Living Things (New Linkin Park Album) |OT| We're gonna go listen to Linkin Park

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Yeah, the "moar geeetarrrzzzz" crowd isn't going to like this album.

I've listened to the tunes on youtube. I'm not a fan. They seem very disjointed and just a bunch of singles. I'd rather have another A Thousand Suns. Nothing on this album is groundbreaking. They've just gone full tilt electronic.

There's nothing groundbreaking about the song structure to any of these tunes. At least A Thousand Suns featured a plethora of tracks which broke against the mold of what they did in the past. This new album is putting in old Linkin Park song motifs with the new electronic stuff.


Yeah, the "moar geeetarrrzzzz" crowd isn't going to like this album.

I've listened to the tunes on youtube. I'm not a fan. They seem very disjointed and just a bunch of singles. I'd rather have another A Thousand Suns. Nothing on this album is groundbreaking. They've just gone full tilt electronic.

There's nothing groundbreaking about the song structure to any of these tunes. At least A Thousand Suns featured a plethora of tracks which broke against the mold of what they did in the past. This new album is putting in old Linkin Park song motifs with the new electronic stuff.
Which is what everyone really wanted. So far its pretty good.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
I really want to listen to this album but I don't want to spoil it for myself.... oh, who am I kidding?
No offense to the band but:

Not only is Living Things one of the best albums of the decade, it's a new classic.

That's a pretty big claim to make. I'm not saying I hate their stuff but it's a pretty stupid claim. Hopefully GAF can give their opinion on this when it's out.


CD was pretty decent. Better than the last one. Some songs I hated though ... Tinfoil being the main one. Least I think it was that one .... its the only one I couldn't sit through.
No offense to the band but:

That's a pretty big claim to make. I'm not saying I hate their stuff but it's a pretty stupid claim. Hopefully GAF can give their opinion on this when it's out.

Well, we're pretty early in this decade, so I guess there aren't many choices. Seriously though, I hope they don't let that obvious super fan write a review for the album, cause the level of hyperbole in that preview doesn't belong in a professional review.


CD was pretty decent. Better than the last one. Some songs I hated though ... Tinfoil being the main one. Least I think it was that one .... its the only one I couldn't sit through.

No way, Tinfoil is rad! I wish it was longer :( It's barely a minute long.

edit: Mike's verse on Victimized is great.

"They're actin' like they want a riot, it's a riot i'll give 'em
as the sun climbs higher on this violent rhythm
a few snakes in the grass, supplyin' the venom
i ain't scared of your teeth, i admire what's in 'em"
Which is what everyone really wanted. So far its pretty good.

Not me :p

I wanted them to continue the experimental direction they were trying. Their "classic" stuff bores me to tears these days. Unfortunately, they're playing this album very safe. It's really disappointing.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
I had no clue there was a new album coming out so soon.

Guess I'll give it a listen, despite the fact that the last of their albums I enjoyed was Meteora.
I've given the album a few listens and here are some of my thoughts:

- I like the mix of old and new, there's elements from all LP albums in Living things
- production values are really good
- I was surprised by how "folky" Castle of Glass is
- My favorites so far are Lost In The Echo, Victimized, and Powerless
- Half of the album is more energetic/proper rock-songs while the other half is more experimental

Overall, an amazing album from LP.
So far the only song im feeling meh about on this album is Burn It Down. The rest of it has a lot of variety, but is surprisingly fresh. Also, Im a fan when Mike sings on songs and he is all over this album.


Only interested in this remotely for the sole reason that Owen Pallett is on a track.

Edit: Okay, I've listened to that track and I don't notice him at all so I guess that's it for my interest.
Only interested in this remotely for the sole reason that Owen Pallett is on a track.

Edit: Okay, I've listened to that track and I don't notice him at all so I guess that's it for my interest.

Yeah, Im not gonna lie, why the hell did they bring him in if they planned on layering the strings so far back you cant even hear them?
Listened to it. I honestly prefer A Thousand Suns as far as their last three albums go. For me, it's probably Meteora> Hybrid Theory>>> A Thousand Suns>>>>> Living Things>>>>>>>>>> That one album I refuse to talk about

There's some decent songs on the album, but most of them aren't that good. Like, at all. Although Burn it Down and Lies, Misery, whatever, are some of my least favorites and those are the ones they decided to promote.


No way, Tinfoil is rad! I wish it was longer :( It's barely a minute long.

edit: Mike's verse on Victimized is great.

