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Lollipop Chainsaw |OT| Nothing makes you forget about a bad E3 like a lollipop!

Some years back I got tired of wrestling with cameras in games and decided that it was an unhealthy relationship I had gotten into with them. So I decided that I was going to acknowledge that camera systems had their own needs and unique worldviews and that instead of constantly trying to browbeat them into compliance with my narrowly-defined concept of what I should be looking at I should encourage them to express themselves howsoever they saw fit. I rejected the tyranny of the right analog stick and simply appreciated what the camera wanted to show me, when it wanted to show it to me.

Nowadays I think of fighting enemies I can't even see not as an affront, but as an opportunity to grow as a person. Yes, camera, that is a very nice piece of foreground scenery you have elected to become stuck on. Thank you for drawing my attention to it. Some environment artist spent a great deal of time and effort on that crate, and it is wrong of me to minimize their contribution for so petty a reason as wanting to keep the half of my life bar that I just lost to an off-screen enemy.

It's actually a profoundly cathartic thing, abandoning all pretense of camera control. I highly recommend it.

This post right here? Gold. (Sorry guys, don't have anything worthwhile to add, my copy hasn't turned up yet. I'm really looking forward to it though!)


Yes they are there sir I'm sporting Saeko outfit, Manyu and Shiro. I'm milking coins to get the anime costumes first then the pink outfit (The controversial one for Miss Nigri)

Cheers, when I eventually get it I'm going to Mistletien Kick dem zombies so hard. <3
So Amazon has charged my account, AND emailed me my preorder code, but they have yet to actually ship my game.

God dammit, get it together!
Soooo, stupid question: how do you change costumes? Maybe I just haven't gotten far enough into the game, but I can't find an option anywhere in the menu!


Suda makes the most amazing faces.


Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Just played World 5 on Very Hard mode and confirming that Very Hard Mode adds a few more enemies that Hard Mode didn't have, though only the 'Named' variety in this case (the enemies that are more aggressive, faster, and stronger with names that unlock you a monster profile if in Juliet's room if you beat them). The only other things I noticed is that there are far fewer lollipops (most of the lollipop locations were replaced by Chainsaw Blaster ammo), and that enemies had about x2 as much health as they had on Hard, and delivered about 2x the damage. Also, you're only allowed to carry 1 Lollipop at a time.

And there were a few changes to the World 5 boss as well.
Besides like the enemies have about 2x as much health as he had on hard and doing twice as much damage, I swear he at least got a couple of new moves in his arsenal. Maybe he just never did it when I played on Hard, but the one that stook out to me was this move where he fired all of these mines that scattered almost every inch of the arena and you had to hurry to find a safe spot before they all exploded. The only other thing I noticed was these weird tentacle things growing out of the ground during the first phase of the boss fight when he's on the motorcycle. I don't know what they did though.

Now just to finish High School. I need to rescue one girl there, and might as well do it on Very Hard difficulty, so then I can get the good ending.
Only got to play through the Prologue and part of Stage 1 last night because I was so awestruck by the music and style that most of the time I was just staring with a stupid grin on my face, laughing my ass off or grooving to the fucking amazing soundtrack. It's such a great modern take on 80's pop punk. The whole the game is like a sensory overload of nostalgia for me. The music in the school particularly, (after you see the dynamite zombie for the first time) had my jaw on the floor.

-The game totally feels like partner/sister game to No More Heroes. Hell, Juliet even holds her chainsaw the same way as Travis holds his beam katana when shes running around.

-I laughed my ass off during Nicks death scene. The writing and delivery was perfect.

-Control feels a little crude at first but you get used to it. It just feels like a Grashopper game

-Combat took a little while to take, which is why I ran through the Prologue a couple times to get acclimated. It's also cool you can replay the levels to grind for medals and items. The drop kick is the tits.


Ended up grabbing it on xbox, also picked up Shadows of the Damned at the same time super cheap

Is there anyway to turn off film grain?


Made it to level 3 and I absolutely love this game. The combat is deep enough, the graphics are solid, the music is awesome, and I've laughed out loud quite a few times. It's just a good fun game.

Although the audio is kind of messed up where one moment it sounds fine, but the next it's a bit muffled.
One thing I did notice was when I replayed levels, new zombies and new lollipops appeared for my collection. How are you supposed to know when you've cleared a stage of everything there is to find? Do you just keep replaying until nothing new shows up anymore?

Also, to get the good ending, do you basically need to run through the game on each difficulty? Dusk Golemns post at least suggests that playthroughs on each difficulty is the only way to get all the collectables, like the unlocked monster profile you acquire in stage 5 on very hard..
I reached the second level proper and called it a night. Loving it so far. I really wish everyone in that Tropes vs Women thread would play this game because the reactions would be all across the board, and fascinating.

One thing I find fascinating about the game is that while Juliet is a highly sexualised character, that she gets called whore and slut by characters in game, despite being monogamous. that's something real attractive women have to put up with, that isn't normally represented in games.

and Nick, what an interesting character. I'm struggling to think of any more emasculated male in gaming. Even pre getting his body cut off, he's the sort of completely non threatening boyfriend a teenage girl would dream up. then he gets turned into a dickless fashion accessory.

