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LGBTQIA+ |OT9| The Return of the Queen

"1,100 strangers show up to man's home for sex, he blames Grindr, cruel ex" (over 5 months)
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Over the past five months, Matthew Herrick says that 1,100 men have showed up at his home and workplace expecting to have sex with him. Herrick is suing Grindr, the popular dating app for gay and bisexual men, because of it.

According to the complaint, Herrick, 32, is the victim of an elaborate revenge scheme that's playing out on Grindr's platform. An ex-boyfriend of Herrick's, who he says he met on Grindr, has allegedly been creating fake accounts since October 2016. The accounts have Herrick's photos and personal details, including some falsehoods like a claim that that he's HIV positive.

The ex allegedly invites men to Herrick's apartment and the restaurant where he works. Sometimes as many as 16 strangers each day will show up looking for Herrick. In some instances, they are told not to be dissuaded if Herrick is resistant at first, "as part of an agreed upon rape fantasy or role play."

Awful. Looks like libel and harassment.

Also Daniel Newman, an actor from The Walking Dead, has come out as bi. All the headlines I've seen about it say he came out as gay!

Someone tweeted him:
"I hope you fight the media labeling you as Gay when you are Open/Bisexual do this to keep others in the closet and stigmatized"
He responds:
"Yes. Sexually I've done it all and loved it all. I do love girls too. I'm in an incredible relationship now though. #LGBTQ"



Sounds like the guy must be pretty hot.

That said, such an elaborate revenge scene left me sans wig

I watched Hurricane Bianca, a drag queen insult comedy movie on Netflix. After a male teacher is fired for being gay, he secretly dons his drag persona Bianca and gets the job back. At its best, it was like a power fantasy as his character lets him get back at people who wronged him.

It was good through most of it but became anti-climactic towards the end, and it punched down sometimes. A plot about using the drag as a deception is a minefield and there were a couple of suspect points, for example:
after he revealed himself to be the fired teacher, and was kept on as a teacher, the principal suggested he avoid the women's toilets.
But there is also a good trans character played by a trans actress, Bianca Leigh.

I should watch the Victor/Victoria again as it's been a few years to see how it holds up (another movie with a person cross-dressing to get a job). My impression from before was that it was far ahead of its time (1982) with attitudes towards sexuality but ran into issues with crossdressing for deception and an Adam's apple joke.


Great! You should rest and play games to recover properly hahah

I have friday as an extra rest day :)

Lucky! I'm working all weekend :(

Enjoy the chill time!

Thanks! Just been playing Elder Scrolls Online mostly so far and hanging out with various peeps. I don't really like Elder Scrolls but the MMO is fun to play for free. Maybe go for a massage at some point.

I remember the days I would have been out there on Easter weekend, getting up to all kinds of mischief and staying up the whole weekend. Feels nice to slow down and appreciate each day.


Happy Easter guys! and for those who don't celebrate Easter due to religious, or you just want to run over the damn Easter Bunny... well..... I'll get a cake made especially for you <3

I watched Hurricane Bianca, a drag queen insult comedy movie on Netflix. After a male teacher is fired for being gay, he secretly dons his drag persona Bianca and gets the job back. At its best, it was like a power fantasy as his character lets him get back at people who wronged him.

I started watching it maybe a month or two ago and couldn't get into it. I may revisit it.

If I ever get an ex, that's how I'd hope it would end.

I have an ex friend with benefits who would love to still be friends but he's a bit of a creep now imo so now he's just a helluva story

Yes DOWN,, please share.

That's social anxiety. (I know because I have it.)

Nothing about that is not mendable with therapy.

Could be it. Social anxiety is definitely hell on earth. (I also deal with this shit)

You know, I've pretty much already accepted that I will always be single, whether I want it to be that way or not. No one I know truly and intimately knows me and loves me for who I am.

