Right back at you, Grizzo
Where's that Nabbit + Grizzo image when we need it!
right here!

Aw, now I remember some more scenes from that episode. I think I should really watch the earlier Seasons again someday, there were some really sweet ones.
Thank you for the summary! You mentioned once that you are a big fan of the series, do you still watch it and if so, do you think it still has that quality, and most of all the uniquity in terms of humour and drama?
Also yes, I am Gato. Well, I was. He's dead and I buried him in my garden.
There's only meow, Kater.n
Yeah I think season 2 to 13 are still just as great as they used to be. I know people tend to say that the golden age of the Simpsons is seasons 1-9, but I still like seasons 10-13, maybe because I grew up with it.
Nowadays I don't watch it, and anytime I catch a glimpse of an episode by surfing channels, I'm quite appalled at how much it has changed. Old era Simpsons were pretty much the best stuff ever. It's a perfect mix of jokes (seriously, so many), sweetness and clever references.
I love old era South Park and Futurama too. Both of these shows did some good things in the later seasons, but I can't say the same thing about the Simpsons.
(can I still call you Gato for a while? I'll need some time to get used to Kater)