Linkin Park may be Reuniting


Reseterror Resettler
So, it's a story we all know, I'm sure. Linkin Park, whom started as Hybrid Theory and before that Xero, was a huge mainstream rock/nu metal band in the early 00's - 2017 that helped solidify the fusion of mainstream rap and rock into the greater musical awareness of contemporary pop culture. The band's lead vocalist, Chester Bennington, lost a long battle with depression and personal demons in 2017, taking his own life.

Since then, the majority of the band has gone back to being private citizens, and the deuteragonist to Linkin Park's lead vocalist, Mike Shinoda - has gone on to do solo work, from an album, to several singles, production work, and Twitch hosted songwriting sessions that culminated in three volumes of Instrumental work.

Seven years have passed since Linkin Park's final 100% new material was released in 2017's One More Light, a ten track album that forewent a lot of the standard "isms," that typically define the band. By all acounts a very synth and pad driven pop album, with nary a scream or guitar solo.

It's 2024, and Linkin Park's official website has changed to a countdown that ends on Wednesday, the 28th of August, 2024. Speculation among tour organizers, fans, and even musicians from similar genres points to Linkin Park coming back in some form on Wednesday. There's been rumors that, in order to lessen the blow and comparisons done to Chester Bennington moving forward, they've picked a female lead vocalist.

Either way, fans and curious people will see what's up tomorrow, sometime.


Isn't the main guy dead?
Ai will help out.
artificial intelligence no GIF by ADWEEK


Reseterror Resettler
i think they'd make the right choice of course. sum 41 were one of the bands i got into at the same time as linkin park. i don't like much of their stuff after screaming bloody murder to be honest. i think deryck is a great vocalist/frontman but not sure he'd suit linkin park.

The biggest thing for me is wondering if it's gonna be strictly tour related, or if we're getting an EP or album out of it. The countdowns use of the number 0 is pretty key I think, for any of the old-school street soldiers, it's basically a dogwhistle.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
here is deryck doing a cover with mike. what u think? i think he'd struggle in a lot of songs.

You can hear he's right on the edge of his vocal range here - they could just tune down a bit though. His voice sounds a relatively good match, if the intention is to get someone who sounds as close to Chester as possible.

Lol at how it basically sounds exactly the same because of how much of the LP live show is evidently a backing track though.


Reseterror Resettler
Yeah, bands switch members all the time, when it's done well, bands can carry on for years after the fact. When it's done poorly, well....


Parody of actual AJUMP23
sure but i doubt brian or roger are lacking money.

i just meant they are legends and i have massive respect for them. if they think Adam is perfect for their band and if they want to keep playing shows then cool.

Everyone wants just a little bit more.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
sure but i doubt brian or roger are lacking money.

i just meant they are legends and i have massive respect for them. if they think Adam is perfect for their band and if they want to keep playing shows then cool.
I suspect they're doing it for the right reasons - because they want to, rather than needing/wanting cash.

They both come from an era where record sales were big and so will have earnt a fortune in sales and royalties will still be coming for streams, use in other media, etc.
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Reseterror Resettler
I wasn't aware they ever actually broke up lol

Well, they never officially split, but they also haven't released any new material sans stuff from the vault, and haven't performed as a band since the Hollywood Bowl show, year hiatus, to be more technically correct.


Hiatus after Chester's passing.

Oasis totally stole LP thunder though. Never seen such hype for a comeback tour.

I wss under the impression no one liked oasis after the 90s ended but glad to see them coming back around and hoping that Damon Albarn drops a new album on the same day for my entertainment

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
nobody will ever replace chester. they should go with a female singer.

bonnie from stand atlantic gets my vote. i'm going to see them live next month. they just put out an album so i don't know if she will be available.

see some people say Deryck from Sum 41 should join them now that Sum 41 are calling it quits. I love sum 41 and deryck but i don't think he has it.

Whoa, that chick sounds like she could actually be an acceptable replacement


Gold Member
What a retarded contradictory thing to say.

