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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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I've openly admitted to finding men attractive and people STILL think I'm straight and in love with a female friend that I hang out with often. I guess they just think I'm bluffing.
I've openly admitted to finding men attractive and people STILL think I'm straight and in love with a female friend that I hang out with often. I guess they just think I'm bluffing.

while in a truth or dare situation make out with a guy when they dare you to kiss the person you would have sex with. (y)


I never played that Truth or Dare game. It's just really awkward. I rather get straight (well, not at all straight) to the point. 😄

Also, really insensitive of those people, CB. Lecture them the next time they do this, for the sake of your own nerves. :/


haha alright I just read it

Well it's not that bad! I think it's almost a bit endearing, you were just enthusiastic over Mario 3D World. I would certainly not have demoted you for that thread, but then I'm not a mod so what do I know about those things, eh?
Haha 3D World was fantastic, it was worthy :')

I'm pretty sure they juniored you because the mods thought you were being sarcastic and anti-Nintendo, lol. You can always ask to get unjuniored, it's been a while.

Really? I'm a Nintendo fanboy at heart, lol

I seriously cannot tell if your last thread was sarcastic or if you were genuinely happy, lol. The first thing I thought was it was a troll thread and you were disappointed, but I'm not sure. :p

No,no,no, I was super excited, that trailer was pure hype, it convinced to get a WiiU

Ah jeez Dari. That sucks.
You should ask to be unjuniored, its been long enough methinks.

Can I ask to be unjuniored? Mumei once told me that if I behave I could become a member again but that it has just happened to very few people. I'll try to PM him.
I've openly admitted to finding men attractive and people STILL think I'm straight and in love with a female friend that I hang out with often. I guess they just think I'm bluffing.

Oh wow, Mr. CornBuh-buh, are you me?!

I'm in a similar situation, as I've said some times my tastes in men (heck, I've even commented that I read bara yaoi manga to a friend, haha) but nope, I'm still "flirting" with a friend.

It doesn't bother me much, though.

Oh, and even though I haven't read you in a while, I'm catching up >.< don't want to feel like the kind of guy that just dumps a egoblog text in this thread haha


Are guys that just want to cuddle (platonically??) on Grindr an actual thing? Don't even know but I'm going for it lol. The problem is if that's true I'm so horny all the time and devoid of human contact I'm not sure I'd be able to be so innocent haha.
Well, that's not as common in Europe, I mean, pretty much everyone doesn't stay at a residence/whatever.

That's no excuse for having fun or doing college-related activities. For example, I'm attending now some conferences on Queer-related issues, and I'm learning a lot about gender identities and roles. It seems the opportunities were there to be found! <3

By the way, does anyone locate the Visual Novel Thread? I'm trying to broaden my perspective on some cool VN, but I can't find it. hmm


College was a tale of three chapters for me.

First semester was boring. I was buried in my books and still deeply closeted.

Second semester through the end of my third year was one huge party (and my grades showed it). Met Greg. Took road trips in every direction on the map. Embroiled myself in campus political fun. Partied almost every weekend..

Year 4 was a turn for the serious. I had my cancer diagnosis at the start of this phase and went on hiatus for a semester for surgery and treatment. When I returned, I realized that my grades from the previous partying phase were lousy, so I had to buckle-down and get my average up.

Complicating things was the fact that Greg was graduating a semester ahead of me. He moved on to Austin and we decided to make the long-distance thing work for those five months. Between my grades needing improvement and Greg leaving, my partying habit grinded to a halt, and I retreated into my books for the rest of my college time.

So yeah.. college was fun. I did some craaaazy shit during that second phase, but had had my fill of partying by the time it was all over.
10 New Animal Classifications the Bear Community Needs
That guy who’s always messaging you on Growlr or Chasabl and then when you finally try and introduce yourself in a bar, he’s all “Who?”

“I’m sorry, I don’t recognize you. Maybe if you take off your pants?”
Do you wear a black leather jacket and call people daddy-o too?

Yup. I also shanked all my lecturers who I didn't like, and my snobby dad would bail me out every time.

Also, staying at a residence seems like paradise in comparison to a 3-5 mile walk in the rain all the time. Waking up and going to College all happy and refreshed having actually had a nights worth of sleep would be pretty good for me right now. Tsk. So mopey, so annoyed.
There is always someone with a worse commute than you. :(

How long was your commute? (or did you stay on/near campus?)


So I finally beat Okami HD. My thoughts about the game are here. Overall, I really loved it! I have a few gripes, but yeah.. it was great. Very Zelda-ish.

I'm not sure what to play next in my backlog. I have some Wii U games I haven't touched yet like ZombiU, Rayman Legends, Mario and Luigi U... also some PS+ games like Dragon's Dogma, DmC, Tales of Xillia, forget what else. And on Steam, I have games like Alan Wake, Trine 2, Sleeping Dogs, etc to play. I'm just not sure what I'm in the mood for right now. Okami was such a long game, maybe I should try something shorter now.


tell me a story tom


Greg and I needed rent money. Our bank balances were low, and we knew student loan checks wouldn't arrive until rent would be reeeaaaaallly overdue.

