Yeah. That marathon they did really made that clear to me. It can be very funny but it can also be very sad too.The Simpsons at its peak can do sentimental really well. They've made me cry more than a few times..
Yeah. That marathon they did really made that clear to me. It can be very funny but it can also be very sad too.The Simpsons at its peak can do sentimental really well. They've made me cry more than a few times..
I'm in the same boat. I lost a lot of weight since I started dieting, and I would like to bulk up but don't know how to go about it since I would have to eat a lot. My biggest fear is going back to where I was. Why don't you ask NutritionGaf?
Do protein powders "go bad"? I found two tubs that I forgot I had but they're pretty old. One is already open and I don't see any bugs in it. Eh, if there are bugs in it its just extra protein right?
Do protein powders "go bad"? I found two tubs that I forgot I had but they're pretty old. One is already open and I don't see any bugs in it. Eh, if there are bugs in it its just extra protein right?
eat lots of carbs bb.
could be wrong but its probably like vitamins where it doesn't go bad just lose it's potency over time.
if it's butterflies.
Yep. It depends on the bugs though.
I heard you like them skinny.
big in the booty
they could look like an upside turkey leg <3
It's Cannon, username formerly CannonO!Are you committing identity theft or is this the old Cannon?
It's a scientific fact so it's true whether you believe or not *cries just a little*Lol wat, no, stahp. I refuse to believe you're involuntarily single.
Little in the middle but he got much backbig in the booty
they could look like an upside turkey leg <3
Do protein powders "go bad"? I found two tubs that I forgot I had but they're pretty old. One is already open and I don't see any bugs in it. Eh, if there are bugs in it its just extra protein right?
Iron Bull should've been a power bottom
BTW, it's Men's Fashion Week...
Same. Congrats!
5 is great too! To be honest I really went all out last year. Protein shakes three times a day, an obscene amount of calories, was doing an hour at the gym four to five days a week. I wanted to go as strict as possible just to see if I could do it, and apparently it does work.
I honestly don't recommend it though, because it's kind of miserable. Right now I'm going much easier and I don't feel like my body is overworked.
Here, have man
Diego Amaral
(Aden Taylor)
Godfrey Gao
How do you even forget you had tubs of protein? Dat shit be like alcohol to lifters.
Hold dat protein like alcohol, Hold dat protein like alcohol, Don't you drop dat protein, don't you drop dat protein.
How do you even forget you had tubs of protein? Dat shit be like alcohol to lifters.
Hold dat protein like alcohol, Hold dat protein like alcohol, Don't you drop dat protein, don't you drop dat protein.
I started a pen pal friendship and realized after sending the first letter that I don't have the energy to be a pen pal person. #sorrypal #okayfriend #resolutiondead #2015
I want a pen-pal friend.
I started a pen pal friendship and realized after sending the first letter that I don't have the energy to be a pen pal person. #sorrypal #okayfriend #resolutiondead #2015
How do you even forget you had tubs of protein? Dat shit be like alcohol to lifters.
Hold dat protein like alcohol, Hold dat protein like alcohol, Don't you drop dat protein, don't you drop dat protein.
I started a pen pal friendship and realized after sending the first letter that I don't have the energy to be a pen pal person. #sorrypal #okayfriend #resolutiondead #2015
My lie that I don't have Skype when I get asked on Omegle probably won't make it all the way through 2015. #wearingthin
Also I don't use Twitter but I might have hit my head last night and changed wildly because I don't have an iguana named Ralph Waldo Emerson but he sure was depressing.
ThanksYou're a gem. lol
Beautiful.I'll be your pen pal.
Dear Pantheon aka CannonO aka Cannon,
I had a tuna melt for lunch today. It was good. Well, it looks like I'm running out of room here so I better go. Bye.
My lie that I don't have Skype when I get asked on Omegle probably won't make it all the way through 2015. #wearingthin
Also I don't use Twitter but I might have hit my head last night and changed wildly because I don't have an iguana named Ralph Waldo Emerson but he sure was depressing.
I want a pen-pal friend.
You don't have to send letters every week (especially if nothing special happened since the last one)
I have a cool relationship with maxcriden, we chat regularly through PMs and we sent each other gifts for special occasions like Christmas and birthdays
A friend from overseas is actually the best thing GAF has brought me. That, and this wonderful LGBTQIA community!
You could try a prison pen pal program.
@Masquerader: that's 5 pounds more than I have gained in the last 10 years!![]()
5 is great too! To be honest I really went all out last year. Protein shakes three times a day, an obscene amount of calories, was doing an hour at the gym four to five days a week. I wanted to go as strict as possible just to see if I could do it, and apparently it does work.
