Ok, finally done with my first version of this thing.
So I wanted to rig up an analogue speed control for the pachinko shot.
I also need to make sure each emitter was on a pair of AND gates.
I needed to hook that up to a counter to limit the number of shots
the other end when to the battery array and the shooting button
Finally, I wanted to reset the shot power at zero for each shot so people wouldn't just find a good spot and leave it there.
All of that looks like this,
To be honest, it's not terribly complicated, but I'm new to the tools
The biggest issue I had with LBP was never getting any feedback from people about my level. So, please give it a shot and tell me how I can improve it. I would actually like to start recreating real pachinko machines in LPB, but I need to work on user interface. I could really use some suggestions on that.
'Musamura Gauge All 15 v.1' is up now.