Living Things (New Linkin Park Album) |OT| We're gonna go listen to Linkin Park

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Lost In The Echo will be the next single said:
LOST IN THE ECHO Music Video Being Filmed Today

After a number of reports of LOST IN THE ECHO being the next Linkin Park single from LIVING THINGS, it seems this is now confirmed with a few details about the music video surfacing on Twitter, which is shooting as soon as today! LPA member murphyLP discovered model / actress Carly Francavilla tweeting about landing a role in a Linkin Park music video these past couple days and this has been confrimed by @GinoTheGhost who is on set to be a lead in the video which is filming in Detroit. It's unclear if Joe Hahn will be reprising his roll as music video director for LOST IN THE ECHO but we will keep you updated when we know more. This all but confirms LOST IN THE ECHO as the new single, which has been rumored since it appeared on the LIVING THINGS album sticker along with CASTLE OF GLASS as well as appearing on Future UK Singles lists since June 18th, with a UK release date of July 23rd. The opening track from LIVING THINGS also received the Lyric Video treatment last week. View the tweets and images from the LOST IN THE ECHO set below.


Link (Set pictures)


I really enjoy the first half of the album. It's got a strong opening and then it goes all African Child on me =(

Those saying it's weird (in a good way) are pretty spot on. I think it'll grow on me. I wasn't a huge fan of ATS when it hit, but it was also a grower. I'm super excited to hear more Shinoda though.


The album debuted at #1 with 235k. Well deserved since it's great.

Also here are some shots from Lost in the Echo, the next single:



It looks like the Lost In The Echo promotional CD will have an instrumental version of the song (awesome).

LPassociation said:
It appears a 2 Track Promo CD for LOST IN THE ECHO has appeared on eBay and you can view the CD and the artwork below. This doesn't necessarily mean this will be the artwork for the final CD, but in the past it has proven to be the same in some cases. The CD features two tracks:

01: LOST IN THE ECHO (Album Version)
02. LOST IN THE ECHO (Instrumental)


The CD is still ongoing auction on eBay. It's easy to question the authenticity of the promo CD as the only release date we have is a rumoured July 23rd UK release, but the source seems legit and it's from a reputable seller. Plus, it isn't uncommon for promotional discs to surface before the actual single release


Not a fan of the first half of the CD...will listen to the rest later.

I think we're just going to need to give up ever getting HT/Meteora era music. Or maybe my tastes have changed.
Finally gave it a listen yesterday. It's easily their most polarizing album: it's got some great songs, but also some terribly bad ones.

My favorites are definitely "I'll Be Gone" and "Roads Untraveled", though the latter's probably because it hit home in a big way. I was stunned when I heard a song like that on a LP album.


Without a DOUBT, A Thousand Suns is their most polarizing album, period.

It's sweet that they're playing this year at the iHeartRadio musicfest in Vegas. Just like last year, it's a killer lineup.


Finally gave it a listen yesterday. It's easily their most polarizing album: it's got some great songs, but also some terribly bad ones.

My favorites are definitely "I'll Be Gone" and "Roads Untraveled", though the latter's probably because it hit home in a big way. I was stunned when I heard a song like that on a LP album.

There's no "terribly bad" songs, son.
Yeah, Until It Breaks is too weak for its own good. Brad's singing part is the worst part of the album. Brad's voice is ok but the whole part just felt too forced into the song.


I gave their other albums a listen tonight (just parts of them)

Meteora had the best opening tracks. Foreward to Don't Stay is an amazing transition. I kinda hoped they'd keep the intro track thing a tradition with LT but it's okay, I don't mind too much :p


Oh my god, that is awful :lol They could have gone in such a chill direction with Lost In The Echo, but nooooope.

edit: When's the LITE video coming out?


I don't know about LP as a whole, but Mike Shinoda is supposed to be composing the score to at least a few of the levels, as well as featuring a song off Living Things (Castle of Glass), which is something that they did for the last MoH Game with the A Thousand Suns record.
Linkin Park Report For Duty In 'Medal Of Honor Warfighter' Video

Medal of Honor Warfighter Linkin Park Behind the Scenes Trailer 1

Check out the first behind the scenes trailer for Linkin Park's upcoming "CASTLE OF GLASS" music video.

Debuting this October, the concept for Linkin Park's "CASTLE OF GLASS" music video is the result of direct collaboration between members of Linkin Park and Danger Close Games. Produced by Digital Domain and Danger Close, the video will feature a unique mix of live action footage edited with gameplay recordings taken from Medal of Honor Warfighter.


Man, I looked at the setlist for last night's show, and it's fucking terrible. I hope this is incomplete or something, because damn it's boring.

