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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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That thread about cheating got me thinking. I was talking to one of my friends about cheating in the gay community and they said that for guys its different.

I don't know, I've always felt that if you are in a position where you want to cheat, you're most likely not satisfied in your current relationship anyway so you might as well break up. But I don't know, I have little first hand experience.

I think maybe its the degree of the cheating what varies. Sometimes I feel that kissing is like saying hello in some gay circles, while for other people, I would guess more often in straight couples, kissing several people would be some sort of cheating. Gay couples also tend to be far more into open relationships than straight couples from my very limited anecdotal experience.


I think maybe its the degree of the cheating what varies. Sometimes I feel that kissing is like saying hello in some gay circles, while for other people, I would guess more often in straight couples, kissing several people would be some sort of cheating. Gay couples also tend to be far more into open relationships than straight couples from my very limited anecdotal experience.

I've been reading some self-help/psychology books from a gay therapist (this and this) and it was very eye opening. Apparently after 5 years 75% of gay couples open it up in some way. A little depressing and makes me wish I was a girl and a lesbian, but I guess *some* is the key word, since that involves even occasional threesomes and such. I can see not minding that every once in awhile if me and my partner really trust each other.

I don't think I'll be able to go into the cheating thread without getting enraged and depressed at how likely it seems like I'll have to deal with it at some point because people and guys suck. It's dishonest period. You are a liar and living out of integrity if you cheat. Period. Doesn't matter how you try to dance around it. Ugh.

The therapist in the books above mentioned cheating being one of many "exits" people can use when the relationship isn't going well and they don't know how or want to deal with it so they "retreat". This varies by the person. Also can point to other issues stemming from family/childhood history, addictions, etc. It was all very interesting.


So I'm like really super fuckin' salty over these midterm elections tbh, lemme just ignore politics forever.

I don't like being preachy, but that's only going to make the problem worse.

White middle class people not caring enough + People of color being targeted by voting suppression efforts = Republican Win.

It's not something that gets to being fixed by cooling off. It gets fixed by getting people pissed.


Can anyone explain to me why I keep reading that despite these results, it's likely that Democrats will still win in 2016? I'm 100% clueless about US politics :x


Can anyone explain to me why I keep reading that despite these results, it's likely that Democrats will still win in 2016? I'm 100% clueless about US politics :x

Demographics. Black and Hispanic birthrates have outpaced Whites for awhile now. That in combination with the continual contraction of two of the Republicans' primary voting blocs (being religious conservatives and elderly white people, which are suffering from secularizing youth and deadness, respectively) means that the republicans are going to have only the white wealthy and middle class as their primary support, which becomes increasingly irrelevant as the number of non-whites and impoverished people grow.

There's a critical threshold where the Republicans are absolutely going to fail, no matter how much money gets put into the Spin-machine. That's why voter suppression is becoming increasingly common; They're trying to hold onto power as long as they can before the party becomes electorally inviable.

None of this is really new, so to speak. Voter suppression has been around in many forms since at least The Reconstruction. This is just approaching the climax of what's been a deeply-rooted conflict in American society for over 100 years.

I walked in on my roommate having heterosexual sex and I think I'm traumatized now.

Imagine it was an extremely feminine FtM trans boy, I guess?


Neo Member
What's also important to remember is that presidential elections get a lot more turnout than midterm elections. Also, America generally skews Democratic - except that a huge portion of potential voters don't actually vote, except Republican voters (on a completely unrelated note, older people are more likely to vote than younger people). When there's greater participation in the electoral process, the chance of Democrats winning is improved. So yeah.

I'd be tempted to drink if I actually had access to alcohol and I didn't have this CSE project to work on (and if I wasn't underage).


Uh oh... the democrats lost the Senate in midterm elections.... Here come more Draconian laws that target us and make us second class citizens... again... I always fear the worse when republicans are in power. The government is now in the same position as it was during Clinton's administration, and well know that DOMA was eventually passed under his administration. I fear the worse, hope for the best.

Edit: I'm not judging or categorizing republicans/democrats into a group, it's just that a lot of republican senators that won today have very strong opinions about the definition of marriage (which is tied in with their conservative and religious background), and thus will try to enact laws that prevent same sex couples from having the same benefits as straight couples.

That's not how it works, lol. Republicans gaining control of both Senate and House doesn't lead to anti-gay bills being passed, especially with public opinion on gay marriage increasing. It's not at all the same position like you think it is.

In 1993, after Bill Clinton was elected, and after the March on Washington (MOW 1993), public opinion on gay marriage was at an all time high. Bill Clinton was one of the very firsts presidents to acknowledge the LGBTQIA community. It seemed as if everything was changing for the better. But that didn't exactly happened, in fact DOMA happened. I don't think we can just cross our arms, and think that public opinion is going to make things better for us. Most of the time it doesn't work that way. I also think that progress for our community will stall. The possibility of a bill such as ENDA passing in Congress is going to be impossible, since most republicans oppose it... Public opinion and supreme court ruling's don't tell the whole story.


