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LGBTQIA+ |OT9| The Return of the Queen

You understand me :p

It's bizarre how you would find someone online with similar interests, yet the conversation always goes:

- [Insert about how their day is going, how they sound from their profile, etc.]
- "hey lol" or "thanks lol"

Wish I had a dog, rather be complimenting it than wasting time with oblivious people. At least with a dog, I'll have someone who's always happy to see me XD

Same. I'm really not a big fan of hook up apps. I'm quite a shy person anyway so that influences my conversations too which is a shame.

Would rather get drunk, go out and see what happens lol

Little Mons†er;234092981 said:
Same. I'm really not a big fan of hook up apps. I'm quite a shy person anyway so that influences my conversations too which is a shame.

Would rather get drunk, go out and see what happens lol


I'm not even the hookup type, and not big on drinking. So I don't know what I have to go on with, haha!

I'm banking on video games, anime, cosplaying, and seeing who else freaking loves the stuff. XD


"To be loved back for once"

Is this even a real thing? I'm convinced some people are just not meant to be loved (like me).

God, you trickster, you.


I feel like I just ruined my friends weekend. We're visiting Chicago for his birthday and we were at this rooftop party. I had a little too much to drink and I started feeling very... Aware. Like every one of my emotions just dialed up to 500. I started having the worst panic attack I've ever had and we had to leave right away. It was so fucking embarrassing I've had panic attacks before but never this severe where I'm sobbing uncontrollably and can't control my breathing at all. And it's never happened in public like this. God I felt so awful but I'm really thankful for my friends they really calmed me down.

You didn't ruin their weekend, c'mon, don't be so hard on yourself. They obviously care for you since they stayed with you, and that support means so much.
A similar thing happened to me (only it wasn't a party, it was just a hangout in a crowded spot), and my friends were completely understanding of my situation. Once it happened again, I sought help immediately and it's saved my life tbh.
If this isn't the first time, maybe you should visit a therapist.

I've tried meeting new people and dating. I've friended a few people that I talk to on a daily basis, but for dating, the ones who I talked to were either assholes, or literally no common interest. I don't get much interest so its whatever.

Putting yourself out there takes guts so I admire that. Not surprised about assholes :/ I mean, there's bound to be decent people...somewhere, so just don't lose hope.

I made a vanilla cake with icing.

The icing moved around to be very patchy across the cake for some reason. But they don't have to be pretty!

What tipe of icing? Was it buttercream? Maybe it was too soft? As long as it was tasty, it's all good :D

although I'm really into this new EP by French house duo The Blaze. Their music videos are quite special and I love how these videos focus on close male relationships that break stereotypes about what might be considered acceptable for "macho" men in this day and age.


Liked the 2nd link, I should check out the entire EP!

Uninstalled all the dating apps. Maybe I'll be less down on myself now.

Everytime I hear about those apps, they sound like confidence killer :/ Hopefully you meet somebody decent outside them.


And if you don't fit the mold then you get the surprised response when you're not what they envision all black men to be like, as if that's supposed to be flattering.

Yeah basically the "So well spoken" garbage people think is a compliment. It's very annoying. This morning I woke up to a tinder message (matches are rare in the first place" and the guy leads off with "bbc? lol"

And not to shame those guys who may be into it, but I don't like being fetishized for something like that (or really anything at all). It's tough to navigate.
Yeah basically the "So well spoken" garbage people think is a compliment. It's very annoying. This morning I woke up to a tinder message (matches are rare in the first place" and the guy leads off with "bbc? lol"

And not to shame those guys who may be into it, but I don't like being fetishized for something like that (or really anything at all). It's tough to navigate.

I have social anxiety so those things makes me much more apprehensive about dating again at all among other things.

Hello fellow social links.

Hello there, are you done stalking me yet? I saw you with that newspaper. lol


Putting yourself out there takes guts so I admire that. Not surprised about assholes :/ I mean, there's bound to be decent people...somewhere, so just don't lose hope.

I lost hope, but I'm just doing my own thing in hopes I eventually meet someone. It's whatever these days. I have to find happiness and fix myself, because its not someone elses responsibility to do that.

