5 friends played the game last night. We all loved episode 1. The wait for episode 2 is rough.
I think it was 5% didn'tyou monsters.share headphones with Rachel.
Hey guys, is it possible to upgrade the ps4 standard edition to the Deluxe edition? Doesn't seem to be... :/
Are the stats shared between platforms? At least when I played (on PC) it was only 1% that didn't. I can't imagine not and just sitting there lol.
Wired 360 pad worked for me. Had no batteries in my wireless one.i was trying with a 360 wireless pad.
I like that Skip guy
Actually REALLY impressed by how much better the facial animation is in this game compared to the first. The movement actually resembles what the characters are saying. Different system in place or just improved rigs?
I'm going to need to replay this. I somehow missed 'Skip' as a character entirely.
Rachel Amber and Laura Palmer also have the same birthday. There are many Twin Peaks references.
I don't wanna be that guy but I think I'll wait till it wraps up and they sell a deluxe physical version similar to the first one. Would look great together.
I don't wanna be that guy but I think I'll wait till it wraps up and they sell a deluxe physical version similar to the first one. Would look great together.
I'm jealous, I'd love to own the collector's edition of LiS for the soundtrack CD and art book.I don't wanna be that guy but I think I'll wait till it wraps up and they sell a deluxe physical version similar to the first one. Would look great together.
I'm jealous, I'd love to own the collector's edition of LiS for the soundtrack CD and art book.
The vinyl is nice. I have one. It is one of the few things I can brag about...
The vinyl is nice. I have one. It is one of the few things I can brag about...
The vinyl is nice. I have one. It is one of the few things I can brag about...
So I have been really out of the loop on gaming news. I saw a new Daughter album pop up on Spotify and then realized that they did the (majority?) of the soundtrack for this. I've listened to it and of course it's nothing short of amazing.
They are my favorite band so I really want to get this now. Problem is I have only played EP1 of LiS but then again I heard this is a prequel. Can I play this before the original LiS or should I just sit down and finish that first?
While nothing in this seems to spoil Life is Stranger proper, it feels like it's meant to be played in the context of knowing what comes later.
So, I'd say totally optional, but preferable. And it may be hard to go back to the old animation style after this anyway, so I'd suggest playing through it first. The last four episodes should only take 10-12 hours or so combined.
I don't wanna be that guy but I think I'll wait till it wraps up and they sell a deluxe physical version similar to the first one. Would look great together.
I really enjoyed the episode, i just hope that there is some actual puzzle solving in the next 2 episodes. I'm praying these devs didn't take the telltale route and just make these episodes mostly dialogue choices with barely any puzzle solving.
The first game barely had any puzzles so I assume this will be similar. It's probably for the best. Almost no one knows how to make good adventure game puzzles these days*, and I'm not even sure they'd improve a relatively grounded game like this.
*Thimbleweed Park is a recent exception
There was also the part where you needed toI'm in need of a replay with life is strange but I remember it having some cool puzzles. The only in particular I liked was the puzzle where you need toIt wasn't a turn your brain off type of game like most of telltales recent games.open the door in the school. I also like how you need to pay attention as well when it came to kate and there was the part where your trying to find the dark room.
The 1st episode was a little jarring at first with getting used to the new voice actors for various characters but other than that this is way better than I ever expected.
I'm glad to be proven completely wrong from thinking the new developers couldn't nail it but they knocked it out of the park in my eyes.
So thepowers narrative is continuing, hmmm wonder whether Rachel passed her powers onto Max somehow or if she is the storm.
The vinyl is nice. I have one. It is one of the few things I can brag about...
Second playthrough thing I noticed - very early.
You can get into the party another way even if you fail to backtalk the bouncer
Somehow i missed 2 graffiti and i am halfway through the episode. :/
i finished it and missed 2
i might replay later
Yup, you can. I used Collector Mode to get the last 2, which I missed during my playthrough.I guess you can "reply" the chapters and just do graffiti for the achievements after you finish the episode? Like in LiS with photos?
If not... XD