I honestly don't recommend it though, because it's kind of miserable. Right now I'm going much easier and I don't feel like my body is overworked.
Eh, it's alright, I suppose. Progress is slow, but I haven't the money to speed it up with lots of protein and stuff. Still, I guess I'm better in weight than I was. Lost some fat as well. And it's an ongoing journey.
Although that said, I had an obscene amount of calories myself, as per usual, so...![]()
Are you trying to lose weight or bulk up?
That prison pen pal article is great. Reminds me so much of my work.
Also kind of (very kind of) reminds me of an English course here in São Paulo that has their students talk via Skype to elderly people in a retirement home in Illinois to practise their English communication skills..That commercial made me cry
The latter. Which, due to my metabolism, is rather difficult.
You'll need lots of protein. What do you eat in a regular basis?
Uhm... Lots. Not too much of anything in particular. Just a lot of different foods. Except for lots of sweeties. I also drink a fair amount of milk and eat steak frequently. No fizzy drinks.
Aw, now I remember some more scenes from that episode. I think I should really watch the earlier Seasons again someday, there were some really sweet ones.Marge, Patty and Selma's great-aunt dies. In her will, she tells Patty and Selma that dying alone is no fun and they better hurry up and find somebody and start a family. Selma gets all anxious about that and tries to date people (to no avail), and in the end she finally realizes that she doesn't need to have children to be happy, because she has her sister and her great-aunt's iguana (whom she finally adopts at the end of the episode). Started out pessimistic and got all hopeful by the end
(PS: Are you actually Gato?
What's going on this thread? Why did everybody change their username? It's so confusing :/)
Man, I wish. A ripped Nordic muscle god character would be INCREDIBLE.Darkstalkers 4 looks amazing.
Aw, now I remember some more scenes from that episode. I think I should really watch the earlier Seasons again someday, there were some really sweet ones.
Thank you for the summary! You mentioned once that you are a big fan of the series, do you still watch it and if so, do you think it still has that quality, and most of all the uniquity in terms of humour and drama?
Also yes, I am Gato. Well, I was. He's dead and I buried him in my garden.
There's only meow, Kater.n
I forgot to ask you, why'd you pick Kater?
I forgot to ask you, why'd you pick Kater?
Wouldn't that be katze?If I'm bot mistaken, kater means cat in German.
Wouldn't that be katze?
This is an interesting video that popped up on my Facebook feed, where two (straight) male radio hosts engage in mild PDA - holding hands - to learn what gay couples can experience.
If someone thinks the video is worth a topic, feel free. I'm feeling too lazy to do it.
You could try a prison pen pal program.
You sounds so good!![]()
Because it's what I usually have after a night of drinking, a Kater (hangover), plus cats are really cool creatures..I forgot to ask you, why'd you pick Kater?
That's the female cat, "(Die) Katze".Wouldn't that be katze?
Yep, I mentioned it once before when someone in here asked that.Hmmmm... I don't know, Gato said something about Der Kater meaning "El Gato", his previous name. I might be wrong though. Maybe he can shed some light.
Oh man imagine if boners really did do this. Dancefloors in gayclubs would look even more festive & glamorous.
You could try a prison pen pal program.
Because it's what I usually have after a night of drinking, a Kater (hangover), plus cats are really cool creatures..
That's the female cat, "(Die) Katze".
"(Der) Kater" is the male cat, also called a tomcat (British English, if I remember that correctly).
Yep, I mentioned it once before when someone in here asked that.
This is an interesting video that popped up on my Facebook feed, where two (straight) male radio hosts engage in mild PDA - holding hands - to learn what gay couples can experience.
If someone thinks the video is worth a topic, feel free. I'm feeling too lazy to do it.
???Also I don't use Twitter but I might have hit my head last night and changed wildly because I don't have an iguana named Ralph Waldo Emerson but he sure was depressing.
My internal grammar gator just exploded...I have a Die Katze and a Der Kater at home.
This is an interesting video that popped up on my Facebook feed, where two (straight) male radio hosts engage in mild PDA - holding hands - to learn what gay couples can experience.
If someone thinks the video is worth a topic, feel free. I'm feeling too lazy to do it.
You could try a prison pen pal program.
Fixed. ;3Hmmm... so we were both right.
I have "eine Katze" (a (female) cat) and "einen Kater" (a male cat / tomcat) at home. I'm afraid that when my Kater is old enough, he's gonna want to make babies with meiner Katze.
Oh, you speak/understand German?My internal grammar gator just exploded...
Der and die aren't capitalized and mean the same as 'the'![]()
Oh, you speak/understand German?