That's life. D:

You probably are a great person honestly, you just don't see it You also could be extremely hard on yourself =(

Except the package carriers, they definitely have it out for you. :D

"1,100 strangers show up to man's home for sex, he blames Grindr, cruel ex" (over 5 months)


Awful. Looks like libel and harassment.

Revenge at it's finest. Exceptional.


Who the hell does hickeys after 16?
Was with someone for a time who gave me hickeys, didn't even notice it while we were busy lol. We were both a bit over 20 at the time. Is it really that uncommon? I thought it kinda cute and as long as it's not somewhere where everybody sees it it's fine with me.


For example, when I make mistakes especially one that could affect another person, I tend to come down on myself for making those mistakes since I always feel like I should have known or done better. :)

I'm the same way, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. We all make mistakes, it's the human nature. It's not like you'd hurt people intentionally, I truly believe you have so much to offer, just you are afraid of letting down the person.

There's things we can't control either. If something happens, and you get down on yourself, that's when your friend of s/o is the one who picks you up and assures you its all OK! Love and learn as I say. I could easily tell you how many times I failed my ex and he'd pick me up and make me feel like I never failed.


First one sounds hot. Second would probably give me a panic attack lol

It was a little bit unnerving seeing/feeling the bag closing in on me in the first moments, but after that? It's like a second skin of plastic, or a full-body hug. Comfortable enough to fall asleep in.


Hunky Nostradamus
Yeah. ~2 months together. It has been fun. Not sure if the relationship will last but I'm enjoying it while I can.


It was a little bit unnerving seeing/feeling the bag closing in on me in the first moments, but after that? It's like a second skin of plastic, or a full-body hug. Comfortable enough to fall asleep in.

I think the main thing that would bother me would be my face being covered. :x If they had a kind without face covering, I might be into it...


Conversation on gay app:

Them: Hi, How are you?

Me: Good, I'm doing well and you?

Them: Good too thanks

Me: *concise reply about what I'm doing throughout the day in hopes they do the same and we can arrange a meeting*

Them: No reply

Fuck gay apps, why do they approach if they don't want to at least have a conversation? Don't waste my motherfuckin' time, and no, this is not about me wanting them to reply right away, just reply something more in a reasonable time with more than just a fuckin' word, having no gay social life and relying on stupid gay apps with racist, femmephobic, STD-ridden assholes is the worst, and don't even get me started on asking for a 100 pictures of every body part imaginable. FUCK OFF!


Conversation on gay app:

Them: Hi, How are you?

Me: Good, I'm doing well and you?

Them: Good too thanks

Me: *concise reply about what I'm doing throughout the day in hopes they do the same and we can arrange a meeting*

Them: No reply

Fuck gay apps, why do they approach if they don't want to at least have a conversation? Don't waste my motherfuckin' time, and no, this is not about me wanting them to reply right away, just reply something more in a reasonable time with more than just a fuckin' word, having no gay social life and relying on stupid gay apps with racist, femmephobic, STD-ridden assholes is the worst, and don't even get me started on asking for a 100 pictures of every body part imaginable. FUCK OFF!

Heeeeey! How are you ;)

All joking aside, this x1,000,000. This happens to me all the time and it's extremely frustrating. I feel gay apps have become the normal of "wanna fuck" or "I want to suck you off" nonstop, followed by asshole or penis pictures.

Apparently it's too damn hard to achieve a meaningful conversation these days. I'd like to know who I am speaking to before I meet you.(if I do decide to.) You know, any animals, common interest between us and other variables. Its not hard to break the ice and have a conversation if you actually try, but usually its only one sided.


I sometimes wish I was a straight woman or a lesbian woman, not saying they don't have to put up with stuff like that but usually men are encouraged to have a certain level of decorum when approaching women, something that is completely absent in a gay male setting due to a more blunt, masculine environment.