"To be loved back for once"

Is this even a real thing? I'm convinced some people are just not meant to be loved (like me).

God, you trickster, you.

Everyone deserves to be loved. It's just rooting through the shit out there to find your match. It's sad the good guys are the ones struggling while people who sleep around, and or people who aren't too nice are the ones who always get the guys. Standards be damned.

All you need is your pets as they're not annoying, not flaky and always there.

My Chihuahua I adopted is fantastic.

You are so much cooler simply because you adopted. Huge fan of adoption. Any and all animals deserve a second chance. Its bullshit people dump them, only to get another.

Little Mons†er;234092981 said:
Same. I'm really not a big fan of hook up apps. I'm quite a shy person anyway so that influences my conversations too which is a shame.

Would rather get drunk, go out and see what happens lol


No control over what happens, no filter, just you and your balls to the walls emotions = win. This actually helps people, and thats great. For me, when I get drunk, I laugh hysterically and piss all over the place. Go figure.

You're not alone there, I quit apps as well cause it was tiring getting people with the social skills of a toddler. Face to face sometimes breed similar results in terms of social interactions then again in my area people are not really receptive to being social with people outside their circles.

Holy this has me rolling, because it's do damn true.

I'm quitting them more out of time wasted than out of the people on there. Yes, they guys on apps are shallow, but I'd argue that 1) everyone is shallow to an extent, something I have learned in the course of my weightloss, and 2) people overestimate their own attractiveness then get mad when the guys they really want don't respond.

I'd love to believe that personality matters in initiating a connection, but I haven't found any evidence to support that. it seems moreso that personality is the glue that keeps a relationship together, but physical attraction is what gets your foot in the door in the first place. Never been in a relationship though, so I am not sure on this front.

Congratulations on your weightloss! People are shallow(more towards heavier people) but it sucks losing weight and the ones who seemly wouldn't want you then come looking. Some people believe they are the hottest thing since Kim Kardashians ass. I don't judge people, but I reply to mostly everyone unless they break the cardinal rule of asshole/dick pictures, or they are way older than I usually look for.

Personality is everything, atleast when I look for someone. Looks matter to a point, but I have to love you, and your craziness verses your dull personality. When I met my ex, I was attracted but I just loved him, for him. He was kind, caring, sweet, and honestly he was everything I looked for. Personality, but its the bond/connection you made is what is the glue that keeps the relationship together.

You understand me :p

It's bizarre how you would find someone online with similar interests, yet the conversation always goes:

- [Insert about how their day is going, how they sound from their profile, etc.]
- "hey lol" or "thanks lol"

Wish I had a dog, rather be complimenting it than wasting time with oblivious people. At least with a dog, I'll have someone who's always happy to see me XD

Thats the thing, you think because you have similar interest that it will go that way, but it often goes to the typical "nice lol" or the dreaded one word "lol" reply. Its not hard to put actual effort into a reply. Like seriously people, tell me how your day was, and no, a simple "was ok u" is not acceptable. Fucking hell, have more personality please.

Dogs make everything better, and they are always better. I miss my boys terribly. I had 2, one was a basset hound/pug mix, he was 10. He had a stroke and died on Christmas Day 2013. I was crushed and still am. My other was a puggle who I got a month after my first dog died was only 2 when we had to put him to sleep, because he had PDE(pug dog encephalitis) which is a brain disease. It's fatal.
Thats the thing, you think because you have similar interest that it will go that way, but it often goes to the typical "nice lol" or the dreaded one word "lol" reply. Its not hard to put actual effort into a reply. Like seriously people, tell me how your day was, and no, a simple "was ok u" is not acceptable. Fucking hell, have more personality please.

Dogs make everything better, and they are always better. I miss my boys terribly. I had 2, one was a basset hound/pug mix, he was 10. He had a stroke and died on Christmas Day 2013. I was crushed and still am. My other was a puggle who I got a month after my first dog died was only 2 when we had to put him to sleep, because he had PDE(pug dog encephalitis) which is a brain disease. It's fatal.