Are the comments said by the people you rescue randomised? Because if not... man. That guy in the school who drops the shutter before you get there, I rescued him despite Nick questioning doing so... and...
I'm expecting him to apologise for what he did earlier, but instead he just says 'I'm going to masterbate to you tonight!'.

It made me so angry at him.

The gameplay is good, mechanically interesting albeit a bit janky in the way most Suda games are. The visuals are easily the best of any game he's been involved in. Technically AND artistically I think this tops Killer 7. They've definately got the hang of UE3 now.

The music... it feels like someone crawled inside my brain and took notes. When Sleigh Bells started playing after I'd already heard the store music and the sparkle hunting music and the title music... yeah.

Normal so far has been a good difficulty for me. I don't play many games like this, so I wasn't sure if I'd need to go through on easy, but so far at least I'm not struggling. Died a couple of times on QTEs and it took me a few tries to protect the birthday cake, but yep. Loving this.

It's funny, sexy and surprisingly smart. I hope the rest of the game is as fun.
Question on getting both endings:

are you boned if you rescue all the students on the first run? how would you go back and un-rescue them to see the bad ending?

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Oh. Fuck. No.

I'm playing on the High School stage on Very Hard right now, now rescued everyone and got the achievement but need to complete the stage to get the good ending prepared. So far there wasn't much of a difference in the school, the only thing being that some of the enemies with the guitars I'm pretty sure don't show up until later popped up in one of the fights in the school.

That was, until I got to the Birthday Cake sequence. It's essentially the same, except all the enemies are moving about twice as fast now. Fuck... I haven't lost yet (paused) but I am on route to beat Dad's High Score, and I'll probably get it if I just don't lose at this part. Please don't lose me...

One thing I did notice was when I replayed levels, new zombies and new lollipops appeared for my collection. How are you supposed to know when you've cleared a stage of everything there is to find? Do you just keep replaying until nothing new shows up anymore?

Also, to get the good ending, do you basically need to run through the game on each difficulty? Dusk Golemns post at least suggests that playthroughs on each difficulty is the only way to get all the collectables, like the unlocked monster profile you acquire in stage 5 on very hard..

On point number one I'm not sure, but I mainly use my fairly good memory to remember if I missed something. I know for monsters they're organized a bit in the enemy database by area, so the earlier enemies are earlier on the list. I also know in gameplay when a monster you already collected appears, a check mark appears on it's name.

To get the good ending, all you need to do is rescue everyone at least once is what I've heard. However, if you want to collect everything, there are more enemies added on harder difficulties you won't find in easier ones. I found there were enemies in Hard I didn't see in other people playing o9n normal, and now playing Very Hard, there's enemies in Very Hard not in Hard. The main thing on Very Hard seems to be some extra monsters. When I completed hard I still had 10 monster slots unchecked, but I'm filling them out by playing these stages again in Very Hard.
So, yeah, preordered Lollipop Chainsaw from Amazon for $44.99 and bought it to help support games that are more than just another shooter.

But this feels more like an XBLA title. The combat system is extremely basic, i'm playing on hard and I'm just drop kicking zombies then slicing their heads off while they are stunned, and not really doing anything else because that's the most effective tactic.

The camera can be god awful at times, especially if you try and use the awful lock-on system. You're really better off just not even using the lock-on, which is weird.

Also, you can't skip cutscenes you've already watched. I dunno why in this day games still do this.

All in all, game should have been on XBLA for $19.99. If you're on the fence, just wait for a price drop, it's not worth full price.

It's absolutely worth full price.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
By some miracle made it through without losing. Alright! I'll tell you if there's any differences in Zed's part.

Also, on dialogue I think there are times in the dialogue it's set to randomly say one of a few lines for subsequent playthroughs as I've noticed some of the lines are different playing through it again. Probably to help promote the multiple playthrough thing.
On point number one I'm not sure, but I mainly use my fairly good memory to remember if I missed something. I know for monsters they're organized a bit in the enemy database by area, so the earlier enemies are earlier on the list. I also know in gameplay when a monster you already collected appears, a check mark appears on it's name. .

Ok gotcha. Still a little puzzled on the lollipop placement. Im partially through Stage 1, and have found 4 flavors I think, but they arent in the numeric order. Weird. However it just gives me more incentive to replay and find them all.


( ≖‿≖)
When do the sadlife anime outfits get unlocked in the store? It's been about one unlock per stage so far and they are all ugly. I'm just using Ash now.


Any word on the fps and resolution?

My store only had one 360 copy left so I was stuck with that. So far it's been smooth and it doesn't look to be sub HD. Though whatever AA they are using looks to break at times, possibly the usual case of MSAA being broken in UE3.

Just a quick guess.


Also, this game is amazing. Level 4. I am so glad I play videogames right now.

Very true, this is just one of those games where you are having a ton of fun.


Got the PS3 version and played through stage 1. Awesome game! My only gripe is that the music sounds very compressed and playing with headphones, its noticeable. Soundtrack is great, combat is great once you get the hang of it and the characters are funny as shit.