Uh oh... the democrats lost the Senate in midterm elections.... Here come more Draconian laws that target us and make us second class citizens... again... I always fear the worse when republicans are in power. The government is now in the same position as it was during Clinton's administration, and well know that DOMA was eventually passed under his administration. I fear the worse, hope for the best.

That's not how it works, lol. Republicans gaining control of both Senate and House doesn't lead to anti-gay bills being passed, especially with public opinion on gay marriage increasing and the Supreme Court's recent rulings. It's not at all the same position like you think it is.


What's also important to remember is that presidential elections get a lot more turnout than midterm elections. Also, America generally skews Democratic - except that a huge portion of potential voters don't actually vote, except Republican voters (on a completely unrelated note, older people are more likely to vote than younger people). When there's greater participation in the electoral process, the chance of Democrats winning is improved. So yeah..

Good points too.

I wonder what could be done to change mid-term voter turnout.

That's not how it works, lol. Republicans gaining control of both Senate and House doesn't lead to anti-gay bills being passed, especially with public opinion on gay marriage increasing and the Supreme Court's recent rulings. It's not at all the same position like you think it is.

Indeed. Any Republican motions to impede de-facto gay rights is going to fly face-first into the courts, so it'd be little more than an appeal to their voter-base that would get overturned before the end of the term.


In 1993, after Bill Clinton was elected, and after the March on Washington (MOW 1993), public opinion on gay marriage was at an all time high. Bill Clinton was one of the very firsts presidents to acknowledge the LGBTQIA community. It seemed as if everything was changing for the better. But that didn't exactly happened, in fact DOMA happened. I don't think we can just cross our arms, and think that public opinion is going to make things better for us. Most of the time it doesn't work that way. I also think that progress for our community will stall. The possibility of a bill such as ENDA passing in Congress is going to be impossible, since most republicans oppose it... Public opinion and supreme court ruling's don't tell the whole story.

They really do tell a story where the courts have already ruled in favor of gay marriage and in privacy in the bed room. Public opinion of gay rights in 1993 being at an all time high really doesn't matter -- DOMA passed in '96, when only 25% of people supported gay marriage. That doesn't at all compare to today's story of a public that mostly approves of gay marriage, dozens of states no longer banning gay marriage, and the Supreme Court ruling against DOMA. Nobody is crossing their arms and looking the other way with regards to gay marriage -- in fact, there's been a snowball effect for it. The whole story has been told, and two years of Republican control of Congress doesn't mean jack.

You have to realize that there are three branches of the government, and two of them favor gay marriage. It's also unfavorable for Republicans to oppose gay marriage and gay rights at this point, so you won't be seeing anything coming out of Washington that opposes gay rights. At worse you'll see things locally. In the 90s the electorate had a completely different opinion.

Shy Fingers

I walked in on my roommate having heterosexual sex and I think I'm traumatized now.

My old roommate used to get really drunk with chicks and have relations with them on the couch in the living room. I've witnessed this far more often than I ever wished to.


They really do tell a story where the courts have already ruled in favor of gay marriage and in privacy in the bed room. Public opinion of gay rights in 1993 being at an all time high really doesn't matter -- DOMA passed in '96, when only 25% of people supported gay marriage. That doesn't at all compare to today's story of a public that mostly approves of gay marriage, dozens of states no longer banning gay marriage, and the Supreme Court ruling against DOMA. Nobody is crossing their arms and looking the other way with regards to gay marriage -- in fact, there's been a snowball effect for it. The whole story has been told, and two years of Republican control of Congress doesn't mean jack.

You have to realize that there are three branches of the government, and two of them favor gay marriage. It's also unfavorable for Republicans to oppose gay marriage and gay rights at this point, so you won't be seeing anything coming out of Washington that opposes gay rights. At worse you'll see things locally. In the 90s the electorate had a completely different opinion.

I hope so...

Anyways today I'm mad. I RMA'd an item for replacement, and I get an item that has been used, with dents and scratches.... I am mad at Sapphire/Althon Micro. This is no way to treat a costumer I:

I saw that video before and couldn't find it... lol (it was in facebook I think, hence why I couldn't find it). Thanks for sharing! :)
how everyone doing today?

Fine, I guess! After days of giving it thought, I think I am now able to pursue and have romantic feelings for someone. That doesn't mean I'll be able to do anything about it but eh.

By the way, has anyone seen the Australian TV series "Please Like Me"? Josh is my sister soul
hey sister go sister (8)
I am considering going to an in-state school after I graduate this semester. A BS in biology just gets you nowhere, and I want to avoid Academia. The post-doc life isn't for me. Very strongly just considering going to a state school and redoing it all over again in Computer Science. If my credits transfer (I'd be a fresh graduate, I can't imagine they'd make me take Gen Eds again) I could earn a BS in CS very quickly.


