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Lollipop Chainsaw |OT| Nothing makes you forget about a bad E3 like a lollipop!

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
At the birthday cake scene on hard, can you still dropkick zombies to take them out easier? It draws them away and makes them one hit kills.

That's how I won, but I died a few times before figuring it out and even with that technique it was hard to manage when 3-4 zombies were going for the cake at once. Was there for about 30 minutes but did it.
Mine took several minutes also. I don't know what's up, 60gb original.
Yeah... So weird. I deleted the LC save file and then rebooted the game hoping it was some corrupted file that was messing it up and it worked when I did that. So glad too, cause I'd hate to have this sitting here and not be able to play


Looks like it'll still be $44.99 tomorrow. I'll hopefully be able to receive my $5 gift code tomorrow so I can have it by Friday. Game looks fun and I love having games like this. Makes my friends go "wtf" when I show them stuff like this. lol
The cameras Japanese developers come up with. I just don't get it.
Yeah, it is an even worse version of what I hated about NeverDead's. Is this whole delayed movement thing becoming a common thing? When I press the right stick to move the camera, I didn't want to wait three seconds for it to get where I wanted it to go.

Luckily, the camera adjusts well enough from the movements that it isn't a HORRIBLE problem, but it still stinks. : \
Played for about two hours now and I love it. I just passed the first stage on normal and the only thing that gave me trouble was the
birthday cake scene
. It took me about five times to finish it and it was rough. I need to get a good rhythm down and try for Sparkle Kills. The game feels very much like a spiritual successor to No More Heroes and that's a good thing in my book. The humor is delightfully over the top and the Sensei's
death scene and subsequent ascension
got a good chuckle out of me.
I got a Sparkle of 6! was going for 7 for the achievement, noooo! Found a great area to farm it at stage 3, though. I know where I'm headed for NG+


Played about 5 minutes of this today at work. Feels like a Dreamcast game, in a good way. Very arcadey, light hearted and fun. I might pick it up.

Garcia Hotspur

Neo Member
Ugh... Don't know how I feel about this one. Ran through it once and intend to 100% it, but I want a Suda51 game and this just isn't it. I don't think I would have known this was a Suda game if no one told me. Probably one of the best playing GHM games... I probably should have expected the light-heartedness, but I was hoping it'd be more witty. I feel as if GHM just keep dumbing down their stories, plots, and characters to appeal to a broader audience that isn't there. Now I'm feeling bitter and hope they repeatedly bomba till they put out something more intelligent. Guess I'll hold out for Killer is Dead.

I'll just pretend this was an elaborate plan by Suda to get big breasted females fulfill his cheerleader fetish by cosplaying up as Juliet. Well played Suda...


How the fuck do you answer the phone? The game doesn't say a button, and I'm mashing everything when it pops up. Nothing works.
How the fuck do you answer the phone? The game doesn't say a button, and I'm mashing everything when it pops up. Nothing works.
It's in the menu under Juliet's stash. You will need to navigate to the phone tab once you get there. ( its the triangle button on the Ps3 to flip through tabs) They are like voicemails than actual phone calls.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
How the fuck do you answer the phone? The game doesn't say a button, and I'm mashing everything when it pops up. Nothing works.

You don't answer phone calls, they go into Julia's stash which you can check from pausing the game at anytime.

Anyway, still playing on hard and been playing for about 6 hours now and just made it to the beginning of World 4. Onward~


wow, what a fun game. a good old video game ass video game. haven't seen one in a while. having a blast. great soundtrack (as expected considering the source). i love the references to zombie movies. was really surprised to see o'bannons farm. RIP Dan.
wow, what a fun game. a good old video game ass video game. haven't seen one in a while. having a blast. great soundtrack (as expected considering the source). i love the references to zombie movies. was really surprised to see o'bannons farm. RIP Dan.
There is a Lucio Fulci reference too.
Question about game design: how linear is it? Are there good amount of areas to explore around the school? Or is it structured like a mission-based game where every level is an enclosed arena where you kill a set amount of bad guys to progress?

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Question about game design: how linear is it? Are there good amount of areas to explore around the school? Or is it structured like a mission-based game where every level is an enclosed arena where you kill a set amount of bad guys to progress?

It's linear, but does actually have it's fair share of optional things to do in the stages and a little bit of room to explore. If you played Shadows of the Damned, it's more open than that, but that's not by too much and there isn't any form of backtracking or huge evasive worlds to explore.

HOWEVER, it's not exactly a typical mission-based game. It IS one since you're given sub objectives, but... Let's just say you'll be doing far more than just killing things. I don't want to spoil anything, but part of the charm of the game is how weird all the things you have to do are. There are a few "kill X enemy" sections, but unlike most games it actually didn't bother me at all since they were well balanced with other missions and objectives that you really won't see coming.

If I pre-ordered from Amazon, was I supposed to get DLC codes?