Lesbian women are known to not have these issues to the same extent and are stereotyped to want to get married by the second date, it's hard to be a gender-nonconforming male in an environment like that, I might be speaking out of ignorance but I have thoughts like this all the time, I just want to be treated with respect and dignity by the people I'm attracted to ;A;.


I sometimes wish I was a straight woman or a lesbian woman, not saying they don't have to put up with stuff like that but usually men are encouraged to have a certain level of decorum when approaching women, something that is completely absent in a gay male setting due to a more blunt, masculine environment.

Lesbian women are known to not have these issues to the same extent and are stereotyped to want to get married by the second date, it's hard to be a gender-nonconforming male in an environment like that, I might be speaking out of ignorance but I have thoughts like this all the time, I just want to be treated with respect and dignity by the people I'm attracted to ;A;.

Everyone should be treated with respect and dignity. Thats my thing, we are all equal regardless of skin color, sexual orientation, gender and/or how you identify, and religion. Not one person is better than another, not even the hot ones.... who..... are.... deliciously hot.

You aren't speaking out of ignorance in my opinion, because this is how you view it and feel, and perhaps you view is 100% accurate. Everyone has different experiences, because they interact with different people.. but usually it's seemly becoming the norm I'm afraid.



Everyone should be treated with respect and dignity. Thats my thing, we are all equal regardless of skin color, sexual orientation, gender and/or how you identify, and religion. Not one person is better than another, not even the hot ones.... who..... are.... deliciously hot.

You aren't speaking out of ignorance in my opinion, because this is how you view it and feel, and perhaps you view is 100% accurate. Everyone has different experiences, because they interact with different people.. but usually it's seemly becoming the norm I'm afraid.

Thanks for the kind words ;A; I guess I have to make peace with the fact that gay apps are just not for me, I won't entirely write them off but perhaps the anonymity of those places results in a insensitive environment, I just need to find a place where I feel I can belong and have positive, uplifting experiences which I'm sure does exist somewhere.


Atleast you got a friendship out of it. It definitely sounds like the order of things was definitely out of wack. Is there hope of getting back together at some point?

My ex came back 3 months after breaking up with me. We got close, flirting happened and he got invited by my parents to join my family on vacation. He ends up deleting me off Facebook and Instagram because "it's the only way we could move on." I call shit on that.

Anywho I'm off to bed. Have a great night everyone!

I don't think I'd ever be back with him. We really aren't that compatible to begin with and there's really no chemistry between the two of us, but we are good friends.

I am starting to feel lonely and lovesick and would really like to have a boyfriend soon but "putting yourself out there" seems kinda scary to me. I also hate that I'd be relying on one app to meet people and that would be OkCupid. Tinder too probably but need to get a Facebook account again or not have a blank profile with literally nothing... lol

The part that most scares me the most is taking pictures and having pictures in your dating profile. I kinda wish there was a "Blind date app" I just have a difficult time taking pictures of myself.

I'm so sorry about your ex, he seemed to be going through a time of confusion (?). I think the deleting part of social media and "I-don't-want-to-see-you-ever-again" attitude is kind of immature.

If I ever get an ex, that's how I'd hope it would end.

I have an ex friend with benefits who would love to still be friends but he's a bit of a creep now imo so now he's just a helluva story

Tell us!


I don't think I'd ever be back with him. We really aren't that compatible to begin with and there's really no chemistry between the two of us, but we are good friends.

I am starting to feel lonely and lovesick and would really like to have a boyfriend soon but "putting yourself out there" seems kinda scary to me. I also hate that I'd be relying on one app to meet people and that would be OkCupid. Tinder too probably but need to get a Facebook account again or not have a blank profile with literally nothing... lol

The part that most scares me the most is taking pictures and having pictures in your dating profile. I kinda wish there was a "Blind date app" I just have a difficult time taking pictures of myself.

I'm so sorry about your ex, he seemed to be going through a time of confusion (?). I think the deleting part of social media and "I-don't-want-to-see-you-ever-again" attitude is kind of immature.

