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Living less than a mile away from work.

Hip Hop

Just moved to this town recently and managed to get a place less than a mile away from where I transferred my career to.

I gotta say, the time gained as soon as you get off work feels like weight lifted off your shoulders because home is just a few minutes away and then your personal time begins.

I couldn't fathom ever going back to the 25 minute commutes I was used to doing.

How long is your commute or do you stay at home? And how do you manage that commute if its a long one? Is it possible for you to change it if you aren't currently haply with it? Might not be easy for everyone to do though. Hard to move with family and kids nowadays.
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I WFH, previously I was max 25 minutes from the office by the metro.
The time saved on daily commute is one of the things people do not realise how it is affecting their lives.
It’s fine if you would e.g. read a book or listen to an audiobook to improve your skills or knowledge, but most people just play stupid candy crush all the time. They are wasting the most precious resource they have - time.


Ultimate DQ Fan
I used to commute from Long Beach to LAX every day. About 20 miles. Would take me 90 minutes to 2 hours each way. Every day. I wanted to kill myself.

Now I wfh, and it's a miracle. Those 3 to 4 extra hours mean everything. I can get consistently good night sleep. I can have a life outside of work.


My commute to the coast used to be 1.5 hours to get to work. You can do some deep soul searching on a twice a day drive. I worked night audit at a hotel so both drives had afternoon or morning light. On the coast here there can be quite a bit of frost so the slow drive home could be B R U T A L.


It's about a 12 minute walk for me. Place I used to work at as a kid was a 1 hour walk. Really sucked during the summer and winter.
I don't know what the distance is to my work but it takes me 23 minutes to walk, 6 mins to drive, and 8 minutes on my electric scooter.

From my old house it was a 40 minute walk or 10 minute drive.


Gold Member
I made it a point to do this in Los Angeles. I lived 1.5 miles away from work and it was a thing of beauty.
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hide your water-based mammals
I agree but I unfortunately have been doing mostly 45 minute one way commutes for more of my adult life. I did have it ok when I lived in Michigan when I drove 10 minutes but that was well over 10 years ago.

The main thing it's good for us to catch up on podcasts or whatever. I don't really listen to music in the car that much vs at the house.


From 1999 to 2003 I took the train/bus everywhere. I could traverse a hundred miles on a $4 transfer slip in Cali back then 😝 those were the days!


Simps for Amouranth
25mins!?! Ffs there are people who take longer shits, what could you possibly gain by getting an extra 25mins back in your life? As a previous poster said he commutes nearly 2hrs each way, thats practically criminal in my book and gaining those HOURS back would make a SIGNIFICANT difference to ones life... 25mins lol, I commute 15mins but there's ones in my office are nearly an HR away and that's an utter ballache


It’s great. The days I’m not working from home I get back after a short walk. Not spending time in traffic makes a huge difference.


I bought my current home near my job. I was 30+ min drive away to now 5-6 mins if I don't hit a light. So close that a few time I had to use rest room I just went home took a shit and went back to work lol

Can't beat it, main reason I haven't changed jobs lol

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
I'm about to move house to get my once a week (I WFH other days) door to door commute down to 45 minutes. I could live closer for the same cost, but I don't want to sacrifice noise, space, relaxation.

What a joke city jobs are now, post pandemic. Hardly anyone lives near the office*, everyone wastes time, money and probably health in order to go to a desk that could be anywhere.

*The only people I know who live walking distance to my job are in apartments being paid for by their parents. In one case I know the rent is higher than the money they make.
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
I have a fifteen minute commute. I actually like listening to stuff in my car when I drive.

I am ending a 30 minute commute this month. I have switched positions but not companies.


I have a fifteen minute commute. I actually like listening to stuff in my car when I drive.

I am ending a 30 minute commute this month. I have switched positions but not companies.
This has been the one downside of now living so close to where I work. My podcast listening has fallen off a cliff.