I am considering going to an in-state school after I graduate this semester. A BS in biology just gets you nowhere, and I want to avoid Academia. The post-doc life isn't for me. Very strongly just considering going to a state school and redoing it all over again in Computer Science. If my credits transfer (I'd be a fresh graduate, I can't imagine they'd make me take Gen Eds again) I could earn a BS in CS very quickly.

That's an interesting way to go about it -- didn't think you could transfer after earning a bachelors. AFAIK most institutions won't let you transfer unless there's a cap on the amount of credits you can transfer over (typically around 60) and it also hinges on you not having a bachelors. Unless you're talking about an associates or there's a special exemption?
That's an interesting way to go about it -- didn't think you could transfer after earning a bachelors. AFAIK most institutions won't let you transfer unless there's a cap on the amount of credits you can transfer over (typically around 60) and it also hinges on you not having a bachelors. Unless you're talking about an associates or there's a special exemption?

It wouldn't be transferring really. I'd be going back to school basically a year after graduating with a degree. Would they honestly make me take pre-req classes again as if I'd never been to college? That's seriously disheartening if so.

Chain of events:

Get Bachelors at Fancy Out of State University
Take a Gap Year and see what happens
After Gap Year apply to In State School (I will get in easily)
Be like "I have a degree and I recently graduated, I clearly don't need these pre-reqs and GER classes"
Pray they dont make me take those GER classes because why... I already did them not even a year ago really.
Focus on the major requirements for a BS in CS at State School.

If not I might as well do a Master's degree program. I could still do a CS related one. It would just take longer with no background in CS. My friend knows several people in that state school's Computer Science MS degree program that have no tech background.


It wouldn't be transferring really. I'd be going back to school basically a year after graduating with a degree. Would they honestly make me take pre-req classes again as if I'd never been to college? That's seriously disheartening if so.

Chain of events:

Get Bachelors at Fancy Out of State University
Take a Gap Year and see what happens
After Gap Year apply to In State School (I will get in easily)
Be like "I have a degree and I recently graduated, I clearly don't need these pre-reqs and GER classes"
Pray they dont make me take those GER classes because why... I already did them not even a year ago really.
Focus on the major requirements for a BS in CS at State School.

If not I might as well do a Master's degree program. I could still do a CS related one. It would just take longer with no background in CS. My friend knows several people in that state school's Computer Science MS degree program that have no tech background.

Yup, your idea depends on the specific college -- I would start asking admissions' offices now, even though you'll have a gap year (just because I'm the impatient type). Some colleges straight-up won't let you pursue a second bachelor's, while others will let you skip the general ed requirements. You also have to watch out if you need financial aid, as most government aid has a cap for the dollar amount you can get, as well as the number of semesters total you can get aid for. Definitely possible, though.


Horny. Lonely.

I really am in a suit today
but not so distinguished
Yup, your idea depends on the specific college -- I would start asking admissions' offices now, even though you'll have a gap year (just because I'm the impatient type). Some colleges straight-up won't let you pursue a second bachelor's, while others will let you skip the general ed requirements. You also have to watch out if you need financial aid, as most government aid has a cap for the dollar amount you can get, as well as the number of semesters total you can get aid for. Definitely possible, though.

I thankfully won't need financial aid. In-state tuition would be cheap and I might be able to secure some merit based financial aid. Especially if I dont need to do GER crap. I'll probably call all the Florida schools. CS is a field where I feel like which school you go to matters little.


Fighting a hangover, fighting a cold, fighting shin splits, contemplating my feelings about someone.


A good movie can at least help with some of that, don't despair!

...I'm a very bad motivational speaker aren't I?

I need Xenoblade X in my veins nowwww... I hope it releases in 2015. :(

I think it will be (at least in Japan). They've gotten far along enough that they've shared story details, which means most of the plans for the game are finalized, and the footage looks like it's nearly out of alpha (New LA looks like it needs more polish, but the rest of the overworld looks fine).


A good movie can at least help with some of that, don't despair!

...I'm a very bad motivational speaker aren't I?

Find me a movie that can help with all of that and I'll forever be in your debt.

These shin splits tho, can't jog anymore for awhile. Literally the worst :(


I need Xenoblade X in my veins nowwww... I hope it releases in 2015. :(
It really does look good, at least the world. The faces look really alien though, like nothing I have ever seen before (bad design, I think). Maybe I get used to it by the time it releases, just like I did with games like Oblivion or the modern Fallout games.


That's not very funny.

I know, but a couple of summers ago I got quite sick on holiday just played P4G. Dunno what I would have done without it.

It's not quite surreal, but I saw Cube today. It's great if you want to feel more trapped :p

Your cold worsened because you are tired.
That's not what I meant... P4 doesn't have those statuses, but still how could I forget that when I'm now playing P3P :p
When I'm sick I just want to watch stupid stuff. Like the more inane it is the closer it is to sleeping off an illness because eventually your brain starts to shut down.
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