"They're actin' like they want a riot, it's a riot i'll give 'em
as the sun climbs higher on this violent rhythm
a few snakes in the grass, supplyin' the venom
i ain't scared of your teeth, i admire what's in 'em"

Yeah it wasn't Tinfoil. It was Until it Breaks. Did not like it.


I listened to the album, I have to say its better than the last two albums, but still behind the first two. I have accepted that they are never going back to the way they were. Meteora > Hybrid Theory/Reanimation >> Living Things >>>>Thousand Suns >>>>>>>>>>>>>Minutes to Midnight.


I listened to it a few times and like it. Definitely feels like a more "mature" version of Hybrid Theory and Meteora with some influences of the last 2 albums which I wasn't exactly a huge fan of (didn't hate them though). I pretty much agree with the order from Synless.
I like the new album.

Sounds like old LP but better and modern, with all the influences from their last 2 albums on display. Also has them doing things they've never done before. It's good.
Castle Of Glass, Roads Untraveled and Skin to Bone are probably my favorite tracks respectively on the album. That said, Im loving everything else, and would probably follow those up with Lost In Echo, In My Remains, Ill Be Gone, Powerless.. The rest are fluctuating for me.


Better than thousand suns, for sure. They should let Hahn go nuts on it and make reanimation 2. There's a lot of remix potential here.


Burn It Down- so sick. The rest is whatever. Can't remember shit else on the album. But man, what a single.
I think Burn It down is a great song but a poor choice as a lead single. I think Lost In The Echo would have been a better single.

Living Things is better than ATS in one aspect, it has more actual songs. ATS only had 8 or 9 songs and a lot of unnecessary interludes.
Yeah, BID was awful for the lead single IMO...sure it is catchy, but I think another song would have been better as an attention grabber.

So what songs are people guessing will be the albums singles?

My picks:
-Burn It Down (Obviously, already a single.)
-Powerless (getting a music video for Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer so its a safe bet..)
-Castle Of Glass
-Roads Untraveled

I may even throw Lost In Echo and In My Remains in there as well.. Kinda hard to say.


I think Burn It down is a great song but a poor choice as a lead single. I think Lost In The Echo would have been a better single.

Living Things is better than ATS in one aspect, it has more actual songs. ATS only had 8 or 9 songs and a lot of unnecessary interludes.

Agreed. Lost in the Echo could have been better for bringing in the old fans that want more of the Hybrid Theory and Meteora style.

The Lamp

I listened to both songs....I'm trying to like it, but I just can't. Nothing will top Fort Minor (yes, different band) and Meteora to me.

EDIT: Until It Breaks is actually quite nice though....surprising.
kind of funny how dead this thread is now that people are afraid to shit on the band for fear of the banhammer

Reminds me of the Evanescence thread last year. Nobody seemed to care that they were releasing a new album and it made me kind of sad.
Living Things is better than ATS in one aspect, it has more actual songs. ATS only had 8 or 9 songs and a lot of unnecessary interludes.

Living Thing is missing the actual concept of a fully connected piece of music that A Thousand Suns has. Making another singles collection of this type of music won't set Linkin Park apart from other bands.

The last album had actual flow to it with a harrowing message. This is just disjointed mailing in of eletronically contrived songs. It's sad none of the band members had the courage to make another album instead of a singles collection.
Living Thing is missing the actual concept of a fully connected piece of music that A Thousand Suns has. Making another singles collection of this type of music won't set Linkin Park apart from other bands.

The last album had actual flow to it with a harrowing message. This is just disjointed mailing in of eletronically contrived songs. It's sad none of the band members had the courage to make another album instead of a singles collection.

While I agree ATS had a very clear flow and connection between songs I don't agree this feels like a collection of singles that are unrelated, in fact I feel the album has a flow and connection of sorts.
Living Things is more cohesive than ATS. A lot of ATS's connection in between songs were forced. Just listen to the 18-second interlude composed of cricket sounds, empty spaces.


Lost in the Echo has grown on me a lot. So far, the only weak song I think is Until It Breaks. I like it, but it somehow doesn't fit with the rest of the album, to me. I like everything though. I can't wait to see them live. I'll be pissed if they don't play Skin to Bone.
Until It Breaks and Skin To Bone are growing on me.

Edit: I'm liking this album more and more. Listening to Living Things is like listening to 12 years of LP's music in 37 awesome minutes.
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