Atleast you have a friendship! I was on Okcupid and it wasn't too bad, though I understand the whole app thing. I was on Tinder also, and that was boring as hell, atleast to me anyway. Definitely try POF(plenty of fish)

As for taking pictures of yourself... are you just not comfortable with your picture floating around online/on an app? Perhaps there could be a community with blind dating.

The whole "You're dead to me"(though to be completely fair I was doing what I always did, and was protecting him, and he took me looking out for him as an act of stalking. Love my ex, but his views and judgment on things was extremely questionable.) followed by deleting me is definitely childish, but it honestly crushed me when we were fine before all this shit. Yeah, we may of had a small disagreement, but its like he looked for the reason and turned something eh into something massive. I just don't understand why though. He blocked me months after it all went down and thats the questionable aspect. I personally believe he is or was struggling with me not being around, as its not as easy to get over someone as you thought(after all, he broke up with me and started talking to me again three months later) so it tells the story. Like you, my mom and grandmother believe he is confused, and is struggling with things and he will eventually come around but I don't know. I do know he is still the first thing I think about when I wake up, and the last thing I think about when I go to sleep at night.

Thanks for the kind words ;A; I guess I have to make peace with the fact that gay apps are just not for me, I won't entirely write them off but perhaps the anonymity of those places results in a insensitive environment, I just need to find a place where I feel I can belong and have positive, uplifting experiences which I'm sure does exist somewhere.

I'm sure the experiences you seek are out there, it's just time consuming trying to find them... but always remember that the apps you use, there could be people like you on them searching for those similar like you. Never lose hope or give it. I call it the grind, as you gotta get through the assholes before you get to the more meaningful and good people. Wishing you the best! =)
Passion Pit's new album is so gud you guyz. can't stop listening to it. front runner for aoty tbh~

It really is quite good. Doesn't reach the heights of Gossamer but it is a lot better than the last album. But I love me some Passion Pit. Also glad that he was finally able to come out a while back.

Front runners for me are still Charli XCX - #1 Angel and Xiu Xiu - Forget, although I'm really into this new EP by French house duo The Blaze. Their music videos are quite special and I love how these videos focus on close male relationships that break stereotypes about what might be considered acceptable for "macho" men in this day and age.



Lady Gaga released a completely mediocre single. I fucking love it, I wish she released a whole album with that kind of songs instead of the boring mess that is Joanne.
Lady Gaga released a completely mediocre single. I fucking love it, I wish she released a whole album with that kind of songs instead of the boring mess that is Joanne.

But wasn't that what Joanne was ultimately, a bunch of mediocre songs? There was a song or two that were pretty good, but it felt like almost everything was filler.

Which bummed me because she worked with Blood Diamonds aka Blood Pop, and his production style is amazing.


But wasn't that what Joanne was ultimately, a bunch of mediocre songs? There was a song or two that were pretty good, but it felt like almost everything was filler.

Which bummed me because she worked with Blood Diamonds aka Blood Pop, and his production style is amazing.

It's hard to explain but I found Joanne to be incredibly boring in its mediocrity. There's like 2 fun songs in there and that's it. Meanwhile The Cure is mediocre but manages to remind me of an old 90s song and I really enjoy it. Maybe it's because I'm really drunk...


The whole "You're dead to me"(though to be completely fair I was doing what I always did, and was protecting him, and he took me looking out for him as an act of stalking. Love my ex, but his views and judgment on things was extremely questionable.) followed by deleting me is definitely childish, but it honestly crushed me when we were fine before all this shit. Yeah, we may of had a small disagreement, but its like he looked for the reason and turned something eh into something massive. I just don't understand why though. He blocked me months after it all went down and thats the questionable aspect. I personally believe he is or was struggling with me not being around, as its not as easy to get over someone as you thought(after all, he broke up with me and started talking to me again three months later) so it tells the story. Like you, my mom and grandmother believe he is confused, and is struggling with things and he will eventually come around but I don't know. I do know he is still the first thing I think about when I wake up, and the last thing I think about when I go to sleep at night.

