one by one, tons of stuff involving fire and wind... Actual combat is pretty so-so, but there's tons of ways to defeat enemies outside of it.


I should not have read that article. Shit was good but I'm left wondering if I should just mentally prepare myself for a life alone. I'm too unattractive for those fucking cancer hookup apps and live in a small town. Sigh.

I live in one of the biggest cities in the world and that hasn't helped me one bit, although I've never touched any of these hookup apps. Just something to keep in mind, not trying to dissuade you or anything.

ps I'd probably cuddle with you


I suck at BoTW lol, I keep dying over and over.

Game is amazing though. Nintendo finally realized that they didn't need to take their audience for dumbasses.


Hunky Nostradamus
I've been playing with a Pro Controller.

Why'd you decide to go with the pro controller over the Dog Head?

The brief time I used the Joy-Cons was with them separated. As with any new controller, you have to get used to the button layout and whatnot. What struck me is that the controllers and everything on them (face buttons) are small, but nothing on the controller felt like a problem. I'd need to put more time into the Joy-Cons before I pass a verdict. My first impression was that it felt like I was playing on a handheld when using them. Since I have a Pro Controller, I'll probably use that 99% of the time since I plan to always use the console docked and the controller is great; the exception would be if I buy games designed with the Joy-Cons in mind (like ARMS).

At any rate, that sounds pretty good.

Also, I have no idea how big my hands are.

When you make hand turkeys on paper, do they look especially plump?

There is no companion so far.


The closest thing is the Old Man you meet in the Plateau who will give you tips if you talk to him and kind of informs you of the structure of the game (he was in all of the E3 footage as part of the opening minutes and talked about in interviews; I hope I'm not spoiling anything for people by mentioning him).

You just ruined the game for me :(

But it's done super briefly, occasionally, and organically, and I get the impression that that stage of the game is already over. Plus, it's not like he follows you around in your sword, in your shadow, or above your head. It doesn't really feel like a tutorial, even though I knew the Plateau was designed with that in mind. I've already died a few times. The only thing the game does is force you to get a few items before they'll let you leave the Plateau, likely so that you have enough tools to have fun in the game world and complete the dungeons.

How long does that part last?

I just beat TPHD a few weeks ago, and it is nothing like that at all. The Plateau is way too big to feel like you're being contained (as it was in Ordon Village), and there's too much to see and do (which you can do in almost any order after you do the first thing!) to feel like you're being controlled. No NPC mundane task sidequests acting as progress gates, and very little has been scripted. Rather than the game's progression feeling sequential like 1-2-3-4-n, it's more like 1-whateveryouwant. I don't remember SS's opening as well, but there's nothing like being told to go here, talk to this person, do this pointless quest, get trained on the sword controls, etc. I didn't try it, but I'm pretty sure you could start the game, ignore the quest, and stumble upon a mini-boss with literally zero equipment and the game would not stop you. At this point, just now leaving the Plateau, I'm pretty sure I can technically already go face the final boss if I wanted to try. I was literally only told that it's not recommended. That really sums it up: the game suggests things, but you're required to do very little of it.

That sounds amazing! ;___; the zelda i always wanted

kirbyfan407 said:
There is literally almost zero handholding. You get started within 5 minutes (it's maybe more like 1-2 minutes, but I like to take my time and meander) and then you have the entire Plateau to explore. You can completely ignore the first objective they give you and just start doing whatever you want.

The new Zelda is fucking dope, it makes Skyward Sword seem like a game for babbies.

Game is amazing though. Nintendo finally realized that they didn't need to take their audience for dumbasses.

Wow, it's insane that it took them this long (and that they actually listened to fan feedback!), but better late than never I suppose. I can't wait to play it now.

I'm back from my ban.

Welcome back!


My mom saw that article about gay loneliness (posted on Facebook) and she told me that gay people are lonely because we don't have Jesus.
My mom saw that article about gay loneliness (posted on Facebook) and she told me that gay people are lonely because we don't have Jesus.

Ppl left unsatisfied by quaint platitudes are lonelier.

If only Jesus had Jesus when he was wandering in the desert.


Jesus always saying how he loves everyone has clearly not reached a lot of the people who swear to live by his words.


Beth Cyra

Except tortillas aren't bread... &#129300;

But modern Jesus maybe has a thing for swedish fish and tortillas.
If that bastard is sick enough to be down with the Swedish Fish he ain't gunna be on the level for bread either.

Seriously though cute picture with the water my bro would love it.


I've never had Swedish Fish candy until I tried the Swedish Fish Oreos, and I was like, "Do people even like this crap?" they were awful tasting, they're indeed awful candy.


I saw Get Out with a friend and it was great, Marnie from Girls came thru with ha performance. And the main guy is hot.

Now I'm watching 10 Cloverfield Lane. Alone of course, but so far it's a good movie and I love Mary Elizabeth Winstead.


It's ridiculous that Get Out won't start showing here until May. I could just download it, but new movies I actually want to see are rare enough that I'd want to watch them in a cinema wherever possible.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I hate applying for jobs.

"Oh, in addition to your resume, we want you to write a custom cover letter to us and add 5 references when you only have 2! ENJOY!"


Watching Logan tomorrow, the first time I watch a standalone Wolverine movie in the theatres, heh.

At $4 for a ticket, why not

Beth Cyra

Watching Logan tomorrow, the first time I watch a standalone Wolverine movie in the theatres, heh.

At $4 for a ticket, why not

Im going on a date night with my Bro and his friend to it next week, Im jealous that I can't see it until then.

I hope you enjoy it!
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