This Friday I'm gonna be filmed for a Netflix TV show. It'll be the most money I've made dong comedy in the 10 years I've been doing it lol. I am worried that my skin is gonna look awful on those fancy cameras, so I hurriedly bought some face cleanser stuff.
This Friday I'm gonna be filmed for a Netflix TV show. It'll be the most money I've made dong comedy in the 10 years I've been doing it lol. I am worried that my skin is gonna look awful on those fancy cameras, so I hurriedly bought some face cleanser stuff.
This Friday I'm gonna be filmed for a Netflix TV show. It'll be the most money I've made dong comedy in the 10 years I've been doing it lol. I am worried that my skin is gonna look awful on those fancy cameras, so I hurriedly bought some face cleanser stuff.
Always appreciate your effort. Good write-up
Went to the doctor today. I've had a weird issue with my throat for the last month and can barely speak. Didn't find anything so now I have to wait up to three months for an appointment with a specialist if it doesn't get better.
Not that I do a lot of speaking usually but it's very annoying and it makes trying to approach my crush a lot more awkward. At least the doctor said it's probably fine for me to go to the gym again, so I can continue ogling him at least
This Friday I'm gonna be filmed for a Netflix TV show. It'll be the most money I've made dong comedy in the 10 years I've been doing it lol. I am worried that my skin is gonna look awful on those fancy cameras, so I hurriedly bought some face cleanser stuff.
This Friday I'm gonna be filmed for a Netflix TV show. It'll be the most money I've made dong comedy in the 10 years I've been doing it lol. I am worried that my skin is gonna look awful on those fancy cameras, so I hurriedly bought some face cleanser stuff.
Always appreciate your effort. Good write-up
Great thread. I agree with you on all points!
I am just at the cusp of an overweight BMI. Feck
I've been watching porn FAR too much lately lol.
Went to the doctor today. I've had a weird issue with my throat for the last month and can barely speak. Didn't find anything so now I have to wait up to three months for an appointment with a specialist if it doesn't get better.
Not that I do a lot of speaking usually but it's very annoying and it makes trying to approach my crush a lot more awkward. At least the doctor said it's probably fine for me to go to the gym again, so I can continue ogling him at least
Pupi, if you aren't in Seattle currently, then you have a doppelganger who was at the restaurant I work at tonight 🌮🤗
This sounds like classic functional dysphonia. If it were truly a malignant disease you would be in a lot of pain unable to eat and would have lost massive amounts of weight. You should seek psychiatric help and a voice specialist more then anything as you have obvious self esteem issues affecting your everyday life. Our brains and body can play some unintentional tricks on us in stressful situations.
There was an article on this a while back in the guardian. Worth a read.
I don't get the need for some guys have to tell me that I must shave. Find someone that is hairless and your problem is solved lol.
Yup and even asking about my pubes before a proper hello is funny but sad at the same time.yep, agreed. people don't even get to know you and are already giving orders? fuck off
Yup and even asking about my pubes before a proper hello is funny but sad at the same time.
gay men think they are on grindr in every possible social circle.
I like to think that I'm actually rather simple to interact but sadly many of the gay guys I interact with cant even get on a basic conversation. I get it that some might find someone attractive but the need to know private stuff so quickly and being bossy about things without even knowing me is rather annoying.
Now another thing that possibly pisses me off more than that is people who kiss my ass non stop and cant focus on having a conversation. Flattery is nice and all but there is a point where it becomes boring and downright creepy.
Yup and even asking about my pubes before a proper hello is funny but sad at the same time.
I don't get the need for some guys have to tell me that I must shave. Find someone that is hairless and your problem is solved lol.
I've been watching porn FAR too much lately lol.
Now another thing that possibly pisses me off more than that is people who kiss my ass non stop and cant focus on having a conversation. Flattery is nice and all but there is a point where it becomes boring and downright creepy.
Lol I'll just keep watching the stuff that pop ups. Its kinda amusing to see the patterns and what new stuff they pull out.Oh yeah, that's the thing. People these days don't really want to have a relationship (not even saying a romantic one), just on a very superficial level. Friends that you party with but don't know anything about what you are going through, for example. I advise you to just... stick to your selflove and move on? Because yes, while most people just want to "chill", there are some weirdos that want to engage in an actual conversation. BTW, I'm not condemning people, conversations can be hurtful since they demand you to be open, and that hurts these days. But some people are willing to try, and you should not think otherwise.
anyway that's why i don't date anymore, i wouldn't open myself at all
Haha it's a sad reality of what things have become.If someone wanted to know about my pubes they could see them on my instagram in my weightloss pictures.
People are assholes. Simple as that. I always get asked the age old "body hair? cut or uncut, top or bottom?" and I reply with "Bye Felicia!"
I've met a few interested on that lol.I thought literally kissing ass for a second​... lol
The funny thing is that if you treat me right you can get the answers and even pics easily. Heck some of my pics are on tumblr so I don't care much about it. My issue comes with the lack of common courtesy of getting to know you. I can be a horny guy (Ask the thread) but I tend to first try to get to know the guy and if things seem right on terms of personality i'll flirt and see where it goes but other people wanna go straight to fuck or giving you orders on what you gotta do or how you should look. I feel as adults we can talk about anything as long as we get certain level of knowing each other on a basic level but not even that is achieved. I do get some degree of entertainment from some of the messages or conversations but yeah its a mess.
No way!I have lurked in here for months before logging in haha.
It's basically a level of respect in communication. You know, a common courtesy of "hey, how are you?" and common interest. You'd like to know who you are talking to, and if there is any mutual feelings, interest, etc. I understand though completely, and yes, at times it can be humorous, but it also is upsetting at time wasting when the person barks orders, or tells you what you "should" be, verses who you are.