And he's definitely not worth your time. I'm sorry you had to go through that, but ummm, there are always bumps in the road? You definitely deserve a great guy and he was not it! If he wanted you out of his life then good riddance dare I say...

Are you trying to meet other guys in the meantime? I know you mentioned using apps but didn't really liked it. Have you thought about participating in clubs or in some LGBT related activities where you live (if there's any)?

As far as taking pictures of myself... For some reason the pictures where I try the most to look good always end up coming out meh... And then a spontaneous picture of myself looks okay... lol I need to work a bit on my confidence and not be shy about that stuff. I mean I look the way I look and nothing much is going to change (except getting old) but I have to take a leap of faith with that stuff.
It's hard to explain but I found Joanne to be incredibly boring in its mediocrity. There's like 2 fun songs in there and that's it. Meanwhile The Cure is mediocre but manages to remind me of an old 90s song and I really enjoy it. Maybe it's because I'm really drunk...

I listened to the song, and it's pretty mediocre. Just seems a little unfocused.


It's hard to explain but I found Joanne to be incredibly boring in its mediocrity. There's like 2 fun songs in there and that's it. Meanwhile The Cure is mediocre but manages to remind me of an old 90s song and I really enjoy it. Maybe it's because I'm really drunk...

I knew I was over Gaga by Joanne but The Cure was the final nail in me caring coffin. I liked her Super Bowl show but it was all old songs so that's surely why.


I feel like I just ruined my friends weekend. We're visiting Chicago for his birthday and we were at this rooftop party. I had a little too much to drink and I started feeling very... Aware. Like every one of my emotions just dialed up to 500. I started having the worst panic attack I've ever had and we had to leave right away. It was so fucking embarrassing I've had panic attacks before but never this severe where I'm sobbing uncontrollably and can't control my breathing at all. And it's never happened in public like this. God I felt so awful but I'm really thankful for my friends they really calmed me down.
I feel like I just ruined my friends weekend. We're visiting Chicago for his birthday and we were at this rooftop party. I had a little too much to drink and I started feeling very... Aware. Like every one of my emotions just dialed up to 500. I started having the worst panic attack I've ever had and we had to leave right away. It was so fucking embarrassing I've had panic attacks before but never this severe where I'm sobbing uncontrollably and can't control my breathing at all. And it's never happened in public like this. God I felt so awful but I'm really thankful for my friends they really calmed me down.
I'm sorry that happened but I assure you that you didn't ruin their weekend. Do you have professional support?
Conversation on gay app:

Them: Hi, How are you?

Me: Good, I'm doing well and you?

Them: Good too thanks

Me: *concise reply about what I'm doing throughout the day in hopes they do the same and we can arrange a meeting*

Them: No reply

Fuck gay apps, why do they approach if they don't want to at least have a conversation? Don't waste my motherfuckin' time, and no, this is not about me wanting them to reply right away, just reply something more in a reasonable time with more than just a fuckin' word, having no gay social life and relying on stupid gay apps with racist, femmephobic, STD-ridden assholes is the worst, and don't even get me started on asking for a 100 pictures of every body part imaginable. FUCK OFF!

Hell I've had this experience trying to just meet up with other guys by way of KIK and the like. If someone even does reply, it's short and curt as though I've said something wrong despite basically making small talk in hopes that they'll open up. It's like they only put themselves out there to catch fish (for their own ego or peace of mind. I dunno) rather than actually trying to start a relationship with someone. Online dating has resulted in me getting ghosted so many times that I'm starting to think face-to-face is the only way to truly meet other guys
I made a vanilla cake with icing.