Those replies are the worst! Especially when you write a nice message to show interest, yet, you just get one little word, two at most if you include lol. I've been using the app for the past year with no luck. I would even try for a long distance thing, but I understand why people stray from that.

I'm terribly sorry for the loss of your boys. I'm sure they were lucky to have someone like you.

Always wanted to get a dog of my own when I move out. Just want to head down to an adoption center and not leave until I find one, which is impossible, otherwise I'll be there forever.


I need to vent, because I'm pissed off, but at the same time, I feel like I am in a losing battle. My head is literally everywhere.

I have always battled obesity. I was always the fat kid in school who got bullied, and all that jazz. In 10th grade my biology teacher called me fat infront of the entire class and I quit school the next day(I became home schooled and graduated!)

During the first round of weightloss I lost around 130+ pounds. I went from 300+ to 165(no exercise, simply I watched what I ate). My family was happy and proud. My weight was never an issue big, or when I lost it. I started picking weight back up, and well, as time went on my ex bailed on me(didnt find me attractive no more), which caused me to start emotionally eating again and I easily packed on the weight to balloon back over 200 pounds.

I joined a gym and began working out Jan 2016. I lost most, if not all the weight I gained, and I was becoming ok again with myself... but here is where its becoming an issue. I have literally ZERO support outside my mom. My father tells me how bad I look, and that I need to gain weight, and how everyone has told him this. My brother and grandmother have started too and thats whats angering. Like be happy I took control and fixed myself, and made myself healthier. My brother stopped by while I was doing meal prep for my lunches and told me the reason I am "sick" is because I am not eating properly, and that I am malnourished. No, I am sick because I'm battling a stomach bug.

Like no one is happy for me and they all try to derail me because they can't accept this version of me. They want the old me who was 300+ pounds,

Pictures -

Picture on the right was me before I ever started my weight loss
Picture on left was me in Febuary 2017

Picture on left is Jan 1st 2016
Picture on right is Jan 3rd 2017

So let me ask this... what the fuck do I do? Do I really look that bad? They don't understand that the gym/fitness is all I have. I lost literally everything, and this is the only stable thing I have in my life.


1. Fuck them.

2. Fuck them.

3. Fuck them cause literally motherfuckers never happy and always have something to criticize.

For example my mom gained lots of weight when my grandpa died. When we went home to visit literally everyone we met would say "omg you gained so much weight, it doesn't look suited for you at all." A few years later, we went home again. She had lost all the weight and was looking good and thin again. What do the fuckers say now? "Omg you're too skinny, GIRL EAT!"

So fuck them.


1. Fuck them.

2. Fuck them.

3. Fuck them cause literally motherfuckers never happy and always have something to criticize.

For example my mom gained lots of weight when my grandpa died. When we went home to visit literally everyone we met would say "omg you gained so much weight, it doesn't look suited for you at all." A few years later, we went home again. She had lost all the weight and was looking good and thin again. What do the fuckers say now? "Omg you're too skinny, GIRL EAT!"

So fuck them.

PREACH IT. Your mom had a valid reason as the death of a loved one is soul crushing. Even if she gained weight on her own , thats her business and no one elses. What gives people the right is beyond me. To me its fucking shallow, and its rude. The whole "GO EAT!" is the most comical thing because they wrote her off as being forever heavy. Complete shit. Its hard enough losing the weight, but also losing someone like I said above.

My dads side(mothers) is heavy, they are all big, and my dads sister is big, and yet nothing is said but goddamn if anyone picks up weight or loses it, you get your ass chewed out. My dads sister says she "loses weight" and they praise her and I'm like "uhhh where did you lose it?" Not trying to be rude but she tries to do this and to me, its like a slap across the face.. like she needs to make it known you are worthless.

It's just crushing my self image and then it fucks with my mentality of "is this even worth it?" Like be proud I took control and I am healthier! Instead its "you need to get fat again because you look bad."
Dude, you're doing a wonderful job losing all that weight. Most likely that those people telling you to lose weight, can't lose it themselves. That's why they lash out at you.