Can't wait to play some more tonight.
Amazon sent out codes this morning, fyi.

didn't get to play this last night on account of my PS3 taking all night to restore to my new hdd. then for some reason trophy sync took 30 minutes or so. CANNOT WAIT.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Any word on the fps and resolution?

Can't say much on resolution, but it didn't look sub-HD to me. As for frame rate, it was a rock solid 30 fps all the way through on the 360 version. I never once saw it dip.

When do the sadlife anime outfits get unlocked in the store? It's been about one unlock per stage so far and they are all ugly. I'm just using Ash now.

They all unlock once you complete the game once I believe. Don't believe me beating it on hard had anything to do with it.


seems like a rock solid 30 and close to 720p (if not 720p) resolution to my eyes, at least on normal up to the start of level 2.

Ah thats cool. Thanks for the response.

man i would love this game to have a 2Player-mode. All brawlers need one. Travis as second player, done. Ah well.
Ugh these posts about the baseball minigame sequence are gettin me anxious. At least I know to switch off that auto aim/lock. I didn't think the Big Boner sequence in SOTD was that bad actually so if it's similar to that I don't think Ill have much of an issue.


irresponsible vagina leak
Ugh these posts about the baseball minigame sequence are gettin me anxious. At least I know to switch off that auto aim/lock. I didn't think the Big Boner sequence in SOTD was that bad actually so if it's similar to that I don't think Ill have much of an issue.

I played it without auto aim/lock and I was doing headshots everywhere so I dont know what is really the issue. I thought it was smooth and doing headshots were rather easy.

The only that its Annoying is the cake one and its not exactly terrible just a bit frustrating.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Is there any indication as to which version ended up being better? I've heard the PS3 version has some screen-tearing at the beginning of cutscenes and that the 360 version doesn't... but that's all I've heard so far.
Gah, it's really annoying me that the medals earned in Ranking Mode don't carry over to Story Mode. Other than that I'm quite enjoying this game.


( ≖‿≖)
Eh I turned auto aim off and found both the baseball an cake parts to be really easy. Sparkle hunting is gracious during baseball!
Is there any indication as to which version ended up being better? I've heard the PS3 version has some screen-tearing at the beginning of cutscenes and that the 360 version doesn't... but that's all I've heard so far.

Ive noticed no tearing whatsoever with the PS3 version, only minor pop-in but thats pretty standard with UE3. Runs great and looks great.

Also Pupi thanks for the feedback. What is so frustrating about the cake scene? Is it basically just a defense sequence with hordes trying to get at it? What strategies are reccomended?

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Yeah, for anyone who gets stuck at the baseball section, pause the game and turn off auto-aim. I had it turned off from the get-go and had no difficulty with the minigame.
Ive noticed no tearing whatsoever with the PS3 version, only minor pop-in but thats pretty standard with UE3. Runs great and looks great.

Also Pupi thanks for the feedback. What is so frustrating about the cake scene? Is it basically just a defense sequence with hordes trying to get at it? What strategies are reccomended?

I've seen tearing out the ass. Motherfuckers need to learn what Vsync is

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Also Pupi thanks for the feedback. What is so frustrating about the cake scene? Is it basically just a defense sequence with hordes trying to get at it? What strategies are reccomended?
While not who you're asking for, basically the cake is loaded with bombs and zombies on fire walk towards it in 'waves'. It can get tricky before you figure out drop kicking it does wonders.

And then when playing on Very Hard mode I find that they make the zombies twice as fast as they do on Hard Mode...

I've seen tearing out the ass. Motherfuckers need to learn what Vsync is

I'm not on the PS3, but I can honestly say I haven't experienced any screen tearing what-so-ever in the game. In terms of technicalities, the only issue I had was occassionally getting frozen for a few moments after sawing something open (couldn't walk but strangely could still attack and do flips, but this usually resolved itself it I let Julia stand still for a few moments), or for some reason voice clips spazzing out and repeating all at once in an area (the worst case scenario is in World 5, before the elevator).


Is there any indication as to which version ended up being better? I've heard the PS3 version has some screen-tearing at the beginning of cutscenes and that the 360 version doesn't... but that's all I've heard so far.

I think you would be fine with either version really. I got the 360 version and it's been solid.

I've seen tearing out the ass. Motherfuckers need to learn what Vsync is

Could be the typical UE3 soft v-sync where it's turned off in order to keep the frame rate up.

If v-sync was off entirely, you'd probably see tearing just by spinning the camera around.


Best Juliet line so far (after the first stage Head stomp QTE): brief pause, then she says "You're already dead" as the zombies explode. I lol'd
I'm not on the PS3, but I can honestly say I haven't experienced any screen tearing what-so-ever in the game. In terms of technicalities, the only issue I had was occassionally getting frozen for a few moments after sawing something open (couldn't walk but strangely could still attack and do flips, but this usually resolved itself it I let Julia stand still for a few moments), or for some reason voice clips spazzing out and repeating all at once in an area (the worst case scenario is in World 5, before the elevator).
Yeah this happened to me a few times. It actually got me killed in stage 1 when I Juliet refused to walk out of a room that was about to explode.
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