Replace with a female :messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy:
I dunno, in this context it males a lot of sense. Chester is dead, so there is no need to try to replace him with an imitation (unlike a lot of bands that divorce from the singer and then both go on to keep singing the same songs) yeah his singing style isn't one that can tolerate much deviation (hagar replacing Roth in Van Halen, for example, quite different) if they want to play older songs.

But going female side steps hiring an imitator but promises to still deliver on the wide vocal range Chester had. And they still have a singer in the band so they don't need to entirely change their sound.

Lots of my era of bands have singers that have long since aged out of being abl to power through the songs of their youth. They either fake it or just do their best. If the og singer is dead, then a replacement that kinda imitates the og singer is sorta ok, but if the og singer is still around and working then I think I tend to follow the singer over the rest of the band for the "authentic" experience (Queensryche vs Geoff Tate comes to mind, or Judas Priest in the Ripper era and Halford).

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
I dunno, in this context it males a lot of sense. Chester is dead, so there is no need to try to replace him with an imitation (unlike a lot of bands that divorce from the singer and then both go on to keep singing the same songs) yeah his singing style isn't one that can tolerate much deviation (hagar replacing Roth in Van Halen, for example, quite different) if they want to play older songs.

Yeah and then we got Gary Cherone replacing Hagar.

That sure worked lol

When it comes to lead singer deaths and some of my fav bands dismantling afterwards I always say let sleeping dogs lie. Have some respect. You dont see the guys from Soundgarden clamoring to get a replacement for Chris (because shit, who could?). The only example I can think of where it sorta worked was with Alice in Chains, and even then the fact that Cantrell was such a huge part of the vocals in that band helped a bunch when Will joined.

If they were going to return, Id prefer to see them go the Mother Love Bone route. Re name and rebirth themselves with a new lead and try to maintain that same core energy. Certainly worked wonders for the guys in Pearl Jam after Andrew died.


Shame they couldn't find a guy. Chester lyrics were very much about male struggles. A lot of the best songs won't even make sense with a woman singing them. I mean sure if she sounds good you could have some beers and enjoy it, but critical listening? Nah. Weird choice. Mike was probably after some pussy.


I was never a big LP fan. However, the story is sad, and all too familiar. I really hope they find a good singer who can do the music well and move forward with new material. I'd love for them to have another positive chapter.

Not to be a jerk, but I can't listen to the newer Alice In Chains stuff. I've tried, but when I hear the new guy singing Lane's songs, it gets on my nerves. I hope LP doesn't wind up in a similar situation.

The only person I can even picture filling the role Chester had in LP would be someone like Spencer Chamberlain from Underoath (not him specifically though).


Reseterror Resettler
I was never a big LP fan. However, the story is sad, and all too familiar. I really hope they find a good singer who can do the music well and move forward with new material. I'd love for them to have another positive chapter.

Not to be a jerk, but I can't listen to the newer Alice In Chains stuff. I've tried, but when I hear the new guy singing Lane's songs, it gets on my nerves. I hope LP doesn't wind up in a similar situation.

The only person I can even picture filling the role Chester had in LP would be someone like Spencer Chamberlain from Underoath (not him specifically though).

LP is kinda interesting in that they started without Chester, so it's not an unfamiliar place for the band to be at, it's just all the success and tragedy of Bennington makes moving forward awkward, and no longer simply a decision for five people to make.

Nothing jerkish about having a reflexive reaction to something. You like AIC for the specific sound/songwriting perspective they brought as a band. Vocals are essentially lead instruments, and songwriting obviously differs from individual to individual, so an obvious and front centered change like that is gonna grate on some folks.


Gold Member
Funny thing is that Chester joined the band when the band was looking for a leadsinger.

He wasn't one of the founding members of the band.


Gold Member
I have fond memories of One Step Closer in high school. That’s how I learned about the band. I don’t know if I want to hear another guy take his spot unless they changed their band name. I’d rather see a female vocalist and change it up.


advanced basic bitch
Funny thing is that Chester joined the band when the band was looking for a leadsinger.

He wasn't one of the founding members of the band.
It's not terribly relevant since Chester's been there since their debut album. He was a huge part of the bands sound. I don't envy them trying to replace him. I just saw Pantera without the brothers. It was like seeing the worlds best tribute band. It wasn't the same.
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