So we drove an hour north to Memphis. Our destination was a gay bar that had amateur strip night once a week. Our aim was to win one of the prizes; second place or above would be more than enough for our rent.

(Before I go any further, I want to note: I am cripplingly, amazingly, appalingly shy. Public speaking or performance scares the shit out of me.)

We first went to a liquor store, bought a fifth of whiskey, arrived to the bar's parking lot, and split the fifth between the two of us. Liquid courage.

There were five contestants that night. I went third, dancing to "You Gotta Lick It (Before You Stick It)." Greg went last, dancing to "Ray of Light." I remember not being able to see the crowd because of the super-bright spotlights. I was lucky to barely be able to see the folks sticking money under my waistband, lol

Greg won first place, I won second. As soon as the third place winner was announced, Greg grabbed my hand, our clothes tucked under his other arm, and we beelined through the crowd to the DJ booth for our money, and then out of the club immediately. Since we'd both won, we had enough money for 2.5 months of rent.. so we had no problem walking to a nearby hotel to sleep the whiskey off.

I still laugh whenever I hear either of those songs. =D


It seriously does. My college life was boring as hell because I was always fucking driving back and forth (35~minutes each way). The one year I lived in an apartment closer to campus with my best friend was fun at least.
My drive is an hour going and about half hour coming back if I don't catch traffic. The fun happens at night, I can't wait to live on campus.


Neo Member
So I had to interview some actors from my college's theater club for my review of their Rocky Horror Picture Show production. Walked backstage and found the guy playing rocky, wearing only bright yellow underwear with a huge bulge that I might have looked down at during the interview D:

It took a lot of strength to maintain professional composure and get through that interview without making it blatantly obvious I thought he was so fucking hot :D


Hunky Nostradamus

Greg and I needed rent money. Our bank balances were low, and we knew student loan checks wouldn't arrive until rent would be reeeaaaaallly overdue.

So we drove an hour north to Memphis. Our destination was a gay bar that had amateur strip night once a week. Our aim was to win one of the prizes; second place or above would be more than enough for our rent.

(Before I go any further, I want to note: I am cripplingly, amazingly, appalingly shy. Public speaking or performance scares the shit out of me.)

We first went to a liquor store, bought a fifth of whiskey, arrived to the bar's parking lot, and split the fifth between the two of us. Liquid courage.

There were five contestants that night. I went third, dancing to "You Gotta Lick It (Before You Stick It)." Greg went last, dancing to "Ray of Light." I remember not being able to see the crowd because of the super-bright spotlights. I was lucky to barely be able to see the folks sticking money under my waistband, lol

Greg won first place, I won second. As soon as the third place winner was announced, Greg grabbed my hand, our clothes tucked under his other arm, and we beelined through the crowd to the DJ booth for our money, and then out of the club immediately. Since we'd both won, we had enough money for 2.5 months of rent.. so we had no problem walking to a nearby hotel to sleep the whiskey off.

I still laugh whenever I hear either of those songs. =D


how much of you clothes did you have to take off? All of them? :O

Greg and I needed rent money. Our bank balances were low, and we knew student loan checks wouldn't arrive until rent would be reeeaaaaallly overdue.

So we drove an hour north to Memphis. Our destination was a gay bar that had amateur strip night once a week. Our aim was to win one of the prizes; second place or above would be more than enough for our rent.

(Before I go any further, I want to note: I am cripplingly, amazingly, appalingly shy. Public speaking or performance scares the shit out of me.)

We first went to a liquor store, bought a fifth of whiskey, arrived to the bar's parking lot, and split the fifth between the two of us. Liquid courage.

There were five contestants that night. I went third, dancing to "You Gotta Lick It (Before You Stick It)." Greg went last, dancing to "Ray of Light." I remember not being able to see the crowd because of the super-bright spotlights. I was lucky to barely be able to see the folks sticking money under my waistband, lol

Greg won first place, I won second. As soon as the third place winner was announced, Greg grabbed my hand, our clothes tucked under his other arm, and we beelined through the crowd to the DJ booth for our money, and then out of the club immediately. Since we'd both won, we had enough money for 2.5 months of rent.. so we had no problem walking to a nearby hotel to sleep the whiskey off.

I still laugh whenever I hear either of those songs. =D
tbh I would love to just hear you tell stories, they're always so entertaining lol.



how much of you clothes did you have to take off? All of them? :O
Not quite all of them. I went down to this little camo thong thingy. And I kept my socks on.
(I remember, because I stepped in something wet while we were making our escape.. eww.)

After it was over, I swore I'd never do it again. :p


tell us more tom :)
One more!

For our first Mardi Gras together, we were still closeted, and I was paranoid that we'd be seen running around the city by someone either in my family (it's a big family), or by a family friend. New Orleans is a big small town, so people run into each other all the time.