The icing moved around to be very patchy across the cake for some reason. But they don't have to be pretty!
Lady Gaga released a completely mediocre single. I fucking love it, I wish she released a whole album with that kind of songs instead of the boring mess that is Joanne.
I know, right. The Cure sounds like a Chainsmokers collab, and I'm enjoying t way too much for that.


And he's definitely not worth your time. I'm sorry you had to go through that, but ummm, there are always bumps in the road? You definitely deserve a great guy and he was not it! If he wanted you out of his life then good riddance dare I say...

Are you trying to meet other guys in the meantime? I know you mentioned using apps but didn't really liked it. Have you thought about participating in clubs or in some LGBT related activities where you live (if there's any)?

As far as taking pictures of myself... For some reason the pictures where I try the most to look good always end up coming out meh... And then a spontaneous picture of myself looks okay... lol I need to work a bit on my confidence and not be shy about that stuff. I mean I look the way I look and nothing much is going to change (except getting old) but I have to take a leap of faith with that stuff.

I've tried meeting new people and dating. I've friended a few people that I talk to on a daily basis, but for dating, the ones who I talked to were either assholes, or literally no common interest. I don't get much interest so its whatever.

As for clubs, and LGBT activities, thats not my thing, plus my area doesn't do much in that area. I'm not ashamed of who I am, just I prefer staying low key. My sexuality doesn't define who I am. As some like to make it loud and proud, I prefer just being me. It's even got as bad as when a female hits on me and I tell them I'm gay that they don't believe me. That struggle.

I definitely think it's your self confidence, though I am sure you look fine. We all want to look amazing in pictures, and odds are you do look great in the picture, but I understand your mentality of it. When I take a picture, I take like 5+ to try to get one decent photo. Getting older is a treasure admittedly. I wish you the best honestly!

I made a vanilla cake with icing.

The icing moved around to be very patchy across the cake for some reason. But they don't have to be pretty!

Cake is the devil of desserts. When I attempt at icing a cake, it rips the top of the cake, so I throw every word at it and give up. Store bought bakery cakes FTW!

I feel like I just ruined my friends weekend. We're visiting Chicago for his birthday and we were at this rooftop party. I had a little too much to drink and I started feeling very... Aware. Like every one of my emotions just dialed up to 500. I started having the worst panic attack I've ever had and we had to leave right away. It was so fucking embarrassing I've had panic attacks before but never this severe where I'm sobbing uncontrollably and can't control my breathing at all. And it's never happened in public like this. God I felt so awful but I'm really thankful for my friends they really calmed me down.

My mom suffers from panic attacks, and I've experienced her having one first hand and let me tell you sometimes, its not as bad as one makes it out to be. I understand the mentality as my mom tells me about it, but in your mindset, everything is cranked up to 10x and is far worse than it is in your head, but to those of us seeing it, its not really that bad.

If these people are truly your friends, they will forgive you regardless. If they calmed you down, then they really care about you, which makes you a lucky person. Just take deep breaths and try to calm down, its over, and it sucked, but atleast you had people there to help you calm down.
Uninstalled all the dating apps. Maybe I'll be less down on myself now.

I did the same a couple of days ago. Apps were not for me. No matter how much I tried, I either get short replies, a message that only says lol, or get no response at all.

I realized these people don't deserve the time I spent. Rather be just doing my own things than waste time searching a shallow pond.


Uninstalled all the dating apps. Maybe I'll be less down on myself now.

Dating apps are hell. People are shallow, self centered, and assholes. It's rare to meet good people willing to have meaningful conversations.

Don't be down on yourself because of strangers. You are perfect the way you are.

I did the same a couple of days ago. Apps were not for me. No matter how much I tried, I either get short replies, a message that only says lol, or get no response at all.

I realized these people don't deserve the time I spent. Rather be just doing my own things than waste time searching a shallow pond.

This! Completely agree with this.
Uninstalled all the dating apps. Maybe I'll be less down on myself now.

I wanted to link you this, it's about interracial dating and they give some interesting perspectives on the black and gay asian experience.