Yeah, but no one has gotten them yet. They mentioned we should all get them 1-2 days after release.

Anyway, now been playing for about 7 hours straight on hard difficulty and entering World 5. Let's do this! The last stage was a lot of fun
with all the old video game reference mini games.
Let's see where this next area takes me.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch cherry bomb!


This is due out on Friday in the EU, is there somewhere I can order it that will have all the preorder stuff?


Luckily, the camera adjusts well enough from the movements that it isn't a HORRIBLE problem, but it still stinks. : \

Like, here is all I want: An option where the camera doesn't auto-reposition.

I mean, that's it! That's all I want from every Japanese game where I bitch about the camera! Let me be in control of the camera the entire time—if I don't move the camera, it doesn't move! And I'm not saying I want that as the rule, just as an option!

Seriously developers: If I, as the player, am moving the camera myself, I'm doing it because that's where I want it. Even if you don't respect that positioning, don't have the camera auto-adjusting while I'm manually moving it! Have my actions over-ride any auto-resetting! The fact that the game actually fights against me while I'm trying to control the camera manually just baffles me in terms of proper game design.


I know the question has been asked and there doesnt appear to be any difference but is there definitely no inferior version in anyones mind?
Does one version look better than the other?
It's linear, but does actually have it's fair share of optional things to do in the stages and a little bit of room to explore. If you played Shadows of the Damned, it's more open than that, but that's not by too much and there isn't any form of backtracking or huge evasive worlds to explore.

HOWEVER, it's not exactly a typical mission-based game. It IS one since you're given sub objectives, but... Let's just say you'll be doing far more than just killing things. I don't want to spoil anything, but part of the charm of the game is how weird all the things you have to do are. There are a few "kill X enemy" sections, but unlike most games it actually didn't bother me at all since they were well balanced with other missions and objectives that you really won't see coming.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I know the question has been asked and there doesnt appear to be any difference but is there definitely no inferior version in anyones mind?
Does one version look better than the other?

I can't speak for the 360 version, but the PS3 build is similar to Shadows of the Damned: runs fine, looks typically Grasshopper, and has a good few UE3 kinks that tend to plague UE3 games, like texture LOD pop-in.


Yeah, the PS3 version is consistent technically outside of the few Unreal 3 problems that plague every game that uses the engine.


Finished stage 2 and I'm calling it a night. Stage 2 boss was kinda meh compared to the first. The game is still loads of fun though and the Juliet/Nick interactions are priceless.

Time for some police story before hitting the hay.


So, yeah, preordered Lollipop Chainsaw from Amazon for $44.99 and bought it to help support games that are more than just another shooter.

But this feels more like an XBLA title. The combat system is extremely basic, i'm playing on hard and I'm just drop kicking zombies then slicing their heads off while they are stunned, and not really doing anything else because that's the most effective tactic.

The camera can be god awful at times, especially if you try and use the awful lock-on system. You're really better off just not even using the lock-on, which is weird.

Also, you can't skip cutscenes you've already watched. I dunno why in this day games still do this.

All in all, game should have been on XBLA for $19.99. If you're on the fence, just wait for a price drop, it's not worth full price.
So, yeah, preordered Lollipop Chainsaw from Amazon for $44.99 and bought it to help support games that are more than just another shooter.

But this feels more like an XBLA title. The combat system is extremely basic, i'm playing on hard and I'm just drop kicking zombies and slicing their heads off, and not really doing anything else because that's the most effective tactic.

The camera can be god awful at times, especially if you try and use the awful lock-on system. You're really better off just not even using the lock-on, which is weird.

Also, you can't skip cutscenes you've already watched is just awful. I dunno why in this day games still do this.

All in all, game should have been on XBLA for $19.99. If you're on the fence, just wait for a price drop, it's not worth full price.

1. Yeah but not if you want a good highscore
2. You can skip cutscenes after the first playthrough


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
Just beat the game on Normal. Took around 7 hours or so, I basically just played it straight through from the moment I got it. Game's a hell of a spectacle. I bought it mostly out of a sort of ill-placed guilt owing to my vague understanding that people who frequent video game message boards are the thin line separating Grasshopper's employees from the hobo life, but actually enjoyed it a great deal.

It's pretty sophomoric, but I quite like how it satirizes video games' casual objectification of women in the same way that No More Heroes satirized the casually sociopathic wish fulfillment archetypes of video game protagonists.

Juliet randomly answered the phone through my first run through the game. Most of the time though It just went directly to the stash menu.

Most of the phone calls just go straight to Juliet's Stash, but occasionally you get some in cutscene form. Rather bizarrely, I got a cutscene phone call that was a repeat of one that I had listened to in the stash a stage earlier. Though considering which call it was it might be intentional. Cute and rather clever, if so.

Like, here is all I want: An option where the camera doesn't auto-reposition.

I mean, that's it! That's all I want from every Japanese game where I bitch about the camera! Let me be in control of the camera the entire time—if I don't move the camera, it doesn't move! And I'm not saying I want that as the rule, just as an option!