Because of this paranoia, the first thing we did was go to a shop and buy cheap little masks (his was silver, mine was a teal-ish color). With those on, I figured it'd provide just enough anonymization.

My favorite moment of the day was when we were walking down a street in the French Quarter (more toward the area where straight folks party), and a nice young woman on a balcony beckoned for us to approach her. She wanted a flash, dangling over a huge set of pearl beads. Greg asked, "should I?" and I told him, "sure! Why not?" We were kinda-anonymous, so I didn't care one bit. So he unzipped and flashed, and did a little dance.

She clapped very enthusiastically and cheered and tossed him down the beads, hootin' and whistling, but didn't like what happened next. He turned to me with his new giant beads, put them around my neck, and stuck his tongue down my throat.. which prompted her to scream bloody murder. We waved and smiled while she was screaming, and then and walked off hand-in-hand, listening and laughing to her carrying-on, "noooo! Awww.. noooo, nuh uh.. Nooooo.. Sheeee-it!"



Greg and I needed rent money. Our bank balances were low, and we knew student loan checks wouldn't arrive until rent would be reeeaaaaallly overdue.

So we drove an hour north to Memphis. Our destination was a gay bar that had amateur strip night once a week. Our aim was to win one of the prizes; second place or above would be more than enough for our rent.

(Before I go any further, I want to note: I am cripplingly, amazingly, appalingly shy. Public speaking or performance scares the shit out of me.)

We first went to a liquor store, bought a fifth of whiskey, arrived to the bar's parking lot, and split the fifth between the two of us. Liquid courage.

There were five contestants that night. I went third, dancing to "You Gotta Lick It (Before You Stick It)." Greg went last, dancing to "Ray of Light." I remember not being able to see the crowd because of the super-bright spotlights. I was lucky to barely be able to see the folks sticking money under my waistband, lol

Greg won first place, I won second. As soon as the third place winner was announced, Greg grabbed my hand, our clothes tucked under his other arm, and we beelined through the crowd to the DJ booth for our money, and then out of the club immediately. Since we'd both won, we had enough money for 2.5 months of rent.. so we had no problem walking to a nearby hotel to sleep the whiskey off.

I still laugh whenever I hear either of those songs. =D

this is so good!


Tom, really liking those stories. Maybe you make a small book or something filled with short stories like the ones here someday, I would read it. :)


Thanks, guys. This is actually kinda good for me, forcing me to remember details. I've actually remembered another one..

During summer of 98, we did a day trip to Memphis to go to Libertyland. It was a Six Flags-type amusement park, with a few rides, lots of food, and a weird kind of country/Elvis-y theme to it. Very much Red 'Mericuh. We spent all day going on the roller coasters, water rides, etc, and throughout the day, Greg kept trying to kiss me in different spots, with me responding in my usual bashful-in-public way, leaning away. I guess I still wasn't comfortable with PDAs at that point?

Closing time was approaching, so we decided to go on our favorite ride (and Elvis' favorite as well), the Zippin' Pippin, one last time. It was this really rickety old wooden roller coaster, where the whole thing would shake and sway as the coaster went over it. About halfway into our final lap, Greg leaned over and I gave-in, kissing him for all of two seconds. Nothing overboard or nasty - a pretty sweet moment, actually.

In that sweet moment, I had forgotten that the two carts behind us were occupied by high school girls.. who began to freeeeeak out, mostly screaming, with a bit of laughing mixed-in, in that perfect kind of way that only high school girls can do. After the screaming began, Greg, in his Mississippi-est of accents, turned around and asked, "what? Don't you like to kiss your boyfriends on the roller coaster?" They wailed and cut-up for the rest of the ride, and as soon as they were off, they bolted to their waiting parents to report the evil, inappropriate incident.

At this point, the park was announcing over the PA system that it was closing, so we began to walk to the exits, hand-in-hand, as the group of parents followed, shouting some pretty foul obscenities at us. We only responded with one thing as we were hopping into the truck: "Jesus loves you, thanks!"

don't think they liked that very much. :p

(And now Wikipedia is showing that Libertyland closed back in 2005. What a bummer.)


Hunky Nostradamus
Not quite all of them. I went down to this little camo thong thingy. And I kept my socks on.


One more!


My favorite moment of the day was when we were walking down a street in the French Quarter (more toward the area where straight folks party), and a nice young woman on a balcony beckoned for us to approach her. She wanted a flash, dangling over a huge set of pearl beads. Greg asked, "should I?" and I told him, "sure! Why not?" We were kinda-anonymous, so I didn't care one bit. So he unzipped and flashed, and did a little dance.





Maybe you make a small book or something filled with short stories like the ones here someday, I would read it. :)



I'm really glad you guys responded so well to harassment like that. Really, all you can do is see people like that as the ignorant morons they are.

I got pretty nervous when I realized that the parents were following us, even though they were leaving as well. But the smart-ass in me knew that the "Jesus" line would eat at them later on, haha!
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