I think it's something POC can relate to I know I can relate to a lot of what the woman said.

Part 1

Part 2

I think there's some insight here anyone can take away from though.
This! Completely agree with this.

You understand me :p

It's bizarre how you would find someone online with similar interests, yet the conversation always goes:

- [Insert about how their day is going, how they sound from their profile, etc.]
- "hey lol" or "thanks lol"

Wish I had a dog, rather be complimenting it than wasting time with oblivious people. At least with a dog, I'll have someone who's always happy to see me XD


I did the same a couple of days ago. Apps were not for me. No matter how much I tried, I either get short replies, a message that only says lol, or get no response at all.

I realized these people don't deserve the time I spent. Rather be just doing my own things than waste time searching a shallow pond.

Dating apps are hell. People are shallow, self centered, and assholes. It's rare to meet good people willing to have meaningful conversations.

Don't be down on yourself because of strangers. You are perfect the way you are.

I'm quitting them more out of time wasted than out of the people on there. Yes, they guys on apps are shallow, but I'd argue that 1) everyone is shallow to an extent, something I have learned in the course of my weightloss, and 2) people overestimate their own attractiveness then get mad when the guys they really want don't respond.

I'd love to believe that personality matters in initiating a connection, but I haven't found any evidence to support that. it seems moreso that personality is the glue that keeps a relationship together, but physical attraction is what gets your foot in the door in the first place. Never been in a relationship though, so I am not sure on this front.

I wanted to link you this, it's about interracial dating and they give some interesting perspectives on the black and gay asian experience.

I think it's something POC can relate to I know I can relate to a lot of what the woman said.

Part 1

Part 2

I think there's some insight here anyone can take away from though.

Thanks for sharing! i enjoyed these videos. Echo a lot of what I and my other PoC gay friends have experienced. One point that hit for me is the guy saying he didn't fit the "mold" of what a desirable asian gay guy is. Similarly, I am not the "big black dom" that gays seem to lust over (via that state-by-state gay porn graphic that went around a bit ago).

i'm mostly happy with myself though, lots of recent positive news in my life and on a good trajectory for weightloss. It'd just be nice to be loved back for once, but that day may not be anytime soon.
You understand me :p

It's bizarre how you would find someone online with similar interests, yet the conversation always goes:

- [Insert about how their day is going, how they sound from their profile, etc.]
- "hey lol" or "thanks lol"

Wish I had a dog, rather be complimenting it than wasting time with oblivious people. At least with a dog, I'll have someone who's always happy to see me XD

You're not alone there, I quit apps as well cause it was tiring getting people with the social skills of a toddler. Face to face sometimes breed similar results in terms of social interactions then again in my area people are not really receptive to being social with people outside their circles.

I'm quitting them more out of time wasted than out of the people on there. Yes, they guys on apps are shallow, but I'd argue that 1) everyone is shallow to an extent, something I have learned in the course of my weightloss, and 2) people overestimate their own attractiveness then get mad when the guys they really want don't respond.

I'd love to believe that personality matters in initiating a connection, but I haven't found any evidence to support that. it seems moreso that personality is the glue that keeps a relationship together, but physical attraction is what gets your foot in the door in the first place. Never been in a relationship though, so I am not sure on this front.

Thanks for sharing! i enjoyed these videos. Echo a lot of what I and my other PoC gay friends have experienced. One point that hit for me is the guy saying he didn't fit the "mold" of what a desirable asian gay guy is. Similarly, I am not the "big black dom" that gays seem to lust over (via that state-by-state gay porn graphic that went around a bit ago).

i'm mostly happy with myself though, lots of recent positive news in my life and on a good trajectory for weightloss. It'd just be nice to be loved back for once, but that day may not be anytime soon.

And if you don't fit the mold then you get the surprised response when you're not what they envision all black men to be like, as if that's supposed to be flattering.
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