I think I have reached the point that it has happened so much that its not as upsetting as it is annoying. At least Im finding the humor on it and it actually makes a decent conversation when trying to talk with other gay friends about the stuff we experience. I think to a degree the dating apps desensitized people on how to have common communications since Grindr made popular the meet and fuck aspect of hook up apps. Nothing wrong with that but try to remember the aspects of common courtesy and normal communication skills since not everyone is as dick or ass hungry as some guys are really.
As for the people telling me how to look its usually more about how I should shave my face or my pubes. The rest of my body rarely gets mentioned. Its interesting considering Im hairy all over and shaving my pubes or my ass I would end up looking quite weird and I dont see the appeal of the uneven look. That reminds me one of the times I shaved my facial hair and a friend when we met at the bar jokingly slapped me before kissing my cheek plus on facebook a few people were bothered by it which was rather stupid considering my facial hair grows fast and I dont usually stay clean shaven often.
What are some of the weirdest interactions or things people have asked you to do?
as a gay dude, I stopped being a person, I'm only considered a kink.
People who find lasting success on dating sites are inspiring tbh. I think I know maybe one couple who made it past a two years, and they're straight so their odds are way higher 🙃
I consider myself lucky to have found someone in my social circle.
but now it doesn't matter if its Grindr, ok cupid, POF, Tinder. All in all they are all one in the same with communication. At times its hilarious to share aspects of what happened with people but it gets rather annoying and repetitive with the same shit. Its rare, but it is possible to find a decent person to talk to.
My partner thought it was weird that I kept my OKC account for a while even after we were dating because I actually enjoyed talking to several people on there simply as friends/acquaintances, heh. During my time on there, very few people were super blunt, rude, or crude in messages, but I guess it's all anecdotal. Never once used Grindr tbh.
My partner thought it was weird that I kept my OKC account for a while even after we were dating because I actually enjoyed talking to several people on there simply as friends/acquaintances, heh. During my time on there, very few people were super blunt, rude, or crude in messages, but I guess it's all anecdotal. Never once used Grindr tbh.
Your gender? Your sexual identity? Male/cisgender
Your sexual orientation? gay
Where Are You From? latin american country
Where Do You Live? uhhhh... best described as mountains
How Old Are you? 26
Favorite Type of Music? all and none, I really don't have any real preference as I tend to hear music from anything that I can relate to, anything from trash to punk/rock, orchestra, pop, really anything I can relate.
Profession or Career interest? I'm a Software engineer, i tend to like knowing more about games
Favorite video game(s)? Bloodborne is my favorite, although I really like a lot from other genres, my avatar comes from one of my favorite series, Monster Hunter, I'm currently playing Persona 5 and finished zelda.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? I love series and movies with a psychological touch on then, also those who touch on the emotional intelligence aspect. light hearted Harry Potter fan, Star wars fan
Stay away from Grindr, it will suck out your soul through a gloryhole.
hey guys, hello, I'm new here although I have been checking thread fairly often since long time ago (long time reader), I decided to stop by and may be have some posts often here. To be honest I've been fairly lonely as I haven't really being in touch with none fellow gay men and I thought may be here I could talk with all of you (In my country that is something more difficult).
BTW, it is funny that you are talking about how hard is to have a meaningful communication with other gay men in the community, because that has been my problem, people want to find quick and dirty sex and I'm not cut for that, I have found so very few gay men that actually like to have a conversation...
Hey you! Be warn, these crazy kids in this thread. They are harmless, but some probably do like to lick...and bite
Welcome to the club though! Gay men are an enigma wrapped in a riddle. One way or another, we here will find a way to break the gay mans will and make communication great again!
thanks, I've seen the thread often and yeah, I saw how this thread can become somewhat... naughty
nothing out of the ordinary though... you all seem awesome.
these last couple of weeks have been so stressful. I'm an English teacher, psa.
so, a student of mine translated a text from portuguese into english and handed it in. I gave it a zero because that's plagiarism but then... he burst out on me, called me a shitty teacher, started to lie about things i did and said to my bosses. and now everyday is just
people are so mean. sorry about this it's just that i don't really have a place to talk about this since everything that i say publicly could be used against me, so at least i have this nameless profile. i feel like trash, even though every single one of my coworkers back me up. i'm tired- adele
Umm, you called a student out on his bullshit plagiarism and he wants to blame you for the world? Fuck him. He won't get far in life if he isn't willing to put in the effort.
HUGS to you. I can't imagine the stress he has put on you, but if you got the support of the school staff, then let him be a little arrogant shit. Could the student be removed from your class?
thing is: he's a lawyer (YES, A LAWYER THAT PLAGIARIZES). so ughhhhh this is getting bigger and bigger by the day. and no the school so far hasn't lifted a single finger.
(also thanks)
A lawyer that plagiarizes? What the actual hell. The kid isn't going to get anywhere in life, let alone be taken serious if he keeps this shit up. If he keeps adding stress to you, could you possibly get him for slander? Unless the school doesn't want that sort of attention.
To me, and from what I'm gathering. The kid sounds like a pompous asshole who has had an easy ride, and now wants to destroy who has finally called him on his bullshit. I could be wrong though,
thing is: he's a lawyer (YES, A LAWYER THAT PLAGIARIZES). so ughhhhh this is getting bigger and bigger by the day. and no the school so far hasn't lifted a single finger.
(also thanks)
A lawyer that plagiarizes? What the actual hell. The kid isn't going to get anywhere in life, let alone be taken serious if he keeps this shit up. If he keeps adding stress to you, could you possibly get him for slander? Unless the school doesn't want that sort of attention.