With You
Given Up
Victimized / QWERTY / Lying From You / Papercut
Somewhere I Belong
New Divide
In My Remains
Empty Spaces
When They Come for Me
Waiting for the End
Breaking the Habit
Leave Out All the Rest / Shadow of the Day / Iridescent
The Catalyst
Burn It Down
In the End
Bleed It Out

Lost in the Echo
(Ext. Intro)
What I've Done
One Step Closer

like, damn, guys. It's OKAY to not play every single one of your older songs. I thought you were supposed to play new material when you're on a new tour >_>

Only 3 songs off of Living Things? What the hell. Almost every song from Living Things is worthy of being played live. The only one I'd skip out on live honestly is Powerless, although Tinfoil makes a good intro/segue track, and Castle of Glass might not make a great live performance either. Lies/Greed/Misery, I'll be Gone, Skin To Bone, and Until It Breaks would make awesome live tracks though.

My tour date is in a couple weeks, so I guess we'll see...


Man, I looked at the setlist for last night's show, and it's fucking terrible. I hope this is incomplete or something, because damn it's boring.

With You
Given Up
Victimized / QWERTY / Lying From You / Papercut
Somewhere I Belong
New Divide
In My Remains
Empty Spaces
When They Come for Me
Waiting for the End
Breaking the Habit
Leave Out All the Rest / Shadow of the Day / Iridescent
The Catalyst
Burn It Down
In the End
Bleed It Out

Lost in the Echo
(Ext. Intro)
What I've Done
One Step Closer

like, damn, guys. It's OKAY to not play every single one of your older songs. I thought you were supposed to play new material when you're on a new tour >_>

Only 3 songs off of Living Things? What the hell. Almost every song from Living Things is worthy of being played live. The only one I'd skip out on live honestly is Powerless, although Tinfoil makes a good intro/segue track, and Castle of Glass might not make a great live performance either. Lies/Greed/Misery, I'll be Gone, Skin To Bone, and Until It Breaks would make awesome live tracks though.

My tour date is in a couple weeks, so I guess we'll see...
We've known that they'll be working in other songs into later sets. The only songs they confirmed they'll be playing from the beginning were Lost In The Echo, In My Remains, and Victimized, as you can see from the setlist they used for the first two days (aka, the makeup dates).

Anyways, I hope they'll have rehearsed enough for some other songs by the time they hit Dallas. The Boston show is tomorrow, and I'm in for the meet and greet again, can't WAIT!
Lost in the Echo video is out and it is, as LP says, interactive. said:
Today, Linkin Park premiered the interactive video for their upcoming second single LOST IN THE ECHO from their album LIVING THINGS. The video consists of a uniquely designed theme that allows for fans to become a part of the video and be drawn to the world of the song. However, viewers must do this through the official site. Mike Shinoda illustrates this by calling it: "The best ECHO experience is the one at that site". The video requires flash compatibility and a facebook connection.

The interactive video is located ONLY on the official site:

For fans that can not comply with the requirements stated above, Linkin Park will be uploading a non-interactive version of the video in a couple of days on the Linkin Park Youtube page.

Wired article that breaks down the video. Might be better to watch the video first before clicking the link.

The idea is kind of cool but I didn't really like the video itself. Most LP video's have sucked since the Minutes to Midnight cycle. I miss the awesome music videos during the Hybrid Theory and Meteora years.


Didn't like the Lost In The Echo MV at all.

Ahhh man it's been almost a month since I've been on GAF. Went to the Boston and Dallas shows for the Honda Civic Tour, with a meet and greet at the Boston one, as I mentioned before. Unfortunately, both shows were setlist A, which was pretty unfortunate, considering the fact that they were rotating 3 different sets. Good thing was that they managed to to In My Remains in Dallas, when they didn't in Boston. They switched up the order of a few songs too.

Of course, both shows were awesome, was in the pit for both. Got to see Incubus in Dallas too since I wasn't camped out in a line, but I was pretty surprised that they didn't play a lot of their more famous songs.

On another note, you can find the instrumental versions of the songs off Living Things as of today on iTunes.


Oh yeah I forgot to post here when I saw them. I was in the pit as well, Dark! They had their shit together, sound-wise, and they always put on a great show, but I was still disappointed by the setlist. They worked Lost in the Echo in there though, so I guess that's a plus.

Even though they put on a great show, I don't know if I would go see them again. I understand that they play a lot of old stuff because hey, that's why they're popular, and not everyone there has seen them multiple times, or at all. But I wanna hear their new stuff :(
Yeah, I wish LP would play more Living Things songs live. So far, they've only played:

In My Remains
Lost In The Echo
Burn It Down
Lies Greed Misery
Until It Breaks rap verses

Songs I'd like to hear live:

Skin To Bone
Castle of Glass

For some of their most recent setlists, they've played all songs in the same set.
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