I look forward to Thursdays because I teach English to this super handsome, funny, charming guy, and today he was as handsome, funny, and charming as ever :] Today's lesson was about things you like and dislike about people, and he told me "I like funny, good looking people like you" without knowing that made my night, lol. I want a gay version of this guy ;( *Goes back to Tinder*
I had a weird dream last night that I was banned from GAF for one reason or another. Also, some vague memories of making advances on a dude I know to be severely anti-gay and am not even attracted to.
Suffice it to say it was a nightmare D:
Little Monser;231341635 said:lol I had a dream about GAF as well 😂 I dreamt that I got a Tag that said "buy applause on iTunes"
No, I respect his choice to be straight. It's his lifestyle, not mine.teach him the way of the gay
No, I respect his choice to be straight. It's his lifestyle, not mine.
No, I respect his choice to be straight. It's his lifestyle, not mine.
Zelda getting 98% meta 💀
Nier Automata above 90 so far 💀
Japan ain't fucking around anymore 💀💀
Zelda getting 98% meta 💀
Nier Automata above 90 so far 💀
Japan ain't fucking around anymore 💀💀
At least BOTW's release timing means that Nier's PC delay will be a non-issue.
HuffPo: The Epidemic of Gay Lonliness
This article echoes so much of what I have felt in the gay community. Interested to hear others' thoughts on this.
HuffPo: The Epidemic of Gay Lonliness
This article echoes so much of what I have felt in the gay community. Interested to hear others' thoughts on this.
HuffPo: The Epidemic of Gay Lonliness
This article echoes so much of what I have felt in the gay community. Interested to hear others' thoughts on this.
HuffPo: The Epidemic of Gay Lonliness
This article echoes so much of what I have felt in the gay community. Interested to hear others' thoughts on this.
”primed to expect rejection." We're constantly scanning social situations for ways we may not fit into them. We struggle to assert ourselves. We replay our social failures on a loop.
The term researchers use to explain this phenomenon is ”minority stress." In its most direct form, it's pretty simple: Being a member of a marginalized group requires extra effort. When you're the only woman at a business meeting, or the only black guy in your college dorm, you have to think on a level that members of the majority don't. If you stand up to your boss, or fail to, are you playing into stereotypes of women in the workplace? If you don't ace a test, will people think it's because of your race? Even if you don't experience overt stigma, considering these possibilities takes its toll over time.
HuffPo: The Epidemic of Gay Lonliness
This article echoes so much of what I have felt in the gay community. Interested to hear others' thoughts on this.
In interviews that Elder, the post-traumatic stress researcher, conducted with gay men in 2015, he found that 90 percent said they wanted a partner who was tall, young, white, muscular and masculine. For the vast majority of us who barely meet one of those criteria, much less all five, the hookup apps merely provide an efficient way to feel ugly.
Its worse for gay men of color. Vincent, who runs counseling sessions with black and Latino men through the San Francisco Department of Public Health, says the apps give racial minorities two forms of feedback: Rejected (Sorry, Im not into black guys) and fetishized (Hi, Im really into black guys.) Paihan, a Taiwanese immigrant in Seattle, shows me his Grindr inbox. It is, like mine, mostly hellos he has sent out to no reply. One of the few messages he received just says, Asiiiaaaan.
In the last 10 years, traditional gay spacesbars, nightclubs, bathhouseshave begun to disappear, and have been replaced by social media. At least 70 percent of gay men now use hookup apps like Grindr and Scruff to meet each other. In 2000, around 20 percent of gay couples met online. By 2010, that was up to 70 percent. Meanwhile, the share of gay couples who met through friends dropped from 30 percent to 12 percent.
For other minority groups, living in a community with people like them is linked to lower rates of anxiety and depression. It helps to be close to people who instinctively understand you. But for us, the effect is the opposite. Several studies have found that living in gay neighborhoods predicts higher rates of risky sex and meth use and less time spent on other community activities like volunteering or playing sports. A 2009 study suggested that gay men who were more linked to the gay community were less satisfied with their own romantic relationships.
Glad this is resonating with so many of yall. I would be interested to hear specifics on what you did and did not relate to. Some of the ones that hit me hard
As a short, fat, non-masc, black gay, this sounds pretty accurate to my experience.
I basically have 2 stand up jokes about both forms of black rejection on apps!
Feel like I have to say this every time people say "oh just don't use apps". They are a nigh necessity for gays who don't live in major cities, but even the major cities have their drawbacks:
Yep, in-group rejection stings the most, since it attacks the core of your self. Also explains the nigh universal disdain for "gay community" by gay people.
Damn :'(HuffPo: The Epidemic of Gay Lonliness
This article echoes so much of what I have felt in the gay community. Interested to hear others' thoughts on this.
;_;HuffPo: The Epidemic of Gay Lonliness
This article echoes so much of what I have felt in the gay community. Interested to hear others' thoughts on this.
HuffPo: The Epidemic of Gay Lonliness
This article echoes so much of what I have felt in the gay community. Interested to hear others' thoughts on this.
Edit: As an aside I "can't wait" for the shitshow that is going to be the review thread for BoTW.
Wait do you like Applause? If so my wife would love you.
Its her favorite song of all time.....so I of course found a cover she loathes and I play it all the time around her![]()
Glad this is resonating with so many of yall. I would be interested to hear specifics on what you did and did not relate to. Some of the ones that hit me hard
As a short, fat, non-masc, black gay, this sounds pretty accurate to my experience.
I basically have 2 stand up jokes about both forms of black rejection on apps!
Feel like I have to say this every time people say "oh just don't use apps". They are a nigh necessity for gays who don't live in major cities, but even the major cities have their drawbacks:
Yep, in-group rejection stings the most, since it attacks the core of your self. Also explains the nigh universal disdain for "gay community" by gay people.
Lorde really came with her new song didn't she?
You and her would be besties lol.Little Monser;231374361 said:Gurl my Stan card for Gaga during the Applause era was intense 😂 It's one of my fave songs of all time ngl.
I love your wife already lol
Lol great prediction![]()
Nope. The production is weak and generic, the song feels like 2 songs poorly mashed together and the lyrics compared to previous work is on basic levels of song writing to the point its up there with Katy Perry on levels of basic.
Wait do you like Applause? If so my wife would love you.
Its her favorite song of all time.....so I of course found a cover she loathes and I play it all the time around her![]()
zeldas fucking gay and so am i
purchase horizon today
> fat
I'm waiting for my rapid HIV test and I'm having a little meltdown right now because they told me to wait D:
I'm waiting for my rapid HIV test and I'm having a little meltdown right now because they told me to wait D:
Was the guy you were with positive or were you just not careful enough? Whatever it is, hope the results come out negative.
It's 15 minutes no?![]()