You look fantastic right now, keep on doing what you're doing. You look healthier and happier now, if you are happier. I'm freaking skinny myself and I'm happy the way I am. You do you, bud :)


I need to vent, because I'm pissed off, but at the same time, I feel like I am in a losing battle. My head is literally everywhere.

I have always battled obesity. I was always the fat kid in school who got bullied, and all that jazz. In 10th grade my biology teacher called me fat infront of the entire class and I quit school the next day(I became home schooled and graduated!)

During the first round of weightloss I lost around 130+ pounds. I went from 300+ to 165(no exercise, simply I watched what I ate). My family was happy and proud. My weight was never an issue big, or when I lost it. I started picking weight back up, and well, as time went on my ex bailed on me(didnt find me attractive no more), which caused me to start emotionally eating again and I easily packed on the weight to balloon back over 200 pounds.

I joined a gym and began working out Jan 2016. I lost most, if not all the weight I gained, and I was becoming ok again with myself... but here is where its becoming an issue. I have literally ZERO support outside my mom. My father tells me how bad I look, and that I need to gain weight, and how everyone has told him this. My brother and grandmother have started too and thats whats angering. Like be happy I took control and fixed myself, and made myself healthier. My brother stopped by while I was doing meal prep for my lunches and told me the reason I am "sick" is because I am not eating properly, and that I am malnourished. No, I am sick because I'm battling a stomach bug.

Like no one is happy for me and they all try to derail me because they can't accept this version of me. They want the old me who was 300+ pounds,

Pictures -

Picture on the right was me before I ever started my weight loss
Picture on left was me in Febuary 2017

Picture on left is Jan 1st 2016
Picture on right is Jan 3rd 2017

So let me ask this... what the fuck do I do? Do I really look that bad? They don't understand that the gym/fitness is all I have. I lost literally everything, and this is the only stable thing I have in my life.

No, you look great! But however you look, what matters most is that you're happy.

I've been trying to lose weight for 3 years and haven't been half as successful as you. What you did is amazing!


You understand me :p

It's bizarre how you would find someone online with similar interests, yet the conversation always goes:

- [Insert about how their day is going, how they sound from their profile, etc.]
- "hey lol" or "thanks lol"

Wish I had a dog, rather be complimenting it than wasting time with oblivious people. At least with a dog, I'll have someone who's always happy to see me XD

I always kind of walk on egg shells for the first bit, part of showing a bit of judgement and etiquette imo


So let me ask this... what the fuck do I do? Do I really look that bad? They don't understand that the gym/fitness is all I have. I lost literally everything, and this is the only stable thing I have in my life.

You need to keep your distance from some of them, from the sounds of it seems like they're a bit jealous of your progress, because what you accomplished takes immense amounts of determination and discipline which they might be unwilling to apply to themselves hence why they lash out at you and say you looked better before.

They don't want to accept this new version of you because they feel it makes them look bad, they need to understand that your weight loss journey is not a condemnation of their lifestyle but rather a personal journey you took as a means of self-improvement for your own health and well-being.

You look amazing and are an awesome, caring, individual, helping me earlier with my own struggles, don't let anybody else tell you otherwise!


You need to keep your distance from some of them, from the sounds of it seems like they're a bit jealous of your progress, because what you accomplished takes immense amounts of determination and discipline which they might be unwilling to apply to themselves hence why they lash out at you and say you looked better before.

They don't want to accept this new version of you because they feel it makes them look bad, they need to understand that your weight loss journey is not a condemnation of their lifestyle but rather a personal journey you took as a means of self-improvement for your own health and well-being.

You look amazing and are an awesome, caring, individual, helping me earlier with my own struggles, don't let anybody else tell you otherwise!

It's hard when its your father, brother, and grandmother, but to be honest I do give it back to them. At this point, its me doing the work, and sacrificing ice cream, pizza, and other things I love, but theres a difference been want, and need... and I don't need the stuff.