I used to have a job 83km away, by car. After one year, we moved closer and I could get there in 15 minutes. Changed my whole life. More time for the family. More energy during the day. And a lot of money saved - my car was through after that year.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Books and podcast are my commute time. I enjoy that. If I lived a mile away from the place I work I would be afraid of what my house looked like.


With no traffic at least 45 minutes one way for every job I've had. Didn't realize how much I hated it until work from home. Like others have said the only down side is less listening to audiobooks.


°Temp. member
I work from home. In fact, last month they sold our building since there was no need to keep paying for the real estate with everyone WFH.


I am in the same boat and i love it. I take an electric skateboard to work most of the time. I get there faster than driving, it's fun, i get a little sun, and i don't get annoyed by other drivers before work.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
With no traffic at least 45 minutes one way for every job I've had. Didn't realize how much I hated it until work from home. Like others have said the only down side is less listening to audiobooks.
The time you save not commuting is amazing. It just grants you more time in the day. You can make a more complex dinner working from home too.
I did this and it was fantastic for the first two years until that job was lost due to funding cutbacks. Now I’m stuck with a home and mortgage in an area where there is not a lot of opportunity in my field that is financially viable, for at least an hour drive in either direction.
So my fantastically close job situation backfired. I hope better for you OP, because it is nice!


30 minutes to work and can be up to an hour home.

Fucking hate it but almost every job I've had since moving to the city has been a minimum of 30 minute commute.

At least have a car now. Used transit first couple years I was here. That sucked after a while.


Neo Member
I WFH and have done so for many years now, but before moving to the West Country in the UK the firm I worked for moved twice, from a nice rural two mile drive from home, to an eight mile drive into town (Reading) which was a busy nightmare, and then to another town (Wokingham) miles down the M4 and clogged A roads, which was an even bigger nightmare, especially when I moved even further away as well, making it an hour each way, on a good day. I got used to it, but I could no go back to that life now. My wife works a ten min drive away, and I almost always take her in, as I still do enjoy that little bit of time on the road and that bit of freedom it gives, before starting work at home, plus it's a stunning drive. So I still commute a bit, even though I don't have too.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
I used to live like a block away from my office. It was like a 2 minute walk. Once i did that I said I would never go back to to the grind/commute. I eventually moved and changed jobs and now its a 15 minute drive which is ok I guess but that short walk was incredible.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I've been working from home since March of 2020 but before my recent move I live down the street from where my office used to be. It was nice for the rare occasions when I had to head in for whatever reason. I'd typically just walk or ride my bike if the weather was nice.

Prior to the pandemic, when I had to go in for work, after about a year I noticed it started to have a slightly negative effect on my attitude towards work. Living so close made me start feeling like I was never getting far enough away once the work day was over.

So there were some tradeoffs.


That must be nice - it's such a huge quality of life change. Between college and work, I had been dragging my ass to and from the city every day, an hour or so each way, for a good 20 years. Now that I've seen the greener grass on the other side with remote work, there is no going back ever.
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I live about a mile and a half form work. I generally walk to work unless it's raining, in which case I drive.

The thought of spending an hour or more on a train surrounded by cunts doesn't bear thinking about.


Yeah for 2 years I used to commute 50 mins one way to work. I dreaded it every single fucking day.

I then moved within 15 mins and my quality of life is much improved.


Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
Just moved to this town recently and managed to get a place less than a mile away from where I transferred my career to.

I gotta say, the time gained as soon as you get off work feels like weight lifted off your shoulders because home is just a few minutes away and then your personal time begins.

I couldn't fathom ever going back to the 25 minute commutes I was used to doing.

25 minute???!?!!!

I travel daily to my work 1 hour walking


Gold Member
I live 5.2 miles from where I work, ~10 minute drive, just two turns. City streets only.

It would take a lot for me to leave that one.


I have a roughly 1 hour commute one way and I don’t mind it at all. I listen to books and podcasts and get time to unwind. It’s not perfect but it’s not bad at all
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