Seriously developers: If I, as the player, am moving the camera myself, I'm doing it because that's where I want it. Even if you don't respect that positioning, don't have the camera auto-adjusting while I'm manually moving it! Have my actions over-ride any auto-resetting! The fact that the game actually fights against me while I'm trying to control the camera manually just baffles me in terms of proper game design.

Some years back I got tired of wrestling with cameras in games and decided that it was an unhealthy relationship I had gotten into with them. So I decided that I was going to acknowledge that camera systems had their own needs and unique worldviews and that instead of constantly trying to browbeat them into compliance with my narrowly-defined concept of what I should be looking at I should encourage them to express themselves howsoever they saw fit. I rejected the tyranny of the right analog stick and simply appreciated what the camera wanted to show me, when it wanted to show it to me.

Nowadays I think of fighting enemies I can't even see not as an affront, but as an opportunity to grow as a person. Yes, camera, that is a very nice piece of foreground scenery you have elected to become stuck on. Thank you for drawing my attention to it. Some environment artist spent a great deal of time and effort on that crate, and it is wrong of me to minimize their contribution for so petty a reason as wanting to keep the half of my life bar that I just lost to an off-screen enemy.

It's actually a profoundly cathartic thing, abandoning all pretense of camera control. I highly recommend it.


So, yeah, preordered Lollipop Chainsaw from Amazon for $44.99 and bought it to help support games that are more than just another shooter.

But this feels more like an XBLA title. The combat system is extremely basic, i'm playing on hard and I'm just drop kicking zombies then slicing their heads off while they are stunned, and not really doing anything else because that's the most effective tactic.

The camera can be god awful at times, especially if you try and use the awful lock-on system. You're really better off just not even using the lock-on, which is weird.

Also, you can't skip cutscenes you've already watched. I dunno why in this day games still do this.

All in all, game should have been on XBLA for $19.99. If you're on the fence, just wait for a price drop, it's not worth full price.


Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Annnd just beat it on Hard. First playthrough, took me somewhere between 9-9 & a half hours. Really enjoyed it, and the credits are rolling. I ALMOST saved everyone but not everyone but I don't quite know which ending I got since it seemed like a happy ending, but then I didn't save everyone... I was close, but I missed like three people, one on stage 2, two one stage 5.

It was a bit different than Grasshopper's usual, but I thought it was a fantastic experience and I'm looking forward to playing more now as there's still stuff to do. I also surprisingly beat Dad's score on Stage 5 and 6 on my first go.

Credits just ended-Oh, there's something after the credits.

Wait the... Okay, yeah I wasn't expecting that.
Got the bad ending.

Whelp, time to save everyone.


So as someone who loved NMH1 but not NMH2, will I enjoy this game?

For what it's worth the reason I didn't enjoy NMH2 was because they completely fucked up the combat mechanics. Travis's movements were too floaty and bosses didn't adequately telegraph their attacks like in the first game.


I do wish Amazon UK would hurry up and dispatch... sometimes (if lucky) games will arrive the day before release (i.e. tomorrow), alas I don't think this will be the case. So stoked to beging playing this. Media blackout it is, for now.

I *truly* hope the UK will get the additional costumes as an in-box goodie, as all I would like is the Jimmy Urine outfit... but as mentioned a few times, nowhere offer that over here... :-/


So as someone who loved NMH1 but not NMH2, will I enjoy this game?

For what it's worth the reason I didn't enjoy NMH2 was because they completely fucked up the combat mechanics. Travis's movements were too floaty and bosses didn't adequately telegraph their attacks like in the first game.

NMH was a lot better than NMH2. Darkstep was much better than in NMH2, the bosses were better, etc.


I have this pre-ordered. Questioning whether or not to pick it up? Verdict? I loved NMH 1 and 2.

Basically, is it worth $60?


Can anyone confirm for me with a European/American copy of the game if it still has the Highschool of the Dead and Haruna from Korezon outfits in the game?


irresponsible vagina leak
I love the game is really addictive and unlocking moves makes the combat be less simplistic and adds depth for it. The game you can tell it was done for multiple playthroughs. I like how the combat actually gets fluid after you get a big amount of combos, I like the ranking system a lot and warrants me to repeat for the sake of kicking ass and ranking higher.

The production values are high the game is addictive and I can see myself giving it multiple playthroughs without any issues. I'd love for the game to get DLC to get extra lol moments and hopefully if the game sells well it happens.

The only thing I could probably complain about are the combat animations which are atrocious IMO but that doesnt take anything from it.

Can anyone confirm for me with a European/American copy of the game if it still has the Highschool of the Dead and Haruna from Korezon outfits in the game?

Yes they are there sir I'm sporting Saeko outfit, Manyu and Shiro. I'm milking coins to get the anime costumes first then the pink outfit (The controversial one for Miss Nigri)
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