I'm extremely determined this go with things and its strange because its like second nature now. We can go out to dinner, and they'll bring cake or ice cream into the house and I won't pay any attention to it. Like this weekend was my parents 32 wedding anniversary and they had an ice cream cake. I didn't even care and walked away. The temptation just isn't there anymore.

This journey is about finding myself, what makes me tick, and to figure things out. I mean, I'm alone for the first time in 5 years, so let me do this, as I have to for me, and they don't see it that way. They see it simply as me hurting myself..... I dont see how, they're eating junk and I'm the one who has decided not to.

Thank you for the kind words! I'm always here if you need to talk =)

No, you look great! But however you look, what matters most is that you're happy.

I've been trying to lose weight for 3 years and haven't been half as successful as you. What you did is amazing!

I am starting to get happy with my appearance but I still see myself as huge. It's sad, but its the whole mental image deal. A friend told me they believe I suffer from body dysmorphic disorder.

Thank you! Any weightloss is a success! It's hard to lose weight, so every pound is a victory. Remember that. If you ever want to talk weightloss, my inbox is always open!

Dude, you're doing a wonderful job losing all that weight. Most likely that those people telling you to lose weight, can't lose it themselves. That's why they lash out at you.

You look fantastic right now, keep on doing what you're doing. You look healthier and happier now, if you are happier. I'm freaking skinny myself and I'm happy the way I am. You do you, bud :)

The thing is my dad joined the gym with me shortly after I signed up. We went together for two to three months, then he bailed on me. He used excuses but it was because he wasn't losing weight, but the truth was he couldn't do the diet part of it all. I am not really on a strict diet, I eat pretty much normally, just I watch what I eat. I don't do diary, and I don't snack. Everything I eat is in moderation, so i'm cautious, yet I try to be smart. If I eat pizza(which is rare, extremely rare) I will go and have a killer workout and try to burn 800-1000+ calories at the gym to try and offset me having a few pieces.

When I lost the weight originally and now, both times I ate normally, just watched portion sizes. Only difference is I'm going to the gym this round.

Thank you for the kind words! =) I wish I was happier, but I can't say I am. I still struggle with things, but its a process. All due time.

I'm so jealous! I'd kill to be skinny, and thats ultimately what I'm aiming it. To be honest the goal is to lose enough so I can be comfortable to go without a shirt when I go back to the beach. Stupid I know, but them goals!


You didn't ruin their weekend, c'mon, don't be so hard on yourself. They obviously care for you since they stayed with you, and that support means so much.
A similar thing happened to me (only it wasn't a party, it was just a hangout in a crowded spot), and my friends were completely understanding of my situation. Once it happened again, I sought help immediately and it's saved my life tbh.
If this isn't the first time, maybe you should visit a therapist.

I have a very guilt ridden personality lol it's hard to unlearn that. I'm really lucky to have them tbh I love both of my friends more than anyone else and I hate when I worry or burden them.

Also I feel like posting a selfie but I need to pace myself lmao
I am renting Wario Ware: Smooth Moves, I assume a Wario-seducing sim.
What tipe of icing? Was it buttercream? Maybe it was too soft? As long as it was tasty, it's all good :D
It was in a packet you add milk and butter to. Gravity moved it down the sides of the cake as expected but far from uniformly.


That's some amazing progress Gibbs! I can't believe some of your family members were being so unsupportive about it. :/

I finally told my parents that I'm bi. I kept meaning to tell them earlier, but I always kept forgetting or the timing didn't feel right. 😂

As expected, they were supportive of me. I'm not really sure why I made it a bigger deal than it was, but I did. It does little to change my situation, but at least it's out there now.


Hunky Nostradamus
They do have that kind!

thanks god

It really is quite good. Doesn't reach the heights of Gossamer but it is a lot better than the last album. But I love me some Passion Pit. Also glad that he was finally able to come out a while back.

Front runners for me are still Charli XCX - #1 Angel and Xiu Xiu - Forget, although I'm really into this new EP by French house duo The Blaze. Their music videos are quite special and I love how these videos focus on close male relationships that break stereotypes about what might be considered acceptable for "macho" men in this day and age.


Same. I'm glad that he's in a better place now than he apparently was a few years ago.

Cool cool, I'll have to check those out later~

I made a vanilla cake with icing.

The icing moved around to be very patchy across the cake for some reason. But they don't have to be pretty!

ask cosmic bus to coach you in the art of cake design tbh~~


I lost hope, but I'm just doing my own thing in hopes I eventually meet someone. It's whatever these days. I have to find happiness and fix myself, because its not someone elses responsibility to do that.

That's the most important thing. However, that's the hardest thing to achieve. It takes serious determination and work, and the worst thing is that there's no universal recipe for that :/

It was in a packet you add milk and butter to. Gravity moved it down the sides of the cake as expected but far from uniformly.

Oy vey :O

The one thing that could have helped was cutting the dome off the cake, which makes it much easier to apply the icing on top. Is that jam beneath the icing? If yes, then you already did the important step. Here's a good frosting that never fails - made it several times and it always turned out great:

White Chocolate Couverture 9 ounces (approx. 1 3/4 cup) (252g) - I just use any regular white chocolate
Cream Cheese 1 1/2 cup (339g)
Unsalted Butter *softened at room temperature 12 Tablespoons (168g)
Lemon Zest from 1 medium lemon *optional
Vanilla Extract 1 teaspoon

Melt white chocolate in a microwave - try not to overdo it, then add it to the rest of the ingredients (that should be at room temperature). Spread that sweet shyte all over the cake, leave to cool and voila. If you want a more tart frosting, then use (well drained) ricotta cheese. You might have to add a tablespoon or two of powdered sugar after ricotta, but it also works well.

I have a very guilt ridden personality lol it's hard to unlearn that. I'm really lucky to have them tbh I love both of my friends more than anyone else and I hate when I worry or burden them.

Also I feel like posting a selfie but I need to pace myself lmao

I don't think that anyone would have anything against your selfies (I mean, you do look great), but I don't think the compliments and the likes will make you feel better any longer than a day. It's a good ego-boost, but similar to sugar rush.

Those are good friends, tbh, but I bet you're also a good friend to them. Use their support (and GAFers' support) and don't feel bad about it, but if those panic attacks are reocurring, you might need to do something about it soon, because it could cripple your social life and life in general. Whatever you decide to do, good luck. Hope you get better soon.
That's some amazing progress Gibbs! I can't believe some of your family members were being so unsupportive about it. :/

I finally told my parents that I'm bi. I kept meaning to tell them earlier, but I always kept forgetting or the timing didn't feel right. 😂

As expected, they were supportive of me. I'm not really sure why I made it a bigger deal than it was, but I did. It does little to change my situation, but at least it's out there now.

Yeah it's always relieving to finally get it out there! Glad everything went good!

Oy vey :O

The one thing that could have helped was cutting the dome off the cake, which makes it much easier to apply the icing on top. Is that jam beneath the icing? If yes, then you already did the important step. Here's a good frosting that never fails - made it several times and it always turned out great:

White Chocolate Couverture 9 ounces (approx. 1 3/4 cup) (252g) - I just use any regular white chocolate
Cream Cheese 1 1/2 cup (339g)
Unsalted Butter *softened at room temperature 12 Tablespoons (168g)
Lemon Zest from 1 medium lemon *optional
Vanilla Extract 1 teaspoon

Melt white chocolate in a microwave - try not to overdo it, then add it to the rest of the ingredients (that should be at room temperature). Spread that sweet shyte all over the cake, leave to cool and voila. If you want a more tart frosting, then use (well drained) ricotta cheese. You might have to add a tablespoon or two of powdered sugar after ricotta, but it also works well.
It isn't jam (only cake is below the icing) but that's a good idea. I could try that recipe also. Thank you. :)


Little Mons†er;234146681 said:
Yeah it's always relieving to finally get it out there! Glad everything went good!


Your Gretchen gifs are always on point :D

It isn't jam (only cake is below the icing) but that's a good idea. I could try that recipe also. Thank you. :)

Any time. If you're pouring chocolate glaze over cake (also a good option, since all you need is butter and chocolate) instead of just doing the icing, it often helps if you spread a tiny layer of jam beforehand so the cake doesn't soak in the glaze - it sticks to the jam instead.

I tried that buttercream (found the recipe on YT, sadly the link doesn't work anymore) on cupcakes and regular cakes, worked great every time. Easy to make, very easy to spread and it's just delicious.
I need to vent, because I'm pissed off, but at the same time, I feel like I am in a losing battle. My head is literally everywhere.

I have always battled obesity. I was always the fat kid in school who got bullied, and all that jazz. In 10th grade my biology teacher called me fat infront of the entire class and I quit school the next day(I became home schooled and graduated!)

During the first round of weightloss I lost around 130+ pounds. I went from 300+ to 165(no exercise, simply I watched what I ate). My family was happy and proud. My weight was never an issue big, or when I lost it. I started picking weight back up, and well, as time went on my ex bailed on me(didnt find me attractive no more), which caused me to start emotionally eating again and I easily packed on the weight to balloon back over 200 pounds.

I joined a gym and began working out Jan 2016. I lost most, if not all the weight I gained, and I was becoming ok again with myself... but here is where its becoming an issue. I have literally ZERO support outside my mom. My father tells me how bad I look, and that I need to gain weight, and how everyone has told him this. My brother and grandmother have started too and thats whats angering. Like be happy I took control and fixed myself, and made myself healthier. My brother stopped by while I was doing meal prep for my lunches and told me the reason I am "sick" is because I am not eating properly, and that I am malnourished. No, I am sick because I'm battling a stomach bug.

Like no one is happy for me and they all try to derail me because they can't accept this version of me. They want the old me who was 300+ pounds,

Pictures -

Picture on the right was me before I ever started my weight loss
Picture on left was me in Febuary 2017

Picture on left is Jan 1st 2016
Picture on right is Jan 3rd 2017

So let me ask this... what the fuck do I do? Do I really look that bad? They don't understand that the gym/fitness is all I have. I lost literally everything, and this is the only stable thing I have in my life.

You look absolutely incredible and are an inspiration, so well done you.

Just do you, and ignore everyone else. Remember you did this for yourself and no one else's benefit. You should be very, very proud.


I need to vent, because I'm pissed off, but at the same time, I feel like I am in a losing battle. My head is literally everywhere.

I have always battled obesity. I was always the fat kid in school who got bullied, and all that jazz. In 10th grade my biology teacher called me fat infront of the entire class and I quit school the next day(I became home schooled and graduated!)

During the first round of weightloss I lost around 130+ pounds. I went from 300+ to 165(no exercise, simply I watched what I ate). My family was happy and proud. My weight was never an issue big, or when I lost it. I started picking weight back up, and well, as time went on my ex bailed on me(didnt find me attractive no more), which caused me to start emotionally eating again and I easily packed on the weight to balloon back over 200 pounds.

I joined a gym and began working out Jan 2016. I lost most, if not all the weight I gained, and I was becoming ok again with myself... but here is where its becoming an issue. I have literally ZERO support outside my mom. My father tells me how bad I look, and that I need to gain weight, and how everyone has told him this. My brother and grandmother have started too and thats whats angering. Like be happy I took control and fixed myself, and made myself healthier. My brother stopped by while I was doing meal prep for my lunches and told me the reason I am "sick" is because I am not eating properly, and that I am malnourished. No, I am sick because I'm battling a stomach bug.

Like no one is happy for me and they all try to derail me because they can't accept this version of me. They want the old me who was 300+ pounds,

Pictures -

Picture on the right was me before I ever started my weight loss
Picture on left was me in Febuary 2017

Picture on left is Jan 1st 2016
Picture on right is Jan 3rd 2017

So let me ask this... what the fuck do I do? Do I really look that bad? They don't understand that the gym/fitness is all I have. I lost literally everything, and this is the only stable thing I have in my life.

Honestly you should be really proud of yourself like that is amazing. And no you don't look bad taking care of yourself